Friday, March 16, 2012

Foxes Have Holes - No Mansions - But the Son of Man Has No Place To Lay His Head

According to the WELS directory, Robert Fleischmann lives at 5503 Beechwood Court.

Robert Fleischmann is another WELS pastor
whose large living is justified by
not serving a congregation.

Zillow estimates its value at $331,000 - a single family home on 1.8 acres. His home is near the spiffy new building in Richfield, Wisconsin.

Fleischmann's Sausage Factory class
was rich in Church Shrinkage leaders - Olson, Krause, Free, Birkholz, Pieper,
and look at how well they have done for themselves!

Support Your CEO

But it's for the babies.
All those beautiful offices - for the little ones.
Could this job be done from a small parish? Yes.
bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Lazy Pastors Do Not Study, Do Not Visit, Do Not Pr...":

Part 1 of 2:

Charity Navigator says that out of every donation dollar, 8 cents goes to pay the CEO's salary which is $87,490. And while Fleischmann is raking in that grand salary, guess what!--the Christian Life Resources (CLR) charity is racking up a huge debt, and is a half million bucks in the hole, probably because they just moved to a very nice location in a brand new building in July 2008 right when the Great Recession started:

CLR location, front streetview:

Side view:

About Us - Our Office

Charity Navigator gave Christian Life Resources one star! Also, if you register for free, you can compare similar charities as given in a list. I compared all four similar charities to CLR, and all four had net assets in the black, and only CLR was in the red.

Two charities had five stars and two had three stars for their overall rating, while CLR had one star, as noted above. Only 6% of all charities received a "Poor" one-star rating, and only 1% were rated worse and denied even a star.

If you thought charitably that CEO salary maybe led CLR to have a low rating, you're wrong. CEO compensation doesn't count in the star rating, and is only provided in the interest of full disclosure. Even in 2005 CLR had a one star rating.

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Lazy Pastors Do Not Study, Do Not Visit, Do Not Pr...":

Part 2 of 2:

Of the five compared charities, 3 had given Charity Navigator their Form 990 FYE for 2010, but CLR and one other charity has only their 2009 form in, according to Charity Navigator. This other charity watch site indicates that CLR hasn't filed a 2010 990 Form yet, to their knowledge:

Here's the 2009 990 return for CLR:

6% received a one-star rating and only 1% received zero stars.

Here's what one star (*) out of five means:

* Poor Fails to meet industry standards and performs well below most charities in its Cause.

Why is the CEO's salary greater than the amount the charity spends on administrative expenses?


GJ - Don't forget the Gift Store. Yes, a business hiding in a charity.


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Lazy Pastors Do Not Study, Do Not Visit, Do Not Pr...":

Robert Flieschmann seems to live in this nice wooded court with palatial houses:

Satellite view:

Beechwood Ct, Hartford, WI

Nearest streetview of neighborhood:

Robert R Fleischmann Jr: 


bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Lazy Pastors Do Not Study, Do Not Visit, Do Not Pr...":

Guidestar has a free registration feature like Charity Navigator does. It allows one to see the latest IRS 990 Forms.

Guidestar doesn't really rate the charity using a star system like Charity Navigator does, nor does it really indicate whether it follows good NPO practices, but only gives "tools" to compare NPOs so the user can come to his or her own conclusions. By contrast, Charity Navigator has everything Guidestar lacks, and does everything Guidestar doesn't do, i.e., it actually rates the charities, and even shows all this at the free registration level. It seems Guidestar, even at the premium level, is just an informational database. Nevertheless, Christian Life Resources has shied away from giving either GuideStar or Charity Navigator complete and up-to-date information about itself:


Nonprofit Intelligence
If you're doing a quick search or need only a little information, use our basic search, available at no cost to all users.

As this blog turns three — my thanks! « Churchmouse Campanologist

As this blog turns three — my thanks! « Churchmouse Campanologist:

Churchmouse Campanologist celebrates its third anniversary on March 17, 2012.

