Tuesday, January 28, 2020

I Have the Secret Formula the Synods Are Seeking.
I Will Give It Away Instead of Selling a False Version

 "You know what's wrong with us? We are colder than Eskimeaux delivering a Schwan order in a North Dakota blizzard. You gotta be friendly! Show some love!"

They have done many surveys. One big, expensive study showed that "nurturing" congregations grew, and that was in the Lutheran Church in America, about 30 years ago. No one quite knew how to develop a nurturing congregation, but they had an attractive booklet to study.

Fool Her Seminary jumped on the opportunity to provide sell a solution to the gullible, poorly trained, ambitious, and greedy. But alas, the more they poured the ice-water of the Law on their lupine customers, the worse things got.

Everyone talks about love, even about grace. I just saw another church anniversary - Fifty Years of Grace - the least original title since Watch Us Grow! Alas, "they know not that they know not."

Gospel is often in their speech but not anywhere else. Ask the millions who have left the shunning, abuse, and hatred. The numbers are so great the synods are adopting another program (!) suggesting those thousands who walked away for a reason - or received the Left Foot of Fellowship - could be coaxed back. The math is compelling: if the 50% who quit would come back in numbers, the bosses could measure growth from the low point to present. Stroh, a right strawy apostle, promised those results in one of his packaged programs with invented figures.

Here is the secret formula - not a secret at all. But it has been buried under so many layers of false doctrine that relatively few know it. Calvinism is growing fast among the Babtists, just as it has among the Lutherans of all stripes.

I learned this from a relatively obscure teaching of Jesus. I admit - I puzzled over it, and that blockage made it so much more intriguing to know.

John 16: 7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.

8 And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment:

9 Of sin, because they believe not on Me;

10 Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more;

11 Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.

The Holy Spirit means the preaching of the Word, because the Spirit never works without the Word and the Word never lacks the divine and effective energy of the Spirit.

Here Jesus teaches in the plainest possible way that the foundational work of the Church's ministry is to teach faith in Him.
The tired, old, decaying mainline denominations - including all the Lutheran synods - teach the opposite.

Every time Schroeder and Harrison address their fading synods, they repeat the Objective Justification dogma they love so much. The WELS and LCMS originally taught Justification by Faith, but the Calvinists took over with unionism and Fullerism. Now they agree against the Gospel in the name of the Gospel.

Luther is also plain about this topic. Love does not convert - the Word does. He teaches faith in the Savior throughout his work, pointing out that love is necessarily the fruit of Justification by Faith, the first fruit named in Galatians 5 as a product of the Spirit teaching faith.

One must be a believer to teach this truth, and I am afraid the numbers are small, thanks to the seminary motto of "obfuscate to graduate." They might enter seminary with faith, but the political and elitist attitudes will drive that out of most.

If someone graduates with faith and starts a ministry, with or without a synod, the natural impulse will be to teach faith in Christ and face the consequences. For those too busy to read The Pilgrim's Progress, the section on Vanity Fair is enough.

Those who love the Word will love the one who brings it (Luther) and those who despise the Word will do whatever possible to eradicate it.

A faithful congregation will concentrate on teaching faith in the Gospel. They will reap the rewards promised in the Scriptures. Teaching faith will involve:

  1. Emphasizing the efficacy of the Word
  2. Means of Grace services with the traditional, Biblical liturgy, the Creeds, a carefully prepared Biblical sermon, the Sacraments, and hymns whose lyrics we can recite without blushing.
  3. Taking the Word to the members and prospects by visiting.
  4. Extending the Gospel with world missions when possible.
 The jury at Vanity Fair is the result of apostasy. The effective Word of the Gospel stirs up hatred.

Washington Crossed the Delaware, On Durham Boats, Surprising the Hessians,

One of my favorite teachers - among many at Garfield - was Mrs. McMillan. She posted this famous painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware on her wall, and I often looked at it. My 2012 blog post about the Washington painting, in Moline Memories, is one of the most popular.

Mrs. McMillan served in the Philippines, but that is another story.

I often thought about that pivotal surprise attack. Successful generals are known for taking advantage of the situation. But one must also give credit to Washington for leadership, his wife helping the troops too, and letting the enemy use their imaginations. Before another battle, Washington posed canons without ammunition above and against the enemy position. The English withdrew. The best victory is when no shots are fired, though some would question Washington for his use of deception.

