Sunday, May 6, 2012

Allergic to Luther, Hunnius, and Preus'
Justification and Rome.
The UOJ Troops Hide in Their Bunkers

Luther - Third Sermon, Ascension Day

51. The reason the world cares naught about the preaching of faith is that it lives in false security and in carelessness, having neither knowledge nor experience of the terrors of sin and a troubled conscience. But when death and its horrors overtake it, then it knows of no help and plunges suddenly into despair. Then it will, indeed, having waited too long, realize what it is to have faith, of which it hitherto knew nothing. It will learn that faith is not a dead letter, not mere words of the tongue, a vague idea or a mere imagination, which the papists call faith, but a fearless and strong courage that, with all boldness of heart, relies on Christ, in defiance of sin, death and hell.

Brett Meyer's review of the new Hunnius book should make people take notice of the scams they are funding with their offering money.

The skimming does not just happen at the national level, but also in the parish. The consultants fly into town and say, "You need to remodel your church. We know just the people who can make that happen." The fundraisers arrive, and for a small fortune, they swindle the church into going deeply into debt.

Does anyone remember which Church Growth founder argued for going into debt to spur the congregation into growing? Yes - Robert Schuller did - and he was thrown out of his lavish property by his own board, whose members chose to sell out to Roman Catholicism rather than keep the white elephant called Crystal Cathedral.

The UOJ Shrinkers love their mentors at Willow Creek, Fuller Seminary, Mars Hill, and Granger, Indiana. Universal absolution gives them freedom to turn worship into copycat entertainment, Christian doctrine into elastic dogma.

But all they have to offer is their law. Listen to their emphasis on doing, the repetitions of must and have-to, ought-to and must not. Once they have people feeling guilty for not doing enough, they offer their law as the medicine to remove the guilt.

KJV Matthew 23:15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Hunnius - Reviewed by Brett Meyer":

Brett Meyer - Thank your for your excellent book review!

It is so true and contemporary, what you state:

"........Those who reject the Holy Spirit and the righteousness of faith which He works solely through the Word will continue to swallow the putrid and rancid vomit of Huber and his contemporary ilk......" [Your excellent choice of words]

Added to this, I witness another trend (but yet, I think an outgrowth, associated with UOJ), in "Christian" preaching - and among Lutherans. This, being, the elimination of 2 "uses of the Law" - (rule and curb). But, you can be sure that the UOJ clergy crowd preaches to their congregations the 1st use of the law, - that, being, the mirror. Then, almost schizophrenically and, abruptly, come, the blanket pardon absolution, followed by the sermon UOJ teaching that congregational members have the automatic imputation of Christ's absolution / pardon / righteousness, apart from personal faith through the Holy Spirit's working.

This slippery slope, downward, again, leaves out personal faith which must be initiated and generated by the Holy Spirit. To the UOJ'S the "washing of regeneration" [Titus 3:5] is a (completely) done deal at infant baptism. It doesn't matter (then) what the church member does, throughout a sinful life of denying that Baptism. Hence, no need for Luther's Scriptural contextual words (referring to the Holy Spirit) in his explanation to the 3rd Article of the Apostles' Creed:

".....even as He calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith; in which Christian Church He daily and richly forgives all sins to me and all believers,....."

Also, I ask, (for instance): “How often in a Lutheran funeral service do you ever hear about the deceased soul’s, personal faith in Christ, wrought about and nourished by the Holy Spirit?” This mention is, about as scarce, as hen’s teeth! Hence, the Scripture teaching of “justification by faith alone,” is (again) undermined and kicked to the cellar back door.

I say more about the destructiveness of the false UOJ teaching in my latest online topical message: "What is the Gospel? How is it perverted?" -

Thank you for your excellent review. I thought that much of it that I added the Ichabod web link to the aforementioned message.

Priceless souls out there need to hear the truth, - and, as difficult as it may be, for some of them to hear it, (knowing they hold such high respect for their perspective church bodies and synods), - nevertheless, they need to be warned, so that they can be informed, and, so, "turn away" from false teaching and teachers, in the context of 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel 

Hunnius - Reviewed by Brett Meyer

Theses Opposed to Huberianism: A Defense of the Lutheran Doctrine of Justification [Paperback]

Aegidius Hunnius (Author), Paul A. Rydecki (Translator)


Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

I was reminded of this verse while reading Aegidius Hunnius’ Theses Opposed To Huberianism, A Defense Of The Lutheran Doctrine Of Justification.  Huber’s errors honor that which is contrary to Scripture and by his doctrine’s perverse rationalizations pronounces God’s justification upon the unregenerate and unbelieving horde while condemning the faith of the Holy Spirit and those who confess the doctrine of Justification faithfully.  In classic Satanic fashion the errors of Huber teach doctrines that are 180 degrees opposed to Scripture resulting in Huber and the modern Lutheran Synods worshiping and honoring these false teachings while condemning those which are faithful to God’s Word.

