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Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":
Time of Grace layin'
it all out there:
Time of Grace on Facebook:
Jesus is already
pure, and now he says you are too. Do you look at yourself as pure? Or does your
guilty conscience endlessly remind you of what a piece of trash you are? You are
pure. He made purification for you! When you lay your head on the pillow
tonight, you can say, "I am pure." Not on the basis of your own performance, but
on the basis of HIS performance.
That kind of theology is
exactly what the orthodox Lutheran theologians at Wittenberg condemned Samuel
Huber for only 15 years after the Book of Concord was published:
“And to
make his (Huber) opinion plain enough to us, he then asked us, how we would deal
with people, if we came to a place, where nothing had been taught about Christ
before. Then we answered him that we would start with the Law; make it clear to
them that they were poor sinners and under the wrath of God, which they should
recognize with penitent hearts. If they now were sorry for their sins, God
offers through the Gospel His grace and remission of sins in Christ, wishing to
make them righteous and saved, as far as they would accept it in true faith.
To this Dr. Huber responded: No, this would not be the true way to preach to
the unbelievers, but he would begin by saying this: You have the grace of God,
you have the righteousness of Christ, you have salvation.” -
Theologica Witebergensia, Frankfurt an Mayn 1664, p. 554.
Link - from Bethany Lutheran College!, E. Teigen's course:
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Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":
Another Time of
Grace gem:
One of the great gifts that our Bethlehem birthday
boy came to bring is to switch on the lights for people, then and now, who
are blind and stumbling around in darkness. - "Messiah is
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Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":
Medical quacks
partners with Time of Grace? Posted under "We're excited to share this great
video with you from Dr. Tom Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a
member of Pastor Jeske's home church. Enjoy!"
Martha Torreson As
an RN, ND who practices with significant emphasis on spiritual care, I was
interested in what Dr. Potisk had to say...much good to encourage healthy
living. But am somewhat concerned that he doesn't seem to accurately reflect a
medical model (I understand he comes from a chiropractic practice), and of more
concern is the subtle mixture of some New Age religious beliefs in his wholistic
approach...lacking in glorifying God in these beings (our lives) that He created
and that He redeemed, and that He will raise to live eternally in the New Heaven
& New Earth! Just trying to add to this "healthy" discussion in Christian
love, most sincerely!!
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Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":
Censorship at Time
of Grace:
We're excited to share this great video with you from Dr. Tom
Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a member of Pastor Jeske's home
church. Enjoy!
Time of Grace, Spiritual Growth for You and Me Time of Grace is my
favorite Christian spiritual growth media source.
Like · Comment · 7 hours
ago ·
Debbie Johnson, Hannah Arneth, Jane Sternberg and 5 others like
this. 2 shares
Tom Potisk Thanks TOG! My intention with this
video/article is to introduce my fans to your wonderful mission. Keep up the
fantastic work! 7 hours ago
Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Dr. Potisk, I
see from your blog post on your website that you have a book called "Wellness
Wins!" that promotes many of your holistic health philosophies.
I was just wondering if all the
spiritual wisdom in your book is strictly speaking from a Christian point of
view, or if you draw on ideas from other faiths as well (I noticed a mention of
Deepak Chopra, for example.) Thanks for any info you can provide! 4 hours
Elizabeth Woodfin Moll Thank you for your post, Emily - you
are not the only one with serious concerns. 3 hours
Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Hey, where did Emily's post go? 3
hours ago
Craig Gerke Thank you for your previous post, Emily. It
was deleted. I thought Time of Grace's social media policy was to engage in
conversation. Apparently certain conversations are not welcome. Sad. 2 hours
Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Yes, I don't understand why Emily's
post was deleted. It seemed like she was just raising some legitimate questions/
concerns about Dr. Potisk's teachings and spiritual stance. Would someone from
Time of Grace be able to address this...? about an hour ago
Time of
Grace Our policy, shortened, is to "Support each other as together we share
the love of Jesus Christ" and to "promote community and HEALTHY discussion". We
try to be very understanding with posts and opinions and comments, but if you do
not adhere to that policy (i.e., supporting each other with healthy
conversation) then we will remove your comments to protect the rest of our ToG
family who is adhering to that policy with respect and Christ-like love. about
an hour ago
Craig Gerke Thank you guys for the response! I'm not
sure what the previous poster Emily said that was
Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, Patterson. |
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Jeske, Time of Grace: Samuel Huber's False Do...":
Lest we lose the
direct link to the UOJ "Messiah is Coming" book, here it
lest someone retort with a "But that's Subjective Justification," here's Time of
Grace's mission as published on Facebook:
AboutToG is a
non-profit outreach media ministry that was founded in 2001. The sole mission is
to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through
the most advanced technology available.