Friday, November 16, 2018

Orthodoxy Once Again Defined as Agreeing with Halle Pietism
Via CFW Walther, B.A. ELCA Teaches UOJ Too - So Did Barth and His Mistress

 Once again, the Chief Article is Justification by Faith,
not Justification without Faith. Genesis 15 and Romans 4 - 5:2 destroy all their rationalistic arguments. So does the Gospel of John, the entire Bible, and Book of Concord too.

Posted with Permission from Pastor James Shrader:

The OLCC (Orthodox Lutheran Confessional Conference) asked me to leave because I refused to confess that all people are saved and forensically declared justified prior to faith. This is known as Universal Objective Justification. I told the OLCC ministerium that I thought they were confusing Christ's Atonement on the cross (for the sins of the entire world) with Justification. The pastors said "No" and proceeded to call me a "coward" if I didn't leave; I was told that if I stayed, and they were forced to kick me out, that I would be "playing the victim." So, I sadly left the OLCC. My pastor, who wrote what is below (p.10 of 10), would not only be my pastor anymore but even said he could not be my personal friend because I denied the teaching of Universal Objective Justification. We all had confessed what St. Paul said in Ephesians 2:8-10, which is the cardinal doctrine of Christianity, but the OLCC seems to be able to judge me and told me that I really don't believe that man is saved by grace through faith. I had already stated on my time-line of Sept.26 what I believe and why I can't confess or teach that the entire world had already been declared sinless, without or prior to faith, before the judgment seat of God. BTW I took up the OLCC's offer to attend their conference on Nov.8 if I could record the meeting. They responded that they would not permit any audio recording of the meeting. One must ask why not? I therefore declined the offer.