Saturday, July 26, 2014

Back to Ustream Tomorrow

Monarda, or Oswego Tea, or Bee Balm.
I was able to send perfect audio tonight on Ustream, after experimenting with the new YouTube livestreaming.

I am not sure which one is better in the long run, but I had bad audio on YouTube and perfect audio on the hymns for Ustream. We will use the normal Ustream setup tomorrow.

Cox Cable doubled the bandwidth, which may be one reason for the improvement, but that does not explain having the odd warbling on the YouTube version. Theories are welcome.

BuzzFeed Shows LCMS, WELS, ELS an Example of Dealing with Plagiarism

I was not invited to the Facebook executives' meeting at Walmart Headquarters,
so I Photoshopped myself into the group portrait - for laughs.
This has nothing to do with the article.

From the BuzzFeed Article:
"We have corrected the instances of plagiarism, and added an editor’s note to each. We have also included links to each at the bottom of this note. We will work hard to be more vigilant in the future, and to earn your trust."

LCMS, WELS, and ELS continue to support plagiarism and offer no apologies for it. 

This singular lack of character in the leaders should be kept in mind whenever they hold out their hands for more money. 

This kitten should make your eyes well up with tears.
She is so cute and endearing.
Increase your synod offering so she can have clean litter
and a warm place to sleep.

BuzzFeed Has Higher Standards than LCMS, WELS, ELS.
Unlike the Conservative Lutherans, BuzzFeed Is Deeply Embarrassed

Paul McCain erased his cesspool of plagiarism - Cyberbrethren,
but he never apologized. He is still employed by the LCMS - on copyright issues.
Glende and Ski excommunicated a member
for his research that showed their plagiarism, which Glende lied about.
DP Englebrecht responded by piously endorsing plagiarism.

BuzzFeed fires Benny Johnson for plagiarism

BuzzFeed has fired Viral Politics Editor Benny Johnson after finding more than 40 instances of plagiarism, BuzzFeed's editor Ben Smith announced on Friday evening.
In an apology to BuzzFeed readers, Smith said the plagiarism is “a breach of our fundamental responsibility" and that editors were in the process of attaching an editor's note to every instance of plagiarism.
"Plagiarism, much less copying unchecked facts from Wikipedia or other sources, is an act of disrespect to the reader. We are deeply embarrassed and sorry to have misled you," Smith said.
[Click on the headline for the entire article, on "apology" for the BuzzFeed message.]

Examples from the BuzzFeed apology -

Update: Here are links to the 41 posts in which we found plagiarism and attribution issues.

Commenting on the Post-Lutheran Situation

Money makes SPs go around,
SPs go around,
SPs go around.

Polluted WELS Comment:

 Mr. Douglas Lindee said...
Still recovering, eh? New to blogging? Yup, it can be utterly wasting for the editor/moderator, especially as discussion goes deep and becomes empassioned. This is one of those topics.

Joel Dusek asks: "Suppose we enter into a post-synodical era, where geographic and ethnic histories, and synodical affiliations give way to adherence to the Scripture and Confessions. From where would pastors come, and how would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified? Independent Lutheran Seminaries? A formal recognized colloquy process? Some other means?"

RE: post-synodical era...
We're already there. I recall seeing this term ("post-synodical era") for the first time few years ago on BJS, and I recall being offended by it. I thought, "Post-synodical for the LCMS, maybe -- they're a mess." But now, I'm convinced that those who stick with the Synods are on the fast track to a post-Lutheran era. And despite my initial offense to the term, LCMS has far more resistance to it than WELS. By the size of the organization, by the size of its Confessional movement, by the willingness of its pastor to publically put there names on a document and enter into Statu Confessionis. ELS and CLC aren't going to survive into the next generation, and they know it. WELS thinks it can survive, but only as an organization, if it has the numbers. It is swiftly becomming the Wisconsin Evangelical Synod (WES), and doesn't seem to be embarassed or concerned about this in the least. One way or another, I am convinced that the Lutheran diaspora -- clergy and laity committed to genuine Lutheran orthodoxy who purposefully embrace a robust Lutheran catholicy -- will be forced out of the old organizions.