Germans like to celebrate. Why would the starving and freezing Yankees bother the Hessians on the day after Christmas, which is also an English holiday - Boxing Day? They attacked the Hessians (another good story, about money and world banking) - one party ferocious, the other hungover, half-awake, and suddenly terrified.

The location of the Trump rally is reasonably close to that victory in Trenton, New Jersey. The appointment of the prosecutor Durham was also the beginning of Q, the beginning of the end for the Deep State. We are in the last stage of that battle, and prosecutions will flourish.

 Trump at Rally:
"New Jersey is the state where George Washington led a die-hard band of American patriots to victory at Trenton and Princeton and Monmouth in our glorious battle to win American independence." George Washington.

LQ's Rolf Preus Defends the DeadLast Lutherans Faux-Discussions

 The guile award goes to...scholars are divided.
Rolf Preus, LCMS, ELS, Rolf Synod in Fellowship with ELDONA, Synod Orphan, LCMS.

Pastor Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
Senior Member
Username: Rolf

Post Number: 10521
Registered: 5-2001
Posted on Tuesday, January 28, 2020 - 1:27 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

As a contributor to BJS, I take issue with the criticism of BJS posted above. Rev. Joshua Sheer is an Israelite in whom there is no guile. His primary concern is always theological. That doesn't translate into a specific political agenda. If you all have an agenda that differs from his and from those who contribute to BJS I encourage you to interpret what is happening on BJS in the kindest way. Any suggestion that Rev. Sheer and other participants on BJS tailor what they say to meet with the approval of LCMS officials is both unkind and unbrotherly. Much sound theology is promoted on BJS. Judge them by what they do, not by what you think they ought to be doing. You who want a conservative Lutheran website with a church political agenda are welcome to start your own.

Pastor Rolf David Preus

GJ - There is so much blarney in one paragraph that I suspect Irish DNA.

Matt the Fatt Harrison ordered Joshua Sheer to erase their material on the LCMS allowing a known sexual predator to serve as a lay pastor, after serving in the hoosegow for his previous crime. He was encouraged into that program by a DP, if I recall.

The second victim came from Scheer's home congregation. I was in touch with him and he admitted the Matt ordered the deletions and he obeyed.

 Darwin Schauer has 30 posts linked on Ichabod.

As readers might have guessed, keeping the information on the Net, especially a well known LCMS blog, would make a multi-million dollar lawsuit a slam-dunk for any lawyer. Previous knowlege? Check. Encouraged to return to the same scenario? Check. District and synod involved? Check and check.

Deadlast Lutherans is a 100% Objective Justification cesspool. I have witnessed Pope Paul the Plagiarist ordering people not to link this blog on Steadfast. What a compliment! They have also erased comments that make their puppet-masters look like guilty idiots.

After erasing the evidence, Scheer became senior editor of the blog and senior pastor. Judas Iscariot must look up in envy, because he only earned a few coins for his perfidy.

Scheer - 40 pounds ago.

Video from the Philippines

Goodbye English Language. Read the Alert on Twitter

"Large boulder the size of a small boulder is completely blocking east-bound lane Highway 145 mm78 at Silverpick Rd."

Dog Food for the Birds - Memories

Lynda, an avid bird-watcher, once told me that dog food is perfect for birds, often used as food in rescue attempts.

We had a bag of old dog food, unloved by the finicky and spoiled Sassy. The grand-niece of a friend was visiting and wanted to feed the birds, so she asked for food for them. "You had peanuts last time. What happened to them?"

I said, "They were eaten by birds, squirrels, and humans." Let's use Sass's old dog food. The girl dumped the food tentatively on the upside-down kiddy pool, which gave it elevation above the snow and damp soil. In no time the Starlings cleaned up all the food.

Yesterday I had some old food left in the dog dish. Ranger Bob is always spoiling Sassy's appetite with milk-bones, treats, and crackers. She eats food from him that she rejects from us. He never tires of reminding us.

I put the cup of dog food (neither Moist nor Meaty anymore) on the garbage bin outdoors. Soon the watchful Starlings pounced on it.

Little episodes call up memories. Lynda was impressed that we had four kinds of doves in our yard in Phoenix - Inca Doves, White-Winged Doves, Mourning Doves, and Rock Pigeons. We were a dove destination. My mother scattered sunflower seeds around the yard, and we bought dove blocks. With such royal treatment, a group of doves never really left the yard. They burst into flight when a workman stepped outside, leading one to admonish me, "You should have warned me. They scared me half to death."

