Thursday, June 7, 2012

Helpless or Not? - SP Schroeder Leaves Appleton Alone While Pouncing on Christian News

Mark Schroeder, the dream candidate of the conservatives,
quickly became the main support for Church and Change.

The SynConference introduced me to the concept of the "helpless, powerless president." I first heard that claim from the Michigan LCMS DP, who said he was powerless to deal with the Pentecostal pastor of a congregation near him in Ann Arbor. He also talked about "getting rid" of a pastor who homeschooled his child. Powerless was a choice, I quickly learned.

Considering how often Schroeder and his hatchet men have jumped people for posting on this blog, his let-go-and-let-God attitude toward the Fox Valley WELS gang is a certain sign of approval. Maybe he tells them not to sign their names. Only Paul McCain, another plagiarist (but not WELS) signs his name.

Schroeder jumped all over Herman Otten at Christian News for publishing my review of the Engel book on homosexual priests in the Roman Catholic Church. I included certain unpleasant facts about "Party in the MLC," the ongoing WELS gay video, still playing on Facebook, twice uploaded to YouTube, shown with pride at their college night.

Schroeder forced Otten to apologize for printing my review. Soon after, Schroeder's Director of Communications was arrested by the FBI for multiple felonies - crimes against little boys, crimes against nature, as they used to say. The gay blogs are having a field day with Hochmuth's arrest and his prior letter against ELCA gaity.

But when someone told Schroeder about an active homosexual pastor in WELS, the Grand Inquisitor of WELS turned helpless again. He said, "Write a letter." On bold days of courageous leadership, he says, "Send a certified letter."

And you wonder why your children and wives are not safe in WELS?

Fox Valley can rave all they want about this blog. The fact is - their behavior and doctrine is revolting to their own pastors and members. Almost everything I have posted is from their own synod, their own district.

A group of laity and pastors met together and tried to get this message across to the Anything Goes DP. He skipped the meeting. He has made it known that he will not retire.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Helpless or Not? - SP Schroeder Leaves Appleton Al...":

Greeks act like WELS officialdom and CG pastors. Their deification doctrine is much like UOJ in that they can never feel real guilt, but only what false guilt. UOJers know they are already forgiven for every sin before they were born, and are righteous in God's eyes before they were even born. To actually feel guilty and unforgiven for a sin is really just another sin of unbelief according to UOJ. The Antinomians are really the only ones who really "get" the doctrine UOJ since the law has no power to make them feel guilty--ever:

Greek Orthodox deification behind Euro crisis:

SPIEGEL: Then on top of it all, there were rebukes being issued from Berlin.

Dimou: Yes, Wolfgang Schäuble was always wagging his finger like a schoolteacher, saying the Greeks had misbehaved. Merkel was somewhat more humane, but still very Protestant in her strictness, applying the concept of guilt. They could have seen that wasn't the way to achieve the desired result. It was simply the wrong approach.


GJ - WELS elected Mark Schroeder for doctrinal and financial integrity. He has made Gurgle look good in comparison.

Schroeder has consistently protected and promoted the Church and Changers.

His administration managed to buy a second headquarters building without selling the old, musty one.

UOJ absolves everyone, except those who dissent from the wisdom of Holy Mother Church.

From LaughQuest - "Homosexuals Attack WELS"

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Jojakim Dettmann (Random_layman)
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Username: Random_layman

Post Number: 2927
Registered: 5-2006
Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2012 - 9:48 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I should have known this would happen. It's over Joel Hochmuth. Here is one example:
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Alan Lubeck (1431)
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Post Number: 1136
Registered: 11-2004
Posted on Thursday, June 07, 2012 - 10:41 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Here's hoping that these pro-gay activists come to see how much those in WELS who hold fast to Biblical doctrine love them by proclaiming the Truth to them of condemnation in their sin. And here's hoping that some Christian brothers in WELS, or any group can proclaim the pure doctrine of forgiveness merited by Jesus for them and for us on the cross.


GJ - WELS handed them the ammunition. When a predator (Hochmuth) and his boss (Schroeder) send  out a pious announcement about ELCA's sins, they should expect some return fire from those who see their pronouncement as hypocrisy.

ELCA is honest. I disagree with them, but they are not pretending. WELS demands apologies when they should be confessing their decades of abuse, which they cover up maladroitly.

One Fox Valley WELS person told me about one of their youth ministers, arrested for dallying with the boys at his church. The story was on TV one night and disappeared immediately after. Four WELS pastors have told me about the homosexuals they met or knew about in the ministerium.