Pastor Paul Rydecki of the (W)ELS translated the doctrinal theses from Latin to English and also provided a succinct historical introduction - which clearly depicts the doctrinal challenges the Lutheran church was facing at the time of its writing.  The introduction also briefly details a history of Aegidius Hunnius which establishes him as a faithful Christian defender of the faith.  Hunnius had experience in correcting compromises in doctrine as a professor at the University of Marburg and was hired by the University of Wittenburg as superintendent and professor with a specific task to restore faithfulness to Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

As one of the early signers of the Formula of Concord, Hunnius was well suited to address the errors of Samuel Huber and to speak from the authority of Scripture and the established faithfulness of the Lutheran Confessions regarding Huber’s false teachings.  The attentive reader will find that Hunnius rejected any inference or assertion that Huber’s doctrine of Justification and its related affect on his teachings concerning Election and Baptism were in harmony with Scripture or the Book of Concord.

The theses addressed Huber’s errors in three areas.  They were: his doctrine Concerning Election, That Is, The Predestination To Eternal Life, The Huberian Universal Justification of Believers and Unbelievers and his doctrine Concerning the Huberian Regeneration Hypocrites In Baptism.  I will state here that the errors taught by Samuel Huber during the time of the Reformation are the same errors being taught by all of the Lutheran Synods (CLC, ELCA, ELS, LCMS and WELS), The Seventh Day Adventists and the New Age Religion in what is today known as the doctrine of Universal Objective Justification.  Hunnius even uses (W)ELS CA/AZ DP Pastor Jon Buchholz’ favored term General Justification on page 61, Theses 19 in describing the heinous false teaching that the whole world of unbelievers were forgiven of all sin and declared righteous without faith in Christ alone.

At this time I will refrain from comparing the false teaching of Huber to that of the Lutheran Synods as Febreze has performed that task well in the following blog post comparing Huber’s teaching to that of the (W)ELS

A few things stand out from reading Hunnius and even the quote of Martin Chemnitz in Pastor Rydecki’s introduction.  First there is no quarter given to those who are persistent false teachers, leading men, women and children into damnation through their false teachings.  Chemnitz states, “For it was a labor far greater than those of Hercules to rescue the true light from the unspeakably dense darkness and the putrid filth and cesspools of the Antichrist …” p7.  Hunnius also spoke of Huber’s errors with equal fury, “his rancid and moldy book” p9, “he (Huber) tries to outdo his own father (Satan) by whom he writes and speaks?” p9, “and, by the grace of God, so to stop up his impudent mouth (which knows how to spew forth nothing but the most shameful lies) that learned and unlearned alike may carefully observe who that spirit is by whose dictation Huber vomits forth his writings in the Christian world and truly tries to sell and thrust his belching and vomiting upon all people …” p10.

There is also equal passion for praising and honoring faithfulness to the Word in pure Christian teaching and acknowledging the power, efficacy, supremacy and perspicuity of God’s Word.  Today too many require false teachers to be referred to with dignity and respect and this taking priority over dealing swiftly and faithfully to the false doctrine and practice being promoted publicly.  Certainly there is leniency given to false teaching and practice which directly reflects the value and honor which is lacking or nonexistent toward faithfully pure doctrine and practice.  The errors of Huber which is given a thorough Scriptural and Confessional thrashing by Hunnius in these Theses gives the proper honor to God’s Word and relegates false teaching to its appropriate place which is among that which is the most vile and disgusting, right below dog poo.  I was again reminded of Proverbs 17:15.

Hunnius refuted this bizarre claim, posted on LutherQuest (sic).

Another thing that stood out for me was the precise and all-sufficient hammer blows of Hunnius as he wielded God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions against the false Satanic doctrinal teachings of Huber’s UOJ – declaring a universal election to salvation and therefore being heirs of Christ and children of God, the faithless forgiveness of sins and the teaching that  hypocrites are received into God‘s grace without faith.  Hunnius rejects UOJ in its entirety underscoring its “insoluble contradictions and most prodigious absurdities.” (P61) Hunnius applies Scripture and logical reason which is subject to God’s Word to refute and expose Huber’s UOJ and leaves it at that.  Done.  Hunnius states it this way following the above quote, “Therefore let him enjoy his justification, and let him bless his elect and sanctified people with it – Turks, Jews, and all unbelievers.  We in the meantime, shall restrict justification to believers only, as prescribed by all prophetic and apostolic Scriptures.”

