Friday, October 11, 2019

Where Is the Problem? Right on LutherQueasies! Afraid of the Scriptures

 "No! Don't make me deal with the Scriptures. I'm a dogma-dog, with a major in dog-matics. I bought the Dogma-tanic - unreadable - but I do own it."

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Steve Schmidt (Sschmidt)
Advanced Member
Username: Sschmidt

Post Number: 779
Registered: 3-2017
Posted on Thursday, October 10, 2019 - 12:02 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

GJ has posted a terse reply to Hale. He seems to want to draw a line in the sand between atonement and justification. The Lutheran reformers did not do this. Remember, for Flacius redemption and justification were the exact same thing. Osiander, Brenz, and Andreae affirmed:


GJ - That is their problem - they merge justification and the Atonement and ruin both. No wonder their followers turn to Rome and Fuller Seminary for relief from their dry philosophizing and sterile reasoning.

Brief Note on CFW Walther's Doctrinal Scam

 Walther elevated himself to be pope over all doctrine, just as Stephan wrote up his own call to be bishop-for-life.

The LutherQuislings cannot put together a good lesson on Genesis 15:6 and Romans 4, so they quote various theologians world without end, amen.

The selection of Walther quotes intrigued me. The first quotation on the Chief Article sounded quite good. Thesis One and Two were good, except for the habit of simply stating something without Scriptural support.

By the third one, Walther was promoting pure Pietistic bunco. The entire world was justified when Jesus rose from the dead.

"What was the resurrection of Christ? It was an act of God in which Christ was pronounced righteous. Christ entered into death laden not with his own, but with the sin and unrighteousness of the whole world. For the sake of these sins He was sentenced and consigned to death. When the Father raised Him again He declared that the debt in discharged, He is righteous. As therefore Christ was condemned not for His own sake, but for the sake of mankind whose sins He bore; so was He not justified for His own sake by the resurrection. Mankind however was justified (sic), for whose sake He died and rose again.

GJ - This is a triple-twist of the Word, from 1 Timothy 3:16 and Romans 4. The Spirit/Word declares Christ is righteous to us. Jesus did not need to be absolved because His very resurrection is evidence of being guilt-free. Second twist - somehow the world is justified when nothing of the kind is revealed in 1 Timothy 3:16 or anywhere else. Did Walther and his flunkies avoid Scriptural exegesis to becloud their dogma? Certainly the Ft. Wayne fanatics do. Of course, this must be blended into Romans 4:25 without Romans 4:24, with Romans 4 in context. Note Justification by Faith from Romans 4 to Romans 5:1-2. Also note the lack of Walther's ludicrous verities about world justification/absolution.

"The apparently contradictory statements of Scripture, that the world is absolved, and that the guilt rests upon unbelievers as long as they do not repent, must be solved in this wise: We must distinguish two ways in which God views mankind.

What is contradictory? Who is contradictory? Walther!

That was Walther's ambition, to be the American Luther by attaching himself to Luther and then arguing against the Scriptures.

This happened before, when Spener "wrote" the introduction to Arndt's book by introducing Pietism, the opposite of tradition Lutheran doctrine.

From 2007 - DP Not So Excited about Michigan Lutheran Seminary

 Former DP John Seifert (middle) posed with Scott Barefoot, who sent himself as a minister to gays and organized People of Grace with Pastor Richard Starr. But do not join the Intrepids! Oh no!

According to my source (Grey Goose) Michigan DP John Seifert did not seem energetic in his support for Michigan Lutheran Seminary.

I find little difference between LCMS District Popes, WELS District Popes, and ELCA bishops. All have seized the power to kick pastors out of the ministry without cause (except the pastors' valid criticisms of the synod). All three synodical types seem to think their job is to be loyal to and worshipful toward the organization. "I love the (fill in the blank) synod" is a good career motto. Expressing a few reservations is good - tossing red meat to the base - but those reservations mean nothing.

Michigan DP Robert Mueller, a tireless bungler, saw his district vote down four different resolutions in favor of amalgamation (DMLC taking over NWC). He did everything possible to get a positive vote. Then he spoke at the national convention in favor of amalgamation. The pastors stopped speaking to him. They even left the room when he entered. So he declined to run. He got a free trip to Russia, supposedly as a missionary. Ha. Now Gurgel is going to do "mission work" overseas. Ah, that sounds so much better than a long, synod-paid vacation.

Another synod cipher stepped in when Mueller declined to run. I mean, Seifert stepped in. He worships the Wisconsin Synod, as all the officials do.

Seifert was such a loyal circuit pastor that he never noticed Bivens (same circuit) defending Church Growth and bragging about going to Fuller Seminary. Seifert heard it in his own driveway, but he forgot the episode twice. Bivens forgot too, because he could not imagine why I thought he went to Fuller Seminary. Good career move, Frosty.

When initial efforts were being made to close down MLS, John Lawrenz, then the president of the school, said this, "We are willing to accept any role the synod gives us." He waved the white flag at his own school, at the district meeting! Soon he was president of DMLC for one month, head of Worker Training, and seminary professor. For some reason he was soon out of Mequon and teaching in Russia and Asia. Obviously, pulling the plug on his own school was not a bad career move.