Friday, December 9, 2016

They Lead the People To and Fro, In Error's Maze Astounding

ELDONA priest Josh Sullivan

"What does ELDONA teach?"

The topic is the old NIV, the New NIV, and the New KJV.

All three are bad, when it comes to precise translation.

  1. The New KJV is marketed for the Babtists and is anti-Sacrament.
  2. The old NIV is generic Protestant and is even worse.
  3. The New NIV is not a translation at all, but a paraphrase built around UOJ dogma and shrieking feminist fears.

All this to-ing and fro-ing only leads to confusion, but the ELDONA clergy probably start with muddled ideas from little or no Biblical language preparation and even less understanding of the KJV and the traditional text. Most of them are from Ft. Wayne, and LCMS education has been on the skids for years.

The video hardly touches upon the text, but the two NIVs mentioned are based on the magical, apostate, ever-changing Nestle-Aland text, plus "dynamic equivalency translating" borrowed from their Great Leader Nida, an utter opponent of the Christian Faith.

 Order Making Disciples for translation comparisons
and the reasons for avoiding
the apostate and Babtist paraphrases.

So the New KJV is better than any NIV, but why settle for a better bad version?

The KJV is the best, as I have shown many times, and the KJV21 and Third Millennium KJV are attempts to be faithful and a bit modern.

To be honest, which is rare in dealing with Bibles, the KJV is slightly modified from the original.

This little video is quite superficial and spends far too much time on the worthless NIVs, even commending the old NIVs as part of the congregation's study. It sounds like, "As long as you don't use the New NIV, which is really bad, so bad." But where did that NIV2011 come from? - the big money earned by the old NIV and its horrible translating and text.

And how did the old NIV get so many buyers in the LCMS-WELS-ELS? Those leaders willingly participated in the ecumenical, unionistic effort and promoted the NIV shamelessly.

Avoiding the New NIV while using the old NIV is like saying, "If you want to go bar-hopping at 2 AM, avoid the really bad neighborhoods."

"O Lord, Look Down from Heaven, Behold"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546
1. O Lord, look down from heaven, behold
And let Thy pity waken:
How few are we within Thy Fold,
Thy saints by men forsaken!
True faith seems quenched on every hand,
Men suffer not Thy Word to stand;
Dark times have us o'ertaken.

2. With fraud which they themselves invent
Thy truth they have confounded;
Their hearts are not with one consent
On Thy pure doctrine grounded.
While they parade with outward show,
They lead the people to and fro,
In error's maze astounded.

3. May God root out all heresy
And of false teachers rid us
Who proudly say: "Now, where is he
That shall our speech forbid us?
By right or might we shall prevail;
What we determine cannot fail;
We own no lord and master."

4. Therefore saith God, "I must arise,
The poor My help are needing;
To Me ascend My people's cries,
And I have heard their pleading.
For them My saving Word shall fight
And fearlessly and sharply smite,
The poor with might defending."

5. As silver tried by fire is pure
From all adulteration,
So through God's Word shall men endure
Each trial and temptation.
Its light beams brighter through the cross,
And, purified from human dross,
It shines through every nation.

6. Thy truth defend, O God, and stay
This evil generation;
And from the error of their way
Keep Thine own congregation.
The wicked everywhere abound
And would Thy little flock confound;
But Thou art our Salvation.

Hymn 260
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ps. 12
Author: Martin Luther, 1523
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach Gott vom Himmel, sieh darein"
Tune: "Ach Gott vom Himmel"
1st Published in: Enchiridion
Town: Erfurt, 1524

Once Again - Pietism versus the Christian Faith

Walther is the perfect example of Pietism. He set aside Justification by Faith to teach his private brand of Halle Pietism, which he copied from Bishop Stephan, STD.

Walther's Pietism and UOJ set the stage for the decline of the LCMS, which began in earnest once the Brief Statement of 1932 was promoted as the ultimate revelation of God's will on earth, with its laughable repudiation of the Chief Article.

Pietism emphasizes what one does, but the Christian Faith emphasizes what one believes. Note how this shows itself in attitudes and words.

Pietism -

  • The individual must belong to the right sect. The right action is to join that sect and maintain an ovine, submissive attitude.
  • The sect is glorified as the ultimate group. All other sects are condemned, including the affiliated sects and different segments of the same sect.
  • The sect is a personality cult, where one person or a few individuals, are idolized, obeyed, and kept in ignorance of their many failings.
  • The sect itself is the Means of Grace, so everything done within the sect, even violating criminal and civil law, is blessed.
  • Lying for a good cause - the sect - is necessary and worthwhile.
  • If individuals show themselves to be amoral, incompetent false teachers, they rise to leadership positions and are excused for everything they do.
  • Questioning the sect is considered self-excommunication. 
  • Nevertheless, people find a certain comfort and security within the narrow, legalistic confines of their sect, because they know the 10,000 unwritten rules about how to behave.
If you find these characteristics all too familiar, it is worthwhile to do more study and decide on what to do. A sect easily becomes an abusive cult.