As I celebrate this occasion, please accept my thanks for reading, referring, subscribing and commenting!

Your visits have given me much pleasure as we have commiserated, debated and empathised with each other over not just matters ecclesiastical but socio-political as well.

My readers are a broad church — Anglicans, Lutherans, Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, Baptists, Reformed, Evangelicals and secularists.  This is precisely what I had hoped for from the beginning in 2009. Thank you for helping me realise this objective!

Geographically, my largest number of visits are from the US: California (4,700+), Texas (2,900+), Florida (1,900+), New York (nearly 1,900) and Georgia (1,600+). Then comes the UK, with 7,500+ visits, followed by Canada (2,700+), Australia (1,900+) and the Philippines (1,200+). Incidentally, Vatican City has made 62 visits, up from 39 last year.

Thank you also to those who have translated my posts into Spanish, Portuguese, French, Hebrew, Russian, Indonesian, Danish and Arabic.

Special thanks go to my regular referrers, particularly to two clergymen (Lutheran and Anglican) whose perspectives are highly valued, but also to Linda Kimball and Dick Puddlecote — two diametrically-opposed blogs but with some common talking points.

'via Blog this'


GJ - ChurchMouse has been one of my favorite blogs - ever since I found it. I also enjoy emails from the author. I appreciate his research done on various topics.

I could discuss the Christian faith with one person at Notre Dame, an Episcopalian priest. He made me interested in his denomination and the forces dividing it. At that time, the LCA and the Episcopalian Church were the same size, about 3 million members. Now they are rushing down the same road to perdition together.

Many Episcopalian leaders here have articulated a message that Lutherans fail to offer, one which declares gay advocacy anathema to historic Christianity.

The Odd Couple - Mark Hanson and Mrs. Schori.

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Kenyan Archbishop and Episcopal Presiding Bishop Clash over Lenten Message.
"Sell the Millenium Goals!"

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - Kenyan Archbishop and Episcopal Presiding Bishop Clash over Lenten Message:

Kenyan Archbishop Eliud Wabukala has issued a strong rebuke to US Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori's understanding of Lent.

The Presiding Bishop has called on Episcopalians to focus on the Millennium Development Goals for Lent 2012. "I invite you to use the Millennium Development Goals as your focus for Lenten study and discipline and prayer and fasting this year. I'm going to remind you that the Millennium Development Goals are about healing the worst of the world's hunger. They're about seeing that all children get access to primary education. They're about empowering women. They're about attending to issues of maternal health and child mortality. They're about attending to issues of communicable disease like AIDS and malaria and tuberculosis. They're about environmentally sustainable development, seeing that people have access to clean water and sanitation and that the conditions in slums are alleviated. And finally, they are about aid, foreign aid. They're about trade relationships, and they're about building partnerships for sustainable development in this world. The Millennium Development Goals are truly reflective of several of the Five Marks of Mission."

Archbishop Wabukala took issue with the Presiding Bishop saying the Millennium Development Goals have grown out of a secularized Western culture that is pushing Christianity to the margins and using the language of human rights and equality to promote irresponsibility in social life and diminish personal responsibility.

What the Bible says, more often than anything else, is to tend to the needs of the widows and orphans, those without. Jesus himself says, "Care for the least of these." I invite you to consider your alms-giving discipline this Lent and remember those in the developing world who go without, said Jefferts Schori.

In his pastoral letter, the archbishop said his mission, as the Anglican Church of Kenya, is "to equip God's people to transform society with the gospel. This is an holistic transformation much deeper and more lasting than any government or international agency can bring because it addresses our deepest need, that of a restored relationship with the God in whose image we are made and whose workmanship we are."

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VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ABC RESIGNS: It is the end of an embarrassing tenure of failed leadership

Rowan Williams, Lavender Mafia

VirtueOnline - News - Exclusives - ABC RESIGNS: It is the end of an embarrassing tenure of failed leadership:

From the moment he took office, Dr. Rowan Williams' tenure as Archbishop of Canterbury was marked by uncertainty, controversy and unacceptable compromises to global orthodox Anglicans.

