Friday, August 25, 2023

Tom Fisher - Farm Struggles in Extreme Heat. Biblical Lessons.


Dear Pastor Jackson,

Thank you for praying for me, my livestock, and my farm as the hot, dry, humid weather is back. My sheep seem to be more resilient than my cows. I have to pour water on my cows, bull, and steer to get them cooled off.

I have been pondering why I have always used the King James Bible for the last 52 years. I got my first King James Bible in eighth grade. My parents pulled my brothers and me out of the public schools and enrolled us in a Dutch Reformed parochial school. They had one thing right: they used, studied, and memorized the King James Bible as being the true Word of God. I loved to memorize, study, and ponder the true Word of God in the King James Bible. This enabled me to accept and cling to Luther's correct teaching after I graduated from high school. Bible class was my best class. Soon I was memorizing large portions of Scripture. I memorized Isaiah 53 and many precious Old Testament passages such as Isaiah 7:14 and Ezekiel 37:12 and Jeremiah 17:9.  I noticed all of the Old Testament passages being quoted in the New Testament. I experienced the perfect unity of Scripture as a whole. It rang true, just like the huge bell called Big Ben that was attached to the Westminster clock in England. Bells with a crack go clunk. So also the corrupt Bibles (ESV, NIV, NKJV, RSV, ...Beck) go clunk. They do not ring true. They have false doctrine, errors, omissions, and endless subtle corruptions. They hurt my spiritual ears. So I held to the true Word of God in the King James. 

Heretics love the corrupt Bibles (NIV, ESV, NKJV, RSV...). They love doubting the text. They love the footnotes that create doubt in the text. For example the NIV says (The most reliable early manuscripts and other ancient witnesses do not have Mark 16:9-20) What better way to deny the resurrection of Christ than to cast doubt on the text of God's Word. The NIV completely denies Jesus is God and man in one person by stating "He appeared in a body" instead of the King James Bible true reading of 1 Timothy 3:16 that says, "God was manifest in the flesh." The NIV footnote says, "Some manuscripts God" as if the Greek word "theos" which says "God" in English can scarcely be found in any Greek manuscript. This is a lie.

 Are you beginning to see the gravity and seriousness of this? You are in serious trouble with the Lord if you are not extremely upset and deeply troubled by the corruptions, lies, omissions, and extreme errors in the corrupt Bibles (ESV, NIV, ESV, NKJV, Nestle Aland Greek, United Bible Society Greek).

Immerse yourself in reading, pondering, and listening to the true Word of God in the King James Bible. I often tune my 5 G smart phone to the audio King James Bible. In just two hours I can listen to God's Word from the entire book of John. Like Big Ben it rings true, giving me true comfort, true faith in Christ, and a peace that passes all understanding. Only one thing is needful: listening to the true Word of God found in the King James Bible. So turn off the awful TV news and programming and listen to, read, and ponder the true Word of God in the King James Bible.

The temperature was 100 at 3 this afternoon. One of my cows I call "Fuzzy" had her mouth open gasping for breath. I kept pouring cool water on her back until she started breathing normally. I followed the same procedure for all nine of my cows, bull, and steer. My sheep and my guardian dog Ringo are more resilient. It's getting close to evening chores and I am sure my cows will need to be cooled down again. 

Please publish and add your comments as you wish. You may also use and publish these pictures from my farm. Tell Norma Boeckler to use any picture that she would like.

I Am Fine - Just Carrying Out Neighborly Tasks


I have slowed down because Ranger Bob had artery blockage in his legs, requiring surgery for a massive infection. That requires specialized infection (aka wound) treatment twice a week, plus daily IV infusion at the hospital for the next three weeks.

Recovery has been remarkable.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 12 - Psalm 116:10: I believe, for I will speak. "There the heart is full, and the mouth must run over. Then when they are persecuted, they will not care."


Link to the Complete Sermon - Luther's Sermons - Mark 7:31-37. Twelfth Sunday after Trinity

24. Then they praise God, saying: “He hath done all things well, he has made the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.” For wherever there is true faith, there the Spirit will not allow you any rest; you will break forth, become a priest, teach other people also, as we read  Psalm 116:10: “I believe, for I will speak.” There the heart is full, and the mouth must run over. Then when they are persecuted, they will not care.

25. But the part of the story, that Christ took the man apart from the others, looks up to heaven, has this meaning: If God do not take me alone to a separate place, and give me the Holy Spirit, so that I cling to the Word which I have heard, then all preaching is in vain. But why does this require so much that he looks up to heaven and makes use of divine power, calling upon God’s grace to come and to act? By this he teaches us that such power must come from heaven, working in the heart of man by divine strength; then help comes to him. Again the spittle which is the Word of God is a noble thing for the Old Adam. Then they go forth to praise and glorify God.

