Thursday, November 3, 2011

Joe Krohn: "Don't Pray for Me, Fake-0-Blogger"

Joe Krohn

LutherRocks said to the fake Ichabod...

Please don't pray for me. You are of another spirit, which you revealed in a comment concerning our excommunication. And like the cowards you are and continue to be, you deleted it. You have bigger problems than Dr. Jackson. If I can't think for myself, then neither can the Intrepids since they are confessing said same. Why don't you attend to your own WELS house instead of being concerned with those outside of your fellowship who really have no say in the matter.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Joe Krohn: "Don't Pray for Me, Fake-0-Blogger"":

Actually they deleted all of of the dialogue I had with them last summer. I don't know who these guys are, but if they are laymen they ought to be ashamed of themselves. If they are clergy as you claim, well, they are unfit for ministry.


GJ - They are shameless, exhibiting the typical behavior of the Sausage Factory graduates. Tim gave himself away by sending comments, which have a date stamp, while Appleton lit up on the Feedjit map, showing the same time. Feedjit also displays the operating system, which was Apple. Tim always got upset when The CORE was criticized, but not when anything else from Church and Change was addressed.

WELS - Do You Really Think Main Problem with Mark Jeske
Is His Relationship with the LCMS?
Wake Up and Smell the New Age,
Right Under Your Gin-Blossomed Noses

AC V has left a new comment on your post "And We Know His Name":

This pap is all over the ToG Facebook account:

"Visualize God's face right now. Visualize him smiling at you. He likes you, you know."

Contra Walther: “Bear this in mind, dear friends . . . it is your duty not only to believe as the Church believes, but also to speak in harmony with the Christian Church.” - Law and Gospel, 276-277


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "WELS - Do You Really Think Main Problem with Mark ...":

Visualization is a core teaching of the occult.

Good Idea for Backing Up Research, This Blog and Others

Hi Dr. Jackson,

 I found out that the supposed backup feature in is quite limited. It just backs up your
text, but not pictures or anything else. In order to "mirror" your entire blog or website, one has to 
use a free program like WinHT Web Site Copier available at

  So two days and some hours ago I aimed it at your home page for Ichabod, and even though I 
have AT&T U-Verse 200 Level, it took all that time to download your entire Ichabod blog. The total was
27.4 GB and  98,000 files. fed the files to my PC over the internet at a rate of about 27 kilobytes per second, I think it was.

 Of course, each file is not a blog entry. I suppose you have several thousand blog entries, and the way website editing works, you end up with many files and a few sub-directories per blog entry.

  So now I can browse Ichabod all the way back to 2006 or whenever the first entry was, all offline. It's
speedier, too, since it doesn't have to be downloaded to my computer as I navigate.

Anyway, I suggest you get WinHT and back up your entire site in case some hacker destroys it first, or just for peace of mind. I'll keep and update my copy of it.


GJ - My specialty is destroying peace of mind, among false teachers. Notice how useful this would have been for downloading all of Church and Change or Issues in WELS, both now as extinct as the dodo bird.

Also, trying to search with the little window on the blog - it is not very effective. I often just use Google's main search window for that.

And We Know His Name

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Time of Grace: Samuel Huber's False Do...":

Kurt Peters Why does it say Mark Jeske? 29 minutes ago


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "And We Know His Name":

This one is even more offensive:!/photo.php?fbid=10150368334508006&set=a.461286403005.263920.186323323005&type=1&permPage=1  

Quote of the Day - Huber's Easter Absolution Shot Down by Book of Concord Peers.
Someone - Please Tell Jay Webber, Pope John, and Rolf Preus


GJ - Does the Little Sect on the Prairie have an excuse for promoting the Walther/Huber Easter absolution, contrary to the Book of Concord editor P. Leyser and his peers at Wittenberg University?

Tom Hardt is the court theologian for the ELS, and his essay is linked by Erling Teigen at Bethany Lutheran College.

Please - someone email Jay Webber, Rolf Preus, and Pope John the Malefactor.

Mark Jeske, Time of Grace:
Samuel Huber's False Doctrine Regurgitated

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Readers Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":

Time of Grace layin' it all out there:

Time of Grace on Facebook:

Jesus is already pure, and now he says you are too. Do you look at yourself as pure? Or does your guilty conscience endlessly remind you of what a piece of trash you are? You are pure. He made purification for you! When you lay your head on the pillow tonight, you can say, "I am pure." Not on the basis of your own performance, but on the basis of HIS performance.

