Friday, June 15, 2012

Steadfast Lutherans » MNS Convention Update on ULC.
DP Wins Again.

Missouri and WELS - letting go of the big things (doctrine)
so the little things are being taken away.

Steadfast Lutherans » MNS Convention Update on ULC.:

The MNS Convention started conducting business today.  The elections went to the Mission Vision MNS candidates, with Rev. Dr. Dean Nadasdy elected District President.

The convention also approved the new campus ministry plan with $2,000,000 from the sale of the ULC building to go to ULC.  That being said the building still has to come down and the congregation will lose it’s historic, beloved, and excellent location.

MNS will still receive the 1.25 million from ULC and 900,000 from the CLC sale to fund their new campus ministry plan.

What I also want to say is this.  Pres. Harrison rightly says that the actions of the MNS District unleashed a “blizzard of sin” on all sides.  I would urge all to examine themselves for any snowflakes or wind gusts they contributed to that blizzard and deal with it as Christians.  I will also say that ULC and her pastor Rev. David Kind have conducted themselves in an admirable fashion.  I continue to support them and their work with whatever I have, most of all my prayers.  I would urge the readers of BJS to do the same.

As more information becomes available, I will try to post it here.

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Diaprax - Until They Vote Yes.

"Ick - just like the NNIV."

WELS Translators Do Due Diligence

Suggestion - You could have a new Ichabod posting if you'd just re-package the above. Here is my new comment to give you an opportunity.  [This, is, just a suggestion]:

Ichabod - 

I have thought further of what the TEC WELS chairman said about WELS consideration of the new NIV 11 Bible translation -

Wendland said:

.....If a study like this is carefully made, I think it will give everybody a feeling of comfort and peace when the final decision is made that we really looked at this very carefully and everyone has had a chance to think it through,” says Wendland.....

I think that the aforementioned, is also, code for:

"We who know it all, will take the time to familiarize the WELS membership with the new controversial gender neutral NIV 11. In the meantime, we will dispense our WELS sanctioned 4 part adult Bible study about Biblical translation to propagandize the same membership in order to desensitize them. Once inoculated with the TEC'S biased Bible study series, the WELS membership will be positioned to be lulled into a trance of 'comfort and peace' when we have procured [behind the scenes] the votes necessary to ram the Ruppert Murdoch Bible, through." 

Nathan M. Bickel - emeritus pastor

Additional Proof That the Synods Are Not Lutheran,
But Teach Contrary to the Scriptures

A. Berean has left a new comment on your post "Priestly Class in WELS - "I Studied Greek!"":

That's funny, because in our circles, if you even mention the Greek then you're automatically "placing exegesis before doctrine." So as soon as you bring in the Greek, you're shot down.


solafide ( has left a new comment on your post "Priestly Class in WELS - "I Studied Greek!"":

It's true though. Even at the MLC portion of their education, pastor-track (SPaM) students consider themselves better than everyone else since they take language courses. Just go ask most congregations. They've been brainwashed into thinking that the Pastor is of a more special and higher order than called teachers or laypeople.


GJ - Bishop Martin Stephan, STD, established a theocracy before his sex cult came to America. He was completely in charge, and every pastor had to submit to him. The other pastors in the Pietistic cult enforced this dominance; Walther enjoyed this role. He had qualms about being caught by the police, but no problems with kidnapping his niece and nephew from his father's home. Both children died in America. His niece was seen in the company of Stephan in St. Louis, where the bishop was known for his female groupies.

The parish pastors were just as dictatorial as Stephan, ordering people to leave their families and spouses--even divorce--if the other family members did not go along with the great immigration plans. They bragged about minor children who left their families to join the immigration.  Zion on the Mississippi records these strange events, so the spiritual bondage established is not some new secret.

Anyone can buy Zion for a few dollars and read the evidence. The clergy ran the entire operation, decided not to see Stephan's adultery, and only revolted when syphilis was spread by His Holiness, their leader.

This spiritual tyranny, well established by Stephan and taken over by Walther, has been the template of the Synodical Conference. The central problem is their concept of the Word.

SynConference ministers are no different from Roman Catholic priests in their view of the Word of God. They cannot be wrong when they teach in harmony with Holy Mother Synod - infallible and indefectible.

