Tuesday, May 3, 2022

From the Lutheran Librarian - Alec Satin


Came across this in the 9th Volume of the Columbus Theological Magazine, (1889) at the end of a survey of missions, and thought this description of a certain Judge Tucker might be an encouragement to all of us to remember our brothers and sisters from other times.

— Miss Tucker (A. L. O. E.) went to India as a missionary, leaving the field of authorship for the comparatively obscure field of mission work. Judge Tucker, of Futtepoor, was her brother. He served long in India, giving to Missions $200 per month. To those who remonstrated as to his liberality, he replied: “Here are 86,000,000 adult population; ae 5,000 die daily; every day’s delay means 5,000 souls!” After the duties of his office were fulfilled, he preached Jesus. “If every hair were a life,” said he, “I would give them all to a Him.” He fell, in 1857, at the hands of the mutineers. On his sitting-room walls were inscribed: “Fear God,” “Love your enemies,” “ Prepare for death.”

Working on the New Set Up

I got the new camera up but could not figure out the remote. I am talking to the manufacturer's help desk tomorrow. This is good progress early in the week.

Today Will Be a Break from Rain - Back to Sogginess Tomorrow

Does the devil look like Paul Kelm or does Paul Kelm look like the devil?

We had rainstorm upon rainstorm yesterday. This house, on a concrete pad, has good drainage to a street system that carries the water down the street and down two more streets.

We also save a lot of rain with mulch and rain barrels. At the moment, more rain in the barrels is impossible.

People experience the same when everything is peaceful and God's grace is being expounded according to the Scriptures. We take it for granted and become indolent. America had that after WWII, but generations of with-it seminary graduates took the "new ideas" into the parish and pulpit. They were groomed to be graduate students of Fuller Seminary. WELS denied being connected with Church Growth while sending everyone to Pasadena (but not for the Rose Bowl). The lying was Olympic quality, but typical of GA abuse training.

They all drank from the same poisoned sources became even blinder than before. 

Do Missouri, WELS, and the ELS join the CLC in tearing this out of Luther's Sermons? They seem to have no knowledge of it, or Romans, or the Gospel of John. They only know and recite what is published by Fuller, Willow Creek, and Trinity Divinity School.