Thursday, August 31, 2023

Matt the Fatt Dances Around the Sparkle Creed and Thrivent - One Month Late


Ghost-written for  Matthew C. Harrison

July 21, 2023

    In June, Thrivent — a fraternal benefit society born of a merger of two Lutheran organizations — exhorted its Instagram followers, with a rainbow heart, to “Celebrate Pride Month.” Many folks who own Thrivent products have asked us for alternatives for life insurance and investments. I especially feel for the many faithful LCMS people who serve or have served as Thrivent agents whose consciences are burdened. I think of J.A.O. Preus I (father of former LCMS President Rev. Dr. J.A.O. “Jack” Preus II), who founded Lutheran Brotherhood. I think of the Lutherans (like my family) who served so well in these institutions for so long, and all the charitable dollars to worthy causes.

    In other news, a congregation in Minnesota bearing the name “Lutheran” — though not one with which we are in fellowship — has gone viral for its use of the so-called “Sparkle Creed” at a Pride Sunday service in June. Again, our voicemails and inboxes lit up with those concerned that the Synod needed to issue a statement about this “creed,” which includes phrases such as “I believe in the non-binary God whose pronouns are plural. I believe in Jesus Christ, their son, who wore a fabulous tunic and had two dads.”

    These are shocking developments, but not unexpected... 


 "Soon, everyone will have a fish-hat, stick, and cope."

GJ - This blog had Sparkle posted already in June. It took Matt the M-Div a month to be shocked, perhaps because of ELCA's obsessions being funded so lavishly by Thrivent, which also uses its insider benevolence loot to fund their favorite Left-wing fevers.

Like his convention two-step, Matt danced around the issues. 

Matt (or his helpers) wrote - 

This — the doctrine of justification, on which the church stands or falls — is what it means to be Lutheran. Everything else flows from it. Original sin and the preaching of the Law (apart from Christ, all of us are “lost and condemned persons”) are about justification. Because we know that God justifies sinners, we aren’t afraid of man’s sinful condition, nor do our sins terrify and oppress us. God reckons us righteous, by grace, for Christ’s sake.
The "stands or falls" statement is not from the Book of Concord, not that Matt has comprehended that source or even a decent Bible. Here his team is babbling as incoherently as confirmands "answering questions" on the big day of confirmation, as it used to be. 

The Feeble Four (LCMS, WELS, ELS, CLC) agree with ELCA about Objective Faithless Justification - "the whole world was declared forgiven" though their dates and methods are in motion, like clouds of vape circling the florescent lights.

The corruption is so thorough that anyone objecting to ELCA-Thrivent's pro-abortion, gay activist, Universalism will be squelched quickly and consigned to the lower depths of Church Growth plagiarism. "Nothing to see - move on."

 "Don't spill the beans - we need the grants."

Note How the ELCA Bishop/Pastor Assesses His Ministry

A 43-year ministry comes to a close for former Faith Lutheran leader now bishop

The Rev. Maureen Stein
( Assistant to the Bishop )

  • First Call Theological Education
  • Interim Ministry

Pastor Maureen Stein grew up in the Chicago suburbs. She graduated from Concordia Teachers’ College (now Concordia University) in River Forest, then from Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA with a master’s degree in Occupational Therapy. She worked as an occupational therapist in psychiatric hospitals for a dozen years before returning to school at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, receiving her MDiv in 1991.

She served Trinity Lutheran Church in Chenoa for 9 years, and Immanuel Lutheran Church in Colfax for 7 of those 9 years. She retired in 2015, having served as pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Canton for 14 years. She serves as Assistant to the Bishop one-quarter time.

She and Brian, married 43 years, have two adult children, Rachel, married to Chris, and Nathan, married to Velia.

That Is Deep!

"I am so grateful to be able to be trusted to enter into people's lives," Roth said. "I've enjoyed being a part of the churches in Jacksonville and the community."

Many ELCA  Victims Can List the Changes!

"I have been a pastor for 43 years and I cannot begin to list the changes that have taken place," Roth said. "It's ongoing. Pastors and churches need to be adaptive all the time. Change is constant."

Guidance! Struggles! 

Leadership During Milestones!

During his time in the church, Roth worked with community members, providing guidance during struggles and leadership during many life milestones, he said. 

"People trusted me during significant parts of their lives," Roth said. "It was a privilege that I don't take for granted."

One of Many Seminex Graduates 

Who Became ELCA Bishops!

Roth earned a master's degree at Christ Seminary-Seminex in St. Louis and the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago, and a doctorate from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. 

The Central/Southern Illinois Synod is one of 65 synods within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America system and oversees 111 communities across the southern portion of the state. 


GJ - Trust and guidance and change and significant parts simply overwhelmed me as I dabbed the sympathetic tears from my reddened eyes. As the ancient Greeks said, "Chameleons can change to any color - except white."

There are many variations on efficacy in the ELCA.

Note the para-synodical ELM at the bottom, very effective. One pastor restored to the roles was a regular on ALPB, 10,000 posts, until he was arrested. 

"Watch for the union label."