Moreover, just as in the Church of Rome, they are the sons of the Church, so pastors are protected from their crimes and moved along when husbands and cops grow too curious.

In spite of their claims, the SynConference pastors do not believe in the perspicuity (clarity) and efficacy of the Word. The Holy Spirit speaks through them, so the laity dare not question them. One pastor even said about the Circuit Pastor (appointed by the elected DP) - "The Holy Spirit put him in that office. To question him would be questioning the Holy Spirit."

That is the fatal step that encourages and increases spiritual abuse, along with the other kinds of abuse so prevalent in the SynConference today. The dictatorial clergy destroy their own marriages and many other families in the process, so the synod rewards them with promotions and higher salaries, plus more freedom to do even more damage.

A pastor who refuses to discuss doctrine with his members is a Roman priest, not a Lutheran minister, no matter what his diploma may say. A district pope who has the same attitude is no better than a Roman bishop, who says, "Obey, kiss my ring, and raise money for Holy Mother Church."

What are the members?  no different from submissive Roman Catholics. The nominal Lutherans accept this tyranny and join in shunning the individuals who dare to ask questions about doctrine and practice, about pastoral failure to teach the truth and visit their own members?

Those who go along with the apostasy cannot blame their dictators in the organization. Jesus did not warn the clergy in Matthew 7:15ff. He warned everyone - likewise Paul in addressing the elders in Ephesus.

WELS Church Lady Displays the Right Attitude

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Priestly Class in WELS - "I Studied Greek!"":

Good to see you Herr Hoenecke. You must have been vacationing in Germany for a while(?)

"And some of you think the NNIV will be defeated?" The NNIV is for fools! It WILL be defeated; mark my words! I have begun the steps of getting Medieval on those who would seek to promote the unGodly translation. Letter writing is not applicable for such feats as trying to fight evil. So, is the pen mightier than the sword? Do not get me wrong. If you live by the sword, then you will die by the sword.(yes it is not the exact translaton, but hey, bad translations seem to be the newest fad)

I will be forced to lift the veil and curtain that cover the promotion of the said translation.

In Christ,


California wrote:

1) When (probably if) the NNIV is adopted, what are the all those who protest it going to do?   Will the exit from WELS be imperceptible, underwhelming or headline creating?

2) If the NNIV is rejected will the return to  KJV even be considered in the mix for consideration sure to follow?

3) If the answer to #2 is "no", then the question is "why bother to oppose the NNIV" at all?


GJ - The KJV family was not even mentioned, let alone the KJV itself. They have trained everyone to spit out "literal translation" the way they used to say "Page 5 and 15," as if discussing AIDS or the latest felony arrest at The Love Shack.

A faithful translation is bad, even if the main translator studied under Luther and Melanchthon. But a creative, free-flowing and dumbed-down paraphrase is good - nay, excellent.

Awaiting orders from the Holy Spirit chosen leadership of WELS.

Steadfast Lutherans » MNS Board of Directors release new minutes from May and they show something…

This is the perfect time to commemorate the Great Thief and Kidnapper.
Remember, readers - you pay handsomely for this abuse,
and you keep voting for more.

Steadfast Lutherans » MNS Board of Directors release new minutes from May and they show something…:

That is appalling.  See the draft minutes here.

There was a chance that the sale could have fallen through, but apparently the District BOD wanted the property of ULC sold so much that they accepted a revised offer of$250,00 less than before (ironic that at the beginning they seemed unwilling to give ULC $250,000 but now are willing to give Doran the money).  It also shows that the MNS BOD had an opportunity as late as May 24th to back out of the deal and save the ULC building from destruction.  They have chosen to continue with the eviction of one of their congregations and also to continue to drive a wedge of division into the District and our Synod by continuing their course of action.

This is one of the quotes from their resolution:

Seller shall complete the eviction of University Lutheran Chapel from the Property prior to the Closing Date.

Now translated:  The Minnesota South District shall complete the eviction of one of their member congregations, University Lutheran Chapel from the property prior to the Closing Date.

Also of note is that the organization “People of Praise” (wikipedia here) who has rented the ULC parsonage in the past is being given right to take any of the contents of the property with them.  They are also being praised by the District and given “God’s richest blessings”.  That is right, a charismatic group that our confessions would condemn (see Smalcald Articles) is being shown more courtesy than a congregation the District exists to serve (things other than evictions).  How can a confessional Lutheran Synod (by way of one of its Districts) bless the work of those whose ministry is of an unholy spirit?