Rage Boiling Over in Fox Valley, WELS.
Antidote - Read Luther's Galatians Commentary

The CORE, which is the sheep-stealing operation of St. Peter Cares, Freedom, must not be doing well. They are in their third headquarters since starting and blowing through tons of money.

The Savoy WELS parish that Glende abandoned would be happy to have the money spent on sending Glende and Sk to:

  • Stanley's gay liberation parish in Atlanta, 
  • Granger's Schwaermer farm, 
  • and Driscoll's cussing operation in the Northwest. 

Did they miss any conference? Yes - Deutschlander's in Atlanta.

The Pietists want to direct all attention to themselves, which is why they end up with entertainment evangelism. Ski shows up at a classic Lutheran church looking like he was hired to bail hay, and they photograph the debacle and proof they are real, relational, and relevant.

The Pietists promote their shallow dogma because they cannot teach the Word of God. To make up for it, they plagiarize other Pietists who have a following for the moment. Birds of a feather do flock together, so they are one with Paul McCain, who is happy to have someone take him seriously.

The Pietists are outraged over Luther, because they cannot shoehorn his plain, simple words into their self-serving fantasies. They pretend to be furious about this or that, like Schroeder and Hochmuth writing a letter against ELCA (while working with ELCA). But their clever Pietism always bites them. That is the problem with substituting the sect for the Gospel - "Join us because we do not promote homosexuality. We are so much better than ELCA."

Those who live by legalism die by legalism.

Judging from the accumulated blather from WELS, Missouri, the Little Sect, and some fragments - faith in Christ is very bad. However, these same wizards love and praise unfaith, teaching the salvation of unbelievers, world without end, Amen!

Needless to say, their leaders have to be bailed out of the pokey on a regular basis. That is done in secrecy, if at all possible. If not, the episode is flushed down the memory hole and no one remembers it at all.

Pietists are offended by everything, especially the Gospel. Therefore, their entire effort is a ministry of condemnation, except when they are praising themselves.

Imagine this - Glende and Ski plagiarize the same source, Groeschel or some other Enthusiast. Next they praise each other for doing "such a good job" on the alleged sermon.

The people who listen to this without gagging are only too happy to have more of the same. Eventually they will be Unitarians, Pentecostals, or Buddhists, like their Church Growth leaders.

Their lack of fidelity--in many areas--motivates them to find an unfaithful translation of the Bible. How can they preach on the Ten Commandments when they flaunt their opposition to the First Table?

Deception follows deception.

WELS NNIV Intent Is Obvious - Says Pastor Nathan Bickel

Observe Mark Schroeder's  navigation of the Wisconsin Sect.
Meanwhile, the NNIV sails along, full steam ahead.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News: More Chicago-Style Thuggery from WE...":

Ichabod -

I wonder how many WELS members who were indoctrinated by the TEC's (Translation Evaluation Committee) 4 part Bible study (on translating the Bible) will be lay delegates to the synodical Convention, - which [convention] will decide upon an official synodical Bible translation.

I think the WELS TEC has done a marvelous (propaganda) job, setting the Convention stage for the translation choice vote, on whether to choose the new NIV 11 or not, - or, to prolong the indecisive agony for another future time.

I remember a previous comment I registered on Ichabod, regarding the WELS prolonged consideration of an official Bible translation. I kept a copy of it. Here, [following] it is:

"I have further thought about this long drawn out WELS process and the official WELS 4 part synodical Bible study about the translation process and implications. I can't help but think that all of this is a carefully contrived attempt by certain WELS professor / clergy and other clergy leadership, to condition and desensitize the membership for the acceptance of the gender neutral, new NIV 11. [Mind you, it makes no difference that the Southern Baptist Convention turned its thumbs down on this less than desirable translation]

Get a hold of that 4 part Bible study, engineered by the very same TEC - Translation Committee, which has already voiced its thumbs up approval of the new gender neutral NIV 11, - and, if you put 2 and 2 together, I think that you would honestly have to conclude that they are hell bent on having an official NIV 11 gender neutral translation for WELS synodical publications, purposes. This would include parochial school materials, catechisms, etc.

The very reality that the new NIV11 gender neutral translation was given equal consideration along with the Holman and ESV translations, tips one off to the WELS leadership intent. The Holman and ESV are only stalking horses for the future elevation of the new NIV11, gender neutral WELS standard." [Pastor emeritus Nathan M. Bickel]

Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor


Koester on the Murdoch NNIV -


GJ - One graduate of the Sausage Factory told me everyone was promoting the NIV before graduation,  about 30 years ago. That gave WELS a whole generation of laity to dumb-down. But it is still the fault of the laity for not standing up to the apostates, for trusting men rather than the Word of God.

Jesus did not warn the clergy alone.

