Tuesday, June 18, 2024

LCMS Mequon and Ann Arbor Colleges Are in Deep Trouble.
Dave "It's OK To Pray" Benke Supports Grand Canyon University


Planet of the Apes revealed that the alien monkey planet was actually earth after going through its own self-destruction. I used to statue of Luther to replace Liberty, because the Lutherans did the same thing, leaving nothing but rot, decay, gay leaders, and cheerleaders for abortion on demand.

Dave "It's OK To Pray" Benke is shedding some light on the conjoined twins - conveniently called Mequon and Ann Arbor - or using initials only - like AA. LCMS and WELS are very familiar with AA, and it serves as a distraction from their civic and educational duties. 

Benke recently praised Grand Canyon University on the Ovaltines' little ALPB website. Here is the link he used, or one close to it.


The Babtists robbed their own people through savings that would yield 15% every year. When that fraud scheme collapsed, little GCU was bankrupt. Therefore, some people bought the name and accreditation status. That is how many collapsing schools began a new life.

The Biden administration is trying to fine GCU an enormous amount of money without cause.

Benke could not figure out why GCU returned to non-profit status. Some clergy are not too sharp about finances. GCU made it very clear that they would reduce costs to students by giving up their non-profit status and providing $300 million per year by making it non-profit. They have kept their costs level while almost all universities (except Purdue) have let their tuition and student loan debt sky-rocket. Taxes are a cost, right? So if those taxes are removed, costs go down and a wise university will keep tuition costs lower.

Augustana, Rock Island
My tuition cost in 1966 was $1,000 for the year, which was covered by the Illinois State Scholarship.

Basic student charges


Academic year

Tuition $51,438
Standard housing and meals $12,502
Health care/clinic fee* $160
Total comprehensive fee $64,100
Part-time or overload tuition per credit and/or private study per credit
(including courses audited)

Reformation Seminary - Luke's Special Contributions to the New Testament - Apologetics



Paul wrote the most letters, so he wins the race in numbers.

The so-called scholars try their best to determine exactly how Matthew, Mark, and Luke coordinated their works. Nils Dahl said, "No one really knows. No one has the answer." The alleged scholars - with no evidence - consign the Fourth Gospel to oblivion because they want it to be Gnostic and 300 years after Christ. 

There are various hocus-pocus games with John. 

  1. "It was originally written in Aramaic." Still waiting for the evidence.
  2. "It got all mixed up and no one can fix it" - because they erased the woman caught in adultery passage. Leave it in, and it makes perfect sense.
  3. "Two endings! How did that happen?" John 20 and John 21.
These soi-disant experts no longer put the best construction on the New Testament. Any speculation is good for a dissertation, a book, and fame.

Back to Luke. His two contributions make up 25% of the New Testament.

Starting with Acts - this not only filled with Gospel, but also gives us a description of the earliest days of the Christian Church, including tensions and conflicts. Ultimately Paul emphasized the Gentiles and the two segments were united in the Word.

The Gospel of Luke holds such treasures that we would almost be orphans if we did not have the second Gospel.
The Virgin Birth is clearly established.
The unique parables - 
  1. The Good Samaritan (10:25-37) 
  2. The Friend at Midnight (11:5-8) 
  3. The Rich Fool (12:13-21) 
  4. The Barren Fig Tree (13:6-9) 
  5. The Great Feast (14:15-24) 
  6. The Parables of the Lost (15:1-32) Nota bene!
  7. The Dishonest Manager (16:1-13) 
  8. The Rich Man and Lazarus (16:19-31) 
  9. The Judge and the Widow (18:1-8) 
  10. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector (18:9-14) 
The number  of parables unique to Luke varies somewhat, but there they are.

The ending of Luke fits well with the Acts of the Apostles.

Simon Greenleaf tried to prove "all the errors" of the four Gospel narratives of the Resurrection of Christ. Instead, he was converted, saw the harmony, and became a noted Christian apologist (a term derived from the Greek word for defender). Now we have clergy who are not apologists and they want traditional Christians to apologize for their adherence to the Word.

Church Merch And Other Annoying Gimmicks - Can Anyone Find the Chief Article of the Christian Faith at The Way?


"From all this it is certainly clear, that Christ does not here speak of that righteousness, of how a man becomes just before God, which takes place alone through faith in Jesus Christ, but teaches his disciples how to lead a good life here on earth among unbelievers, by which they may be of great benefit to those who judge and condemn them."

Daily Luther Sermon Quote 

The Way Church is located in Fredericksburg VA, and "aims to connect you with Christ and community through its relationship-based ministries, great kids program, Bible-centered messages and welcoming environment."