One cold night the Inca Doves stacked themselves against the warmer kitchen windows, about four deep. It looked like a candy display at an old-fashioned  drugstore. I wondered how He wrote the software in their flighty brains to assemble so carefully and save calories of heat with the vertical snuggle.

For Lynda, description of our Phoenix birds was a thrill. I see the chalice and paten from them and think, "They brought them from the East for our Holy Communion services."

 I am looking for this on Alibris. The price has to be very high.

Fourth Class - Wednesday 7 PM Central - Understanding Pilgrim's Progress -
Vanity Fair

Ahead Lay the Valley of the Shadow of Death

Christian found two men refusing to go through the Valley of the Shadow of Death.
CHRISTIAN. But what have you met with? said Christian.
MEN. Why, we were almost in the Valley of the Shadow of Death; but that, by good hap, we looked before us, and saw the danger before we came to it. [Ps. 44:19; 107:10]
CHRISTIAN. But what have you seen? said Christian.
MEN. Seen! Why, the Valley itself, which is as dark as pitch; we also saw there the hobgoblins, satyrs, and dragons of the pit; we heard also in that Valley a continual howling and yelling, as of a people under unutterable misery, who there sat bound in affliction and irons; and over that Valley hangs the discouraging clouds of confusion. Death also doth always spread his wings over it. In a word, it is every whit dreadful, being utterly without order. [Job 3:5; 10:22]
CHRISTIAN. Then, said Christian, I perceive not yet, by what you have said, but that this is my way to the desired haven. [Jer. 2:6]
MEN. Be it thy way; we will not choose it for ours. So, they parted, and Christian went on his way, but still with his sword drawn in his hand, for fear lest he should be assaulted. P.
Christian found himself assaulted by many blasphemies whispered in his ears, coming from demons from the pit. This is a good picture of our entertainment industry and academic theologians, who glory in their blasphemies, like the late ELCA bishop who denied the articles of the Christian Faith and led his denomination away from traditional marriage.

The Valley of the Shadow of Death was overwhelming for Christian until he called upon the Lord for help. When he discussed this experience with Faithful, his friend said his journey through the Valley was peaceful and full of sunshine. They meet with Talkative, who impresses Faithful with his recitation of doctrine, but Christian warns him that Talkative is well known at home, living on Prating Lane –
I have been in his family, and have observed him both at home and abroad; and I know what I say of him is the truth. His house is as empty of religion as the white of an egg is of savor. There is there neither prayer nor sign of repentance for sin; yea, the brute in his kind serves God far better than he. He is the very stain, reproach, and shame of religion, to all that know him; it can hardly have a good word in all that end of the town where he dwells, through him. [Rom. 2:24,25] Thus say the common people that know him, A saint abroad, and a devil at home. His poor family finds it so; he is such a churl, such a railer at and so unreasonable with his servants, that they neither know how to do for or speak to him. Men that have any dealings with him say it is better to deal with a Turk than with him; for fairer dealing they shall have at their hands. P. 88
Along the way, Faithful and Christian met Evangelist, who rejoiced not in their difficulties but in their victories. He warned them of Vanity Fair ahead.
EVANGELIST. My sons, you have heard, in the words of the truth of the gospel, that you must, through many tribulations, enter into the kingdom of heaven. And, again, that in every city bonds and afflictions abide in you; and therefore you cannot expect that you should go long on your pilgrimage without them, in some sort or other. You have found something of the truth of these testimonies upon you already, and more will immediately follow; for now, as you see, you are almost out of this wilderness, and therefore you will soon come into a town that you will by and by see before you; and in that town you will be hardly beset with enemies, who will strain hard but they will kill you; and be you sure that one or both of you must seal the testimony which you hold, with blood; but be you faithful unto death, and the King will give you a crown of life. P. 96.

Vanity Fair – Founded by Beelzebub, Apollyon, Legion, et al.