When his book The Body's Grace revealed his stand on homosexuality, evangelical Anglicans in the Global South and West were unhappy. They immediately distanced themselves from his remarks despite his promise that his private views would not interfere or override the Anglican Communion's public position on such unbiblical, proscribed behavior.

For almost a decade it has been a rocky, quarrelsome road for Dr. Williams, culminating in one third of his archbishops and bishops failing to show up at Lambeth 2008. A third of his African, Southern Cone and Asian bishops failed to show up in Dublin last year when the world's Anglican Archbishops met. It was billed as a "crisis summit". As the majority of orthodox Anglican Primates failed to show, it was not a summit and a crisis was averted.

Middle East Archbishop Mouneer Anis, a no show Primate, said the meeting had been "cooked and precooked" with no outcome that was not already a forgone conclusion. Decisions made at previous primates' meetings were not acted upon and orthodox primates no longer allowed Dr. Rowan Williams to play shuttle diplomacy between the two groups, both of whom have very different gospels. The "big issues" were quickly swept under the carpet.

Prophetically true.

In Dromantine in 2005, Williams faced excoriation from both sides. He was accused of being weak and ineffectual by then US Presiding Bishop Frank Griswold for not standing up to Nigerian Primate Peter Akinola over homosexuality, while the Global South Primates continued their distancing from Dr. Williams. Relationships became so estranged that the Primates would not take Eucharist together.

Over the years whenever the words "Anglican Communion" appeared, the press immediately followed it with words like "embattled", "crisis" or "schism". It became an all too familiar theme.

Such public embarrassments have only been heightened with the pending consecration of women bishops in the Church of England, (even though there are women bishops in the US and Canada) and an Anglican Covenant, which is striking out across the globe in one Anglican province after another. US Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori is on record as saying that it is "past its shelf life."

Williams has invested much personal authority in these issues, but has suffered embarrassment in both.

He put forward a compromise on women bishops to staunch the flow of Anglo-Catholics out of the Church of England and to keep traditionalists from taking up an offer of a personal Ordinariate from Pope Benedict to convert to the Roman Catholic Church.

His compromise on women bishops is doomed to fail as the synod will vote for women bishops after the dioceses and parishes, overwhelmingly said "yes". Traditionalists feel betrayed.

The Covenant too, seems headed for a fall. Church of England dioceses are at the moment voting on the Covenant, an initiative put forward by Williams in an attempt to prevent disputes between churches in North America and Africa over homosexual bishops and same-sex unions. But dioceses look set to vote it down.

Williams has warned that the Anglican Communion faces a "piece-by-piece dissolution" if member churches fail to avoid actions that upset others. Many believe that his failure to act or to offer a definitive word on pressing moral issues has contributed to the dissolution.

Williams gave no reason for his stepping down, but his tenure has come during some of the church's most turbulent times. In Sept. of 2011, it was reported in the Telegraph that Williams would step down before the year's end. He will continue to carry out all the duties and responsibilities of the Archbishop of Canterbury, both for the Church of England and the Anglican Communion, until the end of the year.

Dr. Williams' long struggle to prevent a schism over women and gay bishops and same-sex unions has been a high wire act that has no resolution. Orthodox Anglicans in the West and the vast majority of the Global South are deeply entrenched in Scripture's prohibition of any form of sexual expression outside of marriage between a man and a woman, while Western liberal provinces embrace pansexuality with first a homosexual and then a lesbian bishop consecrated in The Episcopal Church.

Williams believed he could not discipline The Episcopal Church, but hoped that Section IV of the Covenant might offer a way forward with those provinces who stepped over the line. However Williams was more anxious and concerned about what he perceived were cross-border violations than he was about human sexual behavior.