The LCMS formed in St. Louis and Perryville was a genuine sex cult. Over time, that was watered down by new members, the Lowe influence, and working away from cell group Pietism. The strength of the LCMS today is its loose organization, the ability of pastors to be ordained and come in from the outside without kissing the feet of the UOJ idol.

The Pietistic sect model is still quite influential in the LCMS, as the Bronze Age Christian News publication shows. Otten has faithfully told readers what to do - such as voting for the SPs that subsequently rejected him - while remaining alarmingly indifferent to false doctrine.

Meme violations - wordy, not humorous,
self-referential,  and not ad-free.

A return to Walther is really a step backwards into Piestistic cult abuse. Unfortunately, the various shards of the LCMS have proven that their version of orthodoxy is being as abusive, dictatorial, and heretical as Walther Hisself. These sects - whether small, large, micro-mini, new or old - seem to specialize in being deceptive bullies, smugly satisfied that their sect is the best.

Zion has a good summary of the Walther-Stephan sex cult,
but loyal Missourians condemn the author for being bitter.
Walther robbed and kidnapped a bishop so he
could be a pope. LCMS sycophants deny that Walther
signed the statement making the cult leader a bishop for life.

McCain's Spurious Claims Posted on His Long-Forgotten Blog - 2012

Paul McCain, UOJ Enthusiast
and Facebook friend of DP Jon Buchholz.
McCain also worked with the WELS Fox Valley Circuit -
Glende, Ski, Lillo.
Paul McCain's latest rant.

Copy Cat Alert!!

November 9th, 20121 comment

So, get this, there’s a guy who runs a really wacky web site (RWWS) and whines about the fact that I quote from various sources but do not use Chicago Manual of Style references. He routinely prints a picture of Martin Chemnitz on his site that I took when I was in Braunschweig, Germany several years ago, without attribution of any kind. Go figure! Pretty funny stuff actually.

We won’t mention names, since the one thing he craves is attention.

Here’s what Grumpy Cat has to say to you.


Paul McCain's comment sent to the Ichabod blog:

Paul McCain has left a new comment on your post "No Call Paul Has Trouble with Honesty":

Greg, thanks for helping us understand your situational ethics. Love it. You are one really funny guy.

It is ok for you to steal intellectual property as long as you doctor it up on photoshop (sic).

Interesting understanding you have there of copyright law and the seventh commandment.

You crack me up.

Can you please work up some more photoshop (sic) stuff of me as the Pope?

I rather like it. I think I look great in papal duds.

 McCain's legacy is comical,
as shown by his cardboard tank and anti-Otten gun for hire.

 LCMS McCain threatened ELS Norman Teigen with excommunication.
Different synods - papal trespassing.

 Anonymous shopped McCain into the
Mary nursing a saint oil painting,
a painting used by McCain on his blog.


GJ - The surprise is not so much about Paul McCain's varnishing the facts and stealing another man's work to claim as his own, but about unwavering support of dishonesty and stealing by SP Harrison and CPH CEO Kintz.

The crease down the face is on another photo, taken by a Russian,
so Paul McCain probably took the photo with a perspective correcting lens.
A photograph of a public domain image is not protected by copyright.


"Because the technical reproduction procedure alone does not justify a photo protection...Rather a minimum of personal mental performance is necessary, which is to be denied if a photo or a similarly manufactured product is not any more than the bare technical reproduction of an existing representation."

In the United States, a Federal court decided, in its 1999 case Bridgeman Art Library vs. Corel Corporation, that original, faithful photographs of paintings were not copyrightable, since the originality is missing. (United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, 18 February 1999).....If a raw photograph and/or reproduction of a public-domain original is published in a book, then the predominant jurisdiction assumes this illustration can be reproduced at will, without agreement of the photographer and the publishing house.


Reproductions of public domain works

The requirement of originality was also invoked in the 1999 United States District Court case Bridgeman Art Library v. Corel Corp. In the case, Bridgeman Art Library questioned the Corel Corporation's rights to redistribute their high quality reproductions of old paintings that had already fallen into the public domaindue to age, claiming that it infringed on their copyrights. The court ruled that exact or "slavish" reproductions of two-dimensional works such as paintings and photographs that were already in the public domain could not be considered original enough for protection under U.S. law, "a photograph which is no more than a copy of a work of another as exact as science and technology permits lacks originality. That is not to say that such a feat is trivial, simply not original".[6]....


