Monday, December 11, 2017

Six Million Views, Almost 16,000 Posts

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Five million views - November, 2016.

Four million views in 2015.

Three million views in 2014.

Two million views in 2013.

15,677 posts?!
But some of them are news stories, copied,
right? right?

Blogger shows that I have posted 15,677 times. One of the alcoholic ankle-biters objected to my numbers, writing, "But those numbers are from news stories."

Yes, I  use blog this to lead people into good posts from other sources, being careful to give credit where it is due. But that is part of the plan, keeping people up to date on apostate news.

The Blog Plan
Originally I xeroxed and mailed instructive, factual material to various friends and to synod officials. I even told Jim Huebner about my xerox ministry, which made his face go pale, as if Al Just were going to move into his neighborhood.

May, 2007, Dead Man Talking

I started the blog based on the group emails I was already sending out. They were a bother to keep updated. Paul McCain, who was all over me when campaigning for Al Barry, wanted to be dropped from the email list, calling me a "jerk." That shocked me. Usually he did everything behind someone's back.

I expected to reach about 20 people with the blog. I still think in terms of a few people who love and appreciate Luther, the King James Bible (the English Luther Bible), the Book of Concord, and Reformation theology.

When people poured on the hate, they encouraged me to continue. Opposition - especially from the clergy - is a sign of orthodoxy. I gleefully quoted them verbatim in the main posts, which they could not erase, and answered them. They thought they were giving expert kidney punches no one could see, but they did not like being exposed to the attention of the Internet.

Kilcrease erased so many of his own posts that we began calling erasing "kilcreasing."

Those, like Herman Otten, who whine about persecution, show they have no grasp of the cross, which is clearly taught in the Scriptures and emphasized by Luther. The cross consists of all the difficulties that come from teaching the Word of God. The cross must be good, because that doctrine comes from God and is blessed by Jesus.

Notice that the whiners always want the approval of man and the loot to go with it. I look at it this way - the opposition has tried so hard in so many ways to silence me that I now have a perfect place for teaching the truth, unhindered by meetings, synodical legalism, and hushed warnings about rubbing certain capons the wrong way.

I highlight the numbers every so often because two ELS pastors, Kincaid Smith and Paul Schneider on the phone together, said, "You haven't a friend in the world. You have no credibility." I responded, "If I have no credibility, why are two pastors calling me long distance?" They had no answer for that.

God works His will through the Word, so why starve people of the Word? The Lutheran Reformation taught the Word, not the organization. Lutherans should try that again. The 500th Anniversary was the most disgraceful of all the Lutheran centennials.

 Only morons would think it clever to sell
Here I Stand socks. CPH must stand for
Certified Public Haters of the Gospel.

A Shameful Amount of Shenanigans for Such a Small, Conservative Operation - Don't You Think?

Someone sent an observation about WELS, which I turned into the headline above.

He also wrote:
"I have been encouraged, educated, and entertained by your blog over the past few years...

Your site is a treasure trove of good theology. My time in the Word is often enriched by guidance from it."

To answer a frequently asked question - Yes, I do get statements like this on a regular basis. I almost never get a negative response, because (I imagine) they do not like getting quoted with their photos added. 

I know exactly how WELS and the other SynCons work. They pretend to be conservative, but they are really radical Leftists. They formed a revolution against the Reformation, using vast synodical and Thrivent resources to control the entire operation.

The pretensions are one part of this. I am accused of various crimes for speaking my mind about these frauds, attaching my name to the claims, with plenty of proof. As any attorney will advise, "It is not slander if it is true."

But they whisper their toxic malice along the grapevine to each other and encourage their patsies to pass along these falsehoods, which have a two-fold purpose. 
  1. The officials are believed, which starts the automatic shunning and promotes more whispering.
  2. The officials clearly indicate the synodical shun button has been activated, so the trembling watch-gerbils begin their activities.
As I wrote before, a long-time critic of WELS confessed the synodical leaders do an enormous amount of stupid, destructive, thoughtless things, but they are extremely good at one thing - controlling people.

But that only happens when people allow themselves to be controlled. 

Inside every raging bully is a bed-wetting, blanky-holding coward who is afraid of everything. The synodical con-artists know their counterparts and use this to their advantage. Their slogans are: 
  • "Know thy pitiful self" and 
  • "What Would Our Father Below Do?" 
Thus the synods are top-heavy with dull, cowardly, corrupt clergy who serve their bellies and nothing else. Anyone can see their pattern of punishing whatever is good and covering up whatever is criminal. Like the weak people in secular politics, the weak bullying clergy serve a useful purpose in keeping the degenerate agenda going.

 They graduated from the same class, which makes them blood-bros in WELS.
Together they have wrecked the entire synod.