Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Parsing the Moldstad Deception - All UOJ Advocates Are Liars -
So Do Not Act Shocked

Is the error going to be publicly retracted and repudiated? Until then, this faux-apology means nothing. After all, this is the second time this deception has been published in the Little Sect on the Prairie.

Don Moldstad, Chaplain said...
This is Chaplain Don Moldstad responding: I do apologize for not being more accurate with my source. I was simply attempting to show how the Confessional Lutheran church has confessed this blessed truth in contrast to Rome. Thank you for your attention to detail. My apologies.


The fake, dishonest "Luther" statement below
teaches contrary to the Augsburg Confession.

GJ - Ecclesia Augustana first exposed this deception, which had already been aired in its earlier form on Intrepid Lutherans.  Here is the update from Intrepid Lutherans - on the Moldstad lies.

Don Moldstad's statement has been reported as an apology, but it was just the opposite of an apology. He did not retract his falsehood - he supported it as "confessional"  and as a "blessed truth." It was just a little thing about "detail." How much more arrogant can Pope-Brother be?

What exactly was his source? Is he so ignorant of Luther's Small Catechism that he calls this drivel Luther's? Notice the quotation marks, created to make us think this is some version of the Small Catechism we have never seen before.

I know Pope John the Malefactor did the same thing, turning a question about UOJ into someone asking, "How can critics of UOJ even call themselves Christian?" That was published in the unheralded and largely unread ELS magazine of record. 

I know Pope John pulled this deception off, because I corresponded with the letter-writer and his family, and we met Kokomo. That is the place you want to go, if you want to find out about WELS/ELS duplicity.

Now let us ponder the faux-quotation from pseudo-Luther (aka the Moldstad brothers).

I believe in the forgiveness of sins because the Bible assures me that God the Father has by grace forgiven all sinners and declared them righteous. [Moldstad brothers]

What does this mean?

GJ - This is UOJ code talk. Faith is not mentioned because "forgiven all sinners" means forgiven without faith. Just to make sure no one misses the UOJ content, this phrase is added "and declared them righteous." The two errors are synonymous. God does indeed forgive sinners, since He has no reason to forgive non-sinners. However, ever since Walther, Preuss, and the SynCons, "forgiven all sinners" has been used to argue that the entire world is absolved without faith.

UOJ places  a great emphasis upon "without faith."

"Declared them righteous" is a second attempt to say the same thing, avoiding justification, perhaps because justification always means justification by faith in the Scriptures, in the Book of Concord, in Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, Gerhard, Calov, Quensted, Andreae, and many more.

God can declare sinners righteous because, on the redemptive work of Christ, He has aquitted (sic) of the guilt and punishment of their sins, and has imputed to them the righteousness of Christ. He therefore regards them in Christ as though they had never sinned. [Moldstad brothers, with Jay Webber's in Christ added]

What does this mean?

GJ - This section features bad spelling and atrocious English. I wonder if they meant to use some different words or omitted a word or two.

This is also boasting that God has forgiven the entire world, without faith, without grace, without the Word, without the Means of Grace. Where is this fantasy recorded? Not in Luther and not in the Book of Concord. I can find it in the notorious false teacher named Samuel Huber. Two orthodox Lutheran theologians refuted Huber, who had been a Calvinist and accused justification by faith Lutherans as "Calvinists." Sound familiar?

Once again - nothing is said about faith. Imputation and faith are always used together in the New Testament. This imputation relates to Abraham who was justified by faith in Genesis 15, as argued again in Romans 4 and repeated in Galatians. Imputation is our fancy word for "count." We are counted as righteous when we believe in the atoning death of Christ.

KJV Romans 4:24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; 25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification. 

5:1 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ:
2 By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

No one is "in Christ" without faith in the Savior, and that faith is created and sustained by the Holy Spirit at work in the Word.

I receive this justification when the Holy Ghost through the means of grace, leads me, the sinner, to believe that God has forgiven all my sins for Christ's sake. [Moldstad brothers, ELS]

What does this mean?

GJ - In other words, faith in the absolution of the world (without faith) is necessary for this absolution to be true. What a mish-mash of rationalism, Pietism, and mainline gibberish.