Another factor that undoubtedly figured in his resignation is the rise of the Global South and the formation of GAFCON and Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (FCA) along with the Jerusalem Declaration. This declaration signaled a whole new reality for the Anglican Communion and came just weeks before the 2008 Lambeth Conference. These Anglican leaders representing a clear majority of the world's practicing Anglicans addressed the crisis gripping the Anglican Communion over scriptural authority. It called for the creation of a new council of primates overseeing a volunteer fellowship committed to mission and biblical Anglicanism as well as a new structure of accountability based on the Jerusalem Declaration. It also signaled the move of most of the world's practicing Anglicans into a post-colonial reality, where the Archbishop of Canterbury is recognized for his historic role, but not as the only arbiter of what it means to be Anglican.

That was a slap in the face and a humiliating moment for Williams who no doubt saw it as a schismatic statement that he could not control and a further diminishment of his authority as the Communion's titular head.

Next month the six Anglican archbishops who form GAFCON's primates' council will meet in London to continue talks on the deteriorating situation in the Anglican Communion. They will meet with FCA leaders and turn up the heat on Dr. Williams.

Restive Evangelicals are also making it difficult for Williams to remain in office. The recent formation of the Anglican Mission in England (AMIE) - a new mission initiative to revive Anglicanism in England - must have seemed like another peg in the new tent of Anglicanism that Williams could not control even though AMIE's leaders said they intended to remain within the Church of England.

Now, at the age of 61, some nine years before he needed to have officially retired, he is taking an appointment as Master of Magdalene College, a medieval appointment that is largely ceremonial. He previously taught theology at Cambridge and Oxford universities. Magdalene founded in 1428 remains, despite a 20th-century expansion, one of the smaller colleges within Cambridge University, numbering some 300 undergraduates.

"It has been an immense privilege to serve as Archbishop of Canterbury over the past decade, and moving on has not been an easy decision," he said in a statement. Maybe, but one should not be fooled into believing that by staying he held a winning card hand. He didn't. There was no ace up his sleeve. He faced opprobrium from people like Colin Coward and Changing Attitude every time he prevaricated over homosexuality, and the liberal broad sheets in the UK ripped him apart for his repeated waffling. He got no relief from Akinola's successor, Archbishop Nicholas Okoh who seems to be a clone of the former Nigerian Archbishop and just as steadfast on human sexuality issues.

The bookmakers' favorite to replace him is the Church of England's second most senior cleric, the Archbishop of York, John Sentamu, though there are some who are against his outspoken views at a sensitive time for the church. Another in the running is the Bishop of London, Richard Chartres, a friend of Prince Charles. But his chances may have suffered over St Paul's Cathedral's botched handling of a four-month camp by the anti-capitalist movement Occupy London on its doorstep. A VOL reader in London believes the choice will be a total outsider, though he will lack the necessary gravitas for the job and have very little international standing. If he is a liberal, it will only ratchet up the continuing and ongoing realignment now firmly underway. If he is an evangelical, he will need a spine of steel to stand up to the Country's growing and very strident homosexual and Islamist lobby especially in the Church of England.

Either way, the Church of England and the Anglican Communion will continue in turmoil if clear stands are not taken on pressing moral and theological issues. The truth is there may be no stopping the decline.

Whichever way it goes one thing is certain, there will be no stopping the rise of the Global South with its millions of evangelical Anglicans and the slow but inevitable death of Western Anglicanism if it does not repent of its sin. And that it would seem, is not going to happen.

American Anglican Council spokesman Canon Phil Ashey talks about the resignation of Dr. Williams. You can view it here - Anglican Perspective: Canterbury to Resign

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Lazy Pastors Do Not Study, Do Not Visit, Do Not Preach

I marvel at how little the full-time ministers do. They must be like the royalty in Europe, who are always exhausted from the latest party, the most recent vacation.

The pastors have to study the Word in order to preach, so many of them plagiarize their sermons and skip the studying part (which they imagine is boring).

They do very little visiting.

