Friday, December 21, 2012

Christmas Vespers Tonight, 7 PM.
St. John Lutheran Church, Milwaukee.
Will Be Live-Streamed

This concert will feature the 2300 pipes-organ of St. John Lutheran Church, on 8th and Vliet, downtown Milwaukee.

A choir will also sing.

The church will live stream the concert via Ustream and also save the video for those who cannot view it live.

Here is the Facebook page for the Vespers service -

Here is the Ustream video channel. Tune in at 7 PM.

The organ has received some upkeep and tuning, so it sounds fantastic - according to rumors.

Feeling Sorry for the Dying Lutheran Synods - Trapped in Their Own Offal

The ELS and Missouri did not want John Warwick Montgomery.

But Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne invited Father Richard Neuhaus to explain how he became
"The Catholic I Always Wuz."

Watching successful organizations work is a reminder of how thoroughly the Lutheran synods have botched their heritage, wasted their resources, and driven people away in droves. The history of 20th century Lutherdom could be titled - "The Fleeing of the Multitudes."

Some categories, which fit them all rather well:

Mark and Avoid Jeske is popular among the apostates he helped organize.
Join him in at the Oshkosh OMyGosh Church and Change confab.

Dependency on Commercialism - Selling Insurance for Thrivent
Speaking as a CLU with experience in life insurance, I can say without fear of contradiction that Thrivent is a third-rate, unethical company.

AAL (which merged with LB to become Thrivent) sold Universal Life under the pretext that interest rates would remain high. One salesman showed me figures at 12% interest. Does anyone get that, except the Shylocks working with the mob? AAL took the cash values of whole life policies and "converted them" to large bonuses for the salesmen and empty promises for the policy holders. One LB salesman said that his friends retired on these conversions, which robbed the owners of the policies.

ELCA, WELS, LCMS, and the 1% depend on Thrivent loot. Their need for a business on the side proves how corrupt and greedy they are. Missouri gets $50 - 60 million a year from Thrivent, according to SP Matt Harrison. ELCA probably grabs double that amount.

In return for the millions, the various synods must constantly promote and recommend Thrivent Insurance and investments, which have never done well for anyone. Thrivent gets the names and addresses of members as a captive marketing group, but they can sell to anyone and give away money to anyone - and they do.

The Planned Giving Counselors are Thrivent salesmen - working on commission. Did they tell you that at their "free seminar"? I doubt it. They have to be licensed to sell those precious Irrevocable Charitable Annuity Trusts. Translation - sign the form and it is Thrivent's money to handle.

Mark and Avoid Jeske is on the Thrivent Board, which should be enough to scare anyone away.

Dependency on Marvin Schwan's Foundation
ELCA deserves some credit for not having its trotters in the Marvin Schwan trough. The Big Three do - and how.

Thoughts of Faith, the ELS, WELS, and Missouri sold absolution to Marvin Schwan for his many sins. Like the Church of Rome, the synods teach the endowment of masses in perpetuity. In exchange for keeping silent about the first Mrs. Schwan, these conservative stalwarts continue to receive money from the Schwan Foundation.

Marvin Schwan proved Luther's statement true - that "Many purchase Hell when they can have heaven for free."

Although lying comes natural to these apostates, the Schwan silence has frozen the SynCon at a higher plane of deception, because their silence about the truth is covered with layers of praise for what a fine, Christian leader he was.

Many ministers would like the same treatment, but they cannot afford the asking price.

Hatred of Luther's Doctrine
Because they use the name Lutheran, they have an obligation to teach Luther's doctrine. A better reason would be the truth and consistency of Luther's teaching, but they do not know this or even comprehend how to teach it.

As a result, the children and adults under their tutelage are rushing off the cliff like Gadarene swine, swimming for Rome or Fuller Seminary, because their professors divided among the two Enthusiasms.

And yet, the lazy professors have demanded top dollar for their abysmal scholarship, light hours, and poor teaching. As a result, their students must become student loan slaves to graduate, and a church vocation is used as blackmail to keep them silent.

