Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Lutheran | Moving forward: Congregations split, thrive following 2009 Churchwide Assembly action

The Lutheran | Moving forward: Congregations split, thrive following 2009 Churchwide Assembly action

Our Savior Lutheran Church, Lake Oswego,
A year ago, some 60 people began a new church when their congregation, Central Lutheran, Elk River, Minn., voted to leave the ELCA. Elk River Lutheran just celebrated one year as a new congregation. They gather in leased retail space, led by their pastor, Cynthia L. Ganzkow-Wold, who says it is "a welcoming, biblical and joy-filled place to be."

Justification Book Proof Copy - 99% Done

Cover and art inside by Norma Boeckler.

I received the proof copy of Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith.

The lay-out looks great and the contents are coherent. I am doing final fixes, with my gruff but likable editor, and some other readers. I can do ongoing improvements and additions in the future.

I will be sending copies around to seminaries, colleges, students, and professors. If you would like to help, the cost to send one copy at my price is $15 with shipping. You can write the check to Bethany Lutheran Church, 1 Silden Lane, Bella Vista, AR 72715. Bethany is an ecclesiastical corporation, a real church.

You can also bulk order at wholesale prices through me. Let me know at

Pope John the Malefactor in Art

PM D'Israeli and Queen Victoria appeared in this political cartoon in Punch.
The Prime Minister, as Alladin, pulled out an imperial crown for Victoria.

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Norman Teigen on WELS Dominance of the Little Sect...":

W you please remove the caricature of President Moldstad. I find it offensive and do not wish for anyone to think that I approve of it.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Norman Teigen on WELS Dominance of the Little Sect...":

The best part is that it isn't a caricature.


GJ - I am solely responsible for the delightful, fun-filled Photoshops on this blog. Caricatures always have fun while making a point. I am British on my mother's side, so I am inclined to admire and copy the work of Punch magazine. The example above is no longer under copyright.

One Punch cartoon showed Queen Victoria with Mr. Brown, rumored to be her husband, thanks to a morganatic marriage after Prince Albert reached room temperature.

British rulers in India had a habit of grabbing nearby territory on a pretext, because the subcontinent was actually managed by a corporation, the British East India Company, just as Canada was first managed by the Hudson Bay Company. One British agent grabbed the province of Sind, so Punch ran its cartoon with this Latin caption - Pecavi. In English, that means "I have sinned," a great pun on "I have Sind."

If the British can have fun with their monarch and Prime Minister, I can post Photoshops of Lutheran mis-leaders. Moldstad threatened to kick a congregation out of the Little Sect if they did not void their call of Pastor Rolf Preus. That is papal rather than Lutheran.

There are three reasons to remove a man from the ministry:
1. False doctrine.
2. Inability or unwillingness to do the work of the pastor.
3. A scandalous life.

In all three cases, proper procedures must be followed, so the leaders are not tempted to become dictators who remove pastors and teachers for disagreeing with them.

District Popes are doctrinal pussycats until someone has a different opinion or points out something wrong. The congregation gives up the concept of the divine call when it allows meddling church officials to violate that call, especially when it is done in the background through disruptive, dysfunctional members.

Readers should remember that the same hoity-toity poobahs of Lutherdom have covered up murders, child molestations, embezzlements, and many other crimes - even to the point of committing felonies themselves. Obstruction of justice, hiding evidence, is a felony.

Pope John Paul II had priestly records removed to Rome, where they could no longer be subpoenaed by the courts.

WELS Welcomes Winsome Waldo Werning

Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Dave Kehl and Waldo Werning and WELS Womens Minist...":

Dave Kehl is being promoted by (W)ELS CA/AZ DP Pastor Jon Buchholz' Emmanuel Church in Arizona.

WELS Kingdom Workers
Men's Workshop

"Taking Christian Leadership to the Next Level" Jan 29, 2011

Whether they turn a blind eye or give them a leg up, (W)ELS Leaders are enabling the plummeting spiral of apostasy in the Lutheran Synods. The leaders have made this choice on their own but it's the laity who are being sheered of their Confessional Lutheran wool, left naked and broke on the side of the road, to be picked up by another false prophet because what they've been fed is the same thing being fed to the lost.

What a shame, the laity should be disgusted.


GJ - Werning is not known for being a confessional Lutheran in the LCMS. He is known for promoting Church Growth doctrine (Enthusiasm) for decades. C. Peter Wagner listed him as one of five (5) LCMS leaders in the Who's Who in Church Growth list. Valleskey quoted him lovingly in that odious essay extolling the Church Growth Movement.

Nothin' says lovin' false doctrine more than the Changers working with Werning and Hunter, promoting Sweet and Stetzer.

The Werning/Hunter confab was blocked - gasp! - but the Sweet conference was held. Remember the write a letter, tell me to my face rubric of WELS? Paul Calvin Kelm would not even answer anyone about the Sweet conference.

Norman Teigen on WELS Dominance of the Little Sect on the Prairie

"Ibi et orbie, or something like that."

Norman Teigen has left a new comment on your post "Where Are the Works of Faith with UOJ?":

There is, sadly, a legacy of church toxicity present in all denominations. As one who was raised in the conservative Lutheran tradition (ELS) I have seen my share of sorrow in the Little Norqegian Synod.

