Pastor Gurgel's Message
Dear Fellow Believers, All praises be to God who continues to bless our efforts to move forward with the SPREAD the WORD project! Since the ministry expansion project began, I have received many questions. That is wonderful! The interest of you, our congregation members, and your commitment and desire to be involved is truly a blessing from the LORD.
This communication will be focused on providing answers to the questions that came up most frequently. In some cases we might not have definitive answers at this time. When this is the case, your leadership team has attempted to provide information as to what is being done to develop clarity and direction, eventually leading to answers.
If you would like to put your God-given talents and gifts to work on this project, please review the last few sections in this newsletter. You will find information about the teams that have been formed and who to contact to get involved.
As the leaders of Jesus' time said...."and pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should." (Colossians 4:3-4), your church leaders and staff request the same from each of you. First and foremost we ask for your prayers that Christ will guide our actions and decisions regarding this ministry expansion project.
In HIM, Pastor Gurgle Gurgel Ichabod is so pervasive I can't even spell my own name right.
It has been stated that this expansion project will result in a second site for Holy Word Lutheran Church. What does this mean?
God willing and the crick don't rise and with the approval of the Voters of Holy Word, we are planning to develop an additional church site. This should not be confused with starting a mission church. Unlike a mission church, which is a separate church initially support by a founding church body, a second church site will actually be an extension of Holy Word at an additional location. Our existing church site and this new church site will make up one church, with one body of believers. We will have one budget, one leadership team and one staff.
There are several examples of WELS churches that have experienced this type of growth. Your leadership team is working to gain as much knowledge and insight from these churches, so that we might leverage their experience to help guide our project.
What are the benefits of being a multi-site church?
The most obvious benefit to having multiple church sites is that we will be able to reach more people with the message of Christ's love and salvation. More specifically, the new site will allow Holy Word to expand and spread the gospel in the fastest growing part of Texas, while remaining and growing at our current location. At each site we will be able to better focus our ministries and programs to meet the needs of the communities in which we reside. As we have added the Spanish speaking ministry at our current Holy Word site, we will find different needs at the new location which provide opportunities for us to become a part of the fabric of the local community, while sharing the Good News.
Will the services and programs be similar or different at each site?
The intent is to have One Church with Two Sites. It is important that there be similarities and programs that draw us all together as one church body; however, we want to recognize and embrace local cultures and needs in the communities of each church site.
We have formed a team that will make recommendations to the congregation on the structure of our initial services and programs at the two sites. Initial discussions have centered around having the services at the current Holy Word site continue to use the current, traditional format. Discussions regarding the new site have centered around having a more casual service, with piano and guitar music, no organ and more variations in the service format.
We will continue to be mindful to strive to strengthen Holy Word as one church while utilizing different formats and unique aspects of each location to bring God's Word to more people.
When will services begin at the second church site?
God willing, and with the approval of the Voters of Holy Word at the May 30, 2010 Voter's Meeting, we will begin services at a second site in the Pflugerville area on September 12, 2010. New beginnings are often associated with the commencement of a new school year. We believe offering people a new option for worship at a time when they are adjusting to change could be a blessing for many.
Why are we starting out with a temporary site now? To finance another safari for Kudu Don.
We have two primary reasons for using a temporary second site now. First, we want current and future worshippers and school-families to begin identifying with our second site as soon as possible. Second, we want to use worship services at a temporary site to help us identify the exact area for the second site and begin reaching out to people without a church home in that new area.
Who will preach and teach Sunday School at each site?
Pastor Patterson will be the primary preacher at both sites. There will be a time or two each month when Pastor Gurgel, a Vicar or our staff minister Chad White will preach. This is similar to how it is today at the current location.
There will be a site leader that is consistently located at each site and this individual will lead the liturgy. This site leader will be a consistent, familiar leader that members and visitor can expect to always be at a specific site location.
Our current thought is that adult Sunday School teachers will vary at each location. Pastor Patterson will likely rotate between the sites, teaching a series at one site for a period of time and then teaching a series at the other site for a period of time. We've also discussed the possibility of having a Wednesday night bible class taught by Pastor Patterson. The thought is that this would be a method to help support the One Church feel, allowing everyone to participate in a class and keeping everyone familiar with both locations. We would be very interested in getting your feedback about this option.
Will there be things that no longer happen at our current site?
It is possible that as a result of the expansion we will have to schedule certain events differently. At this time we are working to gather information from the congregation to help understand the number of people to expect at each location. As time goes on, it will become clearer as to how best to schedule programs and services to ensure God's Kingdom grows and that all (members and visitors) are blessed with hearing God's Word and having opportunities to unite with fellow believers.
It seems like our current staff are already stretched with their current responsibilities. How will this temporary second site be staffed?
