Thursday, June 3, 2010

Trashing Me Will Not Help Your Cause,
O Cowardly Church and Money Changers

Tremble and weep, DPs.

The apostate Doctrinal Pussycats are trying to shore up their support by trashing me. I hear interesting stories, which are nothing new. The Boomer DPs are useless, except for propping up their golfing buddies in Church and Change.

Here is the low down. You DPs have buried so much garbage, told so many lies, and ducked so many responsibilities that the backlash is only beginning.

Someone wrote to me, a while ago, "When you finally die, everyone will be relieved."

Whether God wills one thing or another, His Word will continue to be a double-edged sword. The Book of Concord will still be the best exposition of Scripture found in Christendom, whether the clergy confess its truths or not.

God may continue to curse and punish WELS/ELS with false teachers and weak-kneed leaders.

Oddly, the same DPs who are too chicken to address false doctrine will go hormonal when their bad leadership is challenged in the least.

WELS told everyone that Columbus would calm down when I resigned from the synod, because I was tired of the lying adulterous leaders and false profits prophets. Instead, since they no longer had me to blame, Columbus blew up in a big way. Mark Schroeder was given the Left Foot of Fellowship, Robert Schumann polarized St. Paul's (another big money building project), and Nitz left. At some point Kovo took his Church Growth circus to the Ukraine, as Floyd Luther Stolzenburg's bagman for Thoughts of Faith.

The DPs fear that the clergy and laity can unite to take the Shrinkers' trotters from the trough. Fortunately, the economic crisis is forcing the issue. Unfortunately, the damage is done and the money is gone forever. But the Word works miracles.

As several people have pointed out, many are disillusioned with Church Growth. The fad turns mediocre lazy-bones into atheists. Many of the atheists stay in the clergy ranks because they can ride a congregation or synod all the way down to the bottom. Some are clever enough to get hired back after being fired. Wayne Mueller and Jim Aderman both came back from the dead, raised by the lion's grip of a master mason.

The Ex-Sp, Gurgle, got about $200,000 a year for 14 years, before he was encouraged to leave for parts unknown. That is a total of $2.8 million dollars, sports fans, and does not count the perks, such as free rides to work with the treasurer - whom he fired for doing his job. Gurgle too came back from the dead. Gurgle needed a retirement gig in Texas? Suddenly the teachers at Holy Word in Austin got their pay cut and he has a retirement job. How cosy for him. They take up an offering at the teachers' meeting to pay for the new staffer. Too bad he did not apply for the free vicar job.

And yet Holy Word has money to blow on going multi-site in Round Rock, where WELS already has a mission.

Pardon me for wandering around the fractured landscape of WELS stewardship, but does anyone get my drift?

That kind of wastefulness and self-centeredness cannot go on forever. Missouri is learning the same thing, after the extravagance of Kieschnick and his merry band of CG pranksters.

The free-spending came from a lack of trust in the Word, a profound trust in money. "If only we had enough money to do whatever we wanted!" The money burned a big hole in their nasty little pocketses and made their apostasy worse.

Anyone who thinks I am the cause of unrest should look in the mirror and crack open their dusty old Triglotta, which is probably way below Your Church and Grow! and Management By Objective.

  1. "We have no intention of yielding aught of the eternal, immutable truth of God for the sake of temporal peace, tranquility, and unity (which, moreover, is not in our power to do).
  2. Nor would such peace and unity, since it is devised against the truth and for its suppression, have any permanency.
  3. Still less are we inclined to adorn and conceal a corruption of the pure doctrine and manifest, condemned errors.
  4. But we entertain heartfelt pleasure and love for, and are on our part sincerely inclined and anxious to advance, that unity according to our utmost power, by which His glory remains to God uninjured, nothing of the divine truth of the Holy Gospel is surrendered, no room is given to the least error, poor sinners are brought to true, genuine repentance, raised up by faith, confirmed in new obedience, and thus justified and eternally saved alone through the sole merit of Christ."
    (Closing of Formula of Concord, Triglotta. p. 1095) Francis Pieper, The Difference Between Orthodox And Heterodox Churches, and Supplement, Coos Bay, Oregon: St. Paul's Lutheran Church, 1981, p. 65. Tappert, p. 632. Heiser, p. 294. FC SD XI, #94-96.

Each point is extremely significant and needs to be considered with great care, because it is our confession as Lutherans.

In my words:
I. We will never give up the truth of the Scriptures for the sake of the organization, to make it operate smoothly, to fake an immaculate image for a human institution. In fact, it is humanly impossible for us to manufacture unity.

II. Even if we tried, a false unity would never last. Look at the debacle of the church and ministry articles foisted upon the Little Sect on the Prairie by WELS Shrinkers.

III. We are never going to say, "This c-a-n be understood correctly," as if we have permission to hide the foul, stinking errors of false doctrine.There are not "g-r-e-y areas of Scripture," only a lack of grey matter applied to the Word.

IV. Our great love is for the pure doctrine of God's Word, the Gospel of grace, which gives God the glory and rescues sinners from eternal destruction, so they come to repentance and believe in the Promises of God, justified by faith alone in the merits of Christ.

Cowardly DPs, venomous Shrinkers, pusillanimous bureaucrats, do you imagine you can cover up your fellowship with Sweet, Stetzer, Wagner, Driscoll, Groeschel, and Stanley with personal attacks? Where is the logical connection? Why are you constantly engaged in shameful tactics? Why do you need to wipe your hob-nailed boots on every single person, laity or clergy, who gets in your way?

Come clean about your dirty, disgusting lies and ask for forgiveness before the cardiologist pronounces an end to your thieving, dishonest lives.

Faith According to Luther - And the Bible

Martin Luther denied UOJ - he was not a Schwaermer-Pietist.


