Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Hiding Out - The Syn Conference Method For Getting...":
The psuedo conservative Lutheran blogs are drooling over the possibility that the (W)ELS might regain open fellowship with the LCMS. The 2011 Emmaus conference was the first public expression of the hope they all have.
Each synod is brimming with false doctrine and practice being promoted or, in large part, at least condoned. SP Harrison was honest in admitting that at the conference - the (W)ELS SP's not so much. What's interesting is the Lutheran blogs talk about recovering confessionalism in their denominations but only plan to do so by trying to convert existing pastors and "called" workers. They all ignore the wellspring of false doctrine and practice which is established in their colleges and seminaries. Their approach to resolving this horrendous problem is not to heedlessly apply Law and Gospel when need, as needed, but to quietly address the most blatant issues without offending those directly involved. This approach raises relationships, fellowship and emotions above God's Word, above the Living Water, above Christ.
Open fellowship between the (W)ELS and LCMS is the next step and it's being promoted and prepared for in some interesting ways.
For instance, LCMS SP Matt Harrison is retranslating Walther's Church and Ministry. This is one doctrine which is keeping the three (two-ish) Synods apart. He stated at the Emmaus conference, in regards to the possibility that differences could be overcome between the synods, that in his translation he is finding that Mueller didn't translate Walther properly and that the Synods may not be that far apart. There are many references to Harrison's statements regarding his translation, here is one.
GJ - Yes, charge with smoke blowing "Church and Ministry," while all three sects fail to come clean on justification by faith, Fuller dogma, and union with ELCA.
That is how the Prinz Eugen got away from the historic sea battle that sank the Bismarck. The British ships turned away when Eugen charged, so a smaller ship got away from all the larger ships.
In the next week I will have an interesting post that will change minds about Holy Mother Synod.