Monday, January 8, 2018

Third African Seminary To Receive Luther and Lutheran Books for Free

I am ordering a copy of each book we produce for another African seminary - our third one. Volume 5 of Luther's Sermons, black and white, is ready, so they will have all of Luther's Gospel Sermons in this shipment.

Mailing books is expensive, so we provide the $100 to ship them to Africa in a box that can weigh 20 pounds.

We order one of each book at the author's price
and send it to our missionary contact in St. Louis.
Then we send the mailing fee to Africa.

Norma Boeckler is giving them permission to use her artwork, and I am giving them permission to translate the texts - all for no fees. Our missionary facilitator is sure they will want to use Norma Boeckler's art as they translate selections from the texts sent.

As people might have guessed, having everyone read e-books in the Third World is not feasible at this time. That is a combination of cost and reliability of equipment. We take so much for granted in America with so much technology at a low price.

There is an old saying about world missions. "The light  that shines afar shines brightest at home." In other words, the congregation that cares about sharing the Gospel with those far away will enjoy growth of the Word at home.

Ichabod Is Averaging 3,000 Views Per Day, But Today's Total Was Close to 7,000

And the plagiarism! approved by the DP and the seminary professors! 
And the millions wasted on so-called missions.

Joel Lillo's message - from the Elmer Gantry Circuit of the Anything Goes District in WELS - confirmed my guess - the opponents are still reading Ichabod - which "nobody pays any attention to" - and adding to the spectacular numbers.

 Three followers...already?

Top Views in the Last Month

 WELS has a nifty set-up for the right people - require consultations and make the congregations pay thousands for the consultant to state the obvious. The money raisers do almost no work, encourage huge debts, and take a percentage of the pledges for themselves - against the rules of ethical fund-raising.

Almost 7,000 Views Today - And Yet WELS Pastor Joel Lillo Is Bitter
And Still Cannot Spell


This is my favorite version of the cat cartoon you used in your 1/5/18 post...

--Joel Lillo


GJ - I responded politely - That is good too. Yours is one of 6500 views today. It's all about the numbers, as they say in Pasadena.

In Christ,



Sadly, Lillo lost it and went full-lillo again.

...and as you say ad infinitum and ad naseum (sic) in your blog.

Have a nice life, Greggy.


GJ - I think he meant ad nauseam, but it is difficult to say. The WELS pastors have such a superior education that the rest of us just sit at our computer screens and stare.

This is the closest I could get to Lillo's exquisite Latin - a naseum would be a museum for noses, right? This photo is captioned nasothek.

Lillo is the glue that holds WELS together.

PS from Joel


I knew that if I intentionally misspelled "nauseum" you'd make a big deal of it and post about it. In that way, I got you to print something that shows that you care more about numbers than anyone involved in the church growth movement. Thanks for making my point for me.


P.S. Wow! That is an unflattering picture that you featured in your post. I must make a note to myself to start looking more handsome in the future.