This is not faith in Christ but faith in UOJ, exactly as Walther learned it from his syphilitic bishop, Martin Stephan, who learned it from Georg Christian Knapp at Halle University, the center of Pietism in Europe.

The Pietist Rambach also taught this, as Samuel Huber--the repudiated heretic--did.

But today, people call themselves "confessional Lutherans" while repudiating the Lutheran Confessions, then bragging that their amalgam of Pietism and Rationalism is the true faith.

P. Leyser was one of the lesser known editors of the Book of Concord.
Who is confessional - Leyser or Huber and his ELS clones?

Sex education in state schools | Churchmouse Campanologist

WELS was happy to trust Ski with teaching CORE and its high school,
but the guy could not even spell "forward."

Sex education in state schools | Churchmouse Campanologist:

"In 2011, Washington, DC schools decided to implement an examination on matters sexual for students. This was scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2012. In January 2012, prior to implementation, more details emerged about the guidelines for the course, aimed at primary and middle school students from age seven upwards (emphases mine):

A new set of sexual education guidelines have been released by a coalition of health and education groups, which says that young elementary school students should use the proper names for body parts and, by the end of fifth grade, know that sexual orientation is “the romantic attraction of an individual to someone of the same gender or a different gender.”"

'via Blog this'


Pastor emeritus Nathan Bickel has left a new comment on your post "Sex education in state schools | Churchmouse Campa...":

Ichabod -

It never ceases to amaze me that political and religious liberals and their Planned Parenthood cronies want religious Conservatives to stay out of people's bedrooms and clam up about how people should live their lives. They frown on Christians speaking against homosexuality and the gay lifestyle while they think it is perfectly normal to implement their propaganda version of "sex education" in (taxpayer funded) public schools.

Nathan M. Bickel


GJ - Howzabout WELS picking the least appropriate person to plagiarize Groeschel's program?

They had another candidate in Milwaukee, but he was in the hoosegow.

But the boys from the Party in the MLC video could have pitched in, just in case Ski was...indisposed.

If You Want To Know American News, Read the British Press

Some want all the answers yesterday,
but the American press is managed by their need for access.
Question the politicians - no access - no promotion - no TV time.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "She Spoke at the ELCA Youth Rally - They Hoped She...":

The spectators and cops were totally incurious about large bags with pressure cookers inside, one set near a mail box. Since it was on the street side of the temporary fence keeping back the spectators, it was obvious it didn't belong to anyone. If there was ever a suspicious package, these were it! See pictures here:


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "She Spoke at the ELCA Youth Rally - They Hoped She...":

The man who mailed the ricin letters used his own initials, KC, which significantly narrowed down the field of suspects:

Mississippi man, Kenneth Curtis, arrested in connection with ricin letter incidents: 


GJ - The total lack of security near the finish line was appalling. If everyone is allowed to carry backpacks, narrowing the suspects down is difficult. True, they can track purchases back and trace phone calls, but that is far too late.

She Spoke at the ELCA Youth Rally - They Hoped She Would Not Swear.

Nadia Botz-Weber. Photo courtesy of the author.
ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber

As many of you know I was at the funeral this Monday of Cythia Burnside, wiife (sic) of bishop Bruce Burnside. I met Bruce at the ELCA church-wide assembly and had preached about that the following Sunday. I preached about how he and I had sat next to each other at a worship service where I discovered that his wife had been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a month before. During a particularly un-sing-able hymn that I was distracted by hating…I realized he was crying. So, throwing my snotty opinions about church music aside I just had to sing that terrible hymn twice as loud because my grieving brother in Christ couldn’t sing. After the liturgy ended, even though I was a new pastor he had just met and he was a bishop I asked him if he would like for me to pray for him and anoint him with oil and his eyes teared up and he said thank you yes. I committed to pray for him every day since and checked in occasionally via text message and email. At his wife’s funeral Monday I asked him “Who pastors Bishops?” He whispered “no one.” So, here’s the thing…I don’t really think I was the one who allowed Christ to be revealed in this encounter… it was Bruce. Because Bruce allowed himself to bear a need that someone else could, however imperfectly meet. And when the grief of our brother was cared about Jesus was cared about.