Hunnius’ theses are thorough and complete.  They address the false gospel of UOJ in all of the same ways and with the same tools that many are using today to refute this heinous doctrine which has consumed the Lutheran Synods and the world.  Only today the laity are less inclined to heed the authority and perspicuity of Holy Scripture and the proven faithfulness of the Lutheran Confessions in judging and differentiating faithful doctrines from those false doctrines spawned in the pit of Hell by the lickspittle of the Antichrist.  Today, the same faithful arguments of Hunnius against UOJ are simply disregarded and just as in his day, claims of Calvanism are being waged against faithful Pastors and laymen who stand shoulder to shoulder in defense of Christ’s chief and central doctrine of Justification.

The faithful application of God’s Word is ignored by the hypocrites and the contradictions and unscriptural teachings are embraced as evidence of God’s hand establishing paradoxes which are beyond our comprehension.  It’s been said many times before--and most recently by pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel--who wrote that it is the Holy Spirit alone who, through the Means of Grace, works Godly contrition, faith and understanding of God’s Word in men whom God has called.  As much as Hunnius’ faithful theses address the false gospel of UOJ, those who reject the Holy Spirit in the purely spoken Word, faithful Lutheran Confessions and faithful reasoning of God’s children cannot nor will they ever understand or confess these things unless it is given them by the Holy Spirit to do so.  Those who reject the Holy Spirit and the righteousness of faith which He works solely through the Word will continue to swallow the putrid and rancid vomit of Huber and his contemporary ilk.  But, all glory and honor to God, there will be those who, purely by God’s grace and mercy, will by the work of the Holy Spirit turn in Godly contrition and faith to Christ alone and will understand God’s clear Word and build themselves up along with the whole Christian Church in the one true Word unto Life Everlasting.

May we all learn from Hunnius and Leyser, Luther and Chemnitz, St. Paul and the Apostle Peter to daily fight the good fight of refuting and reproving false doctrine and practice using the all sufficient Word of God and the faithful Lutheran Confessions.  Stand boldly for God’s pure Word using it to build up Christ’s Church, praising God for giving us such rich and bountiful gifts as those in the Lutheran Confessions and the Theses of Aegidius Hunnius.

Pastor Paul Rydecki has been a good and faithful steward of God’s Word in this successful effort to translate Hunnius’ refutation of Huber’s false teachings, which wither and die under the faithfully applied light of the pure Word.  As I told my wife as we discussed this significant work of Aegidius Hunnius, the translation of this book into English and its availability to anyone wanting to know more about how the Lutheran Confessors dealt with the false teachings of UOJ makes it a type of bait hanging above the forest floor.

Watch this book and specifically who condemns and devours it and those who promote and defend it.  By their reaction to this Scripturally and Confessionally faithful book you will know their stripe – beastly foe and friend of the devil and false doctrines or faithful Christians and members of God’s Church.  There are only two types of people in the world – those who believe in Christ alone and those who do not.  The visible church is made up of both.  As the Lutheran Synods contemplate consummating their fornicating unionism, it is the laity’s responsibility to test the spirits to see if they are of God.  Huber and his false teaching of Universal Objective Justification are not of God and Hunnius’ faithful reproof is clear evidence that it was never taught in Scripture or the Lutheran Confessions.  The reaction to this and other faithful works by individuals in the Lutheran Synods will be evidence enough of their allegiance.  Matthew 7:20, “Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”  Do they follow men or Christ.  If they follow men they should be publicly removed and if they follow Christ they should be publicly supported and encouraged.  The Lord’s will be done.

In Christ,

Brett Meyer

Selnecker - Book of Concord Editor.
Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide.
The Lutheran Hymnal, #292

"Lord Jesus Christ, With Us Abide"
by Nikolaus Selnecker, 1532-1592
Translated by composite

1. Lord Jesus Christ, with us abide,
For round us falls the eventide;
Nor let Thy Word, that heavenly light,
For us be ever veiled in night.

2. In these last days of sore distress
Grant us, dear Lord, true steadfastness
That pure we keep, till life is spent,
Thy holy Word and Sacrament.

3. Lord Jesus, help, Thy Church uphold,
For we are sluggish, thoughtless, cold.
Oh, prosper well Thy Word of grace
And spread its truth in every place!

4. Oh, keep us in Thy Word, we pray;
The guile and rage of Satan stay!
Oh, may Thy mercy never cease!
Give concord, patience, courage, peace.

5. O God, how sin's dread works abound!
Throughout the earth no rest is found,
And falsehood's spirit wide has spread,
And error boldly rears its head.

