Friday, September 24, 2010

Remember What It Takes To Be Removed from the WELS Pastoral List

This has been used to get rid of WELS pastors:

  • Criticizing reliance on AAL.
  • Questioning the use of the NIV.
  • Opposing the doctrine of the Church Growth Movement. 
  • Disagreeing with an article written by a Daddy Warbucks.
  • Tagging a public sidewalk, even though restitution was made immediately.
  • Writing a letter about the error of "making disciples."

The following events or reasons did not keep someone from receiving another call, being promoted, or being put on the CRM list.

  1. Murdering or helping to murder his wife.
  2. Molesting girls in the congregation while serving as DP for two decades.
  3. Teaching the Joy of Sex to minors in prep school.
  4. Embezzlement from the congregation, school, or synod.
  5. False doctrine.
  6. Adultery.
  7. Abandoning his wife and five children to run off - punished with an ELS call.
  8. Attending Fuller Seminary and lying about it.
  9. Obstruction of justice in a felony investigation.
  10. DUI conviction.
  11. Plagiarizing false doctrine. 
  12. Copying Groeschel's sermons and graphics, deceiving people about the source, even though Groeschel himself advises against such dishonesty.

ELCA Practices Fellowship

Gnesio “It is the nature of all hypocrites and false prophets to create a conscience where there is none, and to cause conscience to disappear where it does exist.” - Martin Luther

Faithful follower Stan Olson promoted communion with the Reformed and recognition of the Lavender Mafia.
One thing cannot be tolerated, as the post below reveals:

ALPB Forum:

I recently shared a post about actions I heard that was being made in our synod's.  I apologize that I was emotionally responding to something I heard.  To those I misrepresented I apologize to the bishop and the dean.  I pray that before we post on these web sites we take time to clarify what we heard and keep our emotions in check.  I am sorry to those I offended.  Hence, I removed the original post.  I contacted the dean to ask for clarity on what actually was said.  He graciously sent me an email of his report.  I would like to share what was actually written.

"Concerning the relationship to clergy who have left the ELCA -  Such conversations have already been taking place in conferences.    It was agreed that deaneries and clusters are for ELCA rostered leaders and synodically authorized ministers only.  In other settings, like local ministerial associations or lectionary study groups, relationships may be similar to those of other denominations, which are part of that group.  We trust that those who have left the ELCA will find collegiality with partners in their church body.

Concerning clergy (Retired, On Leave from Call, Specialized Ministry) who may be asked to provide  Sunday supply for a congregation which has left the ELCA -  Please remember that such congregations have decided to join a new Lutheran church body and should find such persons in that body for Sunday supply.  It is not appropriate for ELCA clergy to serve in such circumstances.  If there are specific instances you feel require conversation, please contact the bishop.

Concerning persons who interfere in the life of a neighboring congregation -  It is inappropriate at an ELCA event (congregational or conference) to distribute information from other church bodies (e.g., LCMC/NALC/etc.) and encourage members to pursue leaving the ELCA.  This has happened mostly by laypersons who have attended a Bible study, fellowship event, etc., and who have brought written information to share.  The local pastor is encouraged to speak privately with such person/s to prevent such interference and invite such person/s to leave the event if the interference continues.

Again here is what actually was shared.  Thank you for reading this post.


GJ - Does anyone else see the hilarity of this information? ELCA is in fellowship with Rome (joint parish), all the Reformed sects, the liberal Baptists, and in a de facto merger with the Episcopal Church USA. Someone in the far out all religions lead to God UCC sect can also have a call in ELCA and vice versa. BUT - they are not in fellowship with anyone who has left ELCA. Those dreadful people have no business being anywhere near an ELCA gather of any type. Nor should they expect mercy for they deserve none.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "ELCA Practices Fellowship":

Pastor Jackson, I believe you are pointing out the hypocrisy in the fellowship actions of the ELCA and are not implying that fellowship should continue where confession of doctrine has divided them.

Correct me if I'm making the wrong assumption.

Doctrine has divided them and that division needs to be maintained fully while their confession of doctrine is opposed. Scripture isn't man's doctrine but God's. Certainly for ELCA it is merely removing the fly legs from the soup and leaving the rotting carcass basting. Nonetheless it's something to be considered by every member of the Lutheran [sic] denominations.

So far there hasn't been any WELS spittle the ELS wouldn't lick or imitate.