Our current staff are faithfully expending themselves with their current responsibilities. Initially we are recommending an increase in support staff to assist our called workers. In the future, as God blesses our planned efforts with increased growth, Holy Word will need to add more called workers. During the planning and implementation parts of this expansion, our called workers are also relying heavily on church members who are assisting in the many aspects of this project.
Will Holy Word School have two sites also?
God willing, and with the approval of the Voters of Holy Word, we will open a new school location and close the current school location. This new location will be co-located with the new church site. Please note that the decision to proceed with this particular part of the long term plan will not be voted on at the May 30, 2010 Voter's Meeting. It will be brought forward for consideration and approval at a later date.
Why are we considering a new Holy Word School site?
The health and growth of the Holy Word School has always been a vital part of our church's ministry. In 2003 Holy Word engaged with Forward with Lutheran Schools (FWLS), a consulting ministry that existed to help WELS congregations advance the gospel of Jesus by starting and strengthening early childhood ministries. FWLS, in coordination with Holy Word's staff and Council, held several member focus group meetings to gather feedback and gain insight into future directions for Holy Word's school ministry. FWLS project leaders also conducted research to learn more about the surrounding area demographics and growth patterns. The outcome from this effort was a recommendation that Holy Word look to relocate the school to the Pflugerville/Round Rock area. It is believed that this move will maximize the number of souls we are able to reach through our school.
Why are we targeting to move the Holy Word School to the Pflugerville/Round Rock/Hutto area?
Currently 75% of our students come from the Round Rock, Pflugerville, and Hutto areas. We believe that by moving towards our target area we will be moving closer to where our current students reside. However, the plans to move the school to this area is not just to support our current student body. We believe that the growth in population of this target area will allow us to reach out to more families who are moving to eastern Round Rock, Pflugerville, and Hutto. In addition to positioning our school so that the majority of our current families are better served, we will also be better positioned for outreach in a high growth area. Finally this new location will also more easily allow for our school families to reach out and promote a school that is close to where they currently live.
If the existing school is closed, what will become of that facility?
There are numerous ways in which the current school site can be used to provide new relevant outreach into the surrounding community. Current possibilities being discussed include the development of an Early Childhood Program and expansion of our Spanish speaking ministry. The specific answer to this question will develop over time, as the project progresses. If you have suggestions and input, please pass them along to your church leaders and staff.
What are the key milestones & dates for this project?
We have three major milestones for this project.
God-willing and the crick don't rise and with the approval of the Voters of Holy word, our basic milestones are:
1. to begin worship services at the temporary second Holy Word Site in September 20102.
2. to purchase land for the permanent second Holy Word Site during 20113.
3. to begin operations of Holy Word School at the second site for the 2011-2012 school year.
How will this project be financed? You pay!
Holy Word is blessed with people who love to read, study and hear God's Word. Motivated by the Word they also have been eager to Spread the Word to others. Anchored in the Word they have also, personally, committed themselves in the past to monetarily supporting the Ministry of Holy Word Lutheran Church. Monetary challenges have often encouraged them to increase their support for the Lord's Ministry. The extent and timing of this effort to Spread the Word needs to be the subject of our personal and church prayers, asking God for his guidance and blessing.
Who is on the Leadership/Coordinating Team for this project and what are their roles?
Leaders from the current Church Council and standing committee were asked to serve on the Spread the Word Leadership/Coordinating Team. By forming the leadership team in this manner, these individuals will be well positioned to coordinate proposed expansion plans with what the Church Council and standing committees are currently doing. The overall coordinator for the project is Holy Word's Church Council President, Brad Johnston. The Church Council is also represented by Jason McLerran, the Assistant Treasurer. Nathan Steinke serves on this team from the Elders and Jonah Paul serves representing the Evangelism Committee. The Board of Education representative is John Harrington, Tim Moll is from the Property Committee and Jeff Slavin represents the Technology Committee. Pastor Gurle. Tarnation! I did it again. Gurgel serves as the Lead Advisor and Consultant to this Leadership/Coordinating Team, supporting our current staff, Pastor Patterson, staff minister Chad White and principal Kyle Raymond.
Thank the vicar for doing my spell-check for me. MS Word is so complicated. PS - Rock N Roll in Round Rock is toast, once we get started.***
GJ - Fortunately I was able to get an early draft, along with the strike-outs.
Kudu Don and the ex-SP have imbibed deeply from the false doctrine of Emerging Churches. Does anyone doubt now that Gurgle was a Church and Change leader from the beginning? Patterson? Gurgle's numbskull brother Rich at the Sausage Factory?
Quoting my source:
" --- Third, multi-site churches are all about ego
Neil Cole indicates that pastors of multi-site churches are primarily concerned with getting more butts in seats and bringing in more money in the offering plates."