GJ - ELCA has passed from Old Pietism, its roots, to Neo-Pietism, which is mainline dogma (everyone forgiven) with sappy examples like this portrayed as the Christian faith. Doncha feel better, now?

I ran into this when researching the drunken ELCA bishop (Burnside, mentioned above, pictured below), and I thought, "This is Ski rubbing Jesus all over people." 

The Pietists reject the Means of Grace, so they invent absurdities about revealing Jesus in these touching little vignettes - sob. 

Jesus comes to us through the Means of Grace. He is revealed in the Means of Grace. Little saint stories like this make people think they can replace faith in Christ with Pharisaical gestures.


Burnside is still an ELCA bishop, just as Ed Werner remained a WELS DP when facing prison.
Burnside will have a different relationship with bars from now on.

ELCA BIshop Accused in DUI-Related Death

A woman named Maureen Mengelt was out running near her home in Wisconsin on Sunday, as she often did.  She was struck by a car and killed.  Our prayers go out to her family and friends.

Sadly, the driver of the car was Bruce Burnside, bishop of the ELCA's South-Central Wisconsid (sic) Synod.  He is being held by police, and has been accused of driving under the influence of alcohol.  The police did not release his BAC to the press.  Our prayers go out to Bishop Burnside and, especially, the people of his synod.

Burnside was on his way to a meeting at one of his synod's congregations.

Although we do not find that Lutheran pastors drink any more than the average person, or even as much, we most definitely have come to believe that alcoholism and depression occur at very high rates among our colleagues.  This includes bishops; it was not long ago that Bishop Marsh was required to step down from his position in Detroit for similar reasons. [GJ - WELS promotes alcoholism in the clergy - and rewards it - until the obvious happens.]

We have no numbers to back any of this up.  We're not even aware that anybody has ever studied it.  But we do think that our health plan, which famously rewards us for taking a five-minute online assessment of things like our vegetable intake, might reward us even more highly for getting into AA and/or seeing a psychotherapist regularly.

Discussing doctrine in WELS is forbidden - unless they are forcing their
peculiar dogmas on others.

WELS financed and promoted this kind of sermon - and it is still posted on the websty of Gausewitz' father's congregation:

Our church’s mission statement downtown is this... The Core exists to transform lives for Jesus through faith that is real, relevant and relational.  My personal mission statement is this, because I’ve developed my own... From every pore of my body, I will ooze Jesus Christ so that in this world, as I brush up against people, my sweaty, oozy Jesus will get all over them!  Every day he gives you opportunities.  Every day!

Benjamin Wink Schools Fox Valley Pastor Joel Lillo on Happiness

When your  ladies' spiritual retreats are known for gross staff behavior
and  bets on who will puke first,
you become District President - right Kudu Don?

Hi Gregory,
Don sent you an invitation to connect 4 days ago. How would you like to respond?
Don Patterson
Don Patterson
Pastor at Holy Word

Joel has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.":

I'm sure you're happy.


Kangaroo Cool - this would be a good upgrade on Easter bunny petting ads,
used by WELS - but hard to find this year.

Benjamin Wink has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Resigned, Effective 4-12-2013.":

I don't think that anyone should feel happy about any of this. Look how far it went. A glorified light show and viewscreens, like a Pink Floyd concert only with worse music.

Look at how much money has been wasted during the course of this venture. Seems like a variation of the old casino standby: "You gotta spend money to make money." Instead of "make money" however in this case it was "gain souls". Both statements are fallacies. Show me the raw data that shows that viewscreens and praise bands with watered down (at best) messages win souls over the incredible power of the Law and Gospel. How can anyone have the audacity to think that they have a better way than God's way?

How can anyone allow their offerings to get filtered through to synod when these examples of money mismanagement keep popping up? Buying a new headquarters when you haven't sold your old one. Throwing money at a campus chapel that was not needed and that you're too ashamed to even have at the center of your own worship conference.