Those are the three components of a healthy congregation. I gave that away without charging a consulting fee.

WELS had two "consultants" in Columbus, both divorced. They did their best to wreck the congregations.

Everyone wants to be a boss and earn the big money. WELS Lutherans for Life has a generic name, to make more money. Their payroll in 2010 was about $350,000, and they listed assets of $500,000. Few pastors make as much money as Bob Fleischmann (divorced and remarried). His Christian Life Resources gathers in $1 million a year, so he goes around raising money from congregations that will never see that kind of annual budget, from pastors who actually do Means of Grace work.

$1.3 million income for his generic charity.
Salaries used to be listed in the IRS forms, but they are not in the 2010 report for Fleischmann. His was quite hefty many years ago.

Thoughts on the Latte Church - In Song

rlschultz has left a new comment on your post "Closed Latte Church Fan Shows Signs of Over-Caffei...":

"I really thought Elton Stroh would turn them around. He is the turnaround specialist."
My apologies to the Ichabodians and to Johnny Lang. Here are the lyrics to his blues song "Turn Around":

I was a young man in a hurry
I didn't stop to think
The next thing I knew I was in trouble - deep trouble
Then I remember what aunt Linda used to tell me back in the day
The words that she said are still in my head, she said,

The choices you make might be mistakes
But it's never too late to turn around, turn around
The road that you take might lead you astray
But don't be afraid to turn around, turn around

I knew a young man named Charlie,
He went and lost his way
Now he's in prison, cold prison
No chance to escape
They gave him new clothes and a Bible, and the Word he did read
Now the four walls can't keep him 'cause Charlie is free

The choices you make might be mistakes
But it's never too late to turn around, turn around
The road that you take might lead you astray
But don't be afraid to turn around, turn around.

You might be in trouble
You might be running
But it's never too late to turn around
'cause as long as you're still breathing
There'll always be enough time
To make the right decision before you die, because

The choices you make might be mistakes
But it's never too late to turn around, turn around
The road that you take might lead you astray
But don't be afraid to turn around, turn around.

I looked up the Schwan figures, giving in 2010 - pretty thin,
all the way around.
Bethany Lutheran College got the most, given its size, $2.5 million -
the typical debt of a graduating student.
The LCMS got $3 million.
Thrivent gave Missouri $50 to 60 million the same year.

From Caleb

In fact the WELS fits the “cult and control” model complete with its financial planning

way back in the late 70’s and 80’s My ex pastor told another pastor who was removed for not growing the church fast enough, that the congregational giving was no longer going to be the main resource of the synod, that the synodical approach was to secure the majority of their funding from corporations and foundations so they could “cut to the chase” and get accomplished what that oligarchical theocracy wanted to get accomplished without the bother of the bureaucracy and encumbrances of the laity.

In my opinion, Pietism was Christianity’s concession to rationalism.  It opened the door to the lazy man’s priesthood.  Talking feelings instead of the means of Grace is much easier to implement and use as a tool of control in doctrine and practice than living the means of Grace which demands constant shepherding of individual souls) in a specific congregation-hence no confession or self-examination before the Lords Supper, no periodic visitations to a members family ect ad infinutum.  

It opened the door to the new Papacy that demands that doctrine and practice come from the Lutheran Pope down to the sheep.—Lutheran ex cathedera?  (Walther’s shepherd/sheep sermon an oxymoron?)  They decided that apologetics are too tough and it hurts to engage in them, so let’s go the “touchy feely” route;--much easier to the invite the cultures sin into the closed door of the divine service than to deal with the sins of the culture.

In a sense, the formula for the declining declension of Lutheran Orthodoxy goes like this.

1.       Publish the myth to gain legitimacy and make it a montra.   UOJ and Priesthood of all believers (roughly translated as doing all the dirty work the pastor doesn’t want to do).

