Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Herman Otten Is Praying for Me - But Bootless Prayers Do Not Avail -
As Shakespeare (Oxford) Says. October 10, 2016 Issue

I was going to abandon reviews of the newest Christian News, but October presented an opportunity to see how the Reformation would be spun.

First I saw my introduction to the Christian News Encyclopedia, Volume V, about a zillion years ago.

Like his ex-friend Paul McCain, Otten likes his books promoted but vindictively shuns anything that ruffles his Geneva gown. I do not mean he shuns Roman Catholic or Baptist or Church Growth books  loaded with false doctrine. Otten just shuns Lutheran books: they really bother him.

Imagine my surprise when he posted a Pray for Jackson article, a re-post based on the assumption that UOJ is my former position (never was) and that demi-semi-Kokomo UOJ is Biblical, Confessional, and orthodox. Ha!

“The Dying LCMS Seminaries” (pp. 8-12) includes an article by Dr. Gregory Jackson (p. 11). How he has changed. Note “Gregory Jackson Lies About Christian News” (p. 22), by David Becker. Jackson now rejects Universal Objective Justification." Layman David Becker - no qualifications - is the new Jack Cascione for Otten.

Everyone is supposedly against Kokomo, including the late Kurt Marquart, but they end up in the same camp with the same conclusions. All the UOJ Stormtroopers are liars, like the Cretans of old.

One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, The Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies. Titus 1:12

Remember that when the Synodical Conference writes about Justification by Faith, just as Otten does when the mood strikes him. They are all decidedly against the Chief Article and embrace the UOJ of ELCA.

Christian News mentions and "reviews" Thy Strong Word, mostly by quoting from the book.

That is really not a review, but I appreciate the denunciations in the same issue, which I consider an endorsement.

I created the Pope Otten graphic because he promoted the Roman Catholic Facts about Luther in the Reformation issue of CN. The book is a hate-filled lying bundle of lies typical of Roman Catholic education in the 1950s. Instead of repenting, he wrote to someone, "I sell to both sides of the issue."

 Reformation issue, Christian News.

 Otten also promotes and sells this official Church Growth textbook
for WELS
, loaded with UOJ and edited by Paul Calvin Kelm.

 LCMS - I know your history better than you do.

Jack Preus Quoting Luther at the Bethany Lectures - Did Anyone Listen?

 Jack Preus translated the book I mentioned in the post below -Jack and Robert Preus had spine and led from the front,unlike the Thrivent slugs of today.

Martin Chemnitz on the Doctrine of Justification [Presented at the Reformation Lectures, Bethany Lutheran College and Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary, October 30, 1985, Lecture II] By Dr. Jacob A. 0. Preus 1. In 1537 at Wittenberg Luther presided over a Disputatio held in connection with the academic promotion of two candidates, Palladius and Tilemann, in which he discussed the passage in Rom. 3:28,

“We believe that a man is justified by faith apart from the works of the law.” Luther, in his prefatory remarks, said, “The article of justification is the master and prince, the lord and ruler and judge of all areas of doctrine. It preserves and governs the entire teaching of the church and directs our conscience before God. Without this article the world is in total death and darkness, for there is no error so small, so insignificant and isolated that it does not completely please the mind of man and mislead us, if we are cut off from thinking and meditating on this article. Therefore, because the world is so obtuse and insensitive, it is necessary to deal with this doctrine constantly and have the greatest understanding of it. Especially if we wish to advise the churches, we will fear no evil, if we give the greatest labor and diligence in teaching particularly this article. For when the mind has been strengthened and confirmed in this sure knowledge, then it can stand firm in all things. Therefore, this is not some small or unimportant matter, particularly for those who wish to stand on the battle line and contend against the devil, sin, and death and teach the churches.”

How many UOJ Stormtroopers heard Bainton lecture
and received help on their PhD dissertations from him?

Confidential to Jay Webber, Herman Otten, Jon-Boy Buchholz, Mark Schroeder, Paul McCain, Jack Cascione, Rolf Preus, Matt Harrison, Paul Tiefel, and the UOJ Chorus - Have You Ever Read Chemnitz' Justification?