That kind of theology is exactly what the orthodox Lutheran theologians at Wittenberg condemned Samuel Huber for only 15 years after the Book of Concord was published:

“And to make his (Huber) opinion plain enough to us, he then asked us, how we would deal with people, if we came to a place, where nothing had been taught about Christ before. Then we answered him that we would start with the Law; make it clear to them that they were poor sinners and under the wrath of God, which they should recognize with penitent hearts. If they now were sorry for their sins, God offers through the Gospel His grace and remission of sins in Christ, wishing to make them righteous and saved, as far as they would accept it in true faith. To this Dr. Huber responded: No, this would not be the true way to preach to the unbelievers, but he would begin by saying this: You have the grace of God, you have the righteousness of Christ, you have salvation. - Concilia Theologica Witebergensia, Frankfurt an Mayn 1664, p. 554.

Link - from Bethany Lutheran College!, E. Teigen's course:


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Readers Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":

Another Time of Grace gem:

One of the great gifts that our Bethlehem birthday boy came to bring is to switch on the lights for people, then and now, who are blind and stumbling around in darkness. - "Messiah is Coming"


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Readers Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":

Medical quacks partners with Time of Grace? Posted under "We're excited to share this great video with you from Dr. Tom Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a member of Pastor Jeske's home church. Enjoy!"

Martha Torreson As an RN, ND who practices with significant emphasis on spiritual care, I was interested in what Dr. Potisk had to say...much good to encourage healthy living. But am somewhat concerned that he doesn't seem to accurately reflect a medical model (I understand he comes from a chiropractic practice), and of more concern is the subtle mixture of some New Age religious beliefs in his wholistic approach...lacking in glorifying God in these beings (our lives) that He created and that He redeemed, and that He will raise to live eternally in the New Heaven & New Earth! Just trying to add to this "healthy" discussion in Christian love, most sincerely!!


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Readers Respond to the Wizard Mark Jeske: WELS LCM...":

Censorship at Time of Grace:

We're excited to share this great video with you from Dr. Tom Potisk, friend and partner of Time of Grace and a member of Pastor Jeske's home church. Enjoy!

Time of Grace, Spiritual Growth for You and Me Time of Grace is my favorite Christian spiritual growth media source.
Like · Comment · 7 hours ago ·

Debbie Johnson, Hannah Arneth, Jane Sternberg and 5 others like this. 2 shares

Tom Potisk Thanks TOG! My intention with this video/article is to introduce my fans to your wonderful mission. Keep up the fantastic work! 7 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Dr. Potisk, I see from your blog post on your website that you have a book called "Wellness Wins!" that promotes many of your holistic health philosophies.

I was just wondering if all the spiritual wisdom in your book is strictly speaking from a Christian point of view, or if you draw on ideas from other faiths as well (I noticed a mention of Deepak Chopra, for example.) Thanks for any info you can provide! 4 hours ago

Elizabeth Woodfin Moll Thank you for your post, Emily - you are not the only one with serious concerns. 3 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Hey, where did Emily's post go? 3 hours ago

Craig Gerke Thank you for your previous post, Emily. It was deleted. I thought Time of Grace's social media policy was to engage in conversation. Apparently certain conversations are not welcome. Sad. 2 hours ago

Nancy-Elizabeth Wentzel Yes, I don't understand why Emily's post was deleted. It seemed like she was just raising some legitimate questions/ concerns about Dr. Potisk's teachings and spiritual stance. Would someone from Time of Grace be able to address this...? about an hour ago

Time of Grace Our policy, shortened, is to "Support each other as together we share the love of Jesus Christ" and to "promote community and HEALTHY discussion". We try to be very understanding with posts and opinions and comments, but if you do not adhere to that policy (i.e., supporting each other with healthy conversation) then we will remove your comments to protect the rest of our ToG family who is adhering to that policy with respect and Christ-like love. about an hour ago

Craig Gerke Thank you guys for the response! I'm not sure what the previous poster Emily said that was unhealthy?

