Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Kudu Don Patterson and the Cone of Uncertainty

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Don and the Cone of Uncertainty

Central Texas has been at the mercy of a dome of high pressure this summer; suppressing any chance for the development of rain.  The scenario self-perpetuates itself by intense heating during the day that the rising ground temperatures feed the atmospheric heating therefore feeding the upper level high and exacerbating the situation further.  Experts say that a strong storm off the Gulf of Mexico would help to break down the pattern and provide some relief to the intense unfortunate as that might be with the inevitable destruction that comes with these storms.  As of this evening, Austin and much of the area is in the 'cone of uncertainty' and is hopeful...prayerful that we will see some relief.

According to the Holy Word Website, a Voter's Meeting has been set for Sunday, August 28th, 2011.

May the Good Lord provide relief.


GJ - Those pastors who teach justification by faith do not need bunny rabbits in their ads to promote Easter services.

He Promotes the NNIV for the KJV's 400th,
So He Will Promote the Reformation's 500th?

"I would rather have Larry Olson chair the committee. Seriously."

"Rev. John Braun, chairman of the Reformation 500 committee that was appointed by the COP in 2009, shared what plans are being put into place to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017. Some of these plans include area Reformation rallies, a celebratory book of essays, a new video on the life of Martin Luther, as well as a series of Bible studies and special services."

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Pharisaical Piety on Display


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Re: WELS 2011 Convention 7/25-7/29
« Reply #58 on: Today at 06:03:48 PM »
The most egregious application of the unit concept I have ever experienced was after my father's funeral.   Dad was Missourian, and Mom WELS.  They were members of an LCMS parish and baptized (and catechized some)  their first six kids in their LCMS parish.  Mom transferred to a WELS parish before the SC split, but dad was not big on attending church, only for funerals and weddings.

When dad died in 1981, we approached our WELS pastor about burying him from the funeral home, but he said no, so my aunt's LCMS pastor agreed to it (her parish was where dad last held membership) and buried him.  The WELS pastor attended the funeral, and admonished me (at the after funeral luncheon) for our participation in the prayers, hymns and service.   I had to ask him to back off and leave Ma' alone..

Romantic Comic Left Behind by ELS Observer

Ukraine Heretic Speaking at WELS Convention

Slide from the Ukraine - "Without WELS, the Word would not be as effective."


GJ - I was watching and thought, "I'll bet John Shep is going to phone me." A short time ago, John Shep phoned and said, "You probably thought I was going to phone you."

He had some questions for your evening discussion:

1. Is the ULC bishop still on the payroll of Lutheran Heritage, a Missouri RSO?
2. Does the bishop have a 6,000 square foot home?
3. If the ministers are without shoes and clothing, why are they wearing them in photos and vacationing in Italy?


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Ukraine Heretic Speaking at WELS Convention":

The second and third questions seem to explain, "Without WELS, the Word would not be as effective"

The laity are getting a good shellacking during this convention! If WELS had a dollar for every compliment given to the incompetent Bible selection committee they'd be debt free - doctrinally broke mind you - but debt free.


GJ - The compliments were really the standard way of getting into criticism. One must start, hat-in-hand, pleading ignorance, speaking in a halting voice, and denying any possible negative inference from what is coming. The only one who did not do that was their lone supporter, who launched into his confused defense of the NNIV.

So the compliments were just a prelude to the real content. I heard voices cracking with emotion, although quietly expressed, which told me how enraged they were. Naumann was one example.

Two DPs spoke against adopting the NNIV now, which was the sole agenda item of the Changers Translation Commissars.

By far, the strongest speech was DP Glaeske's "Slouching Toward Gomorrah" comparison. If examined closed, it was brutal, especially coming from a senior DP. He made the cultural comparison, that the NNIV was aimed our current culture, then moved to the book by Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork - Slouching Toward Gomorrah.

Babylon would be negative enough for WELS, but Sodom and Gomorrah represent the absolute pit of immorality in the Old and New Testaments. Look up the passages in your NIV, gentle readers.

DP Glaeske asked whether WELS wanted to go down that road and whether WELS would be stranded there. The sect made a grave mistake in adopting the NIV and persecuting/abandoning the KJV. Those who practice BOHICA get BOHICA in return. Billionaire Left Murdoch owns the NIV and calls the tune.

God's judgment will be measured out upon WELS in the coming years. Look at the sound theologians forgotten and excluded. Count up the crimes of the church workers against the members - often unpunished and glossed over. Read the putrid false doctrine being promoted at every teaching node of the sect.

Brett Meyer Reveals Why the Commissars Love, Love, Love the NNIV

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS Discussion Overwhelmingly Against NNIV. Trans...":

AC V correctly posted this issue with the 2011 NIV earlier:

NNIV Romans 3:23,24:

23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Italicized "all" is not in the original Greek. Yet the "ad fontes" WELS endorses the NNIV. In fact, the committee commending the NNIV to the synod in convention this summer highlights these verses as an improvement of the NIV.