Here is the BOD resolution regarding the sale of ULC:


WHEREAS, the Minnesota South District (the “District”) owns real property located at 1101 University Avenue Southeast, Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is legally described on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Property”); and

WHEREAS, on September 13, 2011 the Board of Directors of the District (the “Board”) unanimously adopted a resolution authorizing the Treasurer of the District to effectuate the sale of the Property subject to certain conditions, including a condition that any purchase agreement executed on behalf of the District must have a net sales price of not less than $3.2 million; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to such resolution the Treasurer of the District entered into a purchase agreement with Doran Development, LLC (“Doran”) dated September 23, 2011 (the “Purchase Agreement”); and

WHEREAS, as is typical, Doran’s obligations as buyer under the Purchase Agreement are subject to certain conditions precedent, as set forth in Section 9 of the Purchase Agreement (the “Conditions Precedent”); and

WHEREAS, as part of Doran’s investigation of the Property and its efforts to obtain the municipal approvals required for Doran’s intended use of the Property, certain items have come to light including the following: i) the City of Minneapolis has approved a smaller residential housing project than Doran desired; ii) alleged fence and pavement encroachments exist on the perimeter of the Property; and iii) certain environmental conditions exist on the property that will need to be addressed when Doran develops the Property for its intended use; and

WHEREAS, the above listed items each form the basis for Doran being relieved of its obligations under the Purchase Agreement based on or more of the Conditions Precedent; and

WHEREAS, Doran has requested the purchase price stated in the Purchase Agreement be reduced from $3.5 million to $3.25 million in exchange for Doran waiving the Conditions Precedent and accepting title to the property subject to existing encroachments and environmental conditions; and

WHEREAS, having considered Doran’s request and information relevant to such request, the Board finds it would be in the best interests of the District to reduce the stated purchase price of the Purchase Agreement to not less than $3.25 million in exchange for Doran waiving the Conditions Precedent (except certain conditions relating to title and ULC’s occupancy) and agreeing in an amendment to the Purchase Agreement to accept title to the Property subject to existing encroachments and environmental conditions; and

WHEREAS, in preparation for the closing of the sale of the Property the Board desires to designate those officers authorized to execute documents on the District’s behalf;

NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved:
1. The above recitals, including the findings contained therein, are incorporated as resolutions of the Board of Directors.
2. The sale of the Property to Doran for a gross sales price of not less than $3.25 million is hereby ratified and approved and the resolutions contained herein shall supersede the Board’s previous resolution of September 13, 2011 regarding the sale of the Property.
3. For purposes of the resolutions below, “Authorized Officer” means either the President of the District or the Treasurer of the District.
4. Either Authorized Officer is hereby directed and authorized to negotiate, execute, acknowledge and deliver on behalf of the District an amendment to Purchase Agreement that reduces the stated purchase price in the Purchase Agreement from $3.5 million to not less than $3.25 million and contains such other terms and conditions as either Authorized Officer deems appropriate.
5. Either Authorized Officer is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to negotiate, execute, acknowledge and deliver on behalf of the District a deed and all other documents and instruments necessary or desirable to complete the sale of the Property as contemplated by the Purchase Agreement, as amended. The execution of any document or instrument by either Authorized Officer shall be deemed conclusive evidence of the approval of such document or instrument in accordance with the terms of this resolution.
6. Either Authorized Officer is further authorized, empowered, and directed to do or to cause to be done all further acts and things as he or she deems necessary, advisable, or convenient in connection with or incidental to the consummation or carrying into effect of the transactions contemplated by the above resolutions including, but not limited to, the payment of real estate taxes, deed taxes, closing costs, and other costs and expenses associated with, or incidental to, the sale of the Property, and all such actions shall be deemed ratified, approved, confirmed and adopted.

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GJ - Please the original post, where the format is clearer and the comments are pouring in.

How Larry Olson Became the Waldo Werning
Professor of Church Growth
At Martin Luther College - WELS

Note the doctoral stripes for the drive-by DMin
and the stole made from the brocade couch in the faculty lounge.

We Didn't Have All the Luxuries, So Our Family Improvised When Cash Was Short