Thursday, March 31, 2016

Fun with the Bird Feeders Today

This is not my photo, but I bought this bird feeder at Lowe's for about $10, and it is great. I hang it from where the hanging platform once dangled.

Our athletic squirrels were banging the platform off the window.

The final bird-feeding configuration was:

  1. Hanging the Lowe's feeder, easy to fill with sunflower seeds.
  2. Buying a tall pole for the platform and planting it close to the window for viewing and away from the rain.
  3. Filling the squirrel-proof (HA!) feeder with finch food, which the little birds love and the squirrel ignores. The squirrels shop at the Lowe's and the platform feeder.
  4. Hanging seven pounds of suet from large baskets from the squirrel-proof feeder.
  5. Storing one bird-bath under the eaves so it can be filled with rainwater, dumped onto the Butterfly Bush, and refilled with tap-water when necessary.
  6. Keeping the Jackson EZ Bird Swing, which is now above the platform feeder. It is their favorite place to rest when waiting for food.
  7. Using rescue tree stumps as supplemental feeders in the Bird Paradise section. There I have another bird bath and some bird-friendly plants, such as blueberries.
Birds know who feed them, and they sing, chortle, and chatter when Sassy and I walk. The robin is so fixed in the rose garden, with thousands of worms to eat, that he often just ducks behind a bush and peeks out as we go by.

I was inches away from our squirrel in Bella Vista when I took this photo. He mocked and humiliated me with his raiding of the squirrel-proof feeder. I eventually stopped filling it, but I brought it with me to Springdale, 25 miles south, where the squirrels want nothing to do with the finch food I put in it.

Norma Boeckler reported that switching to finch food also keep the squirrels at bay. They will eat anything but finch food is way down on their list.

What Have We Learned from the Property Brothers' Congregation in St. Louis - Which Bragged about Their Woman Staffer Preaching and Distributing Communion?

The brothers kidnapped their niece and nephew from their father's parsonage.
CFW stole 120 acres from Stephan and the bishop's son.

After stealing everything from the bishop, Walther's mob falsely
accused the robbery victim of keep back some of their loot.
They kidnapped Stephan at gunpoint and forced him over to Illinois.

The LCMS constantly lies about their early history, which is well documented in Zion on the Mississippi and in the Stephan In Pursuit of Religious (sic) Freedom.

For hilarious hagiography, no one can top Servant of the Word, which rivals The Glories of Mary.

For starters, the LCMS was begun by a Bohemian Pietist who never finished college. That is where their UOJ came from - Halle Pietism reinforced by Bohemian Pietism.

The Property Brothers were raised by a rationalist father, trained in rationalism in Leipzig, and nurtured in abusive Pietism by two different gurus of Pietism, Stephan taking over for the one who died.

Walther was never trained in Lutheran doctrine at all, but Stephan did have an on and off relationship with the Book of Concord. One could allow that the Property Brothers had that background of Luther studies that any Protestant clergyman would have had, doubtless more than the zilch offered at the LCMS-ELS-WELS seminaries today.

Walther had no command of Lutheran doctrine but continued in his bifircuated rationalistic Pietism. He had little knowledge of the Biblical languages, so he paraded his knowledge by being boss of everything, writing his own doctrinal compend, and crazily lecturing in Latin.

CFW continued his Property Brothers reputation by taking over his dead brother's call and later asking that Loehe give them the Ft. Wayne seminary for free while continuing to support the school. No wonder Missouri grew - with the bishop's gold, the bishop's library, the bishop's property, and a free seminary in Ft. Wayne - with promised financial support from Loehe.

I get Christian News online, so I know the new edition decries Universalism, the hidden doctrine of LCMS-WELS-ELS-CLC (sic).  That came from Stephan and Walther, so they cannot give up the imaginary act of God pronouncing the entire world forgiven and saved.

The abusive tyranny of Stephan and Walther has continued in each generation, and so has the rationalism of the founders. Since UOJ is at war with Biblical, Lutheran doctrine, it was only a matter of time before Missouri came out with a clear declaration of women's ordination.

