Thursday, September 5, 2024

The Train-Wrecks of Lutherdom


ELCA continues to be the star train-wreck, consuming the LCA, ALC, AELC, which are the ULCA, the Augustana Synod, various Norwegian Synods, and a cancerous lump of the LCMS.

This reminds everyone of Matt the Fatt's incredible feat of electrifying his sect over a bogus charge against a layman, dangling his train mid-air so no one faces the meltdown of the LCMS education system.

WELS is very old, a rust-bucket of second-rate teachers chanting the same old nonsense, protecting the criminal element of clergy and the incompetence of professors. When WELS clergy are imprisoned, "It never happened."

The ELS train polished the saintly image of Marvin Schwan, who now has a sales robot named after him - Marvin. The Little Norwegians, adamant on the dogma of Objective Faithless Justification, exploited adultery in order to build shiny new, soon-to-be-empty buildings. Wisconsin Lutheran College got its share too. Never say "ELLS" and never admit knowing that Forbes published the truth. As one ELLS pastor stated, "Nobody reads Forbes!" Who ran around his sect saying that I put the Forbes article in Christian News? Yes, I thought the matter was too much like Walther covering up for Stephan and starting a riot to grab Stephan's land, money, and title. As one Lutheran said succinctly - "When the Stephan ships landed in New Orleans, a bishop (Stephan) and a pope (Walther) arrived - both heretics.

The Church of the Lutheran Confession...pause to weep with laughter over the name...has one great advantage. They are so deep into their inbred lines that students ask each other, "How are you related to me."

This very special train-wreck is dedicated to the addicts who must have their dreams, their visions, their DMins from Fuller Seminary, their Church Growth Principles. The train represents the thrill of almost being there, if they could only squeeze more money from Thrivent, the Schwan Foundation, and other venereal disorders. "He has gone too far!" said one seminary president. But the insiders know that the Four Waltherian Sects are founded upon Bishop Martin Stephan's syphilis, Pietistic dogma, and Walther's servile covering up the plague, until he could use it to take over.