Thursday, September 22, 2016

Concordia Publishing House - A Warning Label.
Two Men Make Enormous Salaries, Have No Real Academic Credentials, and Foist This Garbage on the Public. Gifts for Alcoholic Scoffers

Not So Nice Bible Stories: Gory Deaths
$11.99Retail: $14.99Save 20% ($3.00)
Availability: Expected to ship on or about 10/21/16.
CBD Stock No: WW654582

Bruce Kintz has a 3 year online "doctorate,"
which must have enlightened him about really good
Lutheran books and gimmicks for the Reformation 500th Anniversary.

Amazon Page - 

"Jael killed Sisera by hammering a tent stake into his head. Jezebel was thrown out a window, trampled, and attacked by dogs. Judas hanged himself.

Death in the Bible is sometimes gory. Really gory. But the grisly deaths and mass killings point to a final gruesome death on the cross, and how God provides His Son as a rescue from eternal death. Readers learn about the historical and factual contexts of some of the Bible s nastiest deaths, and how God works in the ugly, messy world. Each chapter concludes with an explanation of the biblical event in question and how it points to Christ as Savior."

More Trash from Concordia Publishing House

Beer bottle opener plays "A Mighty Fortress."

Dog collar.

Drink coaster.

Universalism - From an ELS Follower of Buchholz and Webber.
Ron Pederson's OJ and SJ Terms Are from a Calvinist Translation of a Halle Pietist

Objective Justification
What did Jesus accomplish by His life, death and resurrection? Did He accomplish a potential forgiveness that is true only when we believe it? Is our faith like some kind of magical genie that brings the forgiveness of sins into existence? If the forgiveness of sins is not already there, what is faith to believe?
[Four questions in a row are the hallmark of freshman English essays, bad freshman essays. These matters that stir Pederson's mind every few months are answered by Romans 4:24-25, not by isolating Romans 4:25 and calling it a "diamond."

Romans 4:23-25King James Version (KJV)

23 Now it was not written for his sake alone, that it was imputed to him;
24 But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on Him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead;
25 Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification.]
Luther nailed UOJ to a post 500 years ago.

Our faith does not bring the forgiveness of sins into existence. On the contrary it is the forgiveness of sins that brings our faith into existence. Our Catechism has a name for it: The means of grace. St Paul writes: “How can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them?… Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Rom 10:14, 17).
[GJ - This is the same argumentation style of the apostate liberal mainliners, who say, "The Bible did not fall from heaven." If Ron could stick to the plain words of the Bible, he might have something. The Atonement is the Gospel, and those Gospel Promises create and sustain faith in Christ through the work of the Holy Spirit in the Word. His antagonism toward faith is a hostility toward the Word of God, because the purpose of the entire Bible is to create faith in the Savior. Pulling the Means of Grace out, after the fact, after declaring the entire world righteous without faith, is no better than grabbing a rabbit's foot.]
In human relationships one person sins against another person. Sometimes the person sinned against forgives the person who sinned against him. Whether or not the person who sinned believes it or accepts the forgiveness has nothing to do with the fact that he has been forgiven by the person he sinned against. The person who sinned had no part in the other person forgiving him. The forgiveness came from the heart of the person sinned against.
["All analogies limp," which is a good saying for those who build their examples around their pet dogmas from Halle University.]
We sinned against God. The whole human race sinned against God. God says to the whole world, I forgive you. You may not believe it or accept it but that doesn’t change what God has determined in His heart. “God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting men’s sins against them” (2 Cor 5:19). “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus” (Rm 3:23-24).
[Religious fiction is difficult to swallow. Luther rephrases the Word often, but always in a way true to the Word, not something appealing to a faction.]
That does not mean that the whole human race is saved and will be heaven. Only those who put their personal trust in God’s forgiveness will be saved. Those who reject it will have to pay for their own sins in the torments of hell for all eternity.
[Ron is even a heretic by WELS standards and by LutherQuest standards. According to their beloved JP Meyer, everyone in Hell is a guilt-free saint.]
That is what Jesus accomplished by His life, death and resurrection. We sinned against God and He says to us, to all people, to the whole world, I forgive you in Christ. Confess you sin and believe it, trust in it and “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world” (John 1:29).
Additional Comments
What is received must be the same as what is offered (forgiveness received/forgiveness offered) or my faith is seen as the cause for God forgiving me --- A change in His heart from not forgiving me to forgiving me.
[Who declared this in the Word and the Confessions? I would love to know so I could look it up.]