WELS already had women consecrating Holy Communion, and Missouri has had ELCA women students (Trinity ELCA Columbus) baptizing, preaching, and celebrating the eucharist--back to 1987, when I saw the official document at the Trinity Library.

Now Missouri is coming out in the open at Walthers' congregation, which is only appropriate, given their history, heritage, and hagiography.

How many founders steal the bishop's chalice and use it for Holy Communion, refusing to give it back to the Stephan family?

Community Church of Joy Takeover by Pentecostals at Dream City - FAQ

"Brett, I cursed that Community of Joy when they left
ELCA, so watch your step."

Below are some commonly asked questions regarding the recent merger between Community Church of Joy and Dream City Church. If you have a question that is not answered below, please feel free to contact us at or 602-867-7117
Why is Community Church of Joy merging with Dream City Church?
This is the realization of a God-given joint vision of the senior pastors and leadership at Community Church of Joy and Dream City Church. The merger will will help us enhance our worship and teaching experience, as well as expand ministry opportunities and give us a greater impact on the Glendale community to reach more people for Christ.
What denomination is Dream City Church? How does this affect our Lutheran heritage?
Dream City Church and Community Church of Joy share a vision for reaching the community and seeing lives transformed by the love of Jesus Christ. While Dream City Church’s roots are Assemblies of God, and Joy’s roots are Lutheran, we believe this is a monumental step in a movement that will break down denominational walls. We are joining together in unity with a like-minded purpose and a joint mission to lead people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ by loving people, cultivating community, and inspiring hope.   
What changes can I expect to occur?
Name Change
Since Joy is now part of the Dream City Church family, we have changed our name to Dream City Church, Joy Campus. Over the next few weeks you will see a rebranding process taking place to reflect our new name.
Service Times
The new service times are 9:00 & 11:00 am to coincide with the other Dream City campuses. The first service will remain as our Traditional service, with classic elements of worship, liturgy and scripture read corporately. The second service will have a more contemporary worship style. Both services will include a message streamed from the Phoenix or Scottsdale campus.
Over the next few weeks and months you will see some changes in the ministry opportunities we offer. We will be rolling out new classes to help you connect with others and grow spiritually.
My kids go to school at Joy. How will they be affected?
Joy Christian School will not be affected by this transition. The school will operate as usual through the transition and afterward.
Will there be a midweek service?
All Dream City Church campuses are invited to the Phoenix campus for midweek service, every Wednesday at 6:30 pm. This is a special time for the entire Dream City Church family to come together for extended worship and in-depth biblical teaching from one of our teaching pastors. The First Wednesday of every month features a special guest speaker. Past speakers include Rick Bezet, Charles Nieman, and Chris Hodges.
Is Pastor Walt Kallestad still the pastor at Joy?
Pastor Walt is still a member of the church and he will be assisting us through the transition, but he has deferred to Dream City Church to shepherd the congregation. Luke Barnett, Senior Pastor of Dream City Church, is now the main contributor to the weekend teaching and preaching.
What about the other pastors and staff at Joy?
The associate pastors and staff are staying on and will help through the transition. This is a great opportunity for us to grow together as we expand our reach across the valley.

- See more at:

ELDONA Pastor Publishes Book

In Meditations on the Old Testament Apocrypha, Pastor Joshua Sullivan explains the apocryphal books in an easy to understand fashion. Far from simply conveying historical information about the intertestamental period, each devotion helps the reader understand these books in a way that strengthens one's faith in Christ and excites one's zeal for the good works which flow from faith. The Christian reader will see many parallels between their own world and the world which brought forth these books. The reader will also be encouraged by the examples of these Jews who strove to maintain and confess the true faith in cultures and situations that sought to stamp out the true faith of the God of Israel. These books encourage modern readers to keep God's Word holy and to live holy lives according to it, even as they live in cultures saturated with the temptation to compromise. Pastor Sullivan also demonstrates how to read these books Christologically. The apocryphal authors, although not divinely inspired by the Holy Spirit, were steeped in Moses and the Prophets. They looked forward to the same Christ as the Old Testament Scriptures and as a result, they painted beautiful, if unintentional, portraits which foreshadow Christ's person and work. When read in this way, these books will deepen the reader's appreciation for Christ and the salvation He offers to all men in the promise of the gospel. Meditations on the Old Testament Apocrypha contains the King James text for the apocryphal books I Esdras, Tobit, Judith, and Wisdom of Solomon as well as original devotional material for each chapter of the apocryphal text.

