Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Part 2 - Repudiation of Webber's Emmaus Essay

Part 2 of review - Jay Webber Essay, Emmaus Conference, 2015

Webber’s claim to find only minor differences within the Synodical Conference view of justification is patently false. Wishing the differences away will not make that illusion a reality. (p 4)

1. The 1905 Missouri catechism, in German, taught justification by faith and never mentioned Objective Justification.

2. Concordia Publishing House, LCMS, still prints a KJV catechism with no mention of OJ in it, bragging that “two million copies have been sold.”

3. The original Gausewitz catechism, used by the entire Synodical Conference, perhaps standard for WELS, did not mention OJ but taught justification by faith.

4. Even within the OJ dream team, there exists a radical difference between the entire world being absolved at the death of Christ or at the moment of His resurrection. The dates cannot be reconciled, simply another part of the nonsense call UOJ.

5. In quoting Sasse about the Book of Concord, Webber is using a red herring, since the Book of Concord teaches justification by faith, not the anti-Christian dogma of justification without faith. (p. 4)

6. The Brief Statement quotation is correct about the Confessions, but the Brief Statement is utterly wrong about justification, serving as the triumph of the Stephan-Walther-Pieper faction. Besides that simple fact, the Brief Statement has no canonical or confessional authority whatsoever and only marks the beginning of the end for Lutheran doctrine and practice in Missouri and allied sects.

Webber, like Buchholz, imagines that declaring something to be true, without any evidence for that claim, is sufficient. But neither man has credentials for more than repeating the bromides of the Walther-Kokomo faction. If everyone is united, apart from trivial details, why is another windy essay needed? This farrago of unwarranted claims was so compelling to DP Bucholz that he gave it to his WELS congregations to read, mark, and inwardly digest. More than one got indigestion from it.

B. In the Webber Essay, Forgiveness in the Old Testament

Webber wants his audience to believe that he is being consistent with the Solid Declaration of the Formula of Concord. He quotes the Third Article, misunderstanding the Atonement, but fails to name the Article – III. The Righteousness of Faith. Why are these Enthusiasts allergic to the word faith? Justification by faith is slandered by calling it Calvinism or – oddly enough – Arminianism. One is the opposite of the other, so how ignorant can these people be? To remain consistent with the Great Walther, who had a limited education—only a bachelor’s at a rationalistic school—Webber has to treat faith as a work and make it inconsequential.

The ultimate irony is that Walther’s entire concept of justification came from a man with little interest in a theological education, who never completed his – Martin Stephan. But looking at the official history of the Missouri Synod, Stephan does not exist. According to the LCMS, the synod suddenly birthed itself, with Walther as the leader, in 1847, not when the cult landed in New Orleans in 1839 and Walther joined in making their Pietistic leader a bishop for life.


Significant and damning details are omitted about the forgotten eight years between the landing in America and the formation of the Synod. So Webber is really defending the dogma of Pietistic era, a Pietistic cult leader who literally saved Walther’s life by turning him from unhealthy penitential works to the Gospel – or a bad version of the Gospel. 


He [Kuhn, their first Pietist leader] urged the group to practice various kinds of denial and hardship in order to test and prove their conversion and commitment and join Christ in His sufferings. It was said of the leader that he had come to his spiritual certainty through many temptations and believed others should do the same. Walther practiced these spiritual exercises to the extreme, depriving himself of food and exercise because he thought these things were sinful. Walther’s condition was described by Franz Delitzsch: “During that period of struggle he was wasted like a skeleton, coughed blood, suffered from insomnia, and experienced the terrors of hell. He was more dead than alive.”

Stephan, Philip; Stephan, Philip (2008-04-07). In Pursuit of Religious Freedom: Bishop Martin Stephan's Journey (p. 67). Lexington Books. Kindle Edition.

Later, as Stephan degenerated in every possible way, he decided he was in charge of the souls and the bodies of young women. Kuhn was all Law, but Stephan was a Universalist, clinging to the formulae of Halle University.

When this was debated on the Intrepid Lutherans blog, Webber chose the explanation of Rambach the Halle Pietist, over Martin Chemnitz, the senior editor of the Book of Concord and Formula of Concord. Rambach over Chemitz? The Pietist Quistorp extolled as an orthodox Lutheran? The Pietist Stephan erased from history and replaced by Walther, another Pietist, now rechristened as an orthodox Lutheran. I see a pattern.