2.       Diminish the means of Grace to a mere “ordinance” while…..

3.       Accelerating substitutions for the means of grace;  rock music, entertainment, epicurean gluttony, charismatic inventions; all controlled through the priesthood (and they say the priest hood is not a sacrament

4.      Means of Grace back—seated, manmade conventions increased.

5.      Laity gets transformed  into the “new feudalism.” of the manmade slavery of the soul.

6.      Diminish all doctrinal precepts and run “loose like they are running loose.”

Closed Latte Church Fan Shows Signs of Over-Caffeination, Halucinations, And a Possible Psychotic Break

Shaking, sweating, rapid-fire speech,

Anonymous said...
I know this comment doesn't fit under this thread but this is really too ironic not to mention. Mr. Jackson has detailed on his blog how great it is that the St. Andrew's Waunakee campus is closing and how it is evidence of God's judgement. ("God will not be mocked." by AC V) Mr. Jackson only gets 15 people from around the world to watch his service online. Yet he views a satellite campus ministering to a specific community with low attendance as evidence of God's judgement and a source of mockery. Which is it Mr. Jackson? Are numbers evidence of God's judgement or not?

I'm guessing your answer is the same as always. It's OK to do whatever you want as long as it fits your distorted view of God's Word.

I'm guessing it's too late for Mr. Jackson but hopefully some of his few followers will see what a danger it is to mock a ministry for a lack of growth.

March 15, 2012 3:48 PM


GJ - I enjoyed posting the Randy Hunter pages, before they disappear faster than a Glende blog or Kilcrease comment. This blog has a strange effect on other websites, making pages vanish faster than Rick Johnson's offering figures - not to mention his veneration of Leonard Sweet.

If I may repeat myself, the posts came from the urging of WELS members and pastors. They know they can deal with issues safely here. When they obey orders to talk to pastors about false doctrine and lupine practices, they are excommunicated. Ask the Kokomomo families, Rick Techlin, and the Krohn family.

Here are some self-justifications from the flop-sweat Church and Change team.

Look at the staff at the dual single parish:
Randy Hunter - Pastor
Kristen Koepsell - Minister of Worship
David Hochmuth - Minister of Spiritual Growth
Elton Stroh - Pastor/Crossroads Consulting
Newlin Schafer - Pastor

Five people could not do all the work! It was wearing them out:

  • ordering the coffee and filters, 
  • plumping up the couch cushions, 
  • debating which false teacher to plagiarize for the next sermon,
  • applying for more loot from Thrivent, Schwan, the synod, and the ladies' groups.

They did not bear their cross patiently.

Once again, I have to ask - how much money was wasted on the coffee and lounger fad before they took their initial group of 50 people down to 25?

I really thought Elton Stroh would turn them around. He is the turnaround specialist. He even posted what might happen (with his help), inventing charts that made blinded eyes sparkle and larcenous hearts thump.

Team Glende really misses the point. We began Internet services for members, at their request. It cost a donated $100 camera, available broadband, and a better computer.

I saw a figure at Ustream that thousands of views had been enjoyed already. I am not sure if that means all the people reading the files or all the views live. It does not matter, because we are still operating and not closing anything down. In fact, more publishing is already in the works.

The printed sermons are published many ways:
  1. Two blogs.
  2. Various Facebook pages.
  3. Twitter.
  4. Via email from members to their friends.
  5. Printed and shared by members with others. 
A normal page-read day is about 2,000 for one blog alone. I do not think the Latte Church ever held 2,000+ households. The newsletter says 25 people at its inglorious end.

I am not sure what the other figures are. I hear from various people. One couple in Virginia uses the sermon each Sunday. They do not use Ustream, but they read the sermon along with other orthodox Lutheran material. I only know this because the Virginia couple wrote to me about this. They asked me to get the sermon done faster so it would be ready for them, Eastern Liberal Time.

But the numbers do not matter. This tiny congregation serves others without synod subsidies, Thrivent groups, or foundation loot.

Randy Hunter and his band of clowns were not faithful stewards of the mysteries of God. That matters.