6. The haughty spirits, Lord, restrain
Who o'er Thy Church with might would reign
And always set forth something new,
Devised to change Thy doctrine true.

7. And since the cause and glory, Lord,
Are Thine, not ours, to us afford
Thy help and strength and constancy.
With all our heart we trust in Thee.

8. A trusty weapon is Thy Word,
Thy Church's buckler, shield and sword.
Oh, let us in its power confide
That we may seek no other guide!

9. Oh, grant that in Thy holy Word
We here may live and die, dear Lord;
And when our journey endeth here,
Receive us into glory there.

The Lutheran Hymnal
Hymn #292
Text: Luke 24:29
Author: Nikolaus Selnecker et al., 1611
Translated by: composite
Titled: "Ach bleib bei uns, Herr Jesu Christ"
Tune: "Ach bleib bei uns"
1st Published in: Geistliche Lieder
Town: Leipzig,1589

That Man a Godly Life Might Live.
Luther's Hymn in The Lutheran Hymnal, #287

"That Man a Godly Life Might Live"
by Martin Luther, 1483-1546

1. That man a Godly life might live,
God did these Ten Commandments give
By His true servant Moses, high
Upon the Mount Sinai.
Have mercy, Lord!

2. I am thy God and Lord alone,
No other God beside Me own;
Put thy whole confidence in Me
And love Me e'er cordially.
Have mercy, Lord!

3. By idle word and speech profane
Take not My holy name in vain
And praise but that as good and true
Which I Myself say and do.
Have mercy, Lord!

4. Hallow the day which God hath blest
That thou and all thy house may rest;
Keep hand and heart from labor free
That God may so work in thee.
Have mercy, Lord!

5. Give to thy parents honor due,
Be dutiful, and loving, too,
And help them when their strength decays,
So shalt thou have length of days.
Have mercy, Lord!

6. In sinful wrath thou shalt not kill
Nor hate nor render ill for ill;
Be patient and of gentle mood,
And to thy foe do thou good.
Have mercy, Lord!

7. Be faithful to thy marriage vows,
Thy heart give only to thy spouse;
Thy life keep pure, and lest thou sin,
Use temperance and discipline.
Have mercy, Lord!

8. Steal not; all usury abhor
Nor wring their life-blood from the poor,
But open wide thy loving hand
To all the poor in the land.
Have mercy, Lord!

9. Bear not false witness nor belie
Thy neighbor by foul calumny.
Defend his innocence from blame;
With charity hide his shame.
Have mercy, Lord!

10. Thy neighbor's house desire thou not,
His wife, nor aught that he hath got,
But wish that his such good may be
As thy heart doth wish for thee.
Have mercy, Lord!

11. God these commandments gave therein
To show thee, child of man, thy sin
And make thee also well perceive
How man unto God should live.
Have mercy, Lord!

12. Help us, Lord Jesus Christ, for we
A Mediator have in Thee;
Our works cannot salvation gain;
Thy merit but endless pain.
Have mercy, Lord!

Hymn 287
The Lutheran Hymnal
Text: Ex. 20: 1-17
Author: Martin Luther, 1524
Translated by: Richard Massie, 1854, alt.
Titled: "Dies sind die heil'gen Zehn Gebot'"
Tune: "Dies sind die heil'gen"
German melody, c. 1200

This Is My Father's World

1. This is my Father's world,
and to my listening ears
all nature sings, and round me rings
the music of the spheres.
This is my Father's world:
I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas;
his hand the wonders wrought.

2. This is my Father's world,
the birds their carols raise,
the morning light, the lily white,
declare their maker's praise.
This is my Father's world:
he shines in all that's fair;
in the rustling grass I hear him pass;
he speaks to me everywhere.

3. This is my Father's world.
O let me ne'er forget
that though the wrong seems oft so strong,
God is the ruler yet.
This is my Father's world:
why should my heart be sad?
The Lord is King; let the heavens ring!
God reigns; let the earth be glad!

Maltbie D. Babcock never heard his famous hymn.

Ruppert Murdoch, 21st century controller of narratives (NNIV and news media), the Hacking Scandal and the 911 calls

Murdoch and his NNIV - reptile hands on the sacred Scriptures.