"Warning. This books teaches justification by faith alone." 

Trigger warning: "Waltherian UOJers have been known to be triggered by the JBFA microagressions in this work." 

GJ - I ended up contacting Joshua Sullivan in the strangest, funniest way. Someone donated money for books for various people. He was one. I sent his order. Then another order aimed at a new person also went to him.

Finally, after those orders arrived, he got Lulu printed books aimed at a third person, who began wondering what happened to his order.

Google and the websites have ways of filling in the information based on one cell. The end result was that Pastor Sullivan won the book lottery and the others got their orders a little later.

Community Church of Joy in Glendale, Arizona - Now Merged with Pentecostal Dream City Church.
This Is Not from The Onion

The Schuller empire collapsed and he resigned from the congregation he founded.
Walt Kallestad turned an ELCA congregation into LCMC and now it is Pentecostal.
Both are examples of entertainment style Church Growth - or they were.
WELS and Missouri are pursuing this fad down the sewer drain.

Community Church of Joy now Dream City Church-Glendale

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Posted: Thursday, March 3, 2016 12:00 am
Feb. 28, Community Church of Joy (CCOJ), 21000 N. 75th Ave. in Glendale, began its first worship services as a campus of Dream City Church (formerly Phoenix First Assembly). This is an unprecedented moment for both churches and the community at large as two different denominations, both with similar visions for reaching the Valley for Jesus Christ, came together as one.
CCOJ, under the leadership of Senior Pastor Walt Kallestad for 38 years, will now be led under its new name by Pastor Luke Barnett and Interim Campus Pastor Steve Valkenaar. In addition, worship service times at the Glendale campus will change to a 9 a.m. traditional service and an 11 a.m. contemporary service, coordinating start times with its other campuses.
A meet-and-greet open house was held Feb. 28 for Dream City Church members and the community to come see the Glendale campus and meet some of its staff.
Dream City Church has been one of the largest and most influential churches in Arizona for 93 years. In November 2015, Dream City opened its first satellite campus in Scottsdale at 28700 N. Pima Road.
To learn more, visit, or call the Phoenix campus at 602-867-7117, or the Glendale campus at 623-561-0500.
Napoleon Hill is one of those deep thinkers
admired by Church Growth people.