I think where the confusion comes in is that an unbeliever is forgiven by God but not forgiven personally. That’s where the objective justification/subjective justification distinction is important. The objective justification part always remains true but the subjective justification part is true only when it is believed.
[The Lutheran Reformation took place, and the Book of Concord was written, without these invidious terms - Objective and Subjective Justification - both of which deny and repudiate Justification by Faith. After 1580, the first version of UOJ emerged from the work of "former" Calvinist Samuel Huber. The Lutherans repudiated this Huber UOJ and defenestrated him.)
It’s like the illustration I gave about someone who sinned against another person and the person who was sinned against forgives the person who sinned against him. When the person who sinned rejects the forgiveness he is not forgiven personally (subjectively) yet he remains forgiven by the person he sinned against (objectively). Likewise, personal faith in God’s forgiveness is necessary for a sinner to be forgiven subjectively and be a Christian and saved.
[Now we begin to smell the roast. Faith is faith in universal-absolution-without-faith, making a decision for UOJ.]

 We are justified before we are born!
So why do we baptize babies?

Objective justification isn’t as offensive to human reason as the doctrines of the incarnation of Christ, the Trinity and especially the doctrine of election are. It’s just that the devil creates havoc here where the rubber meets the road, on a phenomenon that otherwise is not uncommon in the human experience.
Finally, there are different ways of expressing the Gospel. The Gospel is like a diamond. It has many sides and angles that show a different aspect of it’s (sic) beauty. Expressions like “Christ atoned for the sins of the world” or “Christ paid for the sins of the world” or “Christ won the forgiveness of sins for the world” and “the sins of world are forgiven in Christ” are all different ways of expressing the same Gospel.

[Sorry Ron, your English is as bad in content as it is in grammar. Theology is the grammar of faith, as Lutheran theologian Paul L. Holmer taught. Your grammar is bad. It is not the same to say "Christ died for the sins of the world" and "the sins of the world are forgiven in Christ." Of course, "in Christ" means among believers, but Jay Webber, the ELS UOJ salesman thinks "in Christ" includes the unbelieving world.]

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Gerard Johnson Amen brother Ron! Jesus did all the work whether we believe it or not! All men, even the vilest offender (yes even Hitler!) are justified and forgiven in God's sight. They have been declared righteous! How could our pastors speak the word of absolution unless it was already true? We just have to believe and it will be so! 

The firm conviction on this almost makes me want to be WELS! Would that we saw more of it over here!

Why Fuss about the Efficacy of the Word?
Chasubles Are Fashion Forward and Figure Flattering

This Webber-Whritenouer
photo illustrates why "copes should NEVER be worn
with chasubles."
As I said to one layman, "I have to look up copes and
other equipment when I get into this stuff."
Father Hollywood's vainglory is on display - not a hair out of place.

ELS Pastor Paul Webber made a splash in Kloha News by drawing my attention to the high crimes of David Becker, who identified Father Jay Webber as a partner with an ELCA pastor in promoting chasubles on Facebook.


Pastor at Redeemer Lutheran Church of Scottsdale
Joined about 7 years ago

Pastor at Evangelical Lutheran Church of Christ
Joined about 6 years ago

This page illustrates in great detail why people who fuss over matters of indifference (adiaphora) are really quite shallow and indifferent about Biblical doctrine itself.

Like the Church Shrinkers, who divide and conquer, the high church nit-pickers cannot abide Biblical doctrine or any serious question, so they deride their imagined enemies and obsess over nothingness.

The high church fanatics are simply another manifestation of Entertainment Evangelism, easily proven by videos of them clowning around or being ultra-solemn in their elaborate costumes. What is more vain - to preach in wrinkled jeans and a baggy shirt? - or to process with dainty hands pressed together at the fingertips while making the women gasp at their fine, expensive, flowing robes and expensive accessories.

Bishop James Heiser travels to the part-time pastors of ELDONA
to tell them the latest ways they must bow, dress, bless, and dismiss.
The crosier can cost $8,000, its case a mere $400,
but this staff is probably not at that price point.

The accessories must be just right or the entire effect is spoiled. "A cope with a chasuble? That is just hideous!" - they hiss and fume. I am not sure why, but that is what I glean from this curious amalgamation of Little Sect on the Prairie (ELS) and the ELCA Rome Wannabees.

The Chief Article for them is chasubles - certainly not Justification by Faith Alone. The ELS and ELCA have that clear. They promiscuously peddle the notion that by grace the entire world has been declared righteous, forgiven, and saved. Ever since God transplanted the Stephan-Walther cancer to America, the daft followers have fallen over themselves to expand and enlarge the absurdly anti-Scriptural claims of UOJ.

ELCA and the Synodical Conference were both spawned by Halle University Pietism, so they share the same errors, no matter how the surface details vary.

  • Muhlenberg (ELCA pioneer) - Halle University. 
  • Martin Stephan (LCMS founder) - Halle University.
  • Adolph Hoenecke (WELS theologian) - Halle University.

UOJ did not take over any group at once. The concept of universal righteousness worked its way through each group, like bad yeast, until they dominated every seat of power.

