Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Mid-Week Advent Service, 7 PM Central Standard Time.

By Norma Boeckler

Advent, December 18, 2013

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Mid-Week Advent, Wednesday, 7 PM Central

The Hymn # 240  Father Most Holy                   2.56
The Order of Vespers                                             p. 41
The Psalmody            Psalm   14                           p. 124
The First Lection                   
The Second Lection        
 The Sermon Hymn #108       We Sing              1.94
         Paul Gerhardt Hymn

God’s Sacrament-Like Communication

The Prayers and Lord’s Prayer                         p. 44
The Collect for Peace                                           p. 45
The Benediction                                                   p. 45
The Hymn # 558 All Praise to Thee                   2:9

Third Mid-Week Advent Sermon

Micah 5:2
"But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times."

John 7:42

Does not Scripture say that the Messiah will come from David's descendants and from Bethlehem, the town where David lived?"

Matthew 2:6
And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a Governor, that shall rule my people Israel.

People often try to avoid conflict, especially in religion, but it is good to take note of where the resistance is and why people resist certain concepts.
The Old Testament should teach us that God uses concrete terms and memorable objects to communicate with us, to show us His grace in more than one way.

I will call that sacrament-like, for lack of a better term. When God could have simply taught, using the invisible Word, He chose to make the lessons more lasting, with the invisible Word, signs of His grace.

Circumcision was a sign used by God to unite His people, and that served as preparation for the meaning of Holy Baptism. What do all Christians have in common? Baptism. It is rare to find a believer who has not been baptized, and in one case where it happened, the smart-aleck wanted to be ordained without being baptized.

That brings to mind the resistance to the Sacraments, which many Protestants and Lutheran Pietists exhibit at all times. They do not want an altar and font, but a praise band. They do not see the point of those religious objects getting in the way of their entertainment.

But how did God speak to us in ancient times – and still does through the Word today?

We can hardly count the sacrament-like actions of the Exodus. The blood of the lamb on the doorposts, the spotless lamb sacrificed, the pillar of smoke and fire, the bread from heaven (a foreshadowing of Holy Communion) and the water from the rock (like Holy Communion, see John 4 – the Woman at the Well).

God not only gave commandments but wrote them on tablets of stone, which were carried in an ark. The ark continues to fascinate people today and there are at least two known locations for it, both “proven” by their advocates.

God communicates through visual elements because of our frailty. We want to be sure of things through objects we can see, touch, and experience. One of the largest businesses in St. Louis is built on awards. Why give awards? Why not simply say “Attaboy”? People love trophies, awards, prizes, objects, gold and platinum records.

So we recognize the crown as a sign of triumph. It was made of laurel leaves in the Roman Empire, and is made of gold and silver for the English throne. We see crowns all over church decorations, on banners and in stained glass windows.

But a crown is a Stephanos in Greek, so the name Stephan or Steve comes from that word crown. Was it a coincidence that the first man to die for the Christian faith was named Crown and the New Testament often mentions the Crown of Life?

Likewise, there is this little town of Bethlehem. Picture this, as Twilight Zone used to say. The prophet said the great ruler would come from this little town – not Jerusalem the world city.

And this town was known for one thing – being the birthplace of David, the shepherd boy who became the visible symbol of the Messiah. All the promises of the Messiah are linked to the House of David, the Son of David, just as Jesus was called when He entered Jerusalem the last time, riding on a donkey, assuming the role of the King of Israel, true heir of David, the Lord yet David’s Son.

This is where the visual communication of God’s Word is so inspiring – and inspired. David is known as the shepherd, and Jesus is the Good Shepherd. King David wrote, “The Lord is my Shepherd,” and Jesus is that Shepherd.

Jesus is defined as the Good Shepherd especially in John 10 (and Luke 15), but also as the shepherd in other places.

So the materialistic ideas of the Messianic reign were tied to the image of David as the warrior, but God intended to convey the Son of David as the Good Shepherd.

Christians have adored the warrior king at times, going to battle for their cause  -  which caused Zwingli the Swiss Reformer and many other clergy to die on the battlefield.

In contrast, Jesus as the Good Shepherd died on the battlefield for us, and serves as the gentle Shepherd Who calls us, guides us, and comforts us in all distress and anxiety.

How Many Years Have I Written about Thrivent and Abortion on Demand?

Sex education from incompetent boobs
is always a path to the abortion clinic.