Interesting Blog Piece
By Chaplain Mike
This week, as we’ve been discussing the church, I have read two intriguing stories of megachurches that began and grew explosively using an attractional, seeker-oriented philosophy of ministry, but then decided that approach was contrary to Jesus’ call to discipleship. So they closed down the “show,” re-ordered their priorities, revamped their programs, and began stressing spiritual formation and missional living.
Give them credit for trying to move away from the evangelical megachurch circus.
The first is a 2008 article in Leadership called, “Showtime” No More!” by Pastor Walt Kallestad of Community Church of Joy in Phoenix.
The second is the book, Renovation of the Church: What Happens When a Seeker Church Discovers Spiritual Formation, by Kent Carlson and Mike Lueken, co-pastors of Oak Hills Church in Folsom, California.
I found hope in reading these stories. Both are worth your time. Both contain many points and emphases that evangelical churches (in the U.S. in particular) need to hear. Both show what happens when church leaders actually take seriously the prophetic voices of people like Dallas Willard, Robert Webber, and Eugene Peterson, writers we have commended here on IM.
Both also raise some questions in my mind.
In 1978, a young Lutheran pastor named Walt Kallestad was assigned to a small church in Glendale, Arizona. Over time, that little congregation of 200 grew exponentially into a megachurch with 12,000 people in attendance. And so Community Church of Joy became something of an oxymoron: a Lutheran megachurch (there are fewer than a dozen in the U.S.).
It all started when Pastor Kallestad attended a conference that included church leaders like Bill Hybels and Rick Warren and learned about designing ministries for those who had been turned off by traditional churches. A natural evangelist, Kallestad ate it up and became committed to an approach he called, “entertainment evangelism”: “The only way to capture people’s attention is entertainment, I thought. If I want people to listen to my message, I’ve got to present it in a way that grabs their attention long enough for me to communicate the gospel.” 
So our church strategy revolved around the gravitational force of entertainment for evangelism. We hired the best musicians we could afford; we used marketing principles and programming specialists—for the gospel’s sake. Attendance skyrocketed. More people meant more staff, more programs, more facilities, more land, and of course the need for more money. We became a program-driven church attracting consumers looking for the latest and greatest religious presentations.
However, after years of running the “show,” Kallestad became personally burned out and disillusioned by the results. He had built a great church organization, but the church was not producing disciples.
Our church was a great organization. But something was missing. We weren’t accomplishing our mission; we weren’t creating transformed, empowered disciples.
We’d put all our energies into dispensing religious goods and services. But our people weren’t touching our community. If our church, with its sheer number of people, was populated with disciples, we would be feeding the hungry, building meaningful relationships with neighbors, and transforming our community. But we were neither salt nor light.
After pouring more than 25 years of my life into this church, I knew we weren’t developing disciples who were taking up their crosses to follow Jesus. We’d produced consumers—like Pac- Man, gobbling up religious experiences, navigating a maze but going nowhere in particular.
Too many were observing the show but not meeting God. They meandered in and out of relationships but weren’t in real community. They sought their spiritual fix but didn’t give themselves fully to Christ.
After a heart attack served as a wake-up call, Walt Kallestad took a sabbatical to seek God and visit churches where God was moving and people’s lives being transformed. When he came back and observed his own congregation, he saw a marked difference and knew something had to change. In fact, radical changes were in order. “We didn’t need to tweak our methodology, we needed a modelectomy.”
They let their hired musicians go and began using volunteers. They stopped encouraging people to remain anonymous spectators and began challenging them to get involved in the life of the fellowship. Instead of having all “ministry” revolve around the organization, they released people to start their own ministries in the community. They moved from a high control/low accountability style of leadership to low control/high accountability.
They lost thousands of people in the process, but Kallestad thinks they are moving in the right direction.
[GJ - Suppressing laughter - definitely a new direction.]

