Friday, September 24, 2021

Plant It and Flowers Will Come


These large alliums have various names, like Globemaster. The flowers come in many varieties, often smaller, with various colors, and attract bees like crazy. The bulbs all have that garlic fragrance. 

I put a couple of small boxes in the library and closed the door overnight. This morning I wondered what happened in that room. "Oh! That is garlic!" (I talk to myself whenever I need expert advice.) The fumes came from some alliums I ordered, the aroma coming out of the bulbs, through the packages, out of the cardboard box, trapped in the room.

Hair Allium

I moved the alliums into a larger room with more air circulation. Our helper came over to help in the gardening labors today. The recent rain made digging clay much easier. I took over the alliums, leaving specialty daffodils for the center part of the Rose Garden. 

Daffodils are another easy choice to make. Few animals eat or dig them up. They multiply on their own and brighten up the spring. Sadly, this is not tulip country, so I do not order them.

As a member reminded me, Minnesota was perfect for hardy (fall planted) bulbs. They not only tolerate cold - they demand cold. Gladiolas are tender (spring planted) bulbs, and they will come back again the next year - in this area. 

God's Creation is on full display in the garden. Each plant and animal has a purpose-driven life, engineered to do its job, to repair damage, and to flourish with its brethren and sistern. 

True bulbs are already flowers encased in plant material and food for the journey upward. I am watering all the planted bulbs now, so hydrate, put out their roots, and begin to reach the surface.

Weather in the spring will trigger their blooms at divinely designated times. The varieties are great fun to watch in a garden where someone keeps trying out different kinds, sizes, and attributes.

Sassy came outside and guarded our work, as she always does. She finds the low level birdbath a perfect drinking source, so she reminds me to keep it clean and full for her. Others must benefit because I pour in a gallon a day into it after cleaning.

Trumpet Vine and a Hummingbird

Everyone loves to sit on the porch and look at the birds, squirrels, hummingbirds, and bees. Christina came out as often as possible. Sassy always parks herself in front of the porch sitters, looking for food and attention. If everyone praises her and tosses some cracker, she is happy.

A senior in high school comes by often, and she gets a rose to take home (two houses down). Mrs. Gardener comes by to offer extra desserts from her latest expert effort.

Enchanted Peace is blooming more than anyone could hope - in its first year.

 Enchanted Peace

What Did the Denominations Expect To Grow from Sowing Weed Seeds?


First of all, it is all about the Benjies, not filthy lucre in the future, but right here, right now. Easy money, tax-free perks, the chance to bully others. 

Please refer to that again as I describe how the denominations work - not just the apostate Lutherans - ELCA, WELS, ELS, LCMS, CLC (sic). The Lutherans were just the last ones to line up in destroying their own congregations, fouling their own nests (aka seminaries), and promoting annual once-in-a-lifetime giving campaigns.

 Isn't this the new church Glende demanded and then abandoned, 
only to make him senior clown in Freedom?

 How many Mequon graduates can boast about leaving two churches in the same area?

As one observer noted, Calvinists become Unitarians, due to their rejection of the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace. Young Calvinist, Old Unitarian is not only true for individuals but also for denominations. Lutheran-Reformed bodies - like the Evangelical and Reformed - succumb more slowly, especially when the Lutheran (Evangelical) side is stronger. However, the urge to be ecumenical, motivated by gubmint and foundation Benjies - will always homogenize the mix and make sure everyone is equally indifferent to Biblical doctrine.

The dates when this began are:

  • The 1880s for Evolution and replacing the KJV Bible, 
  • The 1930s for cleverly blaming the Depression on the lack of Social Gospel political agitation.
People imagine they have a say in their denominations, but they do not. The process comes down to getting a nincompoop on the advisory committee of five people, then adding two more, then five out of five - because "God compels them" or "justice demands" or some other silly slogan. The committee eventually has the power to overturn everything and they carry out their agenda.

  1. How else to explain the Lutheran bodies becoming enemies of the one Bible translation associated with the efforts of Team Luther? Benjies!
  2. Or the continued downward trend of so-called Lutheran hymnals? Benjies!
  3. Or the switch from Judeo-Christian worship practices to entertainment? Worship teams and bands expect big bucks but organists were offered a pittance. Koine expects $3,000 just to show up. Benjies!
  4. Criminal clergy and teacher behavior is covered up, erased, and forgotten, but those who question Holy Mother Church are ridiculed, expelled, and shunned for life. Benjies for bullies!
Pastors are cross-dressing instead of bearing the cross.

"If I ever get my hands on the pastor who gave Jackson my statement on Luther..."

I have known the leaders and targets of various denominations calling themselves Lutheran but really full of the Immaculate Church spirit. Therefore, I have also seen their behavior at close range in flunking men out of seminary, pushing men out of the parish, and building a wall of lies around their buddies. They have been sowing weed seeds for decades and now the harvest is abundant but sterile. Yes, the crop is astonishing in its productivity. "Join our Calvinist hymnal of the month club and be blessed!" But the produce provides nothing more than more weeds, no fruit, no faith in Jesus Christ. 

 Thrivent Giving Counselors (licensed agents) have turned your family estates into Irrevocable Charitable Trusts.