Thrivent’s Dangerous Game

ThriventEarlier today, I was alerted to the presence of an entry in the Thrivent Choice database. The entry was for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota. It can be found here.
Planned Parenthood is the leading abortion provider in the United States, having performed around 327,000 abortions in 2012.
Thrivent Choice is described in this way on Thrivent’s website: “The Thrivent Choice® program lets members recommend where some of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans’ charitable outreach funds go by directing Choice Dollars®.”
Thrivent is “a faith-based, not-for-profit membership organization nearly 2.5 million members strong.” Why is Thrivent providing a way for Planned Parenthood – an abortion business that commits atrocities every day that are completely contrary to the will of God – to receive charitable contributions from them?
I asked Thrivent on Twitter:
Thrivent responded with a few tweets, neatly summed up here:
I’m not a Thrivent member, so I’m not entirely clear on how the Thrivent Choice program works. Browsing the Thrivent Choice website, I came across a similar list of requirements for an organization to be listed in the Thrivent Choice catalog:

Organizations Eligible for Choice Dollars

  • 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations and congregations that meet program eligibility rules; and
  • Recommended by a benefit member; and
  • Approved by a Thrivent Chapter/chartered Thrivent FR Community leadership board before being added to the online catalog.
Notice that these three requirements need to be met before the organization is listed in the Thrivent Choice online catalog. Planned Parenthood is currently listed in the Thrivent Choice online catalog. Which means that the local chapter board has already approved of Planned Parenthood as a fitting organization to receive Thrivent Choice dollars.
It’s puzzling to me that Thrivent has left themselves open to dollars being given to an organization that would so clearly be offensive to a large portion of their members. So I asked:
Thrivent responded:
Then, thankfully, this:
So, while at this point Thrivent Choice dollars can be awarded to Planned Parenthood by a Thrivent member designating their own Choice dollars to Planned Parenthood, it has not yet actually happened. Thanks be to God.
Thrivent is playing a dangerous game. They have created a charitable giving program that lacks any sort of rules limiting eligible organizations to those that are consistent with the word of God. At any time, Thrivent Choice dollars could easily end up in the hands of Planned Parenthood.
It seems that Thrivent could change this quickly. The Terms & Conditions for organizations participating in the Thrivent Choice program clearly state that “Thrivent Financial adopts Terms and Conditions as well as other Program Rules for Thrivent Choice at its sole discretion. Thrivent Financial may change, limit, modify, cancel or revoke Thrivent Choice and/or Terms and Conditions and/or other Program Rules at any time and for any reason, with or without notice…” In other words, Thrivent can make a rule eliminating the eligibility of organizations like Planned Parenthood.
Likewise, the member’s direction to Thrivent to give Thrivent Choice dollars to a specific organization is only a direction – in other words, similar to advice. According to the Terms & Conditions for members, “Thrivent Financial retains total discretion as to whether or how all Choice Dollars are distributed. Any “direction” that I provide to Thrivent to designate recipients of Choice Dollars is a request and recommendation from me suggesting a recipient of Choice Dollars funding which Thrivent is under no legal obligation to approve or follow. The use of the term “direct,” “direction,” “choose,” “choice” or other terms in these Terms and Conditions or in any communications regarding Thrivent Choice, does not provide me with any authority to make any decision regarding the use of any funds.”
So Thrivent can act to do the right thing. They should eliminate eligibility for organizations such as Planned Parenthood that carry out purposes contrary to the will of God. They should inform their members that may have directed Choice Dollars to such organizations that they will not be paying any money to those organizations.
Others have been engaging Thrivent on Twitter today as well, and it’s encouraging that Thrivent is at least listening, responding, and promising to get the feedback to the Thrivent Choice team. It seems that right now it’s very important to get the word out so that current Thrivent members can contact Thrivent and encourage them to modify the Thrivent Choice policies. Urge Thrivent to block eligibility to organizations like Planned Parenthood that perform abortions or in other ways act or lobby contrary to the will of God.
(Thanks to Steven Cholak for bringing this to my attention.)
GJ - When President Mark Schroeder phoned me, to get Ichabod on the side of his administration, I mentioned the toxic Thrivent involvement. He had no interest in changing that.
Working with ELCA, as WELS and Missouri do, means endorsing everything they do. 
WELS and Missouri have the added connection with their jointly-supported false teacher, Mark Jeske, on the Thrivent Board, doling out abortion dollars.
The Jeske Nebula has been spotted moving closer and closer
to the Megabucks Constellation.