KJV 1 Corinthians 4:1 Let a man so account of us, as of the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the
mysteries of God. 2 Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful. 3 But with me it is a
very small thing that I should be judged of you, or of man's judgment: yea, I judge not mine own self. 4 For I
know nothing by myself; yet am I not hereby justified: but he that judgeth me is the Lord. 5 Therefore judge
nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and
will make manifest the counsels of the hearts: and then shall every man have praise of God. 6 And these
things, brethren, I have in a figure transferred to myself and to Apollos for your sakes; that ye might learn in
us not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another.

One day Hunter may appreciate the irony of posting this on his congregational website.


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Closed Latte Church Fan Shows Signs of Over-Caffei...":

they took their initial group of 50 people down to 25

They probably counted the six-piece band, plus Hunter even though he was only a prerecorded apparition on a PP screen.

From the St. Andrew newsletter: "Could we have tried other strategies and done more? Of course, but that's true of all endeavors."

Not exactly a ringing endorsement for in-house Crossroads Consulting, is it?


AC V has left a new comment on your post "Closed Latte Church Fan Shows Signs of Over-Caffei...":

The mockery is of the hypocrisy of an organization such as Crossroads Consulting that promises "growth" and yet even it - an in-house ministry with the chief architect consultant Elton Stroh - can't save the Waunakee "ministry."

The mockery is of WELS FiCl that highlights this ministry as cutting edge and "outside the box" thinking that every fuddy-duddy WELS congregation ought to be doing.


LutherRocks has left a new comment on your post "Closed Latte Church Fan Shows Signs of Over-Caffei...":

I hope that's not his boat...


GJ - Old Northwestern College meme, "That's not a booooat. That's a ship."

No One Can Champion One Justification And Affirm Another Justification

False teachers grab onto one scrap of Scripture and create a new sect out of it. This Galatians text has been used to promote Antinomianism - the Law is obsolete.

Now that UOJ has received many body blows, the UOJ advocates are covering themselves with a new-found love for justification by faith.

In any language, no one can be declared innocent (the meaning of forensic justification) and  be declared innocent a second time. Nor does it even make sense that justification can be universally true (the heart of UOJ) and yet need another declaration to be really true.

The UOJ claim destroys the meaning of justification by faith, evidenced by the Stormtroopers' neglect of the Means of Grace and the efficacy of the Word. They are like the kid who loves chocolate and chewing gum, so he puts both in his mouth at once. The result is neither one. The gum and chocolate dissolve together into an unpleasant mess. (I did scientific research on this, long ago.)

The Stormtroopers neglect the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace because they must. If they considered the Biblical concepts with any seriousness, they would have to concede defeat.

One Requirement for Pastors and Synodical Leaders.
Epic Fail Today in the Age of Apostasy

Christian News: Cascione's Magnus Opus.
Another UOJ Lie

Jack Cascione in his element,
selling used cars.

Christian News: Cascione's Magnus Opus:

Cascione’s Magnus Opus
Christian News, March 12, 2012, Vol. 50, No. 11

In Search of the Biblical order-Patterns in the Text Affirming Divine Authorship from Revelation to Genesis by Pastor Jack Cascione is now on the press. It is his magnus opus, involving more than 25 years of study accumulating evidence. The computer which scholars did not have in the past has been a tremendous help to him. This issue (p. 16) of Christian News includes a pamphlet now being widely mailed from Redeemer Press, Box 99, Saint Clair Shores, Michigan 48080 announcing a pre-publication price of $14.95 for the book which lists for $19.95. The pre-publication offer expires March 30, 2012. The case price is $220 plus shipping and handling.

Through a Dark Colored Glass—an original serigraph by the author—invites the viewer to peer through a dark, transparent geometric object symbolizing the dark-colored glass in 1Cor. 13:12. The Greek text may also translate to mean a dark riddle or enigmatic reflection, evoking a veiled vision of the future. The rising cubic form is backlit from the glow of divine negative space. Light emanates from behind and above, and illuminates a cross on top of a cord stained red with the blood of Christ, symbolizing release from the bondage of sin. The object, released from the cord, rises and is spreading apart, soon to reveal a clear view of the beatific vision that lies behind it and ahead of the viewer.