RE: Where would pastors come from?
The Confessions make clear (APXIV or SCIII:X, for instance) that where a given church finds it impossible to recognize an orthodox ministerium, it is incumbant upon that church to establish its own ministerium, to call and ordain its own pastors. In our day, that could mean that clergy, who have been examined by the congregation beforehand and who satisfy Scriptural approval criteria, are called from other Lutheran bodies scattered across the country -- or even the world; or it could mean that knowledgable laity, who are known to the congregation to satisfy Scriptural approval criteria and respected by them, are called by their brethren out of the congregation into the Office and ordained by them.

RE How would a congregation be assured their pastor was qualified?
This is where Lutheran laymen simply need to grow up. The burden of responsibility has always been on the laity to continually examine their pastors, in order to maintain the "assurance" that their pastors are, and remain, qualified. It's called being Berean. It is NOT the responsibility of some organization outside the congregation, apart from the laymen being served, to provide these services for the congregation or to "guarantee" anything. The burden of responsibility is on the Bereans in the congregation.

My Opinion.
July 26, 2014 at 6:22 AM

Their Halle confession is Pietistic rationalism.

Thee Million Page-Views Since Ichabod Started

Stop the presses! New front page -

"No one reads Ichabod," the yammering yahoods claim.

Mrs. Ichabod kept asking, "When will the blog reach 3 million views?" The accounting department said, "August," but daily page-views have been 3,000 and up lately, so the counter rolled over this morning.

Total posts - over 12,000.

Only one blog  identified and proved that Paul McCain, 
CPH editor, was a serial plagiarist.
And yet, McCain enforces all imagined slights
against CPH copyrights. Funny, no?

Various tactics have been used to silence me, simply because I am a traditional Lutheran. The Northwestern Lutheran's editor (WELS) told me to stop writing for Christian News, or they would stop printing my articles.

When was the last time Christian News mattered to anyone?

McCain used a cleaned up version of this painting for his dead blog,
so Team Ichabod enhanced the original.
Proof of  Photoshopping - McCain's gut is actually Friar Tuck sized.

Herman Otten - Paul McCain's pal -  banned me for rejecting their precious UOJ, even though he was glad to use hundreds of my articles for free while selling his tabloid. He even borrowed my idea of mulching with newsprint to help his new grove of trees.

Otten always demanded answers for his questions, but when I asked him about selling the dishonest anti-Luther book - The Truth about Luther - he did not respond to my email. Later he told others that he "sells" to both sides of the issue.

Kudu Don Patterson denied having an odious network of fawning ex-vicars, then had all his fawning ex-vicars phone me to deny the existence of the claque. Kudu Don wrote me an email calling me a "fool and a liar." The alleged lie was a little factoid, that his Daddy Warbucks was on his church council - no, he used to be on his church council - typical WELS GA double-talk. No wonder they wanted him for District Pope.

Matthew 5:22 But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire.

Mark Walters defended his classmates and threatened to shut down this blog.

Fox Valley decided to start a couple of anonymous blogs - typical WELS courage - and confuse readers. Glende and Lillo were two of the authors. Like McCain, they erased the evidence of their follies and misdemeanors. But Glende made my day when he complained to the judge about this blog - while suing the victim of St. Peter, Freedom pastoral sexual harassment.

Mark Schroeder and Jon-Boy Buchholz tried to spin the news on this blog. Both of them contacted me and tried their best. Buchholz tried to sell his version of UOJ as something new, but it was regurgitated JP Meyer - and worse. No wonder this alleged critic of Rick Johnson, Jeff Gunn, and Mark Jeske melted faster than DreamWhip left on a picnic table in August. Money cures chapped hides, and Enthusiasm bears corrupt fruit.

Pope Paul the Plagiarist ordered people not to let my posts go through on other blogs and banned links to Ichabod - and the cowards obeyed. That only increased traffic to this blog.

WELS told students not to read Ichabod and yet the Martin Luther College faculty openly discussed how to do things without being written up here.

"Faith makes us bold," as Luther once wrote,
and apostasy makes the timid Lutherans quake like chihuahuas in a thunderstorm.