I remember when the Forward In Christ offering was THE thing. They were so eager to get the mission projects started, the synod threw money at anyone who first came in the door asking for it. They didn't need a good plan or even a plan, just a hand out to take it. No real discretion or examination committee or anything. Come knocking, you get money. And the funds evaporated like water on a hot skillet.

Incredible. I mean why create a fund for sustainability for the future? Just spend the money like water, don't balance your checkbooks, manage to get millions in debt. And faithful followers and congregants would just send more money to the synod instead of designating offerings to their local congregation's needs or local school's needs.

Until accounting is offered at MLC and WLS, more attention is definitely needed from the laity and members. Tightening the purse strings definitely is a good step in stopping the enabling of abuses and mismanagement.

Or you get stuff like the CORE happening. Like how your monies were used there?


GJ - This fiasco has been a continuous disgrace among all Christians. DP Engelbrecht covered it up from the beginning and really took up the cudgels against anyone who dared to disagree with Tim Glende or his buddy Ski.


Joel has left a new comment on your post "Benjamin Wink Schools Fox Valley Pastor Joel Lillo...":

Just so that we're clear here, The Core is not shutting down. Mr. Wink's comments seem to imply that it is. They will continue to have service and preach God's Word there. Just thought you'd like to know.


GJ - So who is going to conduct the worship and drink the leftover beer in the fridge?

Why are the movies of Ski still playing? They were taken down before.

The Challenges of a Small Christian College.
Ecclesia College Expects To Outgrow Springdale, Arkansas Campus

President Oren Paris stands in front of a 4800 square foot addition,
with the Dome in the background.
Ecclesia College needs dormitory and classroom space.

SPRINGDALE - Oren Paris III, president of Ecclesia College in Springdale, isn’t boastful of his fundraising abilities. He’ll be the first to say that it’s a learning process he feels he’s only just begun.
“If I were really good at this, we probably wouldn’t be talking about it - ’cause it’d be done,” Paris said laughing in his campus office Tuesday.
But Paris, who succeeded his father, the college’s founder, as president in 1997, knows he doesn’t have the luxury of trying to wish the problem away.
Ecclesia, a private Christian college that began as a one-year ministry-training program in 1975, will soon begin straining both its classroom and student housing capacities, if recent growth is a predictor of future needs.

Isaac Reppert sang "To Dream the Impossible Dream"
at a recent recital.