Church website article:
DREAM CITY CHURCH (Formerly Phoenix First Assembly) is a church nestled within the Shadow Mountain Preserve, shining God’s light and impacting a city. From its early beginnings as a tent meeting to its 72-acre Phoenix campus, 20-acre Scottsdale campus, and its newest campus in Glendale, Dream City Church progressively lives out its mission to lead people into a fully-devoted relationship with Jesus Christ by loving people, cultivating community, and inspiring hope.  
The waves of the Pentecostal Movement of the early Twentieth Century were still rippling when the church held its first service in 1923. In the first quarter of the century, America saw unprecedented economic prosperity and freedom, marked by a renewed awareness of ideals and social changes that still define our culture today. The invention and wide-spread use of automobiles, telephones, and motion pictures connected people and ideas as never before, women won the right to vote, and the world was recovering from the effects of the First World War. In the midst of this changing world, the Church experienced rapid growth. 
Nearly a century later, Dream City Church carries on this tradition of rebirth and renewal by continuing to reach people with innovative programs and teachings. Illustrated sermons, theatrical productions, and creative drama and media deliver the gospel message to an ever-changing culture in a way that is fresh and relevant, while pioneering outreach ministries extend the love and influence of Christ to a community in need.   
With a full-time staff of 70, including 12 pastors, Dream City Church is one of the most active and fruitful churches in the Phoenix metropolitan area. It has experienced a new wave of explosive growth in recent decades under the leadership and vision of Pastors Tommy Barnett and Luke Barnett. In November, 2015, the church became the Valley's newest multi-site mega church with the opening of its Scottsdale campus, and then in February, 2016, Dream City Church merged with Community Church of Joy in Glendale, AZ, a union that expanded Dream City Church's reach into the West Valley and took an unprecedented step toward a movement that will break down denominational walls to reach more people for Christ.
Dream City Church extends a helping hand to the community with a demonstrated dedication to meet the physical and spiritual needs of tens of thousands of individuals and families each month.
Seven wheel-chair accessible buses bring special needs people to Sunday services each week and a special needs Sunday school delivers sound biblical teaching while providing physical assistance and compassion to individuals with developmental and physical disabilities. The annual Season of Compassion from November to December provides Thanksgiving dinners and bicycles to families in need, care center gift bags to the elderly and disabled, and an opening night performance of Celebration of Christmas is presented exclusively to special needs individuals.
Mom’s Pantry, Dream City Church’s food distribution center, provides essential nutrition to families in need. Emergency supplemental food-aid is provided to over 30,000 people each year. Angela’s Treasures, a retail thrift boutique, provides employment and job training to single parents, and thousands of articles of clothing are donated to low income families each year.
Founded in 2006 by Pastor Tommy Barnett, the Phoenix Dream Center serves over 40,000 people each month with a range of programs to renovate lives and infiltrate the love of Jesus throughout the inner city. Each week 110 street and nursing home outreaches provide food and clothing to people in need. A comprehensive Christian-based life recovery program provides a home to 300 people every night and offers education, life coaching and Christian counseling to those recovering from substance abuse addiction or suffering from the effects of mental illness and emotional trauma resulting from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse.
The Phoenix Dream Center’s Hope Wing provides secure refuge and counseling for victims of sexual exploitation of all forms. Women in the program are taught to live healthy, independent lives through Christian spiritual guidance, legal aid, counseling and education. The Dream Center’s Foster Care Relief Program provides services to young adults who have aged out of foster care, supporting their transition into independent living.
- See more at:

Garden Equipment for the Creation Gardener

A patch of feverfew will harbor beneficial bugs,
which are the free alternative to insecticides.

Garden Equipment

          I am going to assume starting with lawn, so people can adjust accordingly. These items do not need to be bought all at once, and some will be best bought at the end of the season, when the clearance prices come out.

Soaker hose and faucet splitters
          Soaker hoses are the best to use for watering the garden. A faucet can be split three or four ways, with a valve for each one, for very little. This way the left side can be soaked for a time, then the right side. Depending on water pressure, both could be running. I take my hoses out 100 feet, and they do not deliver water past that point. A slow soak is the best way to use water, but standing there and spraying the plants is also good. I normally give my roses a good bath and shower once a week, and the crepe myrtle bush gets the same treatment.

Toad Pans Under the Soaker Hose
          Creation gardeners plan for all the beneficial effects of their decisions. Toads are harmless to everything except pests, which they devour by the thousands each summer. They hydrate by sitting in shallow pools and rest and feed under logs places on the soil.

          Shallow ceramic pans, often used under flower pots, are ideal as toad pans under the soaker hoses or any other source of water. No one wants to have mosquito farms, so the pans should be washed or dumped out regularly.

Bird and Creature Baths
          A bird bath is going to cost $100 and up, but a children’s swimming pool can cost $10, or as little as $3 at the end of the season. Birds and other creatures need shallow water, so I cut down the swimming pool walls to encourage everyone to use the ones I have in the backyard. A cement bird bath cost me $7 at the end of the season at Walmart, and I could have used more than one.

          Some shallow bowls are also good bird baths. If possible a source above the bath should drip into it. Once I used brand new darkroom bottles with the valves slightly open. Now I am using the roof to feed the birdbath and drip onto it. Birds memorize water locations and all creatures listen for that enchanting dripping sound.

