Friday, March 22, 2013

St. John Lutheran Church - Letter of Dismissal - Signed by the Two Men

 "I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord"
       by Timothy Dwight, 1752-1817 

1. I love Thy kingdom, Lord,
        The house of Thine abode,
        The Church our blest Redeemer saved
        With His own precious blood.

        2. I love Thy Church, O God,
        Her walls before Thee stand,
        Dear as the apple of Thine eye
        And graven on Thy hand.

        3. Should I with scoffers join
        Her altars to abuse?
        No! Better far my tongue were dumb,
        My hand its skill should lose.

        4. For her my tears shall fall,
        For her my prayers ascend,
        To her my cares and toils be given
        Till toils and cares shall end.

        5. Beyond my highest joy
        I prize her heavenly ways
        Her sweet communion, solemn vows,
        Her hymns of love and praise.

        6. Jesus, Thou Friend Divine,
        Our Savior and our King,
        Thy hand from every snare and foe
        Shall great deliverance bring.



Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "St. John Lutheran Church - Letter of Dismissal - S...":

This is nothing but a Judas letter!

What a crock!


GJ - It is pure WELS sanctimony, dripping with the prayers of unbelievers.

Unleash the Lawyers - St. John Lutheran Church Parish Constitution

Funny How all the UOJers Sound Alike

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Anonymous WELS Advice on Ecclesia Augustana Loaded...":

Paul McCain [GJ - supposedly another Paul] thinks it is unfair that the majority of Rydecki's congregation voted against UOJ and kept the church?! I'm sure they were happy to put down $20 grand in order to secure another loan. Rydecki's translation of Hunnius works are worth that much just by themselves. Too bad CPH is not interested in publishing them!

The members who voted to stay WELS will no doubt get plenty of help from the WELS to start a new church somewhere in Las Cruces. Las Cruces, which means "city of crosses," has 97,618 people, and is the second largest city in New Mexico, and surely can support another church. All the WELS has to do is sell Ski's church, since $500,000 surely is enough money for a new mission plant.

About "Paul's"  slurs against Jackson and the Rev. Rydecki of the future. Surely prophesying the inevitable demise of Rev. Rydecki, an honorable and pious man, is a sin. Also, "Paul's" slurs against Dr. Jackson are as baseless as the Catholic hierarchy's criticisms of the SNAP.


GJ - This "Paul" on Ecclesia Augustana claimed to be from Divine Savior in Indianapolis, but he never gave his real name. He gave this information after his anonymous and mistaken attacks on various people. His grasp of the facts was almost as bad as his grasp of Lutheran doctrine, sentence construction, and spelling.

Church leaders use such people to undermine and attack pastors, but the synod-puppets end up being tossed away when they are no longer needed.

"Why won't he pose with me?"

What Hath Jeske Wrought? - Division, False Doctrine, and Ski's Stinky Bar Ministry

Mark and Avoid Jeske may have horns by the next time he appears in the heavens.

Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Fox Valley Native Mark Belling Broadcasts about La...":

Dr. Jackson -

You said it all [well] when you stated in your reply to "Les:"

>>>>>>>>>> The new visibility of St. John made WELS look ugly, vindictive, and stupid. This theft is a way to get rid of Pastor Hastings, grab the building, and liquidate the assets.

WELS has some good members and pastors, but the leaders are an embarrassment to the Christian Church.

The DP who got rid of Pastor Hastings, long ago, and kicked out the mother church of the Synodical Conference, is also the same man protecting Mark and Avoid Jeske. >>>>>>

But, be that as it may - the Jeske pic is missing a couple of horns.......

Fox Valley Native Mark Belling Broadcasts about Latest WELS Scandal - The Theft of St. John Lutheran Church.

Mark Belling  is a Fox Valley native.

Mark Belling is the afternoon drive time host on News/Talk 1130 WISN-AM in Milwaukee. He is also a weekly columnist for many local newspapers including the Milwaukee Post, Waukesha Freeman, West Bend Daily News and Hometown Publications. Mark is one of the best known local talk show hosts in America. He has been a guest host on America's most listened to radio program, The Rush Limbaugh Show. He has for years been one of Talkers Magazine's "100 Heavy Hitters," a listing of the most important talk shows in America. Mark's show is one of the highest rated local talk programs in America and routinely wins its time slot. He has won the Marconi award for best radio host in America. Mark's show is a mixture of his principled conservatism, lifestyle issues and anything else "I feel like talking about."