26. Thus have you learned, from the story and from its spiritual or secret meaning, that we must first hear the Word of God and thus, through the intercession of Christ, obtain a faith of our own, and then we come out, confessing this and praising God forever. May this be sufficient on this Gospel lesson. Let us pray to God for grace.

The ELDONUT Herald, Malone, Texas. “Rumination and Requiem—Reflections on the Lutheran Confessional Synod on the 29th Anniversary of its Founding”—Heiser

ELDONA started as the Lutheran Confessional Synod, which was initially led by Bishop Randy DeJaynes, former ELCA pastor who went to prison for a time. ELS pastors Jay Webber and Kincaid Smith convened with Heiser to have WELS-ELS and LCS in fellowship. They were allowed to pray together. Heiser wanted to keep the Gerhard press, naming it Repristination Press, a bow to CFW Walther and Objective Justification.

Some details from 2017 about DeJaynes, Heiser, and the Webber-Smith-Heiser connection.

Pre-Bishop: Heiser and early proselytes. Pastor Eric Stefanski is on the far right and below.

One Version - Lutheran Confessional Synod - 

From Wikipedia

The Lutheran Confessional Synod (LCS) was a Confessional Lutheran church, characterized by a strict interpretation of the Lutheran Confessions and a historical liturgy. Organized in 1994, when Christ Lutheran Church in Decatur, Illinois, broke away from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, it initially declared doctrinal agreement with the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod and the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,[1][2][3] but broke fellowship with those two synods on June 14, 1997, because of differences in the doctrine of the ministry and the Lord's Supper.[1][4] The LCS organized the Johann Gerhard Institute (a denominational publishing house) and St. Anselm Theological Seminary in 1996.[1]

The LCS' first bishop was the Rev. Randy L. DeJaynes, consecrated to that position on October 7, 1994.[3][5] As of 2009, stating a "desire to return to the Apostolic faith," some former LCS clergy were chrismated in the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America, while others entered the Roman Catholic Church.[citation needed] At least one is now a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America. By 2012, it was reported that the church body had disbanded.[6]

Another Version - ELDONA

The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America (ELDoNA) is a confessional Lutheran church body in the United States. There are twenty-eight pastors in the diocese, serving congregations in Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Wisconsin plus Colombia and the Philippines.[1][2]

The ELDoNA was founded June 6, 2006 at a meeting held at Salem Lutheran Church, Malone, Texas. A second diocesan synod was held August 28 and 29, 2007.[3] The third diocesan synod was held at Christ Lutheran Church in Richmond, Missouri on May 22, 2008,[4] and the fourth in the same location, May 14–15, 2009.[5] For the fifth Colloquium and Synod, the diocese returned to Malone, Texas, May 12–15, 2010,[6] and met there again for the sixth Colloquium and Synod May 11–13, 2011. The sixth Colloquium and Synod was the first in which all but one of the pastors of the diocese and the entire clergy of the Association of Confessional Lutheran Churches (ACLC) were in attendance. Among the significant decisions of the 2011 synod was the resolution to open a diocesan seminary in September 2012; the 2012 synod chose to delay that planned opening to 2014. The 2012 synod took place at Salem Lutheran Church in Malone, Texas the week of April 23–27, 2012, and the 2013 synod took place April 29–May 3, 2013.

 Lawson - ACLC - strictly Objective Faithless Justification.

Above - The angel pose and the Almy costumes were apparently not mandated at this time.

In August 2013 the ACLC broke fellowship with the ELDoNA due to the latter's stand on the doctrine of Objective Justification.[7]

In 2006, James Heiser was called to serve as the diocesan bishop. Heiser has published a volume of essays on the doctrine of the holy ministry entitled Stewards of the Mysteries of God.[8] He is also the author of a study of the neo-Platonic revival which took place during the Italian Renaissance, entitled Prisci Theologi and the Hermetic Reformation in the Fifteenth Century.[9]

In 2013, Repristination Press published a volume of essays by Pastor John Rutowicz which sets forth the diocesan understanding of the episcopal office: Holding Fast the Faithful Word: Episcopacy and the Office of the Holy Ministry in the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of North America.[10]

The diocese produces The Lutheran Herald, a monthly devotional journal that also includes diocesan news.[11]

"Ask the Pastor" Sullivan obsesses about  the Apocrypha. He, Rydecki, and Carver left ELDONA at the same time.