The WELS clergy are experts at shunning anyone who thinks for himself, and equally adept at excusing doctrinal error among themselves. Why is the NNIV the last straw? the Rubicon?

DP Glaeske actually spoke against the NNIV. I watched it live and observed Paul Wendland steaming. Did Glaeske stop Church and Change in his own district, his own VP - Dom Perignon Patterson? No. He played it safe his entire career, so he can retire and watch the results of his torpor, lack of study, and institutional worship.

UOJ requires a bad translation and they have it in Murdoch's Living NIV Bible.

Does anyone stop to wonder why this Bible is so wonderful for Willow Creek, all the mainline churches, and WELS? It is because they all teach universal absolution.

Pastor Bickel Discovers the Ichaslang Lexicon

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "The Ichaslang Lexicon":

Ichabod -

After all these months, I finally discovered Ichabod's Lexicon posting! Alas! If only I had discovered it much sooner! Perhaps, now, the bald spot on my head will finally fill in, and my index finger, fingernail, will finally return to its normal state......

Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor

Breaking News:
More Chicago-Style Thuggery from WELS

I'd say that a majority of us at the Western WI district convention voted to delay the vote until next year's synod convention (we will have another full convention in April/May in place of the usual Pastor-Teacher conference to tell our delegates how to vote). Not all the reports were in and important questions as to the future of the NIV were unable to be answered, such as:

Is Biblica/Zondervan planning a 50th anniversary revision that would put us right back to this same discussion in 10-15 years?

Here is the kicker - the actual votes weren't counted/results weren't announced at convention. They are waiting until after all districts meet, and then counting all the votes together (popular vote) as opposed
to X districts voted this way, Y voted that way, and Z voted the other way. So we may well see a late district convention stacked with major NIV2011 supporters that stuff the ballot box and throw the vote.


solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "Breaking News: More Chicago-Style Thuggery from WE...":

The most disturbing part for me is that Dr. Moo has stated that in 7 or 8 years they'll be looking at doing more with the text. This would put it on par to release a 50th anniversary revision, which is also about the same time that WELS will start work on a new catechism and hymnal.

This is what frightens me the most. I wish those ballots had been counted and at it was by district not popular vote. This means districts packed full of pastors, teachers, and lay delegates (like SEW) will greatly outnumber the other districts. 


GJ - Sola, that is how Walther got Pieper placed at St. Louis as his clone. He had the national convention vote Pieper in (obviously approved by the Great Kidnapper), not the districts. He only had one convention to control that way. Fuerbringer is the one who pointed out the way Pieper was elected, and he did not approve of the process.

WELS Discipline - Notice Who Is Excommunicated

When the Arkansas football coach got caught with someone's fiance,
locals say that her intended husband messed up Bobby Petrino's face,
not the bike accident that left Jessica's smile immaculate.
WELS would have promoted Petrino to Athletic Director.

Notice two recent excommunications and their cause - upheld by the DPs and SP Mark Schroeder:

  • Rick Techlin - for correctly identifying Tim Glende's plagiarism and his false doctrine from Groeschel. 
  • Joe Krohn - for asking Kudu Don Patterson about being born forgiven, and for asking about all the money spent on fund-raising fees.
Just as important, look at who was NOT excommunicated by WELS:

  1. Al Just, for murdering his wife with a steak knife and lying about it. He married his children's babysitter while enjoying a brief stint in prison.
  2. Bill Tabor, for participating with his mistress in murdering his wife, lying about it, and moving to a new call in Escanaba. No time in prison.
  3. Joel Hochmuth was caught swapping man/boy rape files with other deviants. SP Schroeder immediately absolved Joel, who promptly pleaded "not guilty" before plea-bargaining for lesser charges.
  4. DP Ed Werner went to state prison for molesting girls in his congregation. He also arranged for the adoption of illegitimate babies from his congregation while serving his time. Not one leader in WELS did anything about his proclivities until the women in his parish united against his predation.
I could list more, all well known, but lacking a complete file. 

A reporter asked SP Gurgle (now working with Patterson) about the pastor promoted by WELS for having an affair with a woman in his congregation. Gurgle's response was to phone people to find out, "Who told the truth?"

DP Buchholz wanted to know, as well, "Who told you?" Like any criminal lawyer, Buchholz claimed, "That is very difficult to prove."

When your belt size is bigger than your IQ,
you are ready to serve Holy Mother WELS.

One Reason Why WELS Plagiarists Should Post When Sober

Glende and McCain write better when they are plagiarizing.

From Tim Glende's Twelve-Step Program:

 What gives, Greggy?? Hard to take a big does (sic) of your own medicine, isn't it?