Almost five thousand years agone, there were pilgrims walking to the Celestial City, as these two honest persons are: and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, with their companions, perceiving by the path that the pilgrims made, that their way to the city lay through this town of Vanity, they contrived here to set up a fair; a fair wherein, should be sold all sorts of vanity, and that it  should last all the year long: therefore at this fair are all such merchandise sold, as houses, lands, trades, places, honors, preferments, titles, countries, kingdoms, lusts, pleasures, and delights of all sorts, as whores, bawds, wives, husbands, children, masters, servants, lives, blood, bodies, souls, silver, gold, pearls, precious stones, and what not.
And, moreover, at this fair there is at all times to be seen juggling cheats, games, plays, fools, apes, knaves, and rogues, and that of every kind.
Here are to be seen, too, and that for nothing, thefts, murders, adulteries, false swearers, and that of a blood-red color. P. 98
The Prince of Princes also traveled through this city and was shown all its allures.
The townsmen were suspicious of Christian and Faithful, and examined them.
So they beat them pitifully, and hanged irons upon them, and led them in chains up and down the fair, for an example and a terror to others, lest any should speak in their behalf, or join themselves unto them. But Christian and Faithful behaved themselves yet more wisely, and received the ignominy and shame that was cast upon them, with so much meekness and patience, that it won to their side, though but few in comparison of the rest, several of the men in the fair. This put the other party yet into greater rage, insomuch that they concluded the death of these two men. Wherefore they threatened, that the cage nor irons should serve their turn, but that they should die, for the abuse they had done, and for deluding the men of the fair…
The judge’s name was Lord Hate-good. Their indictment was one and the same in substance, though somewhat varying in form, the contents whereof were this:— “That they were enemies to and disturbers of their trade; that they had made commotions and divisions in the town, and had won a party to their own most dangerous opinions, in contempt of the law of their prince.” P. 99

The Three Witnesses, Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank

PICKTHANK. My Lord, and you gentlemen all, This fellow I have known of a long time, and have heard him speak things that ought not to be spoke; for he hath railed on our noble prince Beelzebub, and hath spoken contemptibly of his honorable friends, whose names are the Lord Old Man, the Lord Carnal Delight, the Lord Luxurious, the Lord Desire of Vain Glory, my old Lord Lechery, Sir Having Greedy, with all the rest of our nobility; and he hath said, moreover, That if all men were of his mind, if possible, there is not one of these noblemen should have any longer a being in this town. Besides, he hath not been afraid to rail on you, my Lord, who are now appointed to be his judge, calling you an ungodly villain, with many other such like vilifying terms, with which he hath bespattered most of the gentry of our town. When this Pickthank had told his tale, the Judge directed his speech to the prisoner at the bar, saying, Thou runagate, heretic, and traitor, hast thou heard what these honest gentlemen have witnessed against thee?
Faithful was tortured and burned at the stake. God allowed Christian to escape the prison.
Hopeful came out of Vanity Fair, impressed by the speech and conduct of Christian and Faithful. He said others would be coming along for the same reason.
By-ends came along.
CHRISTIAN. This town of Fair-speech, said Christian, I have heard of; and, as I remember, they say it is a wealthy place.
BY-ENDS. Yes, I will assure you that it is; and I have very many rich kindred there. CHRISTIAN. Pray, who are your kindred there? if a man may be so bold.
BY-ENDS. Almost the whole town; and in particular, my Lord Turn-about, my Lord Time-server, my Lord Fair-speech, (from whose ancestors that town first took its name), also Mr. Smoothman, Mr. Facing-both-ways, Mr. Any-thing; and the parson of our parish, Mr. Two-tongues, was my mother’s own brother by father’s side; and to tell you the truth, I am become a gentleman of good quality, yet my great-grandfather was but a waterman, looking one way and rowing another, and I got most of my estate by the same occupation.
Demas tried to attract Christian and Faithful to his silver mine at Hill Lucre, but they refused. Soon they saw Lott’s wife, turned to salt.

Doubtful Castle and the Giant Despair

The Pilgrim’s Progress Map

Pages from the Lutheran Library Print Edition

City of Destruction – Christian leaves;  Christiana and their children follow in Part 2
Slough of Despond - Pliable, Obstinate, Worldly Wiseman, Evangelist
Wicket Gate – Good Will
Interpreter’s House - Interpreter (Holy Spirit)
The Cross – Three Shining Ones
Difficulty Hill – Formalist, Hypocrisy
Palace Beautiful - Discretion, Prudence, Piety, and Charity
Valley of the Shadow of Death – Two Men, Demons, Pope and Pagan, Faithful met again
Vanity Fair – Talkative, Lord Hate-Good, Hopeful, By-Ends, Witnesses: Envy, Superstition, and Pickthank; Demas, Lot’s Wife
Doubting Castle - Giant Despair