Friday, January 29, 2016

Walther-Loehe Exchange.
Walther Wants the Seminary and Continuing Support

Correspondence Between
J.C.W. Loehe and C.F.W. Walther
About the Fort Wayne Seminary
As Transcribed in James L. Schaaf, "Wilhelm Loehe's Relations to the American Church: A Study in the History of Lutheran Mission," Heidelberg University, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1961, Appendix VII. Translated by Erika Bullmann Flores


 Highly honored and dearly beloved brother in the Lord:

 Pastor D. Sihler has requested at this year's first synodical
 conference to call Pastor Oster as director and teacher at the
 Seminary in Fort Wayne. He based this request on his declining health
 and the fact that his own ever-growing congregation is making it
 impossible for him to expand the time and energy necessary for the
 seminary. We have come to the unanimous conclusion that we do not
 have the right to issue a call on behalf of the seminary, because it is a
 private institution, founded by the love of the German brothers.
 Consequently it was decided to ask you, beloved brother, and
 through you also the other participants of this work of love, whether
 you are willing to surrender the seminary to the Synod, formally and
 actually giving it under the Synod's free disposition, while
 nevertheless continuing with support in the forms of money, books,
 etc. in the usual loving manner, because the Synod--especially at this
 time of its organization--does not have the resources for the
 seminary's upkeep.
 In addition, it was agreed to ask you in a brotherly manner to
 forward to us the writings of Pastor Ostor (sic) thus enabling us to
 form our own opinion concerning his attitude, knowledge, spiritual
 gifts and qualifications for the proposed position.
 With the heartfelt request to include us and our work in your
 brotherly supplications, we command you to the Lord's mercy.

 Chicago, May 6 in the year of our Lord 1847.
 On behalf and in the name of the "German Evangelical--Lutheran
 Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States" at their first annual
 conference here.
 Signed respectfully and most humbly,

 C. Ferd. Wilh. Walther, President

__________________________________________________________________ Correspondence Between J.C.W. Loehe and C.F.W. Walther About the Fort Wayne Seminary As Transcribed in James L. Schaaf, "Wilhelm Loehe's Relations to the American Church: A Study in the History of Lutheran Mission," Heidelberg University, Ph.D. Dissertation, 1961, Appendix VII. From: K.M., VI (1848), cols. 42-45. See pp. 114 and 119 LOEHE'S LETTER TO SYNOD, ST. LOUIS (sic) Fr. Wilh. Husmann, Secretary To the President of the German Evangelical-Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio and Other States, Pastor Karl Ferdinand Wilhelm Walther in St. Louis, MO. Neuendettelslau, Sept. 8, 1847 I have duly received your valued letter dated Chicago, May 6 of this year, and I forthwith shared its contents with Pastor Wucherer in Noerdlingen, the only person with whom I needed to discuss this matter. I needed to discourse with him only because in Bavaria we do not have a North-American society, rather the entire aid project, as far as we have handled it, is a private undertaking aided by the completely voluntary assistance and advise of other brothers. After having assured myself of my dear friend's opinion of the matter at hand, I am herewith releasing the seminary, in my name and in his name--as far as it could be considered thus far to be our establishment, in its present state--to the Synod, whose president you are. It shall be the sole property of the Evangelical-Lutheran Synod of Missouri, Ohio, and Other States, and be entirely under its care and administration. Release of the seminary, however, is under the following conditions which we hope you yourself are in agreement with: 1. We release all our claims of ownership to the seminary in Fort Wayne with the condition that it shall, for ever, serve only the Lutheran church and train her preachers and shepherds. As Lutheran churches we recognize only those who confess the Lutheran Book of Concord. 2. We are releasing all our claims to the seminary under the further condition--which shall be inviolate--that the German language shall be the only vehicle of instruction. 3. We are releasing our claims under the condition that the seminary remain what it is now, that is, an institution whose purpose it is to train--thoroughly and when possible without delay--preachers and ministers for the countless lost, German brothers-in-faith, as well as for newly arrived congregations of our faith. In the beginning we did not consider a theological institution in the usual, German tradition, but rather as a "nursery" of preachers and ministers whose studies are to be preparation for the holy office itself. Presuming that these conditions meet with your approval, we gladly promise to continue support of the seminary, that is, to the best of our abilities and as God provides us. As the situation presents itself now, there cannot be any specific promises. You are already familiar with one of our ideas, and Dr. Sihler, director of the seminary, has also espoused it as his own. It is this: the seminary is to be also a place for the training of missionaries among the heathen natives of North-America. We must tell you that it would cause us extreme pain if you were to let go of an idea which--especially in Bavaria--has gained many mission-minded friends and their support. However, we have no doubt that you will continue faithfully in this matter also. We also must inform you that Pastor Oster from Posen has emigrated with some of his parishioners to Australia. Therefore, examination of his faith and life on your part, as well as a call, are too late. In closing we want to share with you what is making our hearts heavy, especially since it is of the utmost important to the seminary in Fort Wayne. With much regret we have noticed that your first synodical constitution, as is set now, did not completely follow the example of the first congregations. We fear, and most likely rightly so, that the basic, strong mixing of democratic, independent, congregational principles into your church constitution will cause more harm than the meddling of the princes and authorities did in our church at home. Careful study of the apostles' many lessons concerning organizing the church and ministry, would have better and differently taught the dear brothers from among the laity. Constitution is a dogmatic, but not a practical adiaphoron. May that which the NT teaches of constitution, organization and ministry at large, be the right locus of the new seminary, and may the results of new research done by Lutheran theologians in the home country not be considered inferior and be ignored by the professors and teachers at Fort Wayne. If a large, interconnected church is to be assembled which is to be a haven for harried souls, care must be taken that she be endowed in holy form and shape by which she can be recognized and grasped. Signed with heartfelt, loyal love and esteem your devoted friend and Brother, Johann Conrad Wilhelm Loehe Pastor at Neuendettelslau in Franconia ______________________________________________________________ This text was converted to ascii format for Project Wittenberg by Erika Flores and is in the public domain. You may freely distribute, copy or print this text. Please direct any comments or suggestions to: Rev. Robert E. Smith of the Walther Library at Concordia Theological Seminary. E-mail: Surface Mail: 6600 N. Clinton St., Ft. Wayne, IN 46825 USA Phone: (260) 452-3149 Fax: (260) 452-2126

Walther kidnapped his niece and nephew and Bishop Stephan,
and CFW stole gold, land, books, and personal possessions from Stephan.