UOJ makes everything else in the Christian Faith irrelevant. "Everyone is forgiven and saved", so the people only need to be told this great truth that never appears in the Scriptures, Confessions, or even the most mediocre book among the various sects.


  1. One congregation needs a cheap rock band and the defenestration of their pipe organ, and
  2. Another congregation needs purple clergy shirts and a mitre for the bishop, incense, copes, chasubles, birettas, and such.
Biretta - don't leave home without one.

Lily-of-the-Valley and Shade Plants

Lily-of-the-Valley grew in shadiest spot of our house in Moline,
near the water faucet.
We were discussing shade gardening when Mrs. Ichabod suggested growing some Lily-of-the-Valley. I ordered a few and they arrived at a good time to plant and water them.

Shade gardening is so popular with some of us that a few regret moving to where there is almost no shade at all. There are many solutions to the problem of growing attractive flowers that thrive in the shade, and they are fun and easy to nurture:

  1. Hostas come in 8,000 varieties and attract Hummingbirds to their flowers.
  2. Calladiums provide remarkable color all summer, though they emerge from the soil rather late.
  3. Rose-of-Sharon are tall, stately shrubs with attractive blooms. Our helper found a perfect one beside his house, planted by a bird. I fake-raged about the unfairness while he laughed.
  4. Lily-of-the-Valley like shade and plenty of moisture. One website suggested mulching them with chopped tree-leaves for the winter. The plants and their berries are toxic.
  5. Wild Strawberries not only bloom early and fruit in the shade, but they persist all summer and spread easily through birds' digestive systems. 

Christian legend

The flower is also known as Our Lady's tears or Mary's tears from Christian legends that it sprang from the weeping of the Virgin Mary during the crucifixion of Jesus. Other etiologies have its coming into being from Eve's tears after she was driven with Adam from the Garden of Eden[26] or from the blood shed by Saint Leonard of Noblac during his battles with a dragon.[citation needed]
The name "lily of the valley" is used in some English translations of the Bible in Song of Songs 2:1, but the Hebrew phrase "shoshannat-ha-amaqim" in the original text (literally "lily of the valleys") does not refer to this plant. It is possible, though, that the biblical phrase may have had something to do with the origin or development of the modern plant-name.
It is a symbol of humility in religious painting. Lily of the valley is considered the sign of Christ's second coming. The power of men to envision a better world was also attributed to the lily of the valley.
Nothing is wasted in Creation -
favorite berries volunteer from where birds perch.

Usually I research first and plant later, but not this time. I had some rainwater for soaking them - always a good idea when growing things have been on a truck for days. They only needed a stab in the soft soil under the Crepe Myrtle and they were installed. A couple were planted in the deepest shade of the maple tree. Everything was watered several days in a row, to settle the soil and make sure the surrounding soil did not draw water from the fragile plants.
Instead of bulbs, Lilies-of-the-Valley grow pips on their underground stems. That means they can be divided and spread. They can grow together into a large mass that eventually discourages healthy plants and flowers. I remember ours at home in Moline, when my mother got out the pitch-fork to dig half of them up and replanted them. A rectangular area was eventually all grown in, not weedy or barren. We kept the garden hose there, and no one worried about smashing or harming the tough little plant.

Calladiums delight everyone with their color.

Rose-of-Sharon can become a tall, woody shrub.

 Hostas have twin virtues -
thriving and spreading in the shade,
flower stalks that attract Hummingbirds.
Nothing is wasted
A comment on the fragments gathered up after the Feeding of the Multitude echoes in all Creation gardening - "Nothing is wasted."
A bare patch of soil never lasts. Weeds or hardy herbs take over, hold the soil in place, and slowly improve the earth beneath and feed the soil creatures. Weeds will provide down for birds' nests, seeds for food.
Favorite foods for  birds - berries and seeds -  will be planted where those birds perch, so by eating they create new sources for themselves and pollinating insects.
The shadiest patch of ground offers an environment just right for plants that need shade to thrive, and the sunniest will support the sun and heat loving plants.
The soil is poor? Some herbs need poor soil.
The soil is dry? The Chaste Tree does not like watering.
Ignored by many casual onlookers, the plants above ground - from the trees to the lowliest wild flowers - shower the soil with debris: 
  • flower petals, 
  • leaves, 
  • dead insects, 
  • manure from the animals living among them.
The ocean of life in the soil, starting with bacteria and fungi, digest and recycle this debris to build a better home for themselves while feeding plant roots and millions of microbes and animals. Together they improve the soil by increasing the usable nutrition available in the root zone, where all plants feed.

 The tiny Borage flower is Bee Bread,
but it also increases the numbers of beneficial insects to its neighborhood.
Feeding insects, it drops seed to feed even more, always blooming and helping
itself and others.