Ruppert Murdoch, 21st century controller of narratives (NNIV and news media), the Hacking Scandal and the 911 calls:

'via Blog this'

Cantate - The Fourth Sunday after Easter.
John 16:5-15

Cantate, The Fourth Sunday after Easter, 2012

Pastor Gregory L. Jackson

Bethany Lutheran Church, 10 AM Central Time

The Hymn # 199     Jesus Christ is Risen Today            1:83
The Confession of Sins
The Absolution
The Introit p. 16
The Gloria Patri
The Kyrie p. 17
The Gloria in Excelsis
The Salutation and Collect p. 19
The Epistle and Gradual       
The Gospel              
Glory be to Thee, O Lord!
Praise be to Thee, O Christ!
The Nicene Creed p. 22
The Sermon Hymn # 262            A Mighty Fortress                      1:86

The Holy Spirit Convicts Us of Unbelief

The Communion Hymn #308            Invited Lord                1:63
The Preface p. 24
The Sanctus p. 26
The Lord's Prayer p. 27
The Words of Institution
The Agnus Dei p. 28
The Nunc Dimittis p. 29
The Benediction p. 31
The Hymn #46     On What Has Now Been Sown  1:62               

Fourth Sunday After Easter

Lord God, heavenly Father, who didst through Thy Son promise us Thy Holy Spirit, that He should convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment: We beseech Thee, enlighten our hearts, that we may confess our sins, through faith in Christ obtain everlasting righteousness, and in all our trials and temptations retain this consolation, that Christ is Lord over the devil and death, and all things, and that He will graciously deliver us out of all our afflictions, and make us forever partakers of eternal salvation, through the same, Thy Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with Thee and the Holy Ghost, one true God, world without end. Amen.

KJV James 1:16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. 18 Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth, that we should be a kind of firstfruits of his creatures. 19 Wherefore, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath: 20 For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God. 21 Wherefore lay apart all filthiness and superfluity of naughtiness, and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls.

KJV John 16:5 But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou? 6 But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart. 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you. 8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me; 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged. 12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

The Holy Spirit Convicts Us of Unbelief

John 16:5 But now I go my way to him that sent me; and none of you asketh me, Whither goest thou?

If anyone grieves over having a lack of insight about the Christian faith, here we have an excellent example of the disciples believing and yet having a weak and distorted view of Jesus’ will and work.

We can imagine their misunderstanding. They lived in Roman occupied territory and their religion had a rich history going back to great kings, the Exodus, and Creation. Their hope, given the times, would have been in freedom from the Romans. Messiah meant anointed king, so they expected a religious and military ruler. After a long period of teaching, where they experienced the joy of being with Jesus, seeing His miracles, hearing Him and explain His teaching, He was going away.

John 16:6 But because I have said these things unto you, sorrow hath filled your heart.

Sorrow rather than faith has filled their hearts. We know how grim news can cancel out every other thought. It is more obvious when we see that in someone else. Fear and dread force out faith, and faith cancels fear. The Holy Spirit brought this to remembrance in the writing of John’s Gospel. He taught people from memory for a time, then committed his Gospel to writing. Because of his closeness to Jesus, as the disciple Jesus loved, his portrait is especially clear and compelling.

John was the only disciple to witness the crucifixion. He was one of the first at the tomb.

God allows us times of sorrow and waiting, anxiety and fear, so we can look back and see that He was at work all that time.  God draws us along slowly and gives us what we need at the moment. One harsh experience is training for the next one, which is a bigger challenge. After certain experiences, the wrath and vengeance of unbelievers is no longer so threatening, but it takes great contrasts to see how true this is. Perspective changes with faith and experience.

When someone said how plain and ordinary his church building was, I said, “Try having nothing. Then it looks pretty spiffy.” Everything we have in America is fantastic compared to other countries, even Canada. But we take for granted what we have.

That includes people. We take individuals for granted because they are always there. Only in retrospect do we see how valuable they were to us, what blessings they were.

Here the disciples were thinking, fearing, grieving about losing Jesus, and not really sure what that meant. This is where their joy turned to sorrow, just like the first-time mother rejoicing over the baby growing inside her. Then in labor, the joy turns to sorrow for a moment. And joy returns when the baby is born.

John 16:7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you.

Jesus’s words are aimed at strengthening the disciples. Their ministry had been a local, walking work of evangelism. Commentators often remark about the influence of Jesus even though He worked for a few years in a minor part of the Roman Empire, traveling a relatively short distance.

What happened next was the growth of the Christian Church through the work of the Holy Spirit through the Word. Jesus traveled through Word and Sacrament throughout the Roman Empire, the rapid growth spurred by persecution, enhanced by the Roman road system of 55,000 paved roads. (An accident of history? I think not.) One group of 12 became 500 at the resurrection and grew from there.

The culture of the Roman Empire changed from thoroughly pagan to partially Christian. By 313 AD the Emperor Constantine issued an Edict of Toleration and stopped the persecutions. He moved his capital to Constantinople (then called Byzantium, now called Istanbul). He made the Eastern Roman Empire Christian and that survived until 1453 AD. That is Luther’s point – there was nothing compared to the power and majesty of the Roman Empire, but the Word knocked it into an ash-heap.