Read more:

This is the broadcast about St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.


GJ - The broadcast is good. Here are some missing facts.

The two members who stole the congregation, locked out Pastor Kevin Hastings, and fired him, are only two of the four past members. The member in Arizona was not notified of the action. Neither was the pastor. An older lady was in the hospital.

The two men also seized the congregation's cash, including a large endowment. I am sure the cash was the prize, but the building would be useful.

A congregation must give adequate notice before it takes action as a voters assembly. That notice was not given, so the action was not legal.

The action also prevented a new family from being formally accepted into the congregation.

As far as I know, Pastor Hastings and the others are going to address this illegal action immediately.


Les Baker has left a new comment on your post "WELS Newest Scandal - Trying To Grab Historic St. ...":

I am sympathetic towards Pastor Hasting's dilemma, but am disturbed by your (Unchristian?) comments. Indeed the WELS is not perfect and l am disturbed by the whole UOJ confusion. Yet, your post attempts to involves the WELS in a non-WELS matter. St John's is not a WELS church and has not been for sometime. What is occurring at St. John's is a sin (and hopefully illegal) but does not involve the WELS in any direct way except as it involves all Christians concerned for God's people. I am sure the WELS errs in many ways. It is run by imperfect people. Imperfect just as are you and l, but not in this issue.

(When l used non-Christian earlier it was only concerning this one action. I understand you are men of God and l respect that, but even men of God make mistakes in judgement at times.)


GJ - Les, I do not know you, but I have known Pastor Kevin Hastings for about 20 years. I have attended a  Lutheran conference at his church, met his members (long ago), and stayed in contact with him, now primarily through Facebook.

Facts are not Christian or Unchristian. WELS has been working through these two men from the outside. I know the name of the WELS "friend" who told Hastings "You need an exit strategy" and that he was talking to one of those men. To meddle with another man's call is Unchristian, unethical, devious, and cowardly.

Jeske and Huebner, out of pure spite, tried to get St. John out of the cemetery association. They failed. What difference could that possibly make?

When St. John began using its fabulous church and organ for public concerts, the WELS politicians began making a big nasty fuss. I received one of the emails sent to an organist, which the WELS pastor denied sending. Funny - it has his name and email address on it.

The new visibility of St. John made WELS look ugly, vindictive, and stupid. This theft is a way to get rid of Pastor Hastings, grab the building, and liquidate the assets.

WELS has some good members and pastors, but the leaders are an embarrassment to the Christian Church.

The DP who got rid of Pastor Hastings, long ago, and kicked out the mother church of the Synodical Conference, is also the same man protecting Mark and Avoid Jeske.


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Fox Valley Native Mark Belling Broadcasts about La...":

Ichabod -


I now know the reason (upon second look) why
Jeske doesn't possess horns.

I finally noticed those beady eyes........


GJ - Did you see the gold constellation? The pointer stars are aiming at it.

Pedophile victims group slams so-called ‘dirty dozen’ cardinals — including Timothy Cardinal Dolan — who they claim covered up sex abuse  - NY Daily News.
WELS, ELS, and LCMS Follow the Same Principles - For Avoiding Payments to Victims

Timothy Cardinal Dolan
Ski? I knew you'd land on your feet, you old devil.


The so-called “dirty dozen” includes Timothy Cardinal Dolan.

Read more:

Pedophile victims group slams so-called ‘dirty dozen’ cardinals — including Timothy Cardinal Dolan — who they claim covered up sex abuse  - NY Daily News:

VATICAN CITY -- A group of sex abuse victims don’t want a dirty Pope on the chair of St. Peter.
A “dirty dozen” of papal wannabes — including Timothy Cardinal Dolan — would be the absolute worst choices for Pope Benedict’s successor, according to the advocacy group SNAP.



Oscar Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiagia from Honduras.

“This handful of so-called reformers has benefitted (sic) from diligent and savvy public relations professionals,” said David Clohessy, director of SNAP, which stands for Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests.

“Sometimes, they've gotten the benefit of the doubt from many because they're charming and charismatic glad-handers.”



Donald Cardinal Wuerl

The Vatican scoffed at the suggestion certain cardinals should be excluded from consideration for Pope.



George Cardinal Pell

"We are well aware of the position of SNAP,” said Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi. “But it really isn't up to SNAP to determine who should participate or not in the conclave.”