Just sayin'...


GJ - Yes, ELCA is hypocritical, but they do have standards. ELCA works with Missouri, WELS, and the ELS, too, but only on ELCA's terms. ELCA's problem is with those who have left, which proves that they really do care that so many are leaving, so much money is disappearing, and the come-outters are urging their ELCA brethren to join them.

I have read hints that a number of ELCA seminaries are in deep financial stress.

They Trust in Foundations, Daddy Warbucks, and Thrivent,
Not in the Word of God

I expect nothing to happen among the Syn Conference partners. The leaders are committed to keeping the status quo, which means not offending the Daddy Warbucks while kissing up to the foundations and Thrivent.

Long-time readers will recall that the solution for Rock N Roll Lutheran Church in Round Rock, Texas (WELS), was a $200,000 grant to hire a worship leader. At one point, Rock N Roll had 30 people attending and two full-time staffers. Most people think the pastor is the worship leader, but Doebler probably had his hands full planning growth and listening to Kudu Don's hunting tales.

The Daddy Warbucks are consistent Enthusiasts. They always back Shrinker programs, in spite of the obvious false doctrine, laziness, and stupidity involved. Businessmen are experts in their own business but nothing more. However, the woebegone milkman in Fiddler on the Roof had it figured out in "If I Were a Rich Man."

The most important men in town would come to fawn on me!
They would ask me to advise them,
Like a Solomon the Wise.
"If you please, Reb Tevye..."
"Pardon me, Reb Tevye..."
Posing problems that would cross a rabbi's eyes!

And it won't make one bit of difference if I answer right or wrong.
When you're rich, they think you really know!

That is why the synods drift off into the pseudo-business lingo of the Shrinkers.

The synods do not trust that God will work through the Word. Therefore, anyone who rocks the boat is the enemy.

The ELS was furious, long ago, when I sent an article about Marvin Schwan to Christian News. In that article, Daddy IcecreamBucks bragged that he got rid of his first wife for $1 million and a Cadillac.

As I recall, Otten told me about how upset the ELS was about that article. I said, "It was not a secret. It was already in Forbes." He said something like this, "They say no one in the ELS reads Forbes."

The ELS did not want a harpoon in their whale, even if it came from Schwan in the first place. St. Marvin married the wife of one of his managers. Mrs. Schwan.2 became a Lutheran, but returned to Romanism when Marvin suddenly reached room temperature. That cluster of events probably sealed the ELS conviction that money is efficacious. Money converted Mrs. Schwan.2 to Lutheranism and unconverted her when the bulk of the fortune was left to his foundation.

Was the ELS furious that Floyd Stolzenburg was their new sugar-daddy, working with Thoughts of Faith to build a Ukraine parish building? Not at all. Someone got involved and won a matching grant from Schwan, to leverage the gift from Floyd's Masonic CG church. Sure, the female treasurer working for Floyd went to jail for embezzling, but that probably had nothing to do with the wonderful work they were doing with John Shep, Roger Kovaciny, and Jay Webber. To make an omelet, a few eggs must be broken.

The synods are so much in awe of their foundations, Daddy Warbucks, and Thrivent that they will throw everything away while the foundation of the Church--the Word--is abandoned.

Two Synods, One Organization - WELS

twissted_sisster has left a new comment on your post "More on Frey's Resignation - From WELS Laity, Curr...":

I am WELS and also a MLS grad. Scott, like you, I believe a split in the WELS is inevitable. I say the sooner the better. There are two different churches playing out and the time is coming when we will all have to make a choice. Even those people who don't know, don't care, or just have their heads in the sand will have to soon stand up and make that choice. The silence coming from Milwaukee makes me wonder where is our SP on these vital matters? I'm sure he's in the minority being a confessional Lutheran in the synod headquarters but he would surely gain alot of respect from the rank and file if he'd start cleaning house. Most people would back him for routing out those who would 'set at naught all He hath done.'


erickel ( has left a new comment on your post "Sesame Street Goes Soft Core, In Spite of Katy Pe...":

Even Sesame Street practices higher moral standards than The CORE!


GJ - A clue about what is happening - all the DPs were re-elected. In WELS, a DP has to be convicted and sent to state prison, like DP Ed Werner, before he leaves office.

AnnMarie, the visiting theologian at Mary Lou College, thinks Islam is tolerant. No sect is more tolerant than WELS.