          I imitate that dripping by elevating the soaker hose on one fence, so it waters the vines, the plants below, serving as a sprayer for the humming birds, who like to get sprays and tiny amounts of water.

Basic Gardening Tools
One plastic leaf rake and one metal tine rake are enough for most tasks. I have a small digging tool for bulbs and a pointed shovel for digging roses in.
Some pruning tools are:

·       A tree saw, with large, sharp teeth, for cutting small branches and weedy bushes.
·       Pruning shears with a scissors edge – they are going to cut rose branches and roses better than the anvil-headed shears.

·       Various cutting tools that seem good on the Net or in the store, but do not become useful until later. One terrible branch pruner had good reach but weak cutting power – ideal for reaching young weeds and junk bushes. I bought enormous scissors that also help accomplish some tasks, such as snipping log grass.

·       Fiskars is a good brand with sharp cutting edges.

A rain barrel costs $50 but an inexpensive waste basket is only $10. A barrel can be placed under the eaves to catch rainwater, which is always the best way to hydrate plants.

A new, small wheelbarrow is about $40 at Lowe’s. Hauling soil is not a good practice, but the wheelbarrow is good for bags of mulch and mushroom compost.  I leave mine out to measure on how much rain has fallen. Secondlly, several inches of rain in the wheelbarrow are handy for soaking any plants bought on the Net or at the store. Watering before planting is always going to be beneficial.

Mushroom compost is leftover after raising mushrooms on manure. It is a handy way to have bags of soil rather than digging some up and hauling it a distance over wet ground, uphill. Bags of topsoil also work.  

Stores sell mulch in various combinations and colors. I like shredded cyprus, which looks and smells good. A sale is a good chance to buy a few dozen bags.

Plants and Seeds
I buy most roses bare root from various vendors, including the large companies like Jackson and Perkins, Edmunds. But there are many other companies selling roses. I have a complete list in the appendices.

Local stores sell potted roses, which is handy for many people. I would never buy a wrapped rose, because one is betting it will live and thrive. Roses on sale are a good investment, a great way to try new, overlooked types, such as Antigua, which we enjoyed for years.

The most desired roses should be ordered early, because they sell out early. Peace is often sold out, and Double Delight is always sold out early.

Gurney’s has a great website for seeds and plants, with an explanation and planting instructions for each one. They also have tempting sales for early birds, such as 50% off and free shipping for anything bought.

Amazon is good for exotic purchases, such herbs, rare plants, and beneficial bugs. The bugs, like the praying mantis egg cases, have to be bought early. Amazon is good for comparing prices.

Bee balm is a clumping mint that will attract
hummingbirds, bees, and butterflies.

Breaking News - Photo of Woman Teaching Children and Adults -
At Walters' Historic Trinity Church in St. Louis. AND Distributing Holy Communion

I posted this story about the revolution at Walthers' church,
Historic Trinity in St. Louis, earlier today.

SpenerQuest observation:

"Those two photos and their captions were deleted from the "Highlights from Historic Trinity, St. Louis’ Holy Week Activities" pictorial of the Missouri District." 

"DCE Andrea Roettger presented an amazing children's sermon at Historic Trinity, St. Louis, this Easter. She combined magic and a bit of simple science to demonstrate how Jesus' sacrifice on the cross on Good Friday purged the stained water of our sinful lives with his blood."
(GJ - Magic and science? Why not use the Word of God to teach?)

"First Communion on Palm Sunday at Historic Trinity, St. Louis, brought to the altar young confirmands along with their parents and mentors who took part in the confirmation class preparation leading to this occasion. Vacancy pastor Rev. Steve Albers and DCE Andrea Roettger distribute the elements to the youth communing for the first time."


GJ - Note that the photos and captions (quoted above) appeared on the website first and then were taken down. Isn't that amazing?

Amazing. Isn't this amazing?
Distributing communion in street clothes - amazing.