Parlow, Jeske, Kelm, Patterson.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Mark Jeske, Time of Grace: Samuel Huber's False Do...":

Lest we lose the direct link to the UOJ "Messiah is Coming" book, here it is:

And lest someone retort with a "But that's Subjective Justification," here's Time of Grace's mission as published on Facebook:

ToG is a non-profit outreach media ministry that was founded in 2001. The sole mission is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with as many people as possible through the most advanced technology available.

The Socially Retarded Samuel Thrace Continues To Reveal His Mequon Ejukation

Ron Ash, a more modest view of Katy Perry, and the saucer-eyed Tim Glende,
leading the Groeschelites into battle against Lutheran worship and doctrine.

 Samuel Thrace said...

I found it interesting that Greg thinks that Tim Glende wrote my post mocking Brett Meyer for thinking he is well known and has patented catch phrases.

I just want to affirm that I am not Tim Glende, Real Ichabod, or Anonymouse. I know that Greg wants to think that Tim is the only one who opposes him. The truth is that there are a lot of people who see through his plastic mask and know that he is nothing but an angry and bitter man, jealous of those who still have an actual ministry and who live in places that are not as backward as Arkansas. (Yeah, I know that there are a lot of good people in Arkansas, but it's also the state that stupidly convicted the East Memphis Three of murder just because they dressed in black and listened to Metallica.)

Oh, as someone who had two daughters with special needs, Greg should also know better than to use the word "retarded" as an insult.


GJ - Socially retarded  means that the participants on the fake blog have never grown up. The smart-aleck response from this Samuel Thrace is another indication of his limited vocabulary and reading comprehension.

Socially retarded is a fair description of the Sausage Factory graduates, as they admit among themselves. They act like little boys, even when ready to graduate in their middle to late 20s.

Like little boys, they still have their secret society, GA, which hosts an annual hazing ritual. But they continue to deny GA, even though six victims went through it recently. How juvenile is that - the need to continue hazing and the continuous deceit? Mequon is the only Lutheran seminary with hazing rituals - no wonder they are ashamed to admit it.

I know that Greg wants to think that Tim is the only one who opposes him.  That shows a mature mode of thinking. I would love to have Sister Mary Perpetua diagram that sentence. Graduates of the fabulous WELS system do not undergo that kind of rigor - obviously. "I know that Greg wants to think that..." His divine omniscience is simply stunning. He not only knows what I think, but what I want to think. I am happy for the opponents who continue to read Ichabod. Sometimes they turn to the Scriptures and Confessions, repenting. The Word of God enlightens and converts, but it also hardens and blinds.

Brett Meyer Responds to the Lying Blog

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Tim Glende and Ski Rev Up Their Slander Blog Again...":

Those plagiarizing apostates are so funny. Someone either posted to their blog in my name (unlikely since they haven't published a post since June of 2011) or are blatantly lying, quoting a comment I never made. Anyone who has read my comments knows that I'm the only person who bundles the ELS and WELS together in this fashion (W)ELS. It's my way of showing that through the two synod's violent marriage they are both responsible for each others false doctrine and practice. A subtle distinction that is lost on the false teaching clowns of American Lutheran Apostasy.

Faithful Confessional Lutherans should let them roar and thrash as loudly as they dare, for through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.(2 Peter 2:3) But these, as natural brute beasts, made to be taken and destroyed, speak evil of the things that they understand not; and shall utterly perish in their own corruption; (2 Peter 2:12)

By the grace and mercy of God, In Christ,
Brett Meyer


GJ - Brett points out something I have seen before, and it has happened again in similar fashion. These poor Sausage Factory graduates are socially retarded, acting like little boys kicked out of Cub Scouts for spitting on the den mother and befouling the punch. Sad to say, their behavior is not unusual for WELS clergy.

Many months ago someone posted in my name, too. But this also happened today. There is a long quotation, marked by quotation marks, as if I published it, but I did not write." It is a typical Straw Man, and the writer implies with his deception that I said something that proves he is right. How clever, to make up another quotation to prove the anonymous liar right.

That is why I quote people verbatim and also give the link. Often the original material disappears (examples - Church and Change websty, Issues in WELS website, Rick Johnson's offering figures, Rick Johnson's adoring review of Leonard Sweet). Anyone can check out the original before it is removed, and read it over if the Ichabod effect kicks in too fast.