GJ - WELS hides its identity as much as possible, but the grammar lessons give it away. "The Way" is rather vague. WELS copies LCMS Fuller and LCMS apes ELCA Fuller.

They have their own Merch Page. I love churches that are so cool, especially when the fad is already 15 years old. This is The Way unisex shirt.

PS - Chris Shrader coined Church Merch.

Daily Luther Sermon Quote - Trinity 4 - Second Sermon - "From all this it is certainly clear, that Christ does not here speak of that righteousness, of how a man becomes just before God, which takes place alone through faith in Jesus Christ, but teaches his disciples how to lead a good life here on earth among unbelievers, by which they may be of great benefit to those who judge and condemn them."


I wore this sweatshirt to various WELS events, which annoyed WELS clergy.  Several clergy asked my why I was wearing the shirt. I said, "Because I want to fit in." The sweatshirt was loaned to students at their little college.

Luther's Sermons - Luke 6:36-42.
Fourth Sunday after Trinity, Second Sermon

8. Thus, says Christ here, should you Christians also do, because you are children of grace and peace, not of anger and discord, and are also called to inherit the blessing. Therefore you should also bring the blessing among the people, first by your preaching and public confession, and after that also by your good outward conduct, so that when the unbelievers judge and condemn you, treat you unmercifully and rob you, you will be merciful to them, and not avenge yourselves, but give and forgive, and besides help, love and bless them, and speak the best things of them before God and the world; that they may also observe by your good conduct that you are pious and blameless people, who do not only suffer evil, but also return good for evil. By this you will obtain a good name among the heathen, and be estimable and honorable in my sight, who art your Lord and God.

9. Thus you see that this text does not at all permit us to conclude from it that forgiveness of sins is obtained by works; for Christ here speaks to those who are already children of grace, and does not instruct them how to obtain by works, as the Papists dream, the forgiveness of sins, which they already had by grace; however, he here teaches them how they are to conduct themselves, when they go forth and preach, toward the people who persecute, judge, condemn them, and afflict them with all kinds of torment and misfortune; that they immediately do the contrary, not judge, nor condemn, but forgive and give; and then they shall also be neither judged nor condemned before God or the world. And even though the world judge them, still God will not condemn them, as it is said in Psalm 37:13-40. So it shall also be forgiven and given them again.

10. Thus Christ admonishes his disciples with these words, that they diligently perform the duties of their office and preach with courage, let it offend whom it may, and that nothing whatever may lead them astray, even though all the world revile and curse; let them only freely continue and they shall be richly rewarded; for it is already determined in heaven that there shall be given unto them full measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over.

11. From all this it is certainly clear, that Christ does not here speak of that righteousness, of how a man becomes just before God, which takes place alone through faith in Jesus Christ, but teaches his disciples how to lead a good life here on earth among unbelievers, by which they may be of great benefit to those who judge and condemn them. When they do such things, it shall be rewarded unto them again both here and hereafter; not that they thereby merit the forgiveness of sins; for no work, be it ever so good, is able to accomplish this; but when they on this account suffer or lose anything, it shall be returned to them even here in this life an hundred fold, as is written in Mark 10:30, and in the life to come they will be more gloriously arrayed and adorned than other saints. Why? Because they have suffered and done more for Christ’s sake than others. For Daniel the prophet says, Daniel 12:3, that the teachers shall shine as the brightness of the firmament after the resurrection of the dead, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever. And St. Paul in Corinthians 15:41 says: “For one star differeth from another star in glory. So also is the resurrection of the dead.”

12. The Lord further says: When you fail to do thus, but return evil for evil, it shall be measured to you again, “for with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.” For by thus judging and condemning those who judge and condemn you, you sufficiently show that you are not my true disciples, and have not yet the forgiveness of sins, or else you would do what I have commanded you. From which it follows further that your faith is not right. So with you it will be changed, and you will hear from me that you have no faith and are false Christians.

13. This is sufficiently proved, because you still judge one another, and one does not assist the other. This my Christians will not do. Therefore your sins will remain upon you, and will only become greater, as is shown in the parable of the wicked servant who owed his Lord ten thousand talents and could not pay it; the Lord forgave him the debt out of pure grace. But as he would not forgive his fellow servant the very little debt, he again fell into his own former debt, which was forgiven him and brought down upon himself the great wrath of his Lord, who delivered him over to the tormentors. Matthew 18:34.

14. Thus our dear Lord would here kindly and lovingly invite us to do good works and lead a Christian life also among our enemies. But when we fail to do this he threatens us, that he would not regard us as Christians.

For such works are as a sign or confession that we are true Christians. In addition to this, other people will be made better by such works, and so will we ourselves who do them, as St. Peter says, we make our calling and election sure thereby, and become richer in faith.