David P. Kuske, professor emeritus of New Testament Theology at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Mequon, Wisconsin is the editor. The pamphlet announcing Pastor Cascione’s magnus opus includes favorable comments of the first edition of In Search of the Biblical Order made by Professor David Kuske, Dr. Waldemar Degner, Dr. Robert Preus, Dr. James Voelz, Pastor Paul Burgdorf, Dr. Phillip Giessler, Dr. Arthur Sekki, Dr. John Drickamer and Dr. Otto Stahlke. Excerpts of reviews from the New Second Edition are from Pastor Brock Abbott, Pastor Steven Flo, Pastor Herman Otten, Professor Anna Betz, Profesor Robert A. Dargatz, Pastor Rolf Preus and Martin Steffke, student.

Pastor Cascione has long championed the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Bible and justification by faith alone.

The author delves into the mysteries of divine revelation, the shape of divine communication, the Biblical text as an art form, and his lifelong pursuit of the divine style. Based on the astonishing accuracy of Codex Leningradensis, he presents the most important internal evidence confirming the authenticity of Daniel, Genesis, and other books of the Old Testament since the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls. The author defends long-ignored textual evidence that Revelation teaches the same forensic Doctrine of Justification found in Romans, 2 Corinthians, and Galatians.

This new edition contains 320 pages in an 8 ½ x 11-inch format. It includes a new translation of the Book of Revelation, typeset in aesthetic pattern format, a list of works cited, 620 footnotes, a full index, 161 tables of examples, and quotes or references the Bible more than 4,000 times.

'via Blog this'


GJ - Unfortunately, Herman Otten has always listened to Jack Cascione, dubbed "Mad Jack" and "Greasy Jack" at Concordia Seminary, Ft. Wayne.

Cascione teaches against Luther's Biblical doctrine, in the name of the Great Kidnapper Walther. Cascione and Paul McCain are both examples of following the Walther model and repudiating Luther.

Those pastors seduced by UOJ are easily drawn into many other aspects of false doctrine. Cascione does NOT teach justification by faith alone.

Here is another imposter recently published by Otten on his blog. Gary Ray Branscomb's post seems to teach justification by faith--at first glance--but is ambiguous, as many of them are. Gary repeats many typical Waltherian talking points but denies infant baptism and infant faith in his other Internet writings, which are also  verbose and mediocre.

UOJ advocates use a lot of Biblical words while avoiding Biblical concepts. They cannot discuss the efficacy of the Word and the Means of Grace because they reject both.

Jesus Commanded Us To Feed the Sheep and Lambs,
Not To Cuddle the Playboy Bunnies

Joel Osteen and his wife.
WELS Pastor James (Ski) Skorzewski and his Playboy bunny,
posted in his Facebook album.

John has left a new comment on your post "WELS and the ELS Have Already Collapsed":

Why would ANY pastor/congregation/church body place ANYTHING above the tending of the sheep and lambs of their flocks?

We've witnessed how pandering to the secular culture works out by the examples of folks like Bakker and Schuller. Stay tuned to witness the fall of the guy in southern Texas, with the nailed on smile.


GJ - When Joel Osteen was asked on TV about Jesus being the only way to salvation, he hesitated and avoided saying yes.

Ski and Glende place Craig Groeschel, Andy Stanley, and Mark Driscoll above Biblical, Lutheran doctrine. They deny the Means of Grace when they elevate the drumset as their altar while hiding the Sacraments.

But their fake blog does support SP Schroeder's "handling" of Joel Hochmuth's felony arrest.

Craig Groeschel and Andy Stanley fleece the shepherds,
team teaching.
Wolves work in packs and kill for fun.