Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Paul McCain's Time Out on ALPB Forum

Paul McCain is a layman who gets paid a hefty salary to blog.
He is the Perez Hilton for CPH.

Apparently Paul McCain has been banned from the ALPB Forum for 30 days. I may have this wrong, since I do not have the origin post of doom. The thread suggests that is the case. I posted that he was warned recently.

He quit for a period of time, after being called on his behavior:

Some time back I recommended folks give the American Lutheran Publicity Bureau's online forum a try. I now need to withdraw that recommendation. The ALPB forum is very poorly moderated, and when the ELCA moderator actually ever does attempt to exercise some modicum of control, it is generally to slap wrists with a ruler for not being nice, which apparently in the ELCA is a sin far more serious than doctrinal heresy and moral bankruptcy. The forum has reached the point where it is no better than sites like LutherQuest. There are two very liberal ELCA pastors on the board who dominate every conversation to the point of destroying any possibility of reasonable conversation, one in particular is permitted by the site's moderators to question incessantly every major article of the Christian faith. It is a mess. It is actually a bit like watching a train wreck, it is so awful you can't take your eyes from it, but…you really should. I have, and feel much the better for it.


GJ - I thought that was cute, because he is always acting tough with Marie Meyer and David Behnke on the forum. When he was Barry's assistant, he was mush - unless someone disagreed with him. Behnke could have been deposed by Barry for his earlier offence, but Barry/McCain took a powder and left it to Wally Schulz to do what was necessary, much later. At that point, with no SP to support him, Wally was fired from his radio job and voted out of office.

I would cry for "conservatives" in Missouri, but they have been sacrificing their own to Belial for decades. I was going to publish my amazement that McCain had so much time to post on ALPB and everywhere else - even in Australia.