Any student who voices doubts about Holy Mother Lutheran School will find himself or herself stranded with a ton of debt and no church job. The SynCon schools learned this method from ELCA, which began early to filter out any student who might not fit their feminist-lavender mold.

Control and the Proliferation of Mediocrities
The SynCons share ELCA's passion for control. Everyone must think alike and obey the synodical popes.

They will always pick someone from the party line over someone who can do the job. Didja ever wonder how a double-financial disaster like Gurgle could be duplicated by the next Synod President, Schroeder? They come from the same get-along-go-along school of thought.

The spineless are always muttering about their critics being crabby old legalists, but do not cross a synodocat. The claws come out. The fangs sink in. They are meaner than feral cats, because they cannot stand returning to the parish and actually working.

Yea, it is easier to get a tomcat into a hot, running shower than to get a Purple Palace veteran back into the parish.

Who tended bar? Tiefel.

Drunks, Adulterers, Murderers, Child Abusers
A DUI can cost a man his job, but not in the Synodical Conference. He might be transferred or sent away as a missionary, to a land where alcoholism is a resume enhancer.

Those who adulterate the Word, as Lenski observed in his district president days, are likely to be unfaithful in other ways. The SynCon leaders move swiftly to defend and promote adulterous ministers. Why not make him a mission counselor, even if he broke up a marriage with his "marriage counseling?" Why not make him a Church Growth consultant, since his patron is also a known adulterer?

Murder is an adiaphoron in WELS. If a church worker murders his spouse, the WELS leaders will do everything possible to make sure nobody knows, no evidence survives, and no serious consequences are felt.

Likewise, child abuse in all the synods is covered up, because the crime is so heinous.


Martin Luther College (WELS) students were praying for Olson
to take the call to India.
Who else wears a liturgical stole with an academic gown,
festooned with fake doctoral stripes for a drive-by DMin?

Will This End the Secret Hazing Ritual at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary?

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Ichabod, The Glory Has Departed: Luther Rocks: Ven...":

22 northern Illinois students face arrest over hazing:

If Walther Had It Right, Why Does the Harrison-Led LCMS Work with ELCA?

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Not Mixed with Faith":

Two LCMS pastors say that the LCMS has been on the defensive the last 100 years due to all the false doctrine in America. What I think is that God determined that UOJ was such bad doctrine, he had to figure out a way to contain it to a few million people at most. First, he caused its most ardent adherent to move to the New World, and then cause UOJ to die in the Old World (no one outside the synodical conference believes in UOJ anymore), and now he's causing the LCMS and ELS to shrink and age, with the WELS shrinking less, but it's membership is aging, I believe. (That's one stat the synods don't like to keep.) The WELS always follows Missouri by 20 or 30 years, so any time now it will probably start shrinking a lot. I'm sure God's containment and shrinking philosophy is right on schedule:

O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is

"O Jesus Christ, Thy Manger Is"
by Paul Gerhardt, 1607-1676

1. O Jesus Christ,
Thy manger is
My paradise at which my soul reclineth.
For there, O Lord,
Doth lie the Word
Made flesh for us; herein Thy grace
forth shineth.

2. He whom the sea
And wind obey
Doth come to serve the sinner in great
Thou, God's own Son,
With us art one,
Dost join us and our children in our

3. Thy light and grace
Our guilt efface,
Thy heavenly riches all our loss
Thy birth doth quell
The power of hell and Satan's bold

4. Thou Christian heart,
Whoe'er thou art,
Be of good cheer and let no sorrow move
For God's own Child,
In mercy mild,
Joins thee to Him;-how greatly God must
love thee!

5. Remember thou
What glory now
The Lord prepared thee for all earthly
The angel host
Can never boast
Of greater glory, greater bliss or gladness.

6. The world may hold
Her wealth and gold;
But thou, my heart, keep Christ as thy true
To Him hold fast
Until at last
A crown be thine and honor in full

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #81
Text: Luke 2: 7
Author: Paul Gerhardt, 1653, cento
Translated by: composite
Titled: O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein ist
Composer: Johann Crueger, 1653
Tune: O Jesu Christ, dein Kripplein