Two other Americans are on the ignominious list: Sean Cardinal O’Malley of Boston and Donald Cardinal Wuerl of Washington, D.C.



Peter Cardinal Turkson

Clohessy blasted the trio of American cardinals for their track record of allegedly covering up sex abuse in the church and then seeking to minimize the fallout from abuse cases.



Marc Cardinal Ouellet

“When bishops make insensitive or deceitful statements about this crisis, it exacerbates the hopelessness and helplessness of many victims,” Clohessy said.

Even Ghana’s Peter Cardinal Turkson — considered a frontrunner for the papacy — appears on the list due to his comment last year that there were few child molesting clerics in Africa because homosexuality is “not countenanced” there.



Mexican Norberto Cardinal Rivera

And more scandals are likely on the horizon, especially in the developing world, Clohessy said.
“Stop pretending that the worst is over regarding the clergy sex abuse and cover up crisis. Tragically, the worst is almost certainly ahead,” he said.

— with Stephen Rex Brown

Read more:

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Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them  - NY Daily News

Pope Francis has already cheered Catholics with his low-key approach. Now he’s showing support for victims of pedophile priests.


Pope Francis has already cheered Catholics with his low-key approach. Now he’s showing support for victims of pedophile priests.

Read more:

Pope Francis: U.S. was ‘stupid’ for shuffling around pedophile priests instead of firing them  - NY Daily News:

Pope Francis is staunchly opposed to the “stupid” practice of reassigning priests who are accused of pedophilia, preferring to drum them out of the priesthood instead.
The former archbishop of Buenos Aires — then known as Jorge Cardinal Bergoglio — favors “zero tolerance” for priestly sexual abuse and criticized previous cases in the U.S. where accused clerics were simply moved to other parishes, according to a book of conversations he had with Rabbi Abraham Skorka.

During his 14 years as archbishop, Bergoglio ordered church officials to report all allegations to the police rather than simply moving them to avoid damaging the church.
“That solution was proposed once in the United States ... switching the priests to a different parish. It is a stupid idea,” Bergoglio said. “That way, the priest just takes the problem with him wherever he goes.”


The 2010 interviews just came to light through an English translation just posted by the Catholic news service Aleteia.

As Bergoglio, the cardinal favored the hardline approach of taking away priests’ licenses if they were accused of abuse. He also advised bishops to begin a canonical trial against the accused priest.

“I think that's the attitude to have,” he said.

The interview is being revisited around the world for clues how Pope Francis will deal with the ongoing pedophile priest scandal.


The problem is particularly acute in Ireland, where priests engaged in “endemic” molestation of children for decades, according to two reports by the Irish government issued since 2009.
Church officials were more worried about avoiding scandal than protecting the victims, the reports found. Priests were often transferred to new parishes and the allegations hushed up, a pattern that was repeated in other Catholic dioceses around the world, including the U.S.
In 2002, a Connecticut newspaper published a scathing report of Edward Cardinal Egan’s efforts to protect priests accused of abuse in New York.

“Egan failed to investigate aggressively some abuse allegations, did not refer complaints to criminal authorities and ... suggested that a dozen people who made complaints of rape, molestation and beatings against the same priest may have all been lying,” said the article, citing court documents.

Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles was dogged by similar allegations. The LA Times reported he “withheld information from police and allowed clerics facing prosecution to flee to foreign countries.”

Read more:

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Anonymous WELS Advice on Ecclesia Augustana Loaded with Ad Hominem and Aunt Sally Fallacies

Ecclesia Augustana:

Mr. Rusch,
A couple more thoughts for you if you don't mind. I would avoid LPC's advice to read widely and wildly. This is not in line with God's commands or the practice of the church Catholic. It may sound good to read widely and wildly in academic circles but it is spiritual poison. Consider Christ's command to stay away from those who cause divisions. The early church condemned the writings of the Gnostics and other heretics. They didn't tell people to read widely and wildly and decide for themselves. Avoid writers like Karl Barth. Stick to Scripture, the confessions and good Lutheran writings. (Do they still recommend reading Law & Gospel annually?) These things are what will make you a sharp theologian, not being exposed to many different beliefs as LPC would have you believe. Many a Christian has thought that he would be strong enough to read false teaching and not be affected by it but some of those Christians then became false teachers. LPC calls it a fence and that may be so but it is exactly the practice of the Church Catholic and what Christ commands us to do with those who would bring a different message, put up a fence of seperation (sic).

