Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Reformation Issue of Christian News - 10-31-2016 - Another Dud.
Reading CN So You Don't Have To

 The Synodical Conference abhors the true Gospel
and substitutes universal forgiveness without faith - UOJ - for it.
Christian News dodges this matter all the time
and tries to finesse the dogma of ELCA and the
Synodical Conference: universalism in the name of grace.

This is yet another Kloha issue of CN, with Montgomery weighing in on legal issues. Anyone can discuss the law when dealing with common knowledge issues - though this knowledge seems to be uncommon among the unlettered and uninformed Lutherans on the UOJ Left.

Kloha copyrights his material so no one can copy it? Haha. That is so funny. In fact, everything receives an automatic copyright, whether so marked or not. Using the copyright symbol or words is a formality and warns people not to sell the material for profit - not that they should anyway.

The copyright holder can sue someone who broke the law by copying and selling the work of someone else, but that is up to the original owner. Thus, when various best-sellers have been simply stolen from the original authors, the actual author had to go to court to be paid. Roots is one example, and Alex Haley lost that one bigly. The genealogy in the novel is a hoax too, like many invented in the past to show noble or royal origins.

 UOJ is the Circumcision Party -
where faith is not taught, works take over.

One More Time - For the Synodical Conference and the Baker's Dozen of ELDONUTs
A work can be quoted for the purpose of research and for review. I do not know why anyone is spooked by Kloha's copyright mark. 

Perhaps someone could be barred from distributing a work solely for the purpose of study. That ban is usually observed. However, the author or publisher would have to sue the perp and say to the court, "They did this to make money from my original work."

The first sit-down with the attorneys will cost thousands, so that is rarely done.

I am not sure why Montgomery began waving his law degree around. I teach this topic in graduate school and deal with the issue all the time. False teachers say:
  1. How dare you quote me out of context!
  2. How dare you quote me extensively to show the context!
  3. How dare you publish at all!
Kloha is just another boring apostate with a PhD from a little-known school. The Synodical Conference and Christian News gave up the Bible and the Gospel a long time ago, 
  • By working with the LCA/ALC/ELCA, 
  • By pigging out at the same Thrivent and foundation troughs.
  • By teaching UOJ in the name of grace.

I did a scientific scan of the Reformation issue of Christian News:

  • Justification by faith - 0 occurrences.
  • Chief Article - 0 occurrences.
  • Righteousness of faith - 0 occurrences.
  • Jackson - 0.
  • Catholic, Lutheran, Protestant - 0
  • Ichabod - 0.
  • Book of Concord - 1 in an article, by Surburg. Also cited here and there, in the masthead, books sold, etc.
  • Means of Grace - 1 in an article by Surburg, where he correctly summarizes Luther's doctrine. "Luther taught that justification occurred the moment a person believed that Jesus Christ had paid for his sins by His vicarious and substitutionary death upon the cross. This faith was created in the individual’s heart by the Holy Spirit through the means of grace, either by the Word or the Sacraments."
  • Sola fide - 2 occurrences. Surburg article.
  • Kloha - 82 times, like that almost forgotten dude in Pieper's Dogmatics, Kalnis.
The content of Christian News is like John Brug's dreadful book, The Ministry of the Word, almost devoid of Lutheran content.

Roses and Anniversaries

A fun day for marriages. One post featured roses for two couples from our nearby college.

The other, on Moline Memories, notes the 50th anniversary of a classmate.

I enjoyed cutting some roses this morning and posing them on the porch. The big storm came and almost got everything damp, so I was right to water so much yesterday.

Another group photo - KnockOuts red and pink
are in full bloom on the left, plus
Falling in Love and others on the right.

Falling in Love - For Another College Couple Getting Married

I had plenty of roses when I was teaching nearby at Ecclesia College. I dropped them off when I arrived to teach a class.

A staffer in the registrar's office kept asking about a pink, fragrant rose that she loved. I did not know the name because I planted eight different roses from a TV special. All were new names to me, so I was not sure and waited for that one to bloom again. New roses bloom fast but the second bloom can take some time.

One rose did not seem to make it, so I was digging it up. The little tag appeared as I lifted it - Falling in Love. The plant was still alive, so I took care of it. When the bloom appeared, it was pink and white, fragrant.

Later I realized the staffer loved the rose because she was engaged to be married. We enjoyed going to her wedding.

When we expanded the main rose garden, I asked my wife which rose she wanted all the way across, so we had more of one type. She said, "Falling in Love," so I planted them across, East to West.

Two of my students at the college are getting married soon, so I cut two Falling in Love roses pictured above, for Ruth and Bear.

Morning Coffee, News, and Weather

Judging the posts - they must not be from ELCA
or the Synodical Conference,
or a branch of Eastern Orthodoxy.

I said to one reader, "If you are looking up old posts from the blog, you are changing what gets re-posted, because I look for those each morning and publish old ones." He laughed and now I just see the latest posts being read over the last two hours.

That may be more likely due to when I look over the statistics. Sometimes the overnight views are very high - over 2,000.

When I am drinking coffee in morning, I look at the weather and the news. Yesterday I made sure all the main plants were watered - with stored rainwater for the favorite roses  and White Profusion Butterfly Bush.

We had beautiful weather yesterday, sunny with cool breezes. The wind was steady enough that I decided to offset the drying effect with watering. Now I see heavy thunderstorms predicted for today.

The trees are still green and full of leaves, so I hope a heavy storm will move my neighbors to bag their falling leaves. We have been harvesting pine needles for the Hosta garden. When I walk Sassy, I harvest even more needles from the street. They flow toward our house on the rainwater and stop in little clumps of long, dry, friendly needles. If the needles work to suppress grass around the maple, then we can stop mulching so much there.

Meanwhile, the roses are doing well in the front yard. They all seem to take turns showing off, with orange Easy Does It blooming the most. I should have some new photos this morning.

 Reading the news each morning...