Monday, June 20, 2011

The only damning sin--for Ski and Glende--is questioning Ski and Glende.
For that sin - excommunication.
Read Rick Techlin's blog.

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Clown Ministry Honcho Defends UOJ - Ineptly Of Cou...":

If all are declared innocent as UOJ teaches, for what reason are some damned to hell?
People are damned to hell because of unbelief.

So the (W)ELS would have everyone believe that Christ didn't die for the sin of unbelief. UOJ teaches that Christ died and paid for every sin but the sin of unbelief which is the one remaining sin that damns a person to Hell. This individual who answers this appropriate question is teaching that Christ didn't die and pay for the sin of unbelief.

First, every human being was born dead in sins, separated from God and under the Law. Everyone from the time of their conception was guilty of the sin of unbelief. No one outside of God's Word and Baptism ever believed on Christ alone for the forgiveness of their sins. If Christ did not die and pay the sins of unbelief then the entire human race is damned to Hell for the sin that Christ's sacrifice didn't pay for.

UOJ makes Christ inept and makes God a liar because Scripture states in Isaiah 53:6, "All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all." God says that every sin was laid on Christ and yet the (W)ELS contends that the sin of unbelief was not laid on Christ and therefore it wasn't paid for.

Second, what is being taught by this individual promoting UOJ is false doctrine. Christ states that if a man remains not in the sin of unbelief, but comes to faith in Christ, by the gracious work of the Holy Spirit, that man will receive the forgiveness of sins and eternal life. Romans 11:23, "And they also, if they abide not still in unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again." The UOJ defender above goes on to reference 2 Corinthians 5:21, "God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them.” as proof that UOJ is true. Yet this very verse contradicts UOJ's teaching concerning the universal sin of unbelief. If God, apart from the Means of Grace working faith alone in Christ, doesn't count men's sins against them, then how can he count the sin of unbelief against them? If the teachings of UOJ are true it is indeed a Universalist religious doctrine. The truth is that not one teaching of UOJ is true it can be easily shown by using Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions.

So unbelief is not the unforgivable sin. The true Gospel is that Christ died and paid for all sins, including the sin of unbelief which every human being has been guilty of. Outside of faith in Christ we are dead in sins, remain unforgiven and condemned of God. By the gracious calling of the Holy Spirit through the Means of Grace, God's Word and Baptism, Christ works repentance over sin and faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins, justification and salvation. Not as a process as the false gospel of UOJ teaches but instantaneously when we believe alone in Christ's atonement.

UOJ is a heinous false gospel and attacks the central article of Christian faith. Test the spirits with God's Word to see if they are of God. This UOJ defender and promoter is not of God.

In Christ,
Brett Meyer