Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Paul Oh Wendland - Forgotten But Not Gone

Rev. Paul O. Wendland, president at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary, Mequon, Wis., has announced that he will fade from the position of president into a purely false-teaching role at the end of the 2018–19 school year.
“I am grateful to the Lord Jesus and my DNA for the privilege of serving as president of Mordor, aka Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary for the past 15 years, and I look forward, if God wills, to go on serving by teaching false-doctrine full time. I pray the next year will allow for an orderly transition,” says Wendland, defensively.

This obvious Photoshop was prophetic. See below.
WELS is the only Lutheran educational system that trains males to dress for success from prep school to college to seminary to the parish. They are so far ahead of ELCA.
Church and Change Your Gender - Wayne Mueller's son.

Wendland has served on the seminary faculty since 2001 and was called to serve as president in 2004. He has served congregations in Mwembezhi, Zambia; Hopkins, Michigan; and Salt Lake City, Utah. From 1994 to 2001 he taught false doctrine at Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis., and Martin Luther College, New Ulm, Minn.
“A grateful synod gives thanks to the Lord for Paul Wendland’s resignation as president,” says Rev. Paul Prange, administrator for WELS Ministerial Education. “Please join me in praying for God’s blessing as seminary students continue to recover from his insight and discouragement as a full-time professor for many years to come.”
A plea for nominations to fill the seminary president position will be sent out soon. The seminary is shrinking faster than cheap socks in a hot wash. A call to be an assistant to Ski would be a promotion at this point.

In Other Similar WELS News

John Seifert is retiring as President of the shrunken Michigan District.

Time of Grace -

Pastor Mike Novotny

The Curious Case of Bob Ballinger’s Side Hustle [UPDATED] – Matt Campbell's Blue Hog Report

 Bob Ballinger - read the entire article.

Oren Paris pled guilty, then pled the 5th when asked where he worked.

The Curious Case of Bob Ballinger’s Side Hustle [UPDATED] – Matt Campbell's Blue Hog Report:

"So for a quick recap:

Ballinger did not prepare the loan documents.
Ballinger could not issue a title insurance policy.
Ballinger could not issue a CPL, and therefore could not handle disbursement of funds from escrow.

What. Did. Bob. Do?

Well, we know for certain that he prepared the deed, which typically costs $50-$100, and he notarized the signatures on both the deed and mortgage, a service no title company ever charges separately for. It is possible that Ballinger did the title search, from which a licensed title insurance agent could prepare a commitment and issue a title insurance policy, but most title companies prefer to do their own work, especially on large transactions.

So…how did the lender (and Ecclesia College) get a title policy?"

'via Blog this'

The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative Substructure of Galatians 3:1-4:11 (The Biblical Resource Series): Richard B. Hays: 9780802849571: Amazon.com: Books

Hauerwas moved to Duke from Notre Dame. I took his ethics class, and he was on my dissertation committee. My sister-in-law was his son's babysitter.
Hays is considered one of the world's leading New Testament scholars,[1][2] with Stanley Hauerwas writing "There are few people I would rather read for the actual exposition of the New Testament than Richard Hays."[3] Hays' work focuses on New Testament theology and ethics, the Pauline epistles, and early Christian interpretation of the Old Testament.

 Richard B. Hays: Yale College, Yale Divinity, PhD Emory,
first teaching job - Yale Divinity.

The Faith of Jesus Christ: The Narrative Substructure of Galatians 3:1-4:11 (The Biblical Resource Series): Richard B. Hays: 9780802849571: Amazon.com: Books:

From Amazon:
"Widely praised as a major contribution to Pauline studies, Richard Hays's Faith of Jesus Christ is now available in an expanded second edition complete with a new preface by the author and a substantial dialogue about the book with James D. G. Dunn. In this important study Hays argues against the mainstream that any attempt to account for the nature and method of Paul's theological language must first reckon with the centrality of narrative elements in his thought. Through an in-depth investigation of Galatians 3:1-4:11, Hays shows that the framework of Paul's thought is neither a system of doctrines nor his personal religious experience' both of which are the most common approaches to Paul's writing 'but the "sacred story" of Jesus Christ. Above all, Paul's thought is guided by his concern to draw out the implications of the gospel story, particularly how the "faith of Jesus Christ" reflects the mission of the church."

"Just a side comment related to the issue of the "faith in Christ" vs. "faith (or faithfulness) of Christ" debate prompted by this important book by Dr. Hays.

The New King James Version, and most modern English translations, translate the phrase as "faith in Christ." The NET (New English Translation) Bible is a notable exception. However, the 1611 King James version translates the phrase, for example in Galatians 2:16 and Romans 3:22, as well as related constructions in Gal 2:20, Gal 3:22, Eph 3:12, Phil 3:9 and Col 2:12, as "faith of Christ."

So the earlier standard of English Protestant translations, the KJV, translated the phrase as "faith of Christ," which was changed in most of the more modern English translations. In addition, the Douay-Rheims Bible, the early Catholic translation of the Bible into English (the NT was published in 1582) also has Gal 2:16, and similar passages, as "faith of Christ."