If you disagree with Rydecki, Jackson, (who on an unrelated note, has posted on this blog that the WELS is behind the St. John's affair [sic - incomplete sentence - completely confused]. It is pretty clear what happened and the truth doesn't involve a three year homosexual WELS sleeper cell. The very thought that someone who claims to be intelligent thinks that boggles the mind. Jackson gets more bonkers by the day. Even more amazing, I can't believe none of the authors of this blog have taken down that post by him.) LPC, and Schultz you should avoid them.

If you do agree with them, and I pray you don't, you should at the very least not continue on to WLS. There is much pain for all parties when someone changes their confession while they serve as a pastor. Just look at Pastors Hastings or Jackson.

Or wait a decade and see what happens to Rydecki and Schulz. (Or even now talk to Rydecki's members who had to come up with $20,000 or on the other hand the WELS members who decided to stay WELS in Las Cruces and now have no church. They have been silent in this but they are heart broken.) I pray this isn't the case, but if you do disagree with the WELS, you should take some time away after MLC. This is the most honest thing to do both before the church and God. Otherwise, I would add my encouragement to shake the dust off your feet from this blog.



GJ - I know Dr. Lito Cruz, PhD, from many communications. We have often discussed higher education. He signs his name instead of omitting his own name (as "Paul" did). The following statement is called a straw fallacy fallacy (or an Aunt Sally in Britain):

"I would avoid LPC's advice to read widely and wildly."

Everyone knows the WELSians read narrowly, a constant repeat-after-me catechsim of UOJ and Church Growth, including multiple essays by such luminaries as homosexual-seminary board chairman Richard Jungkuntz and atheist Curtis A. Peterson. Mequon faculty stamp MISLEADING on quotations from orthodox Lutherans about justification by faith.

The Mequon reading list is almost exclusively anti-Lutheran. A Sausage Factory graduate of the 1980s told me his library was all Reformed, based on required reading, while mine was Lutheran. I doubt whether this situation has improved.

Cruz' argument was that a real graduate degree in theology is better than one in sect worship from WELS, LCMS, or ELS. The LCMS/WELS/ELS degree is worthless and a waste of time.

After a confused, incomplete sentence, "Paul" found his footing again and stated:

"It is pretty clear what happened and the truth doesn't involve a three year homosexual WELS sleeper cell. The very thought that someone who claims to be intelligent thinks that boggles the mind."

"Paul" does not say what happened, because he has no idea. I know because of regular contacts with Pastor Hastings. I never said "sleeper cell" anywhere, but that is how the straw man salesman works.He told me about WELS involvement in two ways.  The two ways were - kicking St. John out of the cemetery association with Jeske and Huebner. Also - a WELS "friend" contacted Hastings months ago, naming the member behind the defenestration and said to Kevin, "You need an exit strategy." Long before that, Jon Buchholz contacted Kevin and began to act friendly. Buchie is justly famous for funding Emergent Church types (Jeff Gunn, Rick Johnson) while grumbling about them "chapping my hide."

The final straw man/ad hominem is a riot of confused and incoherent rage:

Just look at Pastors Hastings or Jackson. 

Or wait a decade and see what happens to Rydecki and Schulz. (Or even now talk to Rydecki's members who had to come up with $20,000 or on the other hand the WELS members who decided to stay WELS in Las Cruces and now have no church. They have been silent in this but they are heart broken.) I pray this isn't the case, but if you do disagree with the WELS, you should take some time away after MLC. This is the most honest thing to do both before the church and God. Otherwise, I would add my encouragement to shake the dust off your feet from this blog. [GJ - But "Paul" can post many times on that nefarious blog, because his cause is just.]

I suggest looking at:

Ski and Tim Glende, Mequon graduates who are now in serious trouble in Fox Valley, known for plagiarizing the false teacher Groeschel and worshiping with gay activist Andy Stanley, but also facing legal problems for their actions and words. That trouble travels all the way up the ladder, through the CP, DP, and SP.

Ed Werner, District President who went to state prison for molesting the little girls in his congregation, for decades - and WELS knew it.

Richard Jungkuntz, who was discovered only by accident and went on to have a career in pre-ELCA. As chairman of the board of Seminex, Jungkuntz presided over the first gay Lutheran seminary. Party in Seminex preceded Party in the MLC.

Teacher Al Just and Pastor William Tabor - who murdered their wives and got off lightly (Just) with synodical help and scott-free (Tabor) with destruction of evidence.