Your post and a pastoral retirement this weekend brought the subject of religious toxicity back into my thoughts.

The retiring pastor is LC-MS. He is one of about 15 or 20 ELS guys who were forced out when they were young. Now these men, having faithfully served in the pastoral ministry for many years, are at retirement age.

I see it as a generation of pastors sacrificed for a hollow set of ideals.

I am not exaggerating when I say that the ELS is less of a synod with these lost men who have been replaced by men of mediocrity.

The ELS has particularly been adrift since the late 1980s when the Orvickean hierarchy kow-towed to the men of WELS. The WELSification of the ELS is noted by all and mourned by many.


GJ - I still have the essay that the ELS leaders wrote against the leftward drift of the LCMS. I keep that as proof that clergy once had spines.

The leaders are not going to change what has feathered their nests, given them trips abroad, and left them unchallenged.

They all saw the Thrivent and Schwan money as a great blessing from heaven, but selling a billionaire an indulgence so he can marry his married, papist girlfriend? Could that be corrupting? Not for those who believe, teach, and confess UOJ.

Dave Kehl and Waldo Werning and WELS Womens Ministries

WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "Waldo Werning, LCMS, Reveals His Church Growth Net...":

Dave Kehl is advisor to the WELS Womens Ministries. Wake up people! If you are lucky to attend one of these workshops, you had best keep your wallet on a chain. A string of garlic around your neck would not hurt either.

If Joe Krohn is reading this post, could he ask Mrs. Krohn to share her comments regarding the deaconess program. (I did not want to share email contents without permission)

In Christ,
from WELS church lady

Ho, Ho

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Bueller, Bueller. Anyone? Anyone?":

Sorry I poorly worded my point. ELCA is rotten, but the smugness of Missouri and WELS is nauseating. It would be like going on a date with a known prostitute vs. going out with a "nice" girl that tells you she is a part-time prostitute as you walk her to the door at the conclusion of the date. Once the "nice" girl is discovered to be not-so-nice, would you not run as fast as you could? Wouldn't you feel proud to take her home to Mom and Dad?

This was me five years ago in Missouri. Yes, we always pointed out the errors of ELCA, and rightly so. When I started considering sem, I began to study and look into things. The conclusion was that practice was not nearly as orthodox as the talk. I also concluded from this study that the vast majority of the laity are either ignorant, poorly catechized, or simply will never leave or make waves because their great-grandparents were LCMS-ers.

Missouri bad-mouths ELCA for their tolerance of homosexuality, and rightly so; but Missouri fails to discipline in the case of an openly-homosexual music director out West. Missouri bad-mouths ELCA for liberal Communion practice; but an LCMS seminary prof told me that it's the DP's job to enforce closed Communion when I asked him why the LCMS was not addressing the issue of closed Communion. Missouri bad-mouths female ordination in ELCA, yet LCMS females are allowed to assist in the distribution and readings.

I could go on for pages, so enough. My ultimate point is that LCMS is twenty-to-thirty years behind ELCA.


GJ - WELS and Missouri are almost the same. The Little Sect on the Prairie objects to nothing in WELS and has its own Church and Change (Emerging Church) parish.

So ditto the ELS.

WELS Invited Werning and Kent Hunter, Both Fuller Alumni, To Teach Them

Narrow-minded Lutheran has left a new comment on your post "Waldo Werning, LCMS, Reveals His Church Growth Net...":

I started to read "Making Missouri Functional Again," but couldn't bear to finish it. From skimming through it, the point just seemed to be to slam Fort Wayne. Dr. Scaer and Dr. Marquart were portrayed as part of some conspiracy.

I often wonder what caused the Ft. Wayne mass-exodus to Constantinople. Yes, most of it is simply not adhering to the Lutheran confessions. But I also believe some of it was over-compensation for the CG infection in the LCMS. "High Church to the max" for the sake of Law and not Gospel could lead to infatuation with EO, witness Fenton.


GJ - Lest you forget, Werning also went after me for two pages in Functional.

The irony about The Surrendered Fort and Our Lady of Sorrows* is this - they were so disgusted with Entertainment Evangelism from Church Growth that they went for Entertainment Evangelism from Rome and Constantinople.

I favor formal, liturgical services - even high church worship. However, the new mode is clearly a case of worshiping the style of worship while sinuflecting to Rome, perhaps with a short stay in Istanbul first. UOJ led the way to Church Growth and to Incense Growth.

* - The Surrendered Fort is Concordia, Ft. Wayne
Our Lady of Sorrows is Concordia, St. Louis.


WELS church lady has left a new comment on your post "WELS Invited Werning and Kent Hunter, Both Fuller ...":

Waldo Werning! He was awarded the McGavran(spelling?) Church growth award. It's true. Could you even imagine? Bruce Eberle(aka Jeske's BFF, aka rightwing Washington insider of fund raining scams, aka gazillionaire) of the Church And Change fringe of the WELS, worked for Werning's God's Word To The Bible Society. This is all part of the deadly achievement of a one world religion. God has been demoted to the Grand Architect. I thought that we were saved through faith in Jesus.

In Christ,
from WELS church lady

[GJ - Spelling does count in WELS.]