Lutheran Resources - Which Are Kept Posted at the Top of the Page.
Luther's Sermons, Book of Concord, Lutheran Books, Martin Chemnitz Press, Pastor Paul Rydecki Books

Luther's Sermons, Book of Concord selections,Lutheran books, Free PDFs, Pastor Paul Rydecki Publications,Martin Chemnitz Press.

Lutheran Resources - Posted on Ichabod

Melanchthon's Book of Concord Work

The Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord

Apology of the Augsburg Confession, Book of Concord


Martin Luther

Luther - Sermons  - Lenker Edition

Luther - Small Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - Large Catechism, Book of Concord

Luther - The Smalcald Articles, Book of Concord

Luther - Galatians Commentary, Recommended by the Formula of Concord

Luther - Preface to Romans - Also Called - Introduction to the Romans Commentary


F. Bente's Historical Introductions

Complete Text of Bente's Historical Introductions in One File


The Formula of Concord, Solid Declaration


Martin Chemnitz Press Books - Free PDF downloads

Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure

Jesus Priceless Treasure

Angel Joy

The Story of Jesus in Pictures, In Color

Coloring Book - The Story of Jesus in Pictures

Luther versus the UOJ Pietists: Justification by Faith 

Jesus Lord of Creation 

The Wormhaven Gardening Book 

Thy Strong Word - English only edition 

Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant 

Discussion Guide for Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant

College Students - Tips for Success

Moline High School 1966 - The Class the Stars Fell On

To Order from

Purchase MCP printed books from here


F. W. Stellhorn's family came across the Atlantic with the Bishop Stephan migration.
L. Fuerbringer mentions him as a Missouri Synod teacher in his memoirs.

From Bruce Church - The Error of Missouri and Lutheran Seminary Costs

Various Formats - The Error of Missouri


H. Schmid - Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church

Text Version of Doctrinal Theology - Perfect for Copy and Paste

HTML Version of Doctrinal Theology - Webpage friendly

Another PDF of Doctrinal Theology


This is a zipped folder of all the hymn texts from The Lutheran Hymnal - from the Wittenberg Project

Here are Lutheran Reformation hymn resources.


Order from Amazon.


Project Wittenberg - Texts about Luther and Other Lutherans


Pastor Paul Rydecki is actively translating essential Lutheran materials.
Check out the link below.
Pastor Paul Rydecki's books and links to his stand on justification by faith are here.

Finally - Autumn Leaves for the Wild Garden

I admit to calling this one Stinkin' Lincoln,
but only in admiration for its powerful fragrance.
Nothing makes a gardener feel better than
a rose growing like Jack's beanstalk.

Our strange autumn meant leaves were on the trees late, and few people gathered them in their green bags to leave on the curb. Our nursery owner nearby probably felt the same way I did. He admitted to using his truck to gather them all the previous winter, the opposite of the milk route his father ran. That little dairy farm is adjacent to our cul-de-sac and now displays a wonderful, organic, flourishing, tempting nursery. What we called "the park" is the well maintained grassy area that once supported the dairy herds.

Last week our helper asked his neighbor for work in gathering the leaves, knowing how much I wanted them. Our wild garden was paved with cardboard all winter, and the Dogpatch look was difficult to ignore. Besides that, the more organic material ingested by soil creatures, the better the plants would grow.

So we ended up with a dozen large leaf bags to haul away in the Icha-boat, our luxury pick-up, featuring leather seats, AC, and the largest trunk in the Free World. I raised the issue of double-dipping, being paid to gather leaves and then to scatter them a block away. We laugh a lot while plotting these projects. Mr. Gardener did not seem to approve of the Wild Garden. He looked over the fence and asked,  "Do you have a plan or are you making it up as you go along?"

Roughly half the backyard will be devoted to plants for birds, hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees.

The project reminds me of a Lutheran pastor who seemed acutely embarrassed that I wrote a gardening book about earthworms. In the course of writing that little book, which began in Midland, Michigan, I gained a lot of knowledge about plants and creatures in the garden, a micro-world far more full of wonders than the places so many spend thousands to visit.

What is embarrassing about the doctrine of Creation and its implications for gardening, agriculture, and the Gospel message of the Scriptures? Martin Luther wrote in his Genesis Commentary about Creation, mice and their fascinating little paws.

If someone does not believe in the power and efficacy of the Word, then he does not believe in Creation. If that is lacking, anything said about the Gospel Promises, the ministry, the Sacraments, and evangelism will be hollow and superficial. That is precisely why so much writing on the Net is insipid, having no substance.

I have a project to finish up, then the new book to start - Creation Gardening - which will focus on roses. If someone can grow roses, which are so easy to grow, he can grow all the other plants as well. Most writing about roses makes them seem too difficult to begin, but that is the result of old fables being constantly recycled to sell books.

I dropped off roses at the college, including this one,
Falling in Love, one staffer's favorite.
We attended her marriage the same year.