Monday, September 11, 2017

ELDONA Leads the Views for the Week - From Bishop to Bishop.
UOJ Gets Plenty of Attention. How about Bishop Eaton, Ladies?
Apostasy on Parade


Plants To Watch

Joe Pye Weed is a butterfly convention center.

People complain about the lack of butterflies. Mosquito spraying (which we have too) is definitely part of the problem. Most plants are sold as butterfly magnets, and I have tried many of them. As a result, we often have butterflies around the gardens. More varieties are showing up now, late in the summer.

We began with Butterfly Bush, which smells like grape jelly when in bloom. Most of the plants that beneficial insects like are also good for butterflies, so I host those too. In short - anything in the carrot family is very good.

The prize-winner is Joe Pye Weed, named after Joe Pye, who used it for medicinal purposes. I planted one near the driveway, because remote locations lead to neglect and loss, perhaps to bunny bellies. The plant is tall and the flowers are not the kind we cut for bouquets, but it attracts more butterflies than anything I have seen - more in number and variety.

I am working on alternative plants in the rose garden next year. One part of the strategy is to use as many Hosta plants as possible. They grow and multiply, sending up flower spikes that Hummingbirds love. We see them routinely hovering by bird-feeders, as if cracked corn might turn into high fructose corn syrup.
"I grow Hummingbird feeders, little one: I do not fill them."

Joe Pye is a good tall plant to keep among the roses. I need to suppress or replace the ground level growth of Bermuda grass, so tall plants can share the work with wide spreading Hostas, wild strawberries, and clover.

Our Army Ranger veteran, a landscaper, began mocking my plans, since we kid each other all the time. I said, "Want some roses for the cemetery?" He takes them to his mother's grave. He grinned, enjoying the Mr. Lincolns and Easy-Does-It roses, a one-two punch in fragrance.

Another tall plant, unknown to most, is Mountain Mint. That mint clumps and spreads in place, not running riot over the garden. The ones I nurtured last year reached five feet tall this year, making the pollinating insects go wild with activity. Mints - if they grow in clumps - are also an attractive landing site for beneficial insects of all types, including butterflies.

 All the Bee Balms are Hummingbird plants,
easy to grow. Scarlet runs rampant but this one clumps.

Monarda - Bee Balm - is another mint I like. Scarlet Bee Balm produces floppy plants that spread all over. Monarda is purple and clumping - tall stands of it. Bumble Bees love it.

Mrs. Ichabod was right about the Butterfly Garden. It is the hottest, sunniest, and most neglected. We avoid walking through the Rose Garden and cannot even see the Butterfly Garden. So I am putting hardy perennials there. Wild Ginger and Comfrey are doing well there. With Joe Pye in the Rose Garden next year, the roses can share space with the butterflies.

Toxins for Sale!
A salesman came by while I was gardening, wanting to sell me mosquito spray. He did not know which chemical it was. That would be like ordering food at an expensive restaurant. "What is it?" Waiter, sniffing, "I don't know. I can ask."

I laughed about mosquito spray. "It won't work - and besides, what do you have against insects? I like them." He was not to be deterred. Spiders. People are afraid of spiders. "Oh. come on now. They kills pests and they don't leave toxins behind."

I pointed out that our yard was toxin free, and he went merrily along, probably a devotee of Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill.

Creation Gardening at Work
The more I experiment with gardening, the more I see the interplay of all parts of God's Creation. "Plant it and they will come!" is a good motto.

I planted Parsley sparsely and forgot it. Eventually two plants grew strong and the Black Swallowtail Butterfly showed up. They love Parsley.

I should not capitalize so much, but I like it for emphasis. College students capitalize every word except Bible, especially in the Old Testament class I teach. Routinely - that is the Only word they do not Capitalize.

Time and again I have wondered when a plant's special qualities would reveal themselves. Joe Pye looks like nothing special until all the butterflies leave in a cloud from a mature plant. That is worth a summer of waiting. Bee Balm? - suddenly a Hummingbird is sipping the blooms or looking for an insect.

That is why roses are loved and appreciated so soon. They are two-year plants, too tough for rabbits and ready to bloom at once. They go in as bare root plants and bloom a month later, regain strength and bloom again.

I cut roses for the Sunday service, which was called off due to Cox being down for the morning - or possibly longer. So I took photos of them and gave them to the Army Ranger veteran. They are posted on this page.

His Holiness, Rolf the Regurgitator, Has Spoken

Any UOJist who accuses someone of false doctrine
is just like Paul the Plagiarist on his cardboard tank:
Otten's best friend during the elections of Barry and Matt the Fatt.

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Pastor Rolf David Preus (Rolf)
Senior Member
Username: Rolf

Post Number: 9578
Registered: 5-2001
Posted on Saturday, September 09, 2017 - 11:26 am:   Edit Post Delete PostPrint Post

As to whether the ELCA is a Christian church body, I would say yes if by that we are saying that one can be brought to faith and sustained in the Christian faith within the ELCA. On the other hand, the ELCA, corporately, that is, in its official teaching, has denied the Christian religion in critical areas.

The most widespread and damaging error promoted within the ELCA is the denial of the vicarious atonement. ELCA theologians who deny the heart of the gospel are promoted within the LCMS. This is a scandal.

Pastor Rolf David Preus

GJ - The Stormtroopers of UOJ are just like the ones in the orginal Star Wars - they never hit their targets, no matter how many times they fire. Read Rolf the Regurgitator's prior remark:

The problem with this answer is that it evades the critical point of the question: "who adhere to Roman dogma." Can one reject justification by faith alone without rejecting the gospel? Is our doctrine of justification only our doctrine? Is it not the gospel itself? Can one trust in his own good deeds for salvation and be a Christian? These are the questions that should be addressed. They were not. Why not?
Pastor Rolf David Preus

Rolf has loudly and publicly rejected Justification by Faith in favor of the rationalistic dogma of Pietism. In this regard, he is one with ELCA.

ELCA is a Christian Church, according to this hot-air merchant! The ELCA was constituted by the radicals of Seminex, who dominated the commission, so it was clearly begun as anti-Trinitarian - far ahead of its time in establishing the quota system that led to the disastrous 2009 decision. Even some bishops were disgusted - and left, after pocketing their retirement money. NALC already has 400,000 members. The older break-off group has about as many - the LCMC.

The UOJ tribe, which is pan-Lutheran, likes to claim Justification by Faith - from time to time. But they are cloaking their evil dogma. Their Subjective Justification is nothing more than trust in God's universal absolution and salvation of the entire world - a startling decree which remains unrecorded in the Scriptures, the Confessions, Luther's sermons, and Chemnitz' writing.

The UOJ Stormtroopers hate Justification by Faith so much that they hardly ever use the term. I have ready many of their sacred documents, now preserved in the musty Misthaufen of the Essay Files, WELS. The typical sleight of hand is to use the term Justification by itself, without writing Justification by Faith. Next they define their UOJ as the "Chief Article of the Christian Faith, the Master and Prince, the judge of all articles of faith, on which the Church stands or falls." Thus Bivens - another Fulleroid tool - not only leads his readers astray, but plagiarizes Zarling as a bonus.

Did Rolf Preus switch sides again? Read this post.

If so, he needs to repudiate UOJ and his posts promoting UOJ. There is no middle ground.