Friday, September 30, 2016

Brave New Browser - Brave.
Faster and Smoother - Avoids Ads and Tracking

Brave Download Here  - I Like It!

Shunned for supporting natural marriage, former Mozilla CEO is back with new browser

SAN FRANCISCO, September 28, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) — The former CEO of Mozilla has released a new Internet browser called Brave.
Brendan Eich, the creator of JavaScript, continues to lead the technological revolution with Brave, an innovative concept in Internet browsers. 
After blowing away the competition (read: Microsoft's Internet Explorer) with the Internet browser Firefox, Eich has come up with Brave, a nearly ad-free, lightning-fast browser that eliminates intrusive ads as well as common but unwanted tracking tack-ons.
A tech legend for his Java and Firefox contributions, Eich was betrayed by his contemporaries and forced out of business as CEO of Mozilla, the company behind Firefox, because he supported natural marriage.
When it was revealed in 2014 that Eich donated $1,000 to California’s Proposition 8 ballot proposal, which defined marriage as the union of one man and one woman, he was blackballed, even though Proposition 8 was supported by the majority of Californians and easily passed in 2008.
Eich was publicly shamed because he believed in natural marriage and family. He was openly called a racist, Nazi, and inhumane.
But the tenacious techie didn't give up. Without apology, Eich continued to innovate and ultimately came up with a whole new concept in web browsers: the ad-free, tracking-free, fast internet browser Brave.
In November 2015, Eich raised $2.5 million to create an advanced super-technical team.  By August 2016, the company had raised $4.5 million in seed money to launch the browser. 
Brave is called an entirely new way to browse the web without being intrusively tracked, and without time-consuming download ads.
Internet users have increasingly been using ad blockers like AdBlock Plus to cut down on the ads that slow Internet browsers down. But even with ad blocker software, users still see a lot of ads because the blockers have special arrangements with major advertisers to let their ads through.
Even the ad industry has acknowledged it has "alienated" users with so many ads slowing down computers, causing users to wait an inordinate amount of time for basic searches and information.
The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB), which represents 650 organizations serving nearly 86 percent of all Internet advertisements, has admitted defeat to the ad-blocking software onslaught.
“We messed up,” IAB Vice President Scott Cunningham wrote. “As technologists tasked with delivering content and services to users, we lost track of the user experience.”
Internet analyst Al Hilwa told Forbes that Brave “recognizes the key fact that browsing has become truly onerous and ever slower, even as devices have become faster.” He pointed out that the “complex web of ad downloads” is far greater and more time-consuming than the website content itself.
In contrast to the Internet status quo, Eich’s new Brave blocks everything. It doesn’t load any of the advertising software code and also blocks tracking from the start.
"On the desktop, Brave provides a 40 percent to 60 percent speed increase, and a 2x to 4x speed increase on mobile devices," Brave's Catherine Corre told LifeSiteNews.  "Therefore, mobile users also see a direct reduction in both battery and data plan consumption."
"Brave also protects users with leading privacy and security features such as encrypted data traffic, fingerprinting shields, phishing protection, malware filtering, and script blocking," Corre explained in an email.
Because of Eich’s history, Brave was opposed before it was officially launched. Major media websites took legal action to stop it, sending a cease and desist letter, claiming Brave was illegal because it blocked advertisements.
But Eich defended Brave, explaining that it does not replace the publisher's own ads.  "We do not tamper with any first-party publisher content, including native ads that do not use third-party tracking."
"Brendan picked the name 'Brave' because we need users who will take a stand and fight back," Corre told LifeSiteNews.  "We see third party ads and tracking as toxic, and we block that by default."
To compensate websites and advertisers, Brave inserts non-obtrusive, non-obnoxious ads that do not track users. Revenue from the ads helps pay websites, ad networks, and users.
Brave's address bar even has a timer displaying how quickly a webpage loads.
Who says the traditionalists can't win in today's politically correct world?

The UOJ Cathari

I was reading this small book in the car repair shop when the Ichaboat was being repaired. The alternator went bad and a bad alternator was used to replace it, so the replacement had to be replaced.

I ran across one paragraph where Chemnitz described the Cathari in his list of those who botched and twisted justification.

The Cathari considered themselves completely blameless and free of sin. Therefore, repentance was a foreign idea to them.

The UOJists insist they were saved "2000 years ago." Like the Cathari, one bad foundational idea leads to a host of rejections of Biblical truths. The UOJists are extreme hedonists, because they were born forgiven. Repentance is a foreign concept for them, too, because of this false concept.

The UOJists are habitual liars, because their deception is always for a good cause, such as getting Al Barry elected with deceit while denying it, attending Fuller Seminary while acting offended anyone would even mention that idea.

