Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Another Book - Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure - To Be Re-Published Soon

I wrote a series of articles about how the mainline churches became apostate. After all, Yale University once taught the reality of Adam and Eve, the apostolic authority of the Gospel of John.

I aimed the essays at Christian News, but Pastor Otten suggested they be sent to Northwestern Publishing House (WELS). NPH accepted the manuscript for publication, but asked this - "You have the cause, but what is the cure?"

Shortly after that, I gave a paper on the Means of Grace and the differences with the Church Growth Movement. Wally Oelhafen, Fred Adrian (WELS District Mission Board) and Roger Kovaciny went nuts with rage. All three were WELS pastors at the time. Kovaciny went ELS to work in the Ukraine with Jar Jar Webber. Adrian left the ministry for a time and was welcomed back by DP John Seifert, another alleged conservative.

While Kovo was throwing my paper in the air and cursing, and the DMB roaring, I thought, "This is the cure chapter." And thus the book was finished, more or less. NPH took forever to finish the publishing, for reasons never disclosed to me. The moment the book came out, it sold like crazy, and WELS did everything possible to get rid of me.

The Church Growth faction in WELS, even more dominant now, kicked out the editor who backed my work. The bosses pushed their SHUN! buttons and lots of pastors stopped speaking to me, unless they wanted to vent their ignorance.

NPH accepted then refused to publish Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant. They made up for that lapse by promoting CLP in direct mailings and selling boxes of it that they bought via Christian News.

One of my friends in insurance said that Liberalism taught him about mainline Christianity and that I showed him what the Christian Faith meant.

The book is even more relevant today, because it tracks the origins and end game of apostasy - falling away from the Faith. That is the point of this blog, to show people what is happening and provide the cure - the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace.

I want people to read the apostate books, whether I have vetted them or not, because faithful Christian believers need to practice doctrinal discernment - rather than have selected works spoon-fed to them - the rest banned "to prevent harm."

Since this is a smaller book, the author's price should be even lower than Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant, so this book would also make a good adult class textbook.

Liberalism is in the finishing stages for Amazon and Kindle e-books. The  budget is:

$100 - proofing.
$100 - finishing editor.
$100 - free promotional copies.
$300 - TOTAL.

 Norma Boeckler designed the new covers
and provided illustrations for the interior.

Consider Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - To Celebrate the Reformation.
Ideal for Adult and Confirmation Classes,
And for Lutheran-Roman Catholic Marriages

Available from Amazon here, and also as a Kindle e-book here.
To get the printed copy at the author's cost, email me
at greg.jackson.edlp@gmail.com
When I was leaving the LCA, I attended
lectures by Kurt Marquart and Robert Preus.
My wife and son were also on the campus at that time.
I began rewriting Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant some time ago, mostly to improve the style and remove typos. The format and content are the same, except Norma Boeckler has added more of her artwork to the book. She designed the beautiful cover.

This is the third edition. One advantage of using Amazon is the lowered cost of the books, compared to Lulu (where people had to wait for discounts). The author's cost is only $6, which I charge when people want multiple copies sent to them to use as gifts or for church study. Since I am under the pan-Lutheran ban for being a Lutheran, I do not expect great sales, which depend on publishing house distribution and promotion. Instead, it is part of our congregation's evangelism and doctrinal study efforts.

The low author's cost makes it easy to send books to various libraries and individuals. The initials after my name stand for Every Day Low Prices, which I borrowed from Walmart.

The retail cost is much higher because Amazon keeps a chunk of it - only $5 is included for profit.

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant has been used all over Lutherdom - for study, for adult classes, and for confirmation. Christian News (LCMS) and Northwestern Publishing House (WELS) have both promoted the book. Professor John Brug suggested it to his students.

Another reason for re-publishing the book is the Kindle edition. If people want to search a book and quote it with the citation, e-books are great. I use them all the time for gardening. Kindle books are portable for all devices.

I wrote the book to explain differences and agreements among Catholics, Lutherans, and Protestants. I used the vast resources of a Vatican owned seminary in Columbus, Ohio to verify Roman Catholic doctrine. My database of quotations was useful in documenting what denominations taught - in their words.

Our family has always sought out opportunities to learn from others, so this book is a bridge between the old days of Seminex and Vatican II in the old days and our current doctrinal situation.

Some figures I have known, met, heard speak, or studied under include:
Dr. Jack Preus +
Dr. Robert Preus +
Pastor Klemet Preus +
Dr. David Scaer +
Dr. Ralph Bohmann +
Pastor Herman Otten
Professor Kurt Marquart +
Professor David Scaer
LCA President Robert Marshall +
LCA President James Crumley +
ELCA President Herb Chilstrom
Cardinal Mindszenty +
Paul Y. Cho - now David Cho
Billy Graham
D. James Kennedy +
Rick Warren
Roland Bainton +
Paul L. Holmer +
Stanley Hauerwas
Nils Dahl +
Frank Fiorenza
Elisabeth Schussler-Fiorenza
John Howard Yoder +
Otto Heick +
Professor Friedrich

The + marks those who have passed into the next life, most of those on the list.

 Norma Boeckler was kind enough to provide more of her artwork
and new covers for the book.

Concordia Publishing House Markets the Reformation to Alcoholics

Reformation 500 Musical Bottle Opener


This musical bottle opener is sure to delight as it plays a rousing organ clip of A Mighty Fortress.

The countdown is on to the celebration of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation on October 31, 2017! Our collection of gifts will help you proudly pronounce the Lutheran confession of faith in your own, unique way!

Dear WELS Answer Person,
My problem is - Can a WELS member buy something from an LCMS business? I know we work together all the time with those really great lady pastors of ELCA, but this seems to cross the boundaries of church fellowship. I couldn't sleep after ordering 5 of these, thinking about what my DP might say or do.
WELS of Pure Doctrine

If only all our members were as keen about doctrinal fine points as you are. 
I escalated this to an actual person, and she said, "Although we are now open friends with the LCMS, we cannot cross the line of celebrating the Reformation with them. Some have denied Objective Justification. It's best you spend your money at Luther Days, which was organized by people with addiction problems for those with addiction problems. Frankly, we need a few more to become the "Largest Distinctly Lutheran Conference in North America."
Bishop Katie - Have a Successful Day!
"Let ush pray."