Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Yale-Priced Missouri Synod MDiv

bruce-church ( has left a new comment on your post "Artful Dodger Suggests SMP Plus a Real Academic De...":

The Artful Dodger asks what Dr. Jackson recommends about SMP vs. M Div. I can't speak for Dr. Jackson, but I can guess what he'd conclude. I'd guess he'd say that for the outrageous price and other reasons, no one should seek a M Div from either Concordia St. Louis or Ft. Wayne unless he is independently wealthy. Only SMP students should go to those two places (assuming they are reasonably priced for SMPs), and only if they are in a situation that truly calls for an SMP, and they don't want a M Div. Otherwise, one ought to attend St. Catharines for quality education at a decent price (as this post suggests), especially if they can receive a M Div at St. Catharines for about the same price as a SMP at a LCMS seminary:

Modest Proposal:

Lutheran Seminary Fraud, May 16, 2011


GJ - I hasten to add that training in Enthusiasm is too high a price to pay, even if school is free.

Jay Webber, Pope Paul the Unlearned, Rolf Preus, Jack Casione, and many others prove that the Concordia system turns them into anti-Lutherans. Moreover, they consider their precious MDiv degrees such a perfect education that they no longer need to study the Word of God or the Confessions. They only need to repeat their talking points from seminary.

Missouri and WELS would have to admit they have vast doctrinal problems at the heart of their synodical education machines. Otten's Christian News has been handy in creating a smokescreen about those awful Seminex supporters still in the LCMS. The problems began with the Great Usurper, CFW Walther, and his chosen disciple F. Pieper.

According to the Bronze Age Missourians, their synod needs to return to kidnapping children (Walther), covering up their leader's promiscuity (Walther), and plagiarizing false doctrine from Halle University (Walther).

Bishop Stephan graduated from Halle University, which may explain the dominance of Knapp in Walther's dogma.

The kidnapping story is told in Philip G. Stephan's book, p. 131, available in part on Google.

Zion on the Mississippi describes Stephan's many evening walks with various women, a matter of grave concern for the police before the group set sail for America. When I first read Zion, I wondered more about Walther's studied blindness than Stephan's overt immorality.

Somehow Walther became the the mythical founder of the Missouri Synod, even though Loehe began the effort and invited the Perry County bunch to join. Now Loehe is bad (Christian News) and Walther's critics, when telling the truth, are evil.

The LCMS airbrushes their leaders' biographies. No blemishes are left. No mention is made of Al Barry's many synodical transfers. No one counts or mentions Jack Preus' multiple affiliations. And everyone is left thinking that Their Hero, CFW Walther, rescued Lutheran doctrine by suddenly discovering the adultery of Stephan and forcing him out. Walther, whose Pietism is forgotten, allegedly beat back the savage forces of false doctrine, and anointed Pieper as his successor. Walther's doctrine reflected his times, but his character was more of a cult follower who longed to become a cult leader. And he did achieve that goal.

Missouri already has a passel of stories, red herrings, to keep people from realizing that their Perry County #2 leader had serious flaws.