I appreciate the conflict, Appleton boys. The page-reads are beyond 2,000 today and adding up fast. Many people enjoy seeing Mark Jeske's errand boys make fools of themselves.


Samuel Thrace has left a new comment on your post "Tim Glende and Ski Rev Up Their Slander Blog Again...":

Well isn't this pathetic! Brett Meyer thinks he's well known? He thinks that he has patented catch phrases? That's almost as pathetic as Greg's opinion that he's got a ministry because a few people download his sermons!

(By the way, I was suspicious that the Brett Meyer post on Real Ichabod was fake because it wasn't nearly as long-winded, meandering, and angry as the posts by the real Brett Meyer. Being long-windedd, meandering, and angry is his true patented catch phrase.)


GJ - Tim, try to hide your identity better. We all know how much you rage, always going over the same phrases that tickle your lupine brain.

Tim Glende and Ski Rev Up Their Slander Blog Again

Which one is Glende? Which one is Ski?
They are allergic to crab, but they love feasting on mutton.

Every few months Tim Glende has to unload another blog post, a good indication that the facts are getting to him, his hide bristling again.

I consider Jack Kilcrease and Tim Glende good indicators. The more they rage, betraying their pettiness, the better I feel.

They have trouble counting. I read that I have a two-member church. And yet we have had 30 households watching the live broadcasts, with thousands of file reads already recorded. We have had members visit from the Northwest, Michigan, Ohio, and even from Arkansas. Glende is famous for excommunicating an attorney who correctly identified the parson as a blatant plagiarist of Craig Groeschel's nonsense.

Glende is a Facebook friend of Don Patterson, who excommunicated Joe and Lisa Krohn for asking doctrinal questions. Joe dared to wonder about the folly of paying Cornerstone (LCMS-WELS) $45,000 to jump-start a mission next door to the Rock N Roll WELS mission.

The Church and Changers do not care to teach doctrine, not even their own. They rage against the truth of the Gospel. Every so often I read congregational statements of faith. The summaries are so vague and generic that any sect could publish them, but no Lutheran congregation should.

Don Patterson, Tim Glende, and Ski are true ecumenists - they love every confession of faith, except their own.

Men of His Word - Means the Word of Their Father Below.
Church and Change Founder John Johnson
Turns Wolf Definition Upside-down.

Session List, Men of His Word Conference, 2012

Presenter: John Johnson

This Session Is Designed To Help You Recognize Wolves, Understand What Drives Their Hunger, And Learn How To Keep Them From Forming A “Pack” At Your Work Or Church.  These Wolves, Sometimes Known As “Clergy Killers,” Have An Underlying Agenda To Discredit And Take Down A Leader.  They Always Claim The Best Intentions, But Build Coalitions Against The Leader Behind His Back.   Therefore, Having Authentic Christian Brothers Around You Is Even More Critical Today Than Ever Before.  Learn To Protect Yourself And Your Brothers. The Kingdom Of God Is At Stake. 


GJ - No one can adequately express the hilarity of John Johnson, a founder of Church and Change, giving an address titled "Wolves in Sheep's Clothing."

KJV Matthew 7:15 Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. 16 Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? 17 Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. 19 Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. 20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. 21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? 23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity. 24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

"Thou art Steve Witte, a crown without wit,
yet I wilt build my Asian porta-sem upon thy Gordon-Conwell DMin.
Go and rage against Lutheran doctrine,
for everything must change to fulfill the will
of Our Father Below."

KJV Acts 20:27 For I have not shunned to declare unto you all the counsel of God. 28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood. 29 For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. 30 Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them. 31 Therefore watch, and remember, that by the space of three years I ceased not to warn every one night and day with tears.

WELS Church and Change began in Fox Valley, led by Steve Witte and John Johnson and John Parlow. They have taken down their website and gone into hiding, because I exposed their faces, titles, and odious doctrine. All I had to do was quote them and publish their leering, lupine faces. In the meantime, as I warned, Mark Jeske created a number of clone organizations, so he could gather a bevvy of Enthusiasts providing an income stream.

Johnson is warning WELS clergy and laity against the Intrepid Lutherans and anyone else who might oppose their infernal wisdom.