Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets

Ten months of funding left?



This person has protected their (sic) tweets.


Michael Schottey has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":

Future WELS Pastor...

Since there's a good chance I know you, I'll pose you this question. For what reason would a pastor post with porn stars or follow (ie read) adult themed material on Twitter?

If you are (or were) at MLC...could you picture one of your language professors posing with scantily clad women AND THEN posting the pictures proudly online or in their office?


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Ski Has Locked Down His Tweets":

Let's just say that for whatever reason, Ski wants a picture with the poptart. Then let's just say he didn't intend to pose in such an intimate position with her. Putting the best construction on it, maybe she grabbed him and threw him into this position just as the photo was about to be taken. The $64,000 question remains - WHY? Why then, would he proudly post this and other similar pictures for his wife, children, friends, colleagues, superiors, congregation, and the public as a whole to view? Why open himself up to the scrutiny of what any clear-thinking person would surely view as offensive photos? Why give every person who views these photos the perception that he just doesn't care what people think about him or the photos? It's apparent Ski is used to doing what he wants, when he wants, and the rest of the world can just get over it. In reality, at the very least, he certainly owes his family an apology. The proper response should be a confession of sin, a plea for forgiveness, and possibly an apology on his Facebook page for his poor judgment. An improper reaction would be a cover-up and a change in privacy policy so that his so-called friends are the only ones who can continue to view this very odd behavior on behalf of a WELS pastor. If these people were truly his 'friends', they be telling him the exact same thing I just said. He is an embarrassment for every member of the WELS.

Taking Martin Luther College Seriously, When They Do Not Take Martin Luther Seriously

Another reason - This photo of MLC students appears on many gay sites,
advertising their porn.
Just Google "Party in MLC" to find out.
The video is still being played.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Collegian Computer and Internet Quiz":

I understand why you're upset with people who bash MLC. You likely are taking it personally.
Thoughtful people habitually mock MLC because a large percentage of the school's graduates seem to be missing an important aspect of what it means to "educated". It's hard to define this aspect, but I think I have a way for you to visualize it: Draw three circles, each overlapping the other. (This is called a Venn diagram)
  1. Label one circle "incapable of critical analysis".
  2. Label another "unexposed to literature, thought, music, art and science not specifically WELS in genesis".
  3. Label the 3rd circle: "Being shaped for vocations with 100% job security".

Now, put on your imagination cap and try to imagine the common ground between those three things. How to describe it...hm... "those who plan on surviving in a totally false thought-economy?"

It's not hard to guess why intelligent laymen, professionals in a myriad of differing vocations, find it difficult to take MLC grads seriously.

It occurs to me that MLC grads (more than anyone)should be up in arms about Ski and the other Church-Shrinkers spending all the money. MLC grads won't have any kind of security if the Shrinkers take over. Junkets get higher priority than Lutheran Schools. WELS teachers who can't find jobs in the WELS usually end up working at the 7-11 in Red Field SD (if you get my drift).

They make Paul Calvin Kelm their keynoter,
videotape Martin Luther's statue fighting with the Sprinter statue,
and no one takes them seriously?

Explaining the Unbearable Lightness of The CORE Lutheran Church

This photo of WELS Pastor Tim Glende,
with Katy Perry ("Ur So Gay" and "I Kissed a Girl and I Liked It")
was proudly displayed on his main Facebook page
for weeks.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Funding for The CORE":

At first, St. Peter Freedom and the CORE operated as two separate entities. Now, suddenly, the BORE is "the downtown campus of St. Peter." Why is that?

After speaking with several members at St. Peter, it seems they can see the reason why. The BORE is one giant money vacuum, currently being attended by 150 (not 200, Glende, anonymous Appleton pastor). Of those 150, 135 are already financially supporting their home WELS congregation.

Ski has 10 months of funding left. There is clearly no way his sandbox will be able to support itself under the current conditions after that big, initial wad of loot runs out.

So, the obvious plan is for "the downtown campus of St. Peter" to be incorporated into St. Peter's budget after the BORE's original stash runs out.

The question is, will the members of St. Peter really be dumb enough to support an obvious failure like the BORE, which was only designed to steal WELS members and isn't even doing very well in that department? Or will they say "enough is enough" when the original misguided gift runs out -- and let the "downtown campus" of their church close?

By the way, how far gone is WELS in Appleton when you have a pastor like this leaving these kinds of comments? It really shows the true nature of the Pseudo-Baptists in the Fox Vally.


GJ - Columbus, Ohio paved the way, with Floyd Luther Stolzenburg (at the non-WELS church Glende attended) lying about his divorce and being kicked out of the LCMS ministerium - for cause. Stolzenburg, needless to say, was a CG guru that WELS fawned over, but no one ever explained why.

Glende and Ski should explain their relationship to the fake Ichabod blog.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post " This photo of WELS Pastor Tim Glende, with Katy...":

Unlikely St. Peter would support it. Thats why they needed a donor in the first place. Plus, they are looking to expand in several years as well to solve over-crowding problems.