The Cathari were also known to feel superior to those not of their elite group. The three UOJ sects - LCMS, WELS, and ELS - never stop congratulating themselves about their UOJ. And oh what a blessing they are to Lutherans. Here is one example - the juxtaposition is too funny to ignore...

For 125 years, by God's grace, Northwestern Publishing House has served the spiritual needs of Lutherans and other Christians. The year 2017 will mark another special event: the 500th anniversary of the Lutheran Reformation--a movement that ushered in a return to the pure Word of God. NPH is here to help you dig deeper into that Word and strengthen your daily walk with Christ. Check out our resources below, including books and gifts commemorating the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. Visit to see all we have to offer!

If you want to get along with the New Cathari of UOJ, just remember that they are completely without sin and need no repentance. They look down on everyone else - and like Paul McCain - demand apologies from everyone who has offended them. The rest are "the earthly" and give themselves away by not getting UOJ, by not admiring the corrupt and bitter fruit of anti-Christian dogma. You have been warned.

Thanks from a Reader - For Lutheran Reading Material

From One Reader:

Dear Pastor Jackson...

I want to express my thanks to God for the great blessings that He has  given to me through you, Pastor Jackson, and your Ichabod website.  I have  been introduced not only to your own writings ("Catholic, Lutheran and  Protestant" and "Thy Strong Word")  but also to  further readings of 
Luther (Romans and Galatians Commentaries, "The Bondage of the Will"),  Gerhard ("Annotations on the 1st Six Chapters of Romans", "Schola  Pietatis, Vol. 1), Robert Preus ("Justification and Rome"), and Lenski.  (Presently I am reading his Romans commentary and finding it immensely 
rewarding.)  And this has just been my reading in the last 8-9 months!   You have also introduced me to "Zion on the Mississippi" and "The Error of  Modern Missouri", both of which gave me insight into my own  Christian/Lutheran background and increased my understanding of the  apostasy found in so many of today's churches.


Lately I have been hearing from a number of people. Several younger men are in regular contact about Lutheran books to read and authors to avoid. I am getting three (3) boxes of books ready for some Lutheran book fans, which began with a fourth person buying a small library, scanning it, and giving the books to me to distribute.

That is why I began re-reading Chemnitz on Justification, translated by Jack Preus, a real treasure. More on that later. Some car issues slowed down my blogging but I read Chemnitz in the car repair shop.

My primary aim is to shock people into reading the classics of the Lutheran Reformation, starting there rather than having the pea-brains of today tell us what Lutheran doctrine is. The current Lutheran leaders have no clue and clearly hate Lutheran doctrine.

ELCA is obvious enough, but their "conservatives" did not discover the problems of their radical group until the 2009 vote. But keep them in mind, because the LCMS-WELS-ELS combine works with them all the time.

The handpicked zombies of the ELS-WELS-LCMS gathered to work on a more obvious unity, merger, and closing of schools in the future. They all agreed on repudiating Justification by Faith. They were thankful to God for agreeing on UOJ. That was no accident.

Matt the Fat could not manage to get an easy "doctorate" from a Missouri seminary, and his best pal in politics, Paul McCain, spent two extra years at Ft. Wayne without a "graduate" degree - STM or anything else. The Matt the Fat fanclub is impressed that their plump hero started a doctorate and never finished. Matt and Paul are in the sack with UOJ, so their merger group would be 100% UOJ, even though Missouri has never produced a  UOJ catechism.

Mirthless Mark Schroeder (WELS) and Pope John the Malefactor (ELS) are so gonzo for UOJ that nothing more needs to be said. I just want Lutherans in this 500th celebration year to note all the UOJ essays being excreted from Mankato, Milwaukee, St. Louis, and Ft. Wayne.

Liz Eaton must be so proud of her dedicated followers.

 I have heard of "conservative" Lutheran pastors
who think this ELCA pastor is the greatest.

One can easily run around and wonder, "Where do I start with Reformation Lutheran theology?" Here are some ideas:

  1. Luther's Large Catechism is really an edited set of his sermons.
  2. Luther's Galatians Lectures, starting at chapter 3 of Galatians. Read a paragraph and think about that for a time.
  3. Melanchthon's Augsburg Apology - on Justification, a brilliant and lucid lecture.
  4. Any given Chemnitz volume.
Walther borrowed a Latin phrase - "Not many books, but much of the same." That should be the guide. One row of good Lutheran books is better than a library gathering dust. 

My books are available either as free PDFs or as Kindle e-books. Thy Strong Word will give anyone a good sample of what is going wrong among the Lutherans.