In today’s world, it is expedient to trust in the Word, because the Holy Spirit will take it places that the organizations of man cannot approach. A minister may want to stay in one place, remodel his office, and build up a retirement. His wife may enjoy her friends and her part-time job. But God can tear them away from that, which causes sorrow, and create a new situation filled with spiritual joy rather than material security.

The disciples’ clinging to their present happiness should remind us of ourselves. The Old Adam wants the material realm that can never last rather than the spiritual that will last. When this happens repeatedly, the Old Adam is beaten down and the New Man flourishes. One of our great hymn writers lost everything, time after time, from invasion, caused by Roman Catholic-Lutheran warfare. He was quite sick with infections beside. Gerhardt was a prime example of loss and misfortune, because he did not compromise with falsehood.

We would shake the disciples’ shoulders and say, “Don’t you see? Jesus will conquer death, rise again, and make you founders of the Christian Church? The Holy Spirit will make the Gospel international instead of local.”

And the disciples would say, “And you know better, but you fret about buildings – we had none. You want to balance the budget – we had nothing. You talk about us – but you listen to accountants and life-coaches. You have the same Holy Spirit in the Word, but you trust in demographics and mission vision statements. We were fallible but you are blinded and do not even know it.”

The next part is so important that it formed the basis for all of Luther’s preaching. Many clergy today do not grasp it and even teach against it. Getting this wrong means getting the Gospel wrong.

Sidebar – this passage is another example of God’s Word giving us hundreds of examples of the same teaching, but told in various ways, all in harmony with one another. If someone thinks that one passage can be pixilated (exaggerated and taught piece-meal, apart from the canon of the Scriptures, contradicting other parts) he is a fool, liar, and wolf. Starting from this following passage, anyone can follow justification by faith, from the First Gospel of Genesis 3:15 to the end of time in the climax of Revelation. What we have in this One True Religion is justification by faith in teaching, preaching, and the Sacraments.

God condescends to us in teaching in such plain words and simple examples that we can grasp with child-like faith. But there are also passages that need to be understood with perfect clarity. They are difficult because they war against our nature. They can be understood if we study other passages with them. But they make us stop and wonder when we see how special they are. This is one of them.

8) The work of the Paraclete will be twofold. He will direct his activity toward the world (v. 8–11), and toward the disciples (v. 12–15). Yet he will do this work as the Paraclete sent to the disciples by Jesus. He abides permanently in them; and this means that he works through them upon the world, that they are his instruments. Jesus does not say this in so many words, it is understood. The best commentary on the work of the Paraclete with the world is Peter’s sermon on Pentecost. The Paraclete worked through Peter, won 3,000 through his preaching, and convicted the scoffers of their folly. The same working appears in connection with the trials of the apostles before the Sanhedrin. None were brought to faith, but the conviction of all by the Spirit, speaking through the apostles, is evident, Acts 4:8, etc.; 5:29, etc. All this shows that the Spirit will be a true Paraclete for the disciples, one who will aid the disciples mightily in the work Jesus had assigned to them in the world.
Lenski, R. C. H.: The Interpretation of St. John's Gospel. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House, 1961, S. 1080.

John 16:8 And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: 9 Of sin, because they believe not on me; 10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; 11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

This is truly important, because all the work of the Christian Church is summed up in a few verses. The Holy Spirit works through the Word and Sacraments and never apart from the Word and Sacraments.

One ministry of the Word is condemnation, the preaching of the Law. That is described as one thing only – The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, “because they do not believe on Me.”

The Ten Commandments as Law are overwhelmed by the importance of one thing alone – not trusting completely in Christ.

This is where so many fallacies arise and the Law Salesmen go to town. All the Church Growthers, Emergent Churches (bar, theater, wrinkled jeans) and Left-wing mainline churches belong to the Guild of Law-Salesmen. They are full of condemnation by the Law (their law), which can only be absolved by obeying their law. Thus their law diagnoses the problem and supplies the medicine. It is like an x-ray showing a broken bone and the x-ray machine healing the bone (which was tried long ago) – the result is painful if not fatal.

The apostles preached the true Law to the crowds in Jerusalem, giving them another chance for salvation.

KJV Acts 3:14 But ye denied the Holy One and the Just, and desired a murderer to be granted unto you; 15 And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.

The solution is not more Law (because they repented of their unbelief) but Gospel:

KJV Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

The foundational sin is unbelief, but some think the foundational sin is questioning the synod or pastor (both used to excommunicate members or pastors, even congregations).