The heroes of the LCMS are the clergy underlings of Stephan who did not notice their leader’s adultery, in spite of massive evidence, including their leader leaving his sick wife and children in Dresden while taking his healthy son and his mistress on the same ship. The Walther circle chose not to see the obvious until the time came to organize a mob, threaten, rob, and kidnap their bishop for life. CFW Walther was already their leader, at the age of 29+, parish experience, about two years.

You must make a decision for world absolution - OJ:
Walther's and JP Meyer's confused synergism.
JP Meyer's synergism.
Will he accept or decline?
Make a decision for Kokomo Justification - no faith required.

Fashion Another Straw Man

Webber would have us accept his conformist (to mainline Pietism) views of faith. (p. 5) He must make his solemn declarations mesh with the sonorities of the Walther-Pieper-JP Meyer faction. That means dodging the teaching of Luther, Chemnitz, Melanchthon, Gerhard, and the Scriptures themselves. The OJ faction would like to have us believe they are not Universalists, but what definition fits those who declare the entire world forgiven and saved, as Webber and Buchholz do. When they walk their reasoning back to some authority, it is the Preuss who became a Roman Catholic after seeing a beautiful sunset – a sign from God to pope. Ignoring that, they say, as their cult does – “I cannot believe I am forgiven unless it has already taken place.”

This kind of statement shows the danger of engaging in slogans, which are repeated until they become a substitute for the Scriptures. OJ is a turn away from the Atonement, but that turn is a veering off the cliff into absurdities like the ones to be quoted from Webber.

“Our faith does not rely on a potential righteousness or even a righteousness that is not yet ‘our righteousness’ before God.” (p. 5)

“Our faith does not contribute, in whole or in part, toward bringing ‘our righteousness’ into existence.” (p. 5)

Martin Chemnitz Press Books - Free PDF Links Posted on the Left

As requested by Alec Satin, I have posted all the Martin Chemnitz Press books on the left. The PDFs are free for everyone to use and free to share.

It is too bad that I have closed down so many blogs, or they could post my book links and use them to prove how horrible I am. Maybe WELS and Missouri could pick up the slack.

  • Look at that, he believes in justification by faith.
  • How horrible, he teaches Creation. 
  • Oh no! He gives away his books. Here they are.
  • Closed communion? Here is the proof.
  • A picture book about Jesus in full color. So evil.
  • True story - Jay Webber to another pastor - "Don't listen to Jackson He has a demon."

The link list will not stay at the top, but it will be somewhere in the upper half of that column. New sticky posts tend to drive the rest down in time, so the list gets re-adjusted from time to time.

Many Lutheran resources are found here.

Thoughts from a Reader

Dear Pastor Jackson,

Just a short note to tell you how much I'm appreciating Thy strong Word.  So far I've finished the first chapter and am about halfway through the second.  Your defense of the Received Text was among the best I've seen.  It balanced well the narrow road of making it clear without overwhelming with minutia.  This seems not easy for many to do.  Extremely helpful to me was your discussion of the 3 "rules" of textual criticism.  I've discussed this with a Pastor friend (ret.) who has done some work on defending the AV in Reformed circles.  He took it very seriously, and was glad to hear it.

Also generous of you to provide your book for free on your website.  Thank you.

A thought - have you ever considered offering the book more visibly on your site?  If you offered it in individual chapters as well as the full PDF, it might be more accessible to people who would not choose to take the time to go through the whole thing.  The content is too important to allow it to fall by the wayside.

On a side note, your garden seems to be shaping up well.  Happy Spring!


GJ - Thank you for the encouragement, Alec.

Here is the free PDF version of Thy Strong Word. I will set up some sticky links on the left.

I am not going to post an entire chapter at a time, because 50 pages of text is too much for a post. I may assign a chapter to study from time to time.

I am banned, censured, and shunned in so many Lutheran circles that having my books mentioned always shocks me.

Logia, the vanity journal started with Schwan guilt money, would not accept paid ads from me.

Resisting the Monoculture - Planning for Fall

Imagine eight of these Veterans Honor roses on one plant.
They last up to two weeks in a vase.

Veterans Honor burst into bloom yesterday - eight perfect, fragrant, red roses on one bush. Planning ahead meant the soil was ready for the roses, long before they were planted. Soil creatures were abundant in each hole dug - red wiggler earthworms bailing out of shovels-full like paratroopers. Jackson Mulch and daily watering got the roses off to a good start.

The few laggard roses, poised on the edge of non-growth, caught up from extra prunes to waken them and rainwater to give them the best Intensive Creation Unit care.