Make sure your diversity is selective.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Luke 10 - The Good Samaritan - " For he thinks as St. Paul says, 2 Timothy 3:12: All that would live godly in Christ Jesus shah suffer persecution.”


"A Christian need not look for his cross, it is always on his back." - Luther

Complete Sermon ->Trinity 13 - 

The Good Samaritan - Luke 10

25. This Samaritan of course is our Lord Jesus Christ himself, who has shown his love toward God and his neighbor. Toward God, in that he was obedient to him, came down from heaven and became man, and thus fulfilled the will of his Father; toward his neighbor, in that he immediately after his baptism began to preach, to do wonders, to heal the sick. And in short, he did no work that centered in himself alone, but all his acts centered in his neighbor. And this he did with all his powers, and thus he became our servant, who could have well remained in heaven and been equal to God, Philippians 2:6. But all this he did because he knew that this pleased God and was his Father’s will.

26. When he entered upon that high mission to prove that he loved God with all his heart, he laid down his bodily life with all he had, and said:

Father, here you have all, my bodily life, my glory and honor, which I had among the people; all this I give as it is for thy sake, that the world may know how I love thee. My Father, let my wisdom perish, so that the world may look upon me as most foolish. Let me be the most despised, who was heretofore praised by all the world. Now I am the worst murderer, who before was friendly, useful and serviceable to the whole world. Dear Father, all this I despise, only that I may not be disobedient to thee.

27. This is the Samaritan who came uninvited, and fulfilled the law with his whole heart. For only he fulfilled the law, and no one can deprive him of this honor. He alone merits it, and well maintains it all alone. Now this would be no special comfort for us; but that he has compassion on the poor wounded man, takes him under his care, binds his wounds, takes him into the inn and waits on him, this avails for us.

28. The man who here lies half dead, wounded and stripped of his clothing, is Adam and all mankind. The murderers are the devils who robbed and wounded us, and left us lying prostrate half dead. We still struggle a little for life; but there lies horse and man, we cannot help ourselves to our feet, and if we were left thus lying we would have to die by reason of our great anguish and lack of nourishment; maggots would grow in our wounds, followed by great misery and distress.

29. The parable stands in bold relief, and pictures us perfectly, what we are and can do with our boasted reason and free will. If the poor wounded man had desired to help himself, it would only have been worse for him, he would only have done harm to himself and irritated his wounds, and only prepared more misery and distress for himself.

Had he remained lying quiet, he would have had as much suffering. Thus it is when we are left to ourselves. We are always lost, we may lay hold where we will. Hitherto man has always acted thus, he has thought out many ways and methods how we might reform our lives and get to heaven.

One found this way, another that, therefore so many kinds of orders arose: in like manner the letters of indulgence and crusades originated; but they have only made evil worse. Such is the world, and it is thus finely portrayed in this wounded man, it lies in sins over head and ears and cannot help itself.

30. But the Samaritan who has fulfilled the law and is perfectly healthy and sound, comes and does more than both priest and Levite. He binds up the sores of the wounded man, pours in oil and wine, lifts him upon his own beast, and brings him into the inn, takes good care of him, and when he departs he carefully commends him to the host, and besides leaves him a sufficient supply of money, while neither the priest nor Levite would do one of these kind acts. The priest signifies the dear sainted fathers before Moses; the Levite the priesthood of the Old Testament. All these however have accomplished nothing by their works, and have passed by on the other side like this priest and Levite.

31. Therefore, if I had for example all the good works of Noah, Abraham and of all the dear fathers, they would still be of no benefit to me. They have indeed beheld the wounded man lying helpless and half dead, but they could not help it. He who lay there half dead, saw it too, but what of it, he could make it no better. The dear sainted fathers saw very well that the people lay in their sins over their ears, and also felt the anguish of sin, but what could they do to remedy it? They could make it only worse, but not better. These were the preachers of the law, and showed what the world was, namely, full of deadly sins, and it lay there half dead, and could not help itself, notwithstanding all its powers, reason and free will. Go then, thou beautifully painted rogue, and boast of thy free will, of thy merits and holiness!

32. But Christ, the true Samaritan, takes the poor man to himself as his own, goes to him and does not require the helpless one to come to him; for here is no merit, but pure grace and mercy; and he binds up his wounds, cares for him and pours in oil and wine, this is the whole Gospel from beginning to end. He pours in oil when grace is preached, as when one says: Behold thou poor man, here is your unbelief, here is your condemnation, here you are wounded and sore. Wait! All this I will cure with the Gospel. Behold, here cling firmly to this Samaritan, to Christ the Savior, he will help you, and nothing else in heaven or on earth will. You know very well that oil softens, thus also the sweet, loving preaching of the Gospel gives me a soft, mild heart toward God and my neighbor, so that I risk my bodily life for the sake of Christ my Lord and his Gospel, if God and necessity require it.

33. But wine is sharp and signifies the holy cross that immediately follows.

A Christian need not look for his cross, it is always on his back. For he thinks as St. Paul says, 2 Timothy 3:12: “All that would live godly in Christ Jesus shah suffer persecution.” This is the court-color in this kingdom. Whoever is ashamed of the color, does not belong to this king.

                      The Parable of the Good Samaritan
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