Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Why Did They Kick This Charmer Off the ALPB Discussion Forum?

I'm too sexy for my tie, too sexy for my tie, too sexy.

Paul T. McCain (Ptmccain)
Username: Ptmccain

Post Number: 104
Registered: 4-2009

Posted on Tuesday, June 07, 2011 - 8:31 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Unfortunately, Tim, Jackson is entirely responsible for any scrutiny or comments his actions merit. I do not believe him, for a second, that the name Bethany was not chosen quite purposefully for his fake church.

Further, the fact that he is so agitated about any criticism, just goes to show how insecure he is and how desperately he wants attention.

Like I've said before, Jackson had never had a good, solid Lutheran theological education and hence he has no solid grounding in the doctrine he claims to defend. He is a great example of how a person can hold to the inerrancy of the Bible but get its central message wrong.

I'm amused that he has nothing but lies to fall back on. I vividly recall the day he called my office in St. Louis and sounded quite desperate to meet with me, not telling me what it was about. He showed up and I was expecting him to ask me about getting some help theologically. This was just about twenty years ago, mind you. I think he had been booted out of the WELS, or maybe it was before he went to the WELS, but at any rate, what did he show to up to talk about? Life insurance. He wanted to peddle Northwestern Life Insurance to me.

Sad and pathetic.


GJ - Paul T. McCain is a needy nerd. Anyone who wastes his time posting on LutherQueasy is saying, "I'm a loser, but at least not as bad as my fellow losers."

I began using the ALPB Discussion Forum for the latest Lutheran news. As readers can tell, that is my source for the exits from ELCA and a few other items. I was struck by the thousands of posts from Paul T. McCain (Pope Paul the Unlearned). He seemed to have many posts on each thread.

Secondly, I was impressed by how often he picked fights with people, demanding answers to suit his contentious mood. The ALPB forum is quite polite overall. A few get touchy here and there. McCain was a stand-out performer, a drama queen. Everyone got tired of his rude and puerile behavior, so they gave him a time-out.

There is even a thread for reducing his time-out penalty. That went on for a long time.

He disappeared, then re-appeared as Amsdorf.

Finally he was kicked out for good, from what I can see. His hoof-prints all over the ALPB Forum, so anyone can check it out as a lurker. Here is the link. You can even search on his name and on Amsdorf.

The McCain-Barry-Otten administration prepared the way for Kieschnick, who really drove the stake into Missouri. However, good ol' Jerry would not have been elected without the 9 years of preparation wrought by McCain and Barry. They followed the familiar pattern of using people and throwing them away, demanding loyalty from the conservatives they abused while kissing up to the Left.

I realize most people would not read LQ unless I mentioned it. As LI said, "When does LQ ever come up among Lutherans? Does anyone care?"

But their tantrums are good for readership here, so I am obliged to return the favor. I reckon that people benefit from coming over to read about UOJ, pancake legalism, and Blank verse.

Drama queen