In German copyright law, the "Schöpfungshöhe" (height of creation) 


Canon EOS 5D manual (pp 84-85 on Program AE):


Related links:

Copy Cat Alert, by Paul T. McCain, Nov 9, 2012:

Commemoration of Martin Chemnitz, Pastor and Confessor
November 9th, 2012, by Paul T. McCain:

No Call Paul Has Trouble with Honesty, Nov 10th, 2012, by Dr. Jackson:
DCRP Review: Canon EOS-5D, 30 Dec 2006

Image Forensics pages (click on the first and last of
the Hidden Data Links, i.e., Exif and Error Level links):

St. Martini Kircke pictures, etc:

Tourist shot of Chemnitz (scroll way down):

Bells video:

Epitaph um 1586, Braunschweig

Side of church:


Rev. David J. Webber:
Apr 11, 2004 (original Chemnitz commemoration page):
"Web Sites Maintained by David Jay Webber"

Chemnitz image in question added before Jun 30th, 2006:

Image URL:


Jun 3, 2007, by David Jay Webber:

July 19, 2007, by Catholic blogger Dave A. Armstrong:

Apr 5th, 2008, by Dr. Jackson (no Chemnitz photo use at all):

Sep 2009, by Dr. Jackson:

Dec 2009, by Dr. Jackson:

19 SEPTEMBER 2008, by Walter P. Snyder:

SEPTEMBER 29, 2008, by Joel Woodward, Lutheran student at Ann Arbor:

June 2009, Darren, from Aberdeen, Scotland:

Dec 19th, 2009, by Paul McCain (thumbnail):

Spiritual eating: Taking issue with Chemnitz, by 
blogger Tapani, Sep 23, 2010

Nov 2012, by Paul McCain:


Redistribution, any form of use, on the condition that appropriate mention his authorship.
Redistribution, derivative work and commercial use is permitted.


Additional links:
St. Martini Church in Braunschweig, Germany:
coordinates: 52.262465° 10.515909°
What Not to Do when Using a Digital Camera
"OK, so I go on this great trip to Germany last summer, in June."
Martin Chemnitz and His Church
June 19th, 2006

On this trip to Germany I made it a point to go visit St. Martini Church in Braunschweig where Chemnitz served as superintendent and pastor, and where he is buried. 



GJ - Someone else did the research work and graphics above, volunteering to reveal what happened.

I collect graphics of all kinds. Martin Chemnitz is my favorite theologian, after Martin Luther. At some point I copied the creased version of Martin Chemnitz. I used Photoshop to erase the crease, although a bit of evidence remains on Chemnitz left' eyebrow. Editing the eye area is very difficult and I am just an amateur.

I used my improved version and later saw it appear on the Net, which is fine. 

Synod President Matt Harrison's overpaid buddy has shown that he does not abide by the well known standards of publishing and intellectual honesty. While accusing me on his sad little blog, McCain has claimed graphics that do not belong to him and even attached copyright notices to them.

McCain reminds me of LCMS hero C. F. W. Walther stealing Bishop Stephan's land from him, a total of 120 acres. Walther secretly took away the title of the 40 acres given to Stephan while stirring up trouble behind the real leader's back. Later, Walther talked Stephan's son out of another 80 acres of land, even though the father bought the land with his own money.

This is Paul McCain's epic fail with the Book of Concord:


Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Answering Paul McCain's False Accusations. More Pr...":

Interesting how the Celebrity Lutheran Blogger continues on. He says that he enjoys the Photo Shop pictures of himself in papal robes. He confirms that he is not only regarded as a public fool, but that he considers the label appropriate.

Since the election, the Celebrity Lutheran Blogger has been enforcing orthodoxy. He indicates that he was once a cop. Whenever I find myself and others on the end of the CLB's attacks, I picture in my mind an enforcement official from another country and another era. Yes, I see an officer from the Sicherheitsdienst.


LPC has left a new comment on your post "Answering Paul McCain's False Accusations. More Pr...":

Isn't copyrighting someone else's copyright, stealing?

Well the guy is no scholar, we all know that, he can not even reference. The guy has only one form of argument, and it is fallacious - ad hominem, his favorite.

Then, the guy is no gentleman either, copyrighting someone else's copyright. Waht duh? What is the need for that? How hard is it to credit someone for your source material? It does not take a minute to type it in... now is that hard to do?