Faith is the abundance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews xi. 1)

This is the noblest and dearest virtue of faith, that it closes its eyes and simply and joyfully leaves everything in the hands of God. It does not desire to know why God acts as He does, and it still holds Him to be the Highest Goodness and Justice, although to all reason, the senses and experience, nothing appears but wrath and injustice. That is why faith is called the proving of things not seen, and even the very opposite in what is seen. Therefore this is the highest honor and love towards God and the highest degree of such honor and love, that in these contrary things you can regard and praise Him as good and just. Here the natural eye must be completely plucked out, and there must be nothing but sheer faith. Otherwise there will be a grim and fearful vexation of spirit.

Letter to Haus v. Rechenberg, 1522. [W.A. 10. 323] Via Day by Day We Magnify Thee, pg. 237.

Via Gnesio Lutheran


L P has left a new comment on your post "Faith According to Luther - And the Bible":

I notice for UOJers, faith is just the rearrangement of furnitures. Everything is already in the room, the chairs, tables and lamps are already in the room, they are just not in their right places.

Contrary to Luther who found faith a problem, for UOJers, there is nothing to it (faith). It is no problem at all. It is no sweat, it is easy. Hence, to have it requires no miracle. Eventually faith is a Do It Yourself (DIY) activity.


The Egyptians Rob Us

Hands up! I am going to rob you!

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "WELS and Other Lutherans:The Differences Explained...":

The WELS' robbing the CG Egyptians is totally backwards. First the CG gurus rob the WELS, and then the CG initiates get the WELS to spend all it's members hard-earned cash.

Bible study is nearly free compared to the steep prices that the WELS must pay for attending out-of-state CG conferences, and getting Doctor of Divinity degrees at CG seminaries. Then the CG pastor gets his church and synod to spend all their gelt, and ends up with a lot fewer members and churches in the process. On top of that, it gets the CG pastors in trouble with the doctrinal arm-chair cops, even though their DPs might approve, or turn a blind eye.

The CG's "robbing the Egyptians" has many points of similarity to this woman who tried to avoid paying (robbing) at a parking tollbooth, which is relatively inexpensive, like studying the Bible. Whereby she lost her car and her insurability, and her reputation--having been booked by the cops. She nearly lost her life, while CG pastors risk losing eternal life and their listeners eternal life.

First, the woman got drunk and spent all her cash, much like CG pastors get drunk on CG and spend all their money on CG. Then she didn't have enough money to pay at the airport parking lot toll booth. So she tries to ram through, but ends up hitting the barrier launching her car a la Duke's of Hazzard County. Surprisingly, she survives unscathed, but exits car and makes a cellphone call, thereby igniting leaking gas tank. She is un-singed by fireball as one can see from the police booking mugshot:


Going General Lee.

I Get It!

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "WELS and Other Lutherans:The Differences Explained...":

So Satan gets the glory? Using the devil to share the Word! To God Be The Glory. The devil does NOT save. Where is Jesus/Christ crucified listed on that billboard? He who does not believe will be condemned. Faith comes from hearing the hearing the Message. Hey, I get it, this is one of the contemporary Means of Grace.

Plus Which, There Is Thrivent

Thrivent gives generously to the Salvation Army (above), Habitat for Humanity, ELCA, and other hotspots of Lutheran orthodoxy.

John has left a new comment on your post "Our Hope Is Built On Nothing Less Than Thrivent L...":

The WELS has Church and Change. The LC-MS has Ablaze and Rev. Kieschnick. The fact is that it's up to the pew sitter to conclude whether the congregation to which he/she belongs is abiding by Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

The first and foremost obligation of a shepherd is to his flock. Period!

In the event that the first and foremost obligation of a shepherd is to anything other than the flock, then it is to the wolf, period!

The shepherd must first and foremost feed his flock.

I will be a member only to a flock where the called shepherd is first and foremost feeding the flock to which he has been called.

The sheep are most important! I want only to be a member of a congregation where that is true!!!


WELS and Other Lutherans:
The Differences Explained

The LCMS uses Satan to promote its congregations:

WELS recognizes the efficacy of the Word alone, so its congregations do not need to ape the Babtists and Pesktecostals:

ELCA has an in-house lobbying group that overturns Biblical mandates:

In WELS, SP Gurgel got rid of Church and Change years ago:

The LCMS has spent vast amounts of money promoting the Church Growth Movement:

The Wisconsin Synod recognizes the primacy of the Means of Grace in a worship service:

ELCA ordains women, allowing them to preach and celebrate Holy Communion:

WELS is opposed to the ordination of women and has placed a moratorium on women celebrating Holy Communion:

The LCMS promotes Seeker Services, modeled after Willow Creek, and trains people there, even allowing congregations to be members of the Willow Creek Association:

WELS recognizes the danger of listening to false teachers, imitating their methods, and attending their conferences:

ELCA works with the Antichrist:

WELS still identifies the papacy as the Antichrist:

ELCA promotes homosexuality:

WELS opposes homosexuality:


The LCMS did nothing about DP Benke's unionism, except reward him for it:

WELS is opposed to unionism:

The Wisconsin Synod supports Mark Jeske, who preaches and teaches in WELS:

Correction - The LCMS supports Mark Jeske, who preaches and teaches in Missouri:

The LCMS lets the Shrinkers control the synod media:

The Wisconsin Synod carefully selects the orthodox:

Marvin Schwan gave Missouri millions and millions of dollars, but the synod has nothing to show for it:

Marvin Schwan gave WELS millions and millions of dollars, but the synod has nothing to show for it:


The MLC gay video is still posted on YouTube
If you click on the link, YouTube will suggest other gay videos to watch.

Professor Katz explains it for you.