Joel Hochmuth - whose felony arrest for distributing man/boy rape videos was the source of endless amusement on the gay blogs, since they also had his and Schroeder's statement condemning ELCA for being honest about that group's advocacy. Is is too grumpy to say, "Why is God's name is WELS working with ELCA on anything?...Paul."

I am impressed that Pastor Hastings soldiered on after being kicked out of WELS. He has kept a magnificent building and pipe organ in great shape for 26 years. WELS did everything possible to scatter his congregation. I have seen that done many times. The vindictiveness, pettiness, and hypocrisy of WELS is worth several books.

WELS was scared to death that the revival of fortunes at St. John would make them look like the idiots they are.

Joel Hochmuth, Director of Communications, WELS,
was absolved publicly by SP Schroeder for distributed man/boy rape pornography.

Top Five Page Views - Last Seven Days

Innocent baby responds to WELS "friends."


Smile - Counter the Synodical Lawyers with Your Own

I have two lawyers in my extended family. One graduated from Harvard Law. The other is a tax expert among tax experts.

The innocent in Lutherdom should face this simple fact - mission dollars go to finance synodical lawyers 24/7.

Each sect has liability lawsuits to face all the time, because the leaders are corrupt, greedy, and immoral.

When trouble begins to brew, a congregation needs to consult with a lawyer. Pastors should do the same in advance.

A call is a legal contract with certain promises made. No one can cancel a written contract on a whim.

Congregations have legal rights to their property. Bullies may grab the property and change the locks, but they cannot violate the rights of members without consequences.

In fact, a member who is kicked out of congregation also has rights.

A lawyer takes care of 90% of the stress and guides people through the tangles of the legal system. Dishonest people--including synodical bureaucrats--fear lawyers because they know they are in the wrong.

When a sect is robbing a man or a congregation, the leaders scream, "You cannot sue Christians!" even though they are already getting legal advice on how to get away with their latest scam.

The Apostle Paul took advantage of his legal rights as a Roman citizen to demand his rights in a court of law. His point about suing fellow believers is more fitting in describing the District Presidents than their victims.

DP Jon-Boy Buchholz dishonestly kicked out Pastor Paul Rydecki and immediately began bragging about foreclosing on the mortgage to that church - at the pastors' conference where the topic of justification should have been discussed openly. Everyone was afraid to debate the tyrant, so there was almost no discussion.

"How soon can we grab the property, Mark?" Do you think no lawyers were consulted? If you think, "None," then you win the Baby Blue Eyes Award. Buchie lost out and the congregation kept the property it had paid toward for many years.

WELS reminds me of a dishonest car dealer, who suddenly decides to haul away a car that is 75% paid for because he is angry about you being a Cubs fan.

I knew something was rotten in Denmark when Buchie began contacting Pastor Kevin Hastings in Milwaukee, pretending to be a friend. Why the sudden interest in someone who has served a congregation for 26 years. My advice is always, "Sit down with a lawyer as soon as you catch wind of the DP's cologne."

The synod has lawyers?

Support the Diaprax - Process.
University of Tennessee Pulls Funding for “Sex Week” | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes

"Of course, you should go. The chancellor supports the process."
"Don't go. State funds should not be used for this."

University of Tennessee Pulls Funding for “Sex Week” | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes:

"By Todd Starnes

Organizers of the University of Tennessee’s first-ever “Sex Week” will have to find a new source of funding after embattled university officials reversed course and announced they will not fund the controversial program with state tax dollars.

Follow Todd on Facebook for Culture War News! Click here to join!

“We support the process and the students involved, but we should not use state funds in this manner,” Chancellor Jimmy Cheek said in a statement.

Cheek made the announcement after reviewing “Sex Week’s” final agenda. As a result, the student-led event will be forced to find $11,145 in additional funding. The university will continue to let the group use $6,700 in student fees.

UT System President Joe DiPietro said he supports the decision."

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Watch the World Map on the Lower Left Column, Bottom of the Page

WELS has another scandal erupting. Read the posts below about St. John Lutheran Church in Milwaukee.

But check out the Feedjit map at the bottom, lower left, of the page every so often, especially in the morning.

You can see how many read this blog, in Africa, Europe, and Asia. South America, Australia, and New Zealand also light up.

You can click on the map and find the general locations.

