Monday, March 17, 2014

Larry Olson, D.Min. Fuller - The College Years

His one and only congregation never grew at all,
so they made him the Waldo Werning Professor of Church Growth at Martin Luther College.

ELCA College Mocks Jesus - Like St. Peter Freedom and "Buddy Jesus" Picture?

Ski Goes to Round Rock While Doebler Goes to the Porta-Sem in Asia

03/17/14             WISCONSIN EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN SYNOD              9:39 am

                     P A S T O R   C A L L   R E P O R T
                       03/11/2014  through  03/17/2014

------------------------  C A L L S   A C C E P T E D  ---------------------

    Skorzewski, Rev James R    Christ the Rock - Round Rock TX   03/11/2014


GJ - Two WELS observers expect that Ski will spend a two-year drinking vacation at Patterson's spiritual retreats for women, then reluctantly accept a call back to St. Peter/The CORE.

WELS will close Round Rock so Patterson can have the suburb to himself.

Did I mention that Tim Glende vicared under Jeske
and Ski/Katy worked for Jeske?
Not yet today?

Watch for "Obviously" and "Must" - When the UOJ Gurus Lead Their Flocks into the Wilderness

From Andrew the Seminarian, on Unsteady Lutherans:

"Obviously the means of grace are involved when we discuss Subjective Justification, since it is in them that faith receives the righteousness of Christ."

If the Canadian seminary wanted to maintain some credibility, they would not graduate someone so hopeless on the topic of Biblical, Lutheran doctrine.

Andrew is another example of someone shoehorning Lutheran terms into their dogma, as if putting silk ribbons on a warthog would make it a French poodle, ready to compete in a national show.

Like the Fuller graduates, who get their UOJ from Karl Barth and his mistress, the UOJ mavens say "obviously" and "naturally" as a way of shoving foundational matter aside while they put their ignorance on parade. WELS VP Jim Huebner is one of many examples "Of course we know..."

Grace comes to us only through the Means of Grace. Any other claim is Enthusiasm, as I have shown dozens or even hundreds of times, from the Scriptures and the Book of Concord. Chemnitz, Luther, Melanchthon, and Gerhard are consistent in teaching this, as we might expect from scholars of the Bible.

The UOJists have yet to show how God bestows grace upon everyone in the world, even before birth, apart from the Means of Grace. They seem to have a special knowledge, secrets known only to them. These passwords and signs are a Deposit of UnFaith (depositum infidei) passed down by college and seminary professors by word of mouth.

The UOJ Storm-Brownies cannot get past the sermon of Jesus in John 16. The Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin - Because they do not utterly trust in Me. Unbelief is sin, so no one is righteous apart from faith in Christ.

I get to teach a lot of non-Lutheran Christians (as contrasted with non-Lutheran Lutherans who hate this blog). These conservative Evangelicals and Pentecostals often talk about the Holy Spirit. When they do, I present the Biblical doctrine of the Means of Grace, the efficacy of the Holy Spirit at work in the Word of God.

UOJ smashed to bits in one verse.

The non-Lutheran Christians (unlike the non-Lutheran Lutherans) love what I teach about the Holy Spirit. Everyone has positive feelings about the Spirit - as they should in all denominations. But precious few have any certainty about the Holy Spirit. People want to know how to enjoy the fruits of the Spirit. They want to know the Promises of God with clarity.

The "conservative" Lutherans have failed to teach their pastors and laity about John 16:8, the Means of Grace, the efficacious of the Word. As a result, the clergy and laity either run off to Fuller/Willowcreek or Rome/Constantinople. In other words, they have been trained in low church entertainment evangelism or high church entertainment evangelism, so they pick their favorite example and jump the fence. Except - the fence was torn down years ago by the exalt professors of their higher education institutions. Their DPs have also been trained, brain-washed, and tasered into compliance with Fuller/Willowcreek in the SynConference. In ELCA they have Rome as their examplar.

Not trivial trivia - ELCA, WELS, ELS, and LCMS all follow Rome's three-year lectionary. Who decided that? Are we to believe that turtle is on the fencepost by accident? It just landed there after a tornado?