Saturday, June 27, 2015

Pleasant Rose Surprises

Sweetheart calladiums like the shade.
Their pink matches the crepe myrtle blooms above.

Our cul-de-sac neighbor had a garage sale, so we took the old computer desk down for the sale. I cut some roses and we discussed gardening a bit. "You and your wife garden a lot. Does she like to garden?"

I said, "She likes the effect of gardening, and she encourages me to grow roses. I got 10 new rose bushes for Father's Day."

She said, "Roses are hard to grow, aren't they?" I answered, "Not at all. We don't use any poisons, just mulch and earthworms."

We talked about the crepe myrtle bush, which is tree-like in many parts of the South. She liked the deep pink blooms, now forming, and the Sweetheart calladiums growing below in the shade.

I brought back sacks and sacks of pine cones. Several  people asked me, "What are those for?"

When the wild garden is expanded, after the dead tree is cut up, pine cones will make good decorations and a contribution to the mulch. Think insects, folks. The increase of natural ingredients will affect the variety of wildlife.

I was coveting a flowering weed along my walk with Sassy and thought of borrowing the seeds. The flowers look like little daisies. Soon after I found them growing next to the bird spa, which raised my suspicions about how they spread.

The Father's Day roses, $5 each, are leafing out well, and all the others are in various stages of blooming. The Knockouts are six feet tall and full of blooms and buds, not only the reds, but also the pinks and whites.

I trust the beneficial insects to do most of the work, but I have been astonished at the transformation of the white and yellow roses. The aphids and chewing beetles massacred the Pope John Paul II roses during the first round of blooms. I did nothing and now the papal roses are perfect, gleaming white. and stronger than the rest in budding and flowering.

Two white KnockOut roses were disgusting from the damage caused. All the blooms were distorted, eaten, drained, I used the pruning shears and chopped them in half, leaving all the blooms and branches to add to the mulch and feed the beneficial insect brood. Often the babies do the pest control. Those same roses are pristine now and provide a pleasant contrast to the pink and red KnockOuts.

Peace roses were also hit hard at first, and they are producing well.

I learned this month that the beneficial insects answers the chemical call of damaged plants. They do not lay eggs unless the damage is detected. They lay eggs on or near the pests, and the hatching larvae eat the pests alive.

I also learned that the beneficial insect adults need nectar and pollen since most of them do not attack the pests directly. Like bishops in chess and in the church, they move obliquely.

I was cutting a junk bush growing along the fertile and well watered path of the Jackson Aqueduct. As I bent down, a tiny flower fly hovered. One side said, "Spare the bush. The beneficials are hunting and hiding there." The other side said, "They have a thousand other plants left for shelter and food."
The bush lost.

A few weeks ago I was becoming aware of this interplay between plants, pests, and beneficial creatures. I suggested to one reader, bend over close to the flowers on a sunny day, you will see a flower fly hovering (also called a hover fly). And guess what? She did.

I did not even try to harm the beetles I found chewing on the rose blooms, though I was tempted to burn, fry, spray, chop, and smack them. I even saw obvious earwigs hiding in the blooms. "A little Sevin, if I had it, and boom, Gone." But I would have killed the pest-food that brings the beneficial creatures by inciting the plants to send chemical help signals.

Meat Market Suet
The two least expensive bird foods are finch mix for the little ones and suet, for -

  1. Grackles
  2. Starlings
  3. Woodpeckers.
Suet is good year around because it entices the bug eaters to stay, nest, rest, and raise their young. Stingy food means fewer birds supported in the avian Air Force. Plenty of water leads to splashing, more bird gossip, and greater numbers of creatures.

I bought five pounds of suet today and put it in my metal and wooden suet holders. In the trees the starlings were chatting about it. Everything was quiet while I gathered roses for the altar tomorrow, but when I got out the suet and the seed, the avian gossip began. 

The grackle looks like a crow until the light strikes him right,
highlighting the yellow eyes and the metallic colors.

Good and Bad Ways To Kill Beetle Grubs

  • Use traps with scent to attract the love-struck bugs, clearing the yard for more.
  • Poison the ground to kill all the grubs, though many of them are beneficial. The poisons will likely harm all the healthy soil creatures as well.

  1. Attract birds with slug spearing beaks - grackles and starlings.
  2. Provide plenty of water for drinking, bathing, and dropping their disposable baby diapers.
  3. Feed them suet, fruit, nuts, bread, all kinds of food - but suet most of all.

Smoke-Filled Halls of Mirrors, Part 87

Luther noted that greed and deception are the two ruling motivations of this world, with deception being used to mask and excuse the greed.

Anyone expecting another experience is going to be disappointed whether in secular or synod politics.

The Wolf of Wall Street, whose movie was too obscene to be watched,
was the chosen, featured speaker for Thrivent.
Greed and deception - he has not paid back his victims.

I wrote a resolution against homosexual activism at the last LCA district convention I attended, They were already out in full force at a previous meeting, violating the rules for outside groups. My resolution got more hate stares than votes.

I wrote about apostasy in the upcoming ELCA merger for Christian News - a special issue that was sold out and reprinted. That did not stop WELS, Missouri, and the ELS from working with ELCA - not at all. Like Mark Schroeder and Joel Hochmuth, they were content to denounce ELCA while working with them.

Matt Harrison is no different. I have noticed that the Synod Presidents - Pope John Moldstadt the Malefactor included - will move heaven and earth to get rid dissenters and work just as hard to protect their known criminals and their accomplices.

The only thing that outrages the clergy is my writing and research about their synods' apostasy. They are the little ELCAs behind the big ELCA train engine. Speaking up will cost them their call and their faux-friendships. They are afraid of Holy Mother Synod but dead to the Holy Word of God.

All the clergy and laity from three synods gather to hear
ELCA's dogma of UOJ explained, mystified, and enigmatized.
"Will there be a table for materials to give away?"
Answer - "Not for Bethany Lutheran Church."

ELCA plunged ahead with homosexual activism being the driving force in quota-fed articles in their magazine, news releases from headquarters, and actions of the leaders. In 25 years those leaders who resisted were removed, replaced, or marginalized. I was interviewed at the Philadelphia LCA seminary and met the professor who argued in The Lutheran against the acceptance of homosexuality. That was the last article like that in the LCA.

I never thought the LCA clergy, bishops, and members would budge, but the 2009 convention - rigged for the gay marriage and ordination vote - motivated about 25% of the ELCA to leave: bishops, clergy, and congregations. One ELCA seminary after another is crumbling from lack of support, including the Philadelphia one where I was interviewed.

Where else would someone find a $200,000 a year plagiarist
working as an editor for Lutheran books?
Concordia Publishing House.

Someone told me that the LCA parish I left (Midland) is torn apart from "the issue." They were warned in 1987 and wanted to cling to Holy Mother LCA. 

WELS District VP Paul Kuske made fun of me for questioning WELS doctrine and Church Growth antics, but they did not like him criticizing their beloved UOJ. They did not do much, but they made it clear - no one criticizes their crypto-Universalism.

Like the Muhlenberg tradition (ULCA, LCA), the WELS leaders loathe any mention of their past leaders. 

That is so convenient, to highlight the new heretics and praise them into heaven, to forget and look blank about the old leaders like Hoenecke and Gausewitz - who would not recognize the flotsam and jetsam running the synod today.

The WELS mower is not used for Church Growth,
Church and Change,
Change or Die,
known DP and Mequon drunks,
or synod headquarter pedophile porn-swappers.