Friday, November 10, 2017

What Is Wrong with Joining the Church of the Lutheran Confession (sic)?

Koenig is pals with Paul Tiefel, below, and they have promoted Church Growth, plus all kinds of false doctrine in the CLC (sic).

 Paul Tiefel works with cousin Jim in WELS
to sow as much discord and baloney as they can.
Both have earned the nickname Teufel - Devil.

Jim Tiefel was part of the Church and Change or Die coven
many years ago. He ran the cash bar at this event,
which was like having Teddy Kennedy drive the car...
exactly like having Teddy drive.

One long-time contact told me that the CLC (sic) is completely taken over by Church Growth. They supposedly hate WELS but really covet the relative size of the sect.

WELS and the CLC (sic) will probably merge just before Final Judgment Day, but over Dan Fleischer's dead body. Good old Dan gave a childish rant at a recent CLC gathering where he argued against cooperation because he was criticized at Northwestern College by a staffer. "He read me the riot act up one side and down the other." That happened many decades before, but Dan was still riled up.

When Fleischer was president, he protected Jim Tiefel and Dave Koenig from the consequences of their obnoxious doctrine and behavior. But things are just as bad many years later. Koenig was working with Gutsche until Horst reached room temperature and ended the most embarrassing ministry in ELCA-WELS-CLC-ElCiC. Yes, he was in all those sects and probably more. Horst was found guilty, imprisoned, and put on probation in Needles, California - fired from his ELCA church. But Horst could lie faster than a Synod President, so he blathered on and defended his record by lying about it.

And those are the good points about the CLC (sic). They are saturated with UOJ and more legalistic than a room full of Pharisees. Didja know the veterans' groups are really churches? Yes, they are, so it is a sin to go to a VFW club - I mean - church. The VFW chapters have chaplains, so they are a church. No, really, they are.

They are totally against Thrivent, except for a couple of CLC (sic) congregations that brag about using their Thrivent loot.

One tiddly-wink wanted to commune a former member who abandoned his wife for a girlfriend. His wife was willing to take him back, but he favored the mistress. So the CLC (sic) pastor asked his fellow pastors if he could commune the slob anyway.

If they make a sequel to Dumb and Dummerer, they will have to feature the CLC (sic). I suggested presentations on Church Growth and the Confessions. That ended up with a pastor writing on the Means of Grace, but he knew nothing about it. They never mentioned it at their seminary. I gave him an outline and lots of material. To his credit, he wanted to learn and did a great job. But where was  the so-called college and seminary in doing their jobs? At some point God will make them disappear faster than beer at a WELS "worship" event.

Their big passion, the last I heard, was - "Why didn't WELS leave the Synodical Conference earlier? Why haven't they confessed their horrible sin of delay. They marked but did not avoid."

The answer could only be that the CLC (sic) is in total agreement with ELCA-WELS-ELS-LCMS. They only disagree about trivia, because they all hate and reject Justification by Faith. The bitter fruits of their false doctrine are easily seen, no matter how many crimes they hide. The real proof is that these groups love their criminals, protect their adulterers, and promote the worst of the lupine false teachers.

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Reformation Post Leads

Scott Barefoot, WELS - jumping to LCMS?

 The "largest distinctly Lutheran conference in North America" could barely get one person to attend some of the presentations.
And Natalie Pratt disappeared with the WELS grant money.


 WELS mantra - "Nobody reads Ichabod."

Confess, you bounder, you disloyal fideist!

Judge refuses to dismiss Ecclesia FOIA case | NWADG

Oren Paris III and Ecclesia College cannot hide
behind their claim of being "a church."

Judge refuses to dismiss Ecclesia FOIA case | NWADG:

"The lawsuit, filed on behalf of Jim Parsons, notes only documents related to how public money was used at the college are being sought. Parsons is represented by attorneys Chip Sexton and Joey McCutchen.

Parsons is chairman of the Benton County chapter of Transparency in Government Group. He's also a former Ecclesia board member and faculty member.

Judge John Threet ruled Thursday that Parsons has made enough of a case for the matter to proceed in court.

Ecclesia's receipt of the money entered the spotlight after former state representative Micah Neal of Springdale pleaded guilty in federal court Jan. 4 to a single fraud charge related to taking kickbacks that totaled $38,000 for helping two entities receive grants through the General Improvement Fund.

Former state Sen. Jon Woods of Springdale; Oren Paris III, president of Ecclesia College in Springdale; and consultant Randell G. Shelton Jr., formerly of Alma, are accused in a federal indictment of participating in a kickback scheme."

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