(W)ELS Pastor Patterson will welcome this perversion of God's Word, having just excommunicated Joe and Lisa Krohn for holding to Justification by faith alone to the exclusion of forgiveness and righteousness declared by God to those without faith. They've taught the false gospel of UOJ for years, Kuske having adulterated Luther's Catechism in order to insert the anti-Christian doctrine into the section on Justification. Now they have a chance to officially use a Bible that finally teaches the doctrine.

Are they kidding?!? At least concerning the central doctrine of Justification a person could read the KJV, or even the troubled '84 NIV, and only come away, by the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, with Justification by faith in Christ alone. The KJV and NIV required the manipulated explanation of a trained UOJ false teacher to hear and believe in the false gospel. Now a small child will come away with Justification before and without faith on his own - no further Scriptural manipulation required.

Posting these verses again because they ought to ring in the ears of the Lutheran laity, clergy and synod officials.

Revelation 22:18-19, "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book."

Communication by Excommunication:
WELS Apostates Sell the Latest Edsel

"This beat-down is for your own immortal soul."

The abusive Leftist sect showed its true colors yesterday. While people were hailing the re-election of their non-leader Mark Schroeder, the Biblical Porn Committee was at work.

First, let's discuss the issue by having its chief advocate, Wendland, give a solo performance on how good the NNIV is. Wendland did that in the afternoon, repeating his district convention performance.

I did not look over the agenda. Did someone get equal time to point out the glaring faults of the NNIV? I doubt it.

The whole idea of Diaprax is to allow people plenty of time to discuss what has already been decided for them. Then it becomes their decision. They join in turning against anyone who doubts the wisdom of the dramatic change.

How much friendship was offered to those who continued to plea for the KJV, when Judas Jeske led WELS to the NIV? Those KJV pastors were excommunicated, thrown out. Yet WELS bragged about using the KJV beforehand, pointing out how those nasty Commie liberals switched to modern translations.

Someone pointed out how the KJV was printed on one side of the lectionary inserts, the NIV on the other side, for a period of time. The alternative was offered, then taken away. That is a good example of hypocrisy, where the KJV is printed to lead people away from it.

The KJV is Luther's English Bible, enjoying its 400th anniversary this year, but it is really almost 500 years old. Tyndale studied under Luther and Melanchthon at Wittenberg, printed his first English Bible in Germany, and suffered a martyr's death for the Bible. WELS chooses to remain ignorant of those facts as they lust for the NNIV.

The WELS translation commissars tried this fable on their audience - The Southern Baptist convention voted against the NNIV because they wanted to sell their own Holman Christian Standard Bible.

No, the Baptists have kept the KJV alive while the Lutherans chased after Baptist mentors like Doug Moo, Ed Stetzer and C. Peter Wagner. I question whether the Holman's leaden prose will catch on anywhere. Read the 23rd Psalm in the Holman on Bible Gateway. They must have thrown darts at sheet of words to come up with such horrible phrasing.

The Baptists are rather independent, too. They are not pulled along, like sows with iron rings in their snouts. Lutherans seem to conform for a long time, but they break out on their own too. No one knows where the breaking point is.

Knocking the Baptists over money is the laugh of the week. The only argument for the NNIV is the money issue. Billionaire Murdoch will shut down the old NIV in two years, so all the WELS NIV works will have to stop too. They want an easy transition into the wretched NNIV and saving money at that. In fact, they could switch to another translation tomorrow if they wished.

Get this, innocent readers - WELS is paying to use the NIV, so WELS is part of Murdoch's cash-flow. WELS will pay for any modern translation it uses in its materials. However, since Bibles sell well and keep changing every few weeks, any change is profitable, because high sales mean every Bible sold is pure profit.

WELS scheduled one hour for the translation commissars to bat down opposition to the NNIV. The discussion lasted about two hours, revealing the transparent excuses thrown out for the NNIV being adopted.

The pathetic translation commissars referred adoringly to Douglas Moo, Wheaton College professor. His job is to promote the NNIV, so his approval is self-serving and money grubbing as well. He has long been an advocate of radical paraphrase "translations."

Those who participate in these commercial ventures get all kinds of financial rewards for them. Like Jeske, they get free trips and other benefits. They are not going to list them, but the incentives are there.

If I could get an entire denomination, even a dying one like WELS, to endorse a constant-selling book of any kind, the cash spent to land a client like that would be coffee money.

The NNIV will be a big hit in the mainlines. The WELS endorsement is more evidence that WELS has been mainline, apostate, for decades.

Fuller alumnus and WELS VP Huebner sold Edsels before.
Look for the union label.