The Spirit is not to repeat the work of Moses in preaching the law. The conviction in regard to sin lies in one direction: “inasmuch as they do not believe in me.” Yet note that this is the capital sin. For to believe in Jesus is to be saved from sin, to have sin forgiven; and thus not to believe in Jesus is to remain in sin, to perish forever in sin. The Spirit’s work in regard to sin is to confront the world with the terrible fact of its unbelief in Jesus, which means, with the fact that this unbelief leaves it in its damnable sin, doomed and damned forever, in other words, that only he who believes escapes from his sin. This conviction in regard to sin naturally operates in two ways. It will crush some hearts so that they will be frightened at their unbelief and cry out like the 3,000 at Pentecost, “Brethren, what shall we do?” Acts 2:37, and thus be led to repent and to believe. Or it will further harden those who resist this conviction; they will go on, convicted though they are, more obdurate than before, fighting against this conviction until they perish. In this the Spirit will do exactly what Jesus did in 7:33, etc., and again in 8:22–24: “I said, therefore, unto you that ye shall die in your sins; for except ye believe that I am he, ye shall die in your sins.”
                Lenski, R. C. H.: The Interpretation of St. John's Gospel. Minneapolis, MN : Augsburg Publishing House, 1961, S. 1082.

This also means that believing in Christ is forgiveness. There is no forgiveness, no salvation, outside of faith in Christ.
For this to be the Gospel there can be no Law requirements. It is not faith plus works or faith plus some outward signs of adherence and obedience (such as joining a cell group, speaking in tongues, or picketing the local bank). Faith receives the blessings, the promises of the Gospel.

This happens each and every day for the believer, so the strongest medicine against sin and temptation is realizing this daily forgiveness through faith in the Gospel. That is part of the Small Catechism but often forgotten or overlooked.

I think it is overlooked because Pietism (our national religion) never really forgives. Pietism always blends works with the Gospel and makes people feel guilty about not doing enough. The Pietistic Lutheran synods flog this guilt repeatedly instead of motivating with the Gospel. (See my Peter Pan graphic.)

Here is the Small Catechism on the work of the Holy Spirit in the Gospel:

The Holy Spirit calls, gathers, enlightens, and sanctifies the whole Christian Church on earth, and keeps it with Jesus Christ in the one true faith; in which Christian Church He forgives daily and richly all sins to me and all believers, and at the last day will raise up me and all the dead, and will give to me and to all believers in Christ everlasting life. This is most certainly true.

This is consistent with all of Luther’s teaching and harmonizes with the Scriptures. Lutherans once taught this unanimously (Concordia) but now they teach against it with through their dogma of forgiveness without faith. Now I see “Lutherans” raving that the Reformer himself taught forgiveness without faith. I am sure you remember that from confirmation – “Martin Luther began the Reformation by teaching that everyone is declared forgiven without faith.” I missed that too, and I was confirmed as an adult.

Believing in Christ brings the fruit of the Spirit because that Gospel energy must necessarily produce God-pleasing results in us through abiding in the True Vine (John 15:1-10), the Word and Sacraments.

Of righteousness, because I go to my Father

As Luther said, going to the Father is righteousness because all Christians follow the path of Christ. Going means dying. Christ was going to die for the sins of the world, so His righteousness would be distributed (Luther, Book of Concord) by the Holy Spirit in the Means of Grace. Ultimately, all believers go to the Father, following the path set by Jesus. We follow “in His steps.”

Following Christ means bearing the cross, because unbelievers hate the Word of Faith. God’s Word is a rod that shatters entire empires, but unbelievers are not content with a spiritual rod. They use real weapons. Nothing is too low or base for them.

But this is the righteousness of faith, trusting that whatever comes is from sharing the cross of Christ and benefiting from it.

This passage also condemns the world’s concept of righteousness, which may mean being vegetarian, never wearing fur, joining a cell group, or some other law demand mixed in with the faith. That is why the world responds to faith with such mockery, because there must always be a gulf between God’s righteousness (the righteousness of faith) and the world’s righteousness (of works).

Good works in the Christian will necessarily come from faith. If all the fruits of the Spirit are lacking, someone should wonder if repentance is also lacking.

and ye see me no more
Although the disciples would no longer see Christ, He would be with them in the Word and Sacraments.

11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

The last phrase reveals especially that all three can be seen in a negative or positive light, depending on whether one is believer or not. Perhaps the best word is “convince” rather than convict.

When everyone is convinced that unbelief in Christ is the foundational sin, then believers rejoice in justification by faith while unbelievers respond with wrath and blindness.