We had another doctor's visit, so I grabbed Chemnitz' Justification, The Chief Article of Christian Doctrine, translated by Otten's former and sainted pal Jack Preus.

The more I read this slender volume (again), the more I wonder -

Have You Ever Read Chemnitz' Justification? - Jay Webber, Herman Otten, Jon-Boy Buchholz, Mark Schroeder, Paul McCain, Jack Cascione, Rolf Preus, Matt Harrison, Paul Tiefel, Pope John the Malefactor, and the UOJ Chorus?

Every time one of these jackals responds to this topic, he reveals that the answer is a thunderous "NO!"

What is this book? It is taken from Chemnitz' lectures (Loci) on the standard Melanchthon doctrinal book of the time, updating the controversies and adding many useful details. This volume actually edits out many of Chemnitz' discursive additions. The plan of the book is having Melanchthon's text followed by Chennitz' explanations on the same topic.

A Locus (plural, Loci) is a topic in theology, so this is a book published about one topic - Justification, by two of Luther's students, Melanchthon and Chemnitz. Martin Chemnitz had the distinction of studying under both Reformers and uniting the warring factions of Lutherdom after Luther's death.

In other words, this little volume is not only a treasure of Lutheran Biblical scholarship, but a primary document of the Reformation and the Book of Concord era.

"Aha!' some of the Walther lick-spittles will say, "but the title is Justification,  not Justification by Faith." So true, and yet that rejoinder is the cornerstone of UOJ pratfalls galore. There was no need to modify the topic's name, because no one but the heretic Huber (kicked out of Wittenberg) was teaching Justification without Faith.

Trains used to have signs that said, "No spitting," but banks did not. Does that mean banks allowed spitting on the floor or - that spitting was a habit unknown in the marbled palaces and polished floors of commerce?"

Justification always meant "by faith" when named during the Reformation, just as it does in the Bible.

False teachers like Bivens and Zarling in WELS use the term Justification, and the accolades attributed to Justification by Faith, and then define it as Justification without Faith. But that is a patently obvious bait-and-switch, from the actual meaning of the term to the Wisconsin sect's favorite hobby horse, in fact their only dogma. The ELS dimwits say, "Me too, I mean, us too."

Anyone who reads this little book knows that the term Justification is always used as Justification by Faith, whether by Melanchthon or Chemnitz. But wait, there's more.

Two small chapters, by Melanchthon and Chemnitz alike, deal with the term Justification and also with the term Faith. Both are worth careful study and reflection.

This above all should be noted - Luther, Melanchthon, Chemnitz, and the rest - all of them cited their opponents' arguments when stating the truths of the Word of God. No one in that era could get away with the addled UOJ hectoring of today. The UOJ toadies never even hint at what they are undermining, because their work is 100% deception:

  • They pretend to be Biblical, but they oppose the Scriptures completely.
  • They call themselves Luther-ans, but they are Luther-hating rationalists.
  • They cite the Pietists (Rambach, Quistorp - Webber) and call those men "Orthodox Lutherans."
  • They quote Walther, but omit his lack of education (BA only) and his adherence to Pietism.
  • They place their hands on the Book of Concord, but despise its clear message of the efficacy of the Word in the Means of Grace.
  • They celebrate the Reformation by selling cheap, offensive trinkets, instead of promoting this brilliant CPH volume by Otten's former pal and Missouri's former Synod President.
  • They (LCMS-ELS-CLC-WELS) claim to be united by UOJ, but cannot call it false doctrine or the foundational dogma of ELCA, their bedmate.
  • They produce endless essays and tomes without merit and run off to degree mills so they can call one another Doctor and Graduate Student.
  • They conveniently forget that their real founder, the linchpin of the Synodical Conference, was a lying, poorly educated (no degree at all), syphilitic monster who left Europe when arrested, followed by Walther who ran from the police while kidnapping his own niece and nephew.