Sharon Lovejoy and Jessica Walliser offer a three dimensional view of the garden, with plants as the backdrop for a wide array of God's creatures involved in a constant drama, like classical Greek theater, antagonists and protagonists, slugs and assassin bugs, All of Western literature is based upon the clash of heroes and a chain of events centered around Helen of Troy, "the face that launched a thousand ships and toppled the topless towers of Ilium."

In the garden, the events began at Creation, with each element designed to relate to all others. Unraveling all the relationships is like studying Greek literature and history, which still affect and influence us today, but Creation is far more complex and inter-related.

But we’ve also got some problems with them that will probably never be sorted out. As you already know, fewer than 1 percent of insects are considered agricultural pests, but those that are present some big challenges. As we continue to turn to more ecologically friendly methods of pest control, the use of natural enemies to aid our efforts becomes more and more valuable. The science of biological control, or biocontrol, uses one living organism to help control the population of another.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 2889-2893). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

We can change the drama in the garden by setting the stage differently. The props are already there and freely available. My distant neighbor has two KnockOut roses in his yard. He pruned one carefully, and it looked like an oil painting when it bloomed. He even built a  base  around it and added some soil or compost. The other rose was left alone and soon looked neglected. Now both are neglected and sport old, tired, woebegone roses.

Batman or Catman.

The landscaper is now ready for his red wigglers, as soon as he is done installing Jackson Mulch in his rose beds. He is tearing out his collection of weeds and putting down newspaper and mulch. The newspapers are free leftovers - "You won't get mine anymore," he warned me with a smile. The mulch costs very little.

Our artist-in-residentce, Norma Boeckler, just finished installing Jackson Mulch in her garden, observing how neat it made the garden.

The first is to not consider it a dedicated border per se but rather to incorporate as many of the plants profiled in the previous chapter into your existing landscape as possible. Scattering them about in hopes of increasing the structural and floral diversity of your existing landscape will likely lead to an increase in the numbers and diversity of beneficials you find on your property. To some extent, this is how I got started with my own insectary plantings. I already had a handful of perennial gardens, a vegetable garden, and lots of shrub beds and foundation plantings. Instead of adding plants that I thought were pretty, I began to incorporate some of the species known to provide for beneficials (many of which also happen to be very pretty plants). The addition of any of these plants to any part of your landscape is a decent place to start.

Walliser, Jessica (2014-02-26). Attracting Beneficial Bugs to Your Garden: A Natural Approach to Pest Control (Kindle Locations 2923-2929). Timber Press. Kindle Edition. 

From various authors I realized that adding a few plants will create a haven for beneficial insects who will earn their way in the garden. Simply leaving pests alone will draw beneficial creatures to this bounty of food.

Another change was adding an abundance of water sources for the birds and toads. "They have plenty of water already. This is not a desert." If you think this is a minor matter for birds, reconsider. My community pool for birds - a former kiddie pool - is messed up each day and needs to be dumped and refilled frequently, with a good hosing to clean it out.

I refill all the shallow water pans twice a day - mark that well. If one birdbath is enough, why are they using up 10 of them? The abundance attracts even more birds and creatures, and the guests stay to earn their keep by patrolling the yard and feeding on insects and grubs.

How many plants have decided to grow a bug on their flowers,
to keep pollination active?
And yet so many deny Creation.

In the Fall
I have a natural wooden border for the wild garden in the back. If the landscaper trims more of his trees, I will have more logs to place on the lawn as a low fence, bug-bird-toad haven. The grass is growing tall, because we no longer mow the wild garden. Bushes and favored weeds are growing up to shelter insects.

Queen Ann's Lace is Bird's Nest
for its manner of bunching up when seeds are maturing.
Beneficial insects count on this flower for nectar and pollen.

Queen Ann's Lace is often found in neglected areas, a group created by their prolific seeding. In the wild garden I have several growing alone, mulched, watered, earth-wormed to a fare-thee-well. They are majestic in reaching their full potential.

That is the fun of weeds. They survive almost anything, so a little pampering turns them into real showboats. Pigweed shoots up and spreads out. Queen Ann's Lace spreads its branches to gather more sun and pollinators. Cow Vetch clmbs the fence to catch the morning sun and drop more seed for future generations.

The wild area will be mulched with cardboard, newspaper, and autumn leaves this fall. Quenching the lawn in the back area will feed the soil and set the stage for new plants in the spring.

A cold wet spring gave way to summer heat and dryness.
Rain may be back next week.