When everyone is convinced of righteousness, the unbelievers reject that righteousness and substitute their own, while believers understand completely that righteousness is the path of Christ, following the way of the cross.

When everyone is convinced that Satan is judged, believers no longer fear demonic power and unbelievers cast their lot (quite deliberately) with their Father Below.

Trinitarian Passage

This Gospel lesson ends with a clear, beautiful Trinitarian passage, naming Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. 14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.
The Holy Spirit does not call attention to Himself, but bears witness to the Father and Son. The Father and the Son bear the same witness, and the Holy Spirit teaches that truth.


This lesson is also important in combating Enthusiasm in the Church, the notion that the Holy Spirit operates apart from the Word and Sacraments (Calvin, Zwingli, the pope, and all pagan religions). Just as unbelief is the foundational sin, divorcing the Holy Spirit from the Word is foundational for all false doctrine.

The pope and the professors cannot simply announce doctrine. A convention cannot vote on doctrine. That would be amusing if it were not completely obnoxious. Everything taught in the Name of Christ must come from the Holy Spirit’s teaching in the Word.

Pagan religions are simply invented by man, so there is no Word and no Spirit.


[Some people think righteous means doing good works and reconciling God] "But now comes the Holy Spirit and says: No so. You err and are mistaken. Your judgment is wrong. Therefore there must be another judgment. You should judge thus: Everything your reason concludes is erroneous and false, and you are a fool and a simpleton."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 119. John 16:5-15.

"But now, since the prince of this world and the Holy Spirit, the kingdom of Christ and the kingdom of the devil, are directly opposed to one another, and the Holy Spirit is not willing that anyone should parade his own deeds and praise himself on account of them, the holy cross must soon follow. The world will not consent to be reprimanded for its blindness. Therefore one must willingly submit and suffer persecution. If we have the right kind of faith in our hearts, we must also open our mouths and confess righteousness and make known sin. Likewise we must condemn and punish the doings of this world and make it known that everything it undertakes, is damned."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 120. John 16:5-15.

"However, here the Lord speaks quite differently, and says: 'The Holy Spirit will convict the world in respect of sin, because they believe not on me.' Unbelief only is mentioned here as sin, and faith is praised as suppressing and extinguishing the other sins, even the sins in the saints. Faith is so strong and overpowering that no sin dare put it under any obligation. Although sins are present in pious and believing persons, they are not imputed to them, nor shall their sins condemn them."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 127. John 16:5-15.

"Godly and believing persons know their sins; they bear all their punishment patiently, and are resigned to God's judgment without the least murmur; therefore, they are punished only bodily, and here in time, and their pain and suffering have an end. Unbelievers, however, since they are not conscious of their sins and transgressions, cannot bear God's punishment patiently, but they resent it and wish their life and works to go unpunished, yea, uncensured. Hence, their punishment and suffering are in body and soul, here in time, and last forever beyond this life."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 131. John 16:5-15.

 "This is the province of the work, which the Holy Spirit is to begin in the kingdom of Christ. It is the teaching office of the apostles, which is to be of such a character that it must convict the world, as it finds it outside of Christ, and nobody is to be excepted, great, small, learned, wise, holy, of high or low condition, etc. This means in short, to bear the world's anger and to begin strife, and to be struck in the mouth for it. For the world, which rules on earth, will not and cannot endure its course to be disapproved; therefore persecution must arise, and one party must yield to the other, the weakest to the stronger. But, as the office of the apostles is to be only a teaching office, it cannot use world power and the world retains its external kingdom and power against the apostles. But, on the other hand, the apostles' office of conviction of the world shall likewise not be suppressed, because it is the office and work of the Holy Spirit, but shall overcome all and triumph; as Christ promised to them: 'I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which all your adversaries shall not be able to withstand.' Luke 21:15"
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 136. John 16:5-15.

"It breaks in not piecemeal on certain works and actions, but reduces to nothing and condemns everything that reason and worldly wisdom propose. In short, He convicts and censures them in and for the very things they do not wish to be convicted in, but rather praised and lauded, as teaching and doing well and right."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 138. John 16:5-15.

 "For the heart is ever hostile to the law and resists it with inward disobedience."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 140. John 16:5-15.

 "Therefore the Holy Spirit rightly and justly convicts, as sinful and condemned, all who have not faith in Christ. For where this is wanting, other sins in abundance must follow: God is despised and hated, and the entire first table is treated with disobedience."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 141. John 16:5-15.

 "Lo, how the dragon's-tail of the devil and all hell must follow unbelief! The reason is, that he who does not believe in Christ, has already turned away from God and quite separated himself from Him."
            Sermons of Martin Luther, 8 vols., III, p. 142. John 16:5-15.