Paris and Ecclesia registrar Donna Brown said enrollment jumped from 27 full-time students in February 2005, when the college received its first accreditation from the Association for Biblical Higher Education, to a full-time equivalent enrollment of 180 for the fall 2012 academic semester. The college has about 10 accredited degree programs. Paris projected a full-time equivalent enrollment of 200 for the fall 2013 semester.
“We’ll be running out of all space, really,” Paris said. “We’ll be running out of dining space, classroom space, administrative space, library space. It all happens at the same time.”
According to Brandi Hinkle, communications coordinator for the Arkansas Department of Higher Education, the department has certified four programs at Ecclesia, including an associate of general studies and bachelor’s degrees in business administration, emergency management and sports management.
Mike Novak, Ecclesia’s financial-development officer and an adjunct instructor in theater, said although the college does have students from across the United States, most of the college’s students have historically come from Arkansas and nearby states - Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma.
“The way we’ve always done our marketing, it’s been a low-key, low-cost effort,” Novak said. “The college is advertised through word of mouth, person to person, often during a student’s visit to a new church - those tend to be closer, geographically.”
Ecclesia also hosts about 20 international students from areas such as Central America and Africa. Novak said this was a result of the college’s emphasis on mission work. Some Ecclesia students participate in missionary trips abroad during the summer months, which earns them community-service credit with the college, Novak said.
Ecclesia is one of only seven “work-learning schools” throughout the country, in which students provide labor for the institution to offset the cost of tuition, which ranges from about $15,250 to $20,250 annually for a full-time student, depending on housing and meal plans.
Ecclesia students are required to work a minimum of 90 hours each semester, performing duties ranging from landscaping and food service to administrative work, and are paid between $9 and $12 an hour toward the cost of their tuition for their work.
The school is now several hundred thousand dollars into an effort to expand its campus enough to cope with annual growth, including a 4,800-square-foot classroom facility that is estimated to cost between $300,000 and $400,000, and renovation of two off-campus rental properties, owned by the college, which Paris said will be converted for student housing.
Paris also must navigate his campus’s architectural equivalent of a white elephant - a 68,000-square-foot steel structure that has sat unfinished for more than a decade, only a few hundred yards from the college’s central administrative building.
Paris said the project began in 2000, when his plan was to expand the private Christian kindergarten-through-12 school then operating on the 200-acre property. Paris said Ecclesia spent about $500,000 to lay the foundation and erect the building’s steel frame and roof, and that construction halted immediately after those steps were completed.
Shifting circumstances have kept construction at a standstill ever since. After the structure was erected, Ecclesia administrators decided to get out of kindergarten-through-12 education altogether and focus solely on higher education, Paris said. Shortly thereafter, an Ecclesia board member who had promised to donate a significant amount of money toward the building’s completion died, and the funding never materialized.
Paris said Nabholz Construction Services, which had completed the first phase, estimated a total cost of $10.5 million to complete the building. While Paris would prefer to have the building finished, the scale of the expenditure has forced him to prioritize smaller, more fiscally manageable projects, such as the 4,800-square-foot classroom facility.
“We just got the building permit [recently],” Paris said. “We need it this fall. But that’s a $400,000 bite we’re taking there, compared to a $10.5 million cost estimate from Nabholz. Some schools would probably look at that and think it’s no big deal - for us, that’d be the biggest amount of money we’d ever had to raise.”
“But by 2015, I anticipate we’ll need to be in that big building,” Paris said.
Ecclesia student council chairman Missie McClarty, a freshman who first became involved with Ecclesia through its home-school preparatory academy as a high school sophomore, said that while the classroom seating situation was tolerable, any growth could make the situation uncomfortable.
“Classroom-wise, we’re not too bad, but I know in the future we’re going to be crowded,” McClarty said.
McClarty originally experimented with living on campus at the beginning of the 2012 fall semester, but said she returned to live with her parents after three weeks, rather than initiate a student loan to pay to live in one of the college’s family-style housing facilities.
McClarty said the 2012 academic year is the first in whichthe college has had a student council, and that she and her fellow council members are working to expand social options on the campus.
“Just little things to give students something to do besides study and work,” Mc-Clarty said.
McClarty said she chose to attend Ecclesia after considering a number of other Christian colleges popular with home-school graduates.
“I was thinking and praying about what I wanted to study,” McClarty said. “The one day, when I was on the Ecclesia campus, I just felt God speaking to my heart, saying, ‘This is where you’re supposed to go.’At first I though it was kind of crazy, but I love the environment and I love the students. We’re like a big family.”
Budgets for colleges such as Ecclesia - which has a total annual operating budget of about $2 million, according to Paris - are much smaller than major universities. The University of Arkansas’ Fayetteville campus, for example, spent more than $56.8 million on new construction and renovations in fiscal year 2011 alone, and another $97.4 million in fiscal year 2012. Steve Voorhies, the university’s media relations manager, said the campus has invested more than $1 billion in construction since 2003.
By contrast, Paris calculates the college will need to raise $59 million over the next 10 years to keep pace with the school’s growth. That amount would provide needed classroom and administrative space, as well as athletic facilities and housing - although of a considerably more humble nature than Paris said he’s seen at large universities.
“I’m not trying to have a climbing wall and a nursing station and ice cream on every floor,” Paris said.
Paris said he has begun quietly approaching potential donors, but is unsure if or when he wants to cultivate an official capital campaign.
“Some folks I’ve been with say, ‘You can call it a capital campaign, but don’t announce it until you’ve largely completed it,’” said Paris, who indicated he hoped to develop considerable momentum before going public with specific donation requests. “You use the capital campaign as a big promotion when you can already see the finish line.”
Northwest Arkansas, Pages 17 on 04/14/2013

Cheri Headrick teaches music at Ecclesia College
and tutors students of all ages in piano and voice.