The live Feedjit map shows who is currently logged on, their operating system, and times they enter and leave. That is how I tracked a lot of information about Fox Valley WELS.

I also noticed that the super-nasty posts I was getting were always from Garland, Texas, hometown of DP Kudu Don Patterson. That does not prove he sent those. But when I began posting about them, they stopped, whoever wrote them.

March should reach 100,000 page-views, up from 60,000 in October.

Ecclesia Augustana: Historic St. John's Lutheran Hijacked by Sodomites

Ecclesia Augustana: Historic St. John's Lutheran Hijacked by Sodomites:

It has come to the attention of this blog that Historic Saint John's Evangelical-Lutheran Church, a former epicenter of Lutheranism in Milwaukee where two sainted WELS Synod Presidents were pastors and the Evangelical Lutheran Synodical Conference of North America was founded, had its pastor removed and property seized by two unrepentant homosexuals.  Mr. Tim Niedfeldt,who recently left his WELS church with the intent to join and revitalize St. John's, has graciously offered this "guest post" of sorts, which is essentially a cross-post of his "press release" on the St. John's Facebook page

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Luther Seminary and School Debt, Money Wasted

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "ELCA's Luther Seminary Swimming in Red Ink.ALPB Fo...":

News excerpts and comments on ELCA Luther Sem's financial problems:

Luther Sem stumbling sent shockwaves through the ELCA:

Luther Seminary in Minnesota, sent shockwaves through the denomination with the recent admittance that they are facing extreme financial difficulties
Why Luther Sem's financial problems were so shocking to the
ELCA is just a year ago word on the street was that Luther
Sem was financially strong:

There has long been talk as to whether this church, with only 4.2 million members and 10,000 congregations, needs seven seminaries. For instance, the LCMS, at about half the size of the ELCA, does quite well with just two seminaries.

Luther, perhaps the most orthodox of the seminaries, along with Southern. are well endowed. Philadelphia, which has found a niche as a graduate school of theology for non-Lutherans in the City of Brotherly Love, is strong financially as well. Gettysburg (above) and Wartburg, not so much.
ELCA synodical budget only gives $3.5 million to its seven seminaries:

Of that amount, a mere $3.5 million was designated to seminary support. That comes to approximately 5.66% of the budgeted expenses.
ELCA conservative recalls the Luther Sem president saying
his seminary was better off than the others, and the common
area buildings were remodeled but the dorms are in shambles:
We're certainly in better shape than the others." I'm not sure whether Luther is "struggling, and not going to be okay", or whether the other 7 are already 6-feet-under, as it were.

NW and OCC have both recently undergone major asthetic remodels, while the dorms and apartments battle bedbugs and mold year-round.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "ELCA's Luther Seminary Swimming in Red Ink.ALPB Fo...":

Tuition for 2013-14 is only a $100 more than in 2011-12 ($1400 vs $1500 per course):


Luther Seminary and the Luth Theo. Sem in Philadelphia paid their professors
much more than the other ELCA seminaries or LCMS Ft. Wayne do. Thus, it is not
surprising that to "fix" their financial mess, Luther Sem let go a number of
professors and staff:


With graduate student loans no longer subsidized while students are in school,
it doesn't surprise me that Luther Sem put its whole graduate program on hold for 3 years for reassessment. Also, Obama and the US Congress are trying to punish schools that raise tuition and fees faster than inflation each year, but that program hasn't gotten off the ground yet:


Luther Sem's default rate in the first two years is low (1.7%), but now
the dept of education is going to a three year default rating system. That
may change since in 2012 only half of the graduates at Luther Sem had job offers:

Only about half of the students last year who earned master of divinity degrees had job offers once they graduated, she said.


The 2012 report that did the Chief Financial Officer and the president of Luther Sem in
(note how short and long term liabilities jumped $4million from 2011 to 2012, and the endowment fund lost $10 million in value:

The trouble he’s referring to is the school’s $4 million shortfall, revealed in Luther’s 2012 annual report which showed a total income of $23 million and expenses of $27.1 million.

Bliese’s resignation was announced on Dec. 10, shortly after chief financial officer (CFO) Don Lewis resigned in November. Dr. William Frame was named interim CFO.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "ELCA's Luther Seminary Swimming in Red Ink.ALPB Fo...":

Student loan default rates for the LCMS seminaries (in the first two years after graduation):

Ft Wayne: 2009 rate: 2.7%

St. Louis: 2009 rate: 0.9%