GJ - To steal a photo from Wikimedia and place a copyright on it - that is stealing. But to accuse me of stealing "his" Chemnitz photo, which was not his at all - that is hypocrisy. Luther said hypocrisy was the homage that vice pays to sin, but it is still a sin.

A Concordia Publishing House editor should not be plagiarizing from Roman Catholics and stealing an individually owned photo. I do not trust CPH products because their editorial management does nothing about this sinful and illegal behavior.

McCain has once again plagiarized the Catholic Encyclopedia with this verbatim copy about Martin of Tours.

Here is the Roman Catholic link to compare -

By placing this at the bottom of the entire post - Source: Catholic Cyclopedia - McCain is indicating that he wrote the article himself and based the perspective or key facts upon that one source. But that is entirely misleading, and typical of college plagiarists. He has failed again to show that the entire post is from his favorite Roman Catholic source, one designed to lead people into Romanism.

The Roman Catholic editor placed the citation material at the bottom of the post - thus -

About this page

APA citation. Clugnet, L. (1910). St. Martin of Tours. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company.Retrieved November 12, 2012 from New Advent:

MLA citation. Clugnet, Léon. "St. Martin of Tours." The Catholic Encyclopedia. Vol. 9. New York: Robert Appleton Company, 1910. 12 Nov. 2012 <>.

Transcription. This article was transcribed for New Advent by Michael C. Tinkler. In honor of the Societas Sancti Martini Episcopi Turonensis at Emory University.

Ecclesiastical approbation. Nihil Obstat. October 1, 1910. Remy Lafort, Censor. Imprimatur. +John M. Farley, Archbishop of New York.

For No Call Paul to be honest, he would have to indicate at the beginning that the entire post was quoted from this source. He has failed to do this again, so he would be kicked out of a university for repeated acts of academic dishonesty, presenting the original work of others as his own - but CPH pays him royally. There must be something the rest of us do not know.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Answering Paul McCain's False Accusations. More Pr...":

related posts:

No Call Paul Has Trouble with Honesty:

Fareed Zakaria apologizes for plagiarism -
Suspended by Time and CNN.
Removed from Yale Board, But CPH Rewards Plagiarism:


Paul McCain Probably Does Not Like the Photoshops, In Spite of His Claims.
Why Should We Believe a Plagiarist about Anything?


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Answering Paul McCain's False Accusations. More Pr...":

Two additional related posts:

No Call Paul McCain:
Pistols, Plagiarism, and Popery,

Paul McCain Cannot Claim Ownership of a Public Domain Work,


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Answering Paul McCain's False Accusations. More Pr...":

related post:

Paul McCain Demonstrates His Uncanny Sense of Humor, Ignoring the Photoshop Trademark By Making It Generic, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2012  

The Top Five Posts for a Week in 2012

This is a perfect description of Jon-Boy Buchholz
and Humpty Dumpty Kilcrease.

Each phrase in blue can be left-clicked for the actual post.

May 18, 2008, 5 comments


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Top Five Posts - Last Seven Days":

I think that the tally for each post is of people clicking on that exact post, not just coming to Ichabod's home page and scrolling down.


GJ - I think you are right, Bruce. I watch how the numbers develop.

Bring Back Schmauk

From a Reader:
I was perusing the link to Sandt's book on Schmauk that Pastor Jackson recently provided on the Ichabod blog. Thought it was worth sharing. Written in 1912, yet a hundred years later the Lutheran synods insist on grafting a WARRENSTANLEYFULLER shoot. Sad! (as Donald Trump might tweet)

If conservatism has become too fossilized and degenerated, it may be necessary to graft a more vigorous shoot in the old stock, but it should be a shoot of the same species, and should look to the bringing forth of its own perfections, and not to an imitation of the perfections which are found in other species of spiritual vitality.

The Lutheran Church will never grow as long as we are looking for our progressiveness to what others outside of us are doing and are using up our strength in adopting their devices and in imitating them. We shall never be able to reproduce their finest fruit or flower, and we shall be depreciating and failing to give attention to our own.

Let us take the strong elements and qualities and character of faith and life that inhere in our own Gospel, in our own confession, and in our own Church; let us plant this seed without doubt. Let us be assured that it is the richest, the strongest, and the most genuine Christianity in the world. Let us labor patiently to keep the soil cultivated, to prune the trees, to keep them free from all parasitic and other destroyers, and our own inherent vitality will assert itself and bring forth splendid results. 

Progressive conservatism is the application of our own treasures in an up-to-date way, to the problems of the Kingdom of God and of the life about us. This application should not be antiquated, but should be vigorous and enlightened."

Excerpt From: George Washington Sandt. “Theodore Emanuel Schmauk, D.D., LL. D.” United Lutheran publication house. iBooks.