So why the change from the translations in the two early standards of English bible translation, the Protestant KJV and the Catholic Douay-Rheims, and the "faith of Christ" to "faith in Christ" in most modern English translations? Just a question."

'via Blog this'

 Nils A. Dahl built a tremendous faculty in NT scholarship at Yale. They are all retired and gone now.

I stumbled upon The Faith of Jesus after I studied the phrase on my own and after I published The Faith of Jesus: Against the Faithless Lutherans.

A reader asked for more information on this phrase, which prompted me to find out more about Hays. The author dealt with Dahl's work, which made Hays an A+ scholar in my eyes.

I cannot think of anyone else active in Biblical studies that I respect. No, I am not scanning all the new books - I have no interest in them.

Dahl and Malherbe have retired and died. Robert Wilson is still teaching at Yale. They emphasized the content of the Word of God, although we also learned the celebrity theories and why they were weak, contradictory, or just plain imaginary.

 Robert Wilson taught me Genesis in Hebrew. His knowledge of ancient languages was stunning, but that was always a strength for Yale. I passed on his city unto God translation to Little Ichabod, who used it to great effect at NWC.

Wilson shot down JEDP - the Documentary Hypothesis - in a simple exchange with a student. "If the facts of the text do not match the theory, what do we say?"

Malherbe started 1 and 2 Thessalonians in Greek with - "What do we know? His answer - Paul wrote it!"

Dahl asked, "What do we know for certain?" Everyone hemmed and muttered meek answers. He said with great animation, "The text! We have the text. That is our certainty."

 He was discovered by Dahl and brought to Yale. Mrs. Ichabod attended his class for me and took notes in Greek.
Sadly, he died suddenly in 2012.
 Linn Tonstad is tenured at Yale. 
The quota system works well in driving out and denying tenure to dedicated scholars. Tis far better to be a far Left quota pick, all the better to make future standards stricter.

 Keep the diversity selective, so we can exclude the able, the literate, the heterosexual.

The Best Translations of the Bible

 Butterfly Weed is an attractive cousin of Milkweed.
You need to know that for the following story.

I worked on Ranger Bob's tax return today, so he was at the front door. He said, "I smell a weed." I responded, "I have quite a few herbs growing in the garden." He insisted, "No. I smell a weed." Finally, I said, "This is Butterfly Weed in front of us, a cousin of Milkweed." He said, "I knew that smell. I grew up with a lot of Milkweed, so I recognized it."

When someone asked me about the best translations, soon after that, I had the same reaction. I grew up with the King James Version, which remains enormously popular - for many reasons.

Reason #1 - Modern Translations - Bad NT Text
The first reason is important - the traditional text. All modern translations indulge in playing around with Greek New Testament text. That weakness goes back 100 years - even Lenski participated in it. Blame Tischendorf, Wescott and Hort.

The King James translations use the traditional text.

 Tischendorf used Sinaiticus and Vaticanus to undermine the tradition text from 1100 years of Byzantine Greek Bibles.
Guess who "found" them? Tischy the lying scoundrel.

Reason #2 - Modern Translations Are Anti-Sacrament, Anti-Means of Grace
Every modern translation comes from a gaggle of denominations, plus non-Christian experts and Left-wing radicals. They are selling a product, not translating. They want to please as many as possible, because printing Bibles = printing money. And this kind of printing money is perfectly legal. As I have shown, the Lutherans are just as Calvinistic (anti-Means of Grace Enthusiasts) as the Calvinists are. Why would anyone market a Bible with traditional Lutherans in mind? Traditional Lutherans are as rare as misers at a casino.

Reason #3 - Modern Translations Have Adopted the Dynamic Equivalence Method (Anything Goes) of the Apostate Nida
Eugene Nida was not the leader they needed, but the apostate they wanted. He installed a new method of translating, really paraphrasing, which gave a license to making up words and expressions not in the text. The alleged translators know what the Holy Spirit would have said if He had their insights into modernism, evolution, and women's ordination.

He Spurred a Babel of Bibles - NY Times, and died at age 96. Finding negative articles about Nida is difficult because everyone preached him into Heaven and beyond when he finally died.The research is out there among KJV fans.

The Only Solution - King James Version and Modern KJVs
OK, purists - first some frank talk. The KJVs we buy are slightly updated, many years ago. No one reads the original KJV.

And what was the original KJV? That came from a committee seeking to create One English Bible. For that they used Tyndale as their standard, but he was burned at the stake by an earlier king, so The Tyndale Version was a non-starter. Besides that, he was guided by Luther and Melanchthon, studied at Wittenberg, and printed his first English Bibles there.

And I do not mean little Wittenberg College in Springfield, Ohio.

So Tyndale was guided by the precise methods of Luther and his group of brilliant Biblical scholars, certainly among the best of all ages.

“In my translation of the Bible I strove to use pure and intelligible German. Our quest for an expression could sometimes last four weeks without us being happy with our work. (…) In addition, I have not worked on my own: I recruited assistants from everywhere. I tried to speak in German, not Greek nor Latin. But to speak German one should not turn to texts in Latin. The house-wife, children playing, people in the street are those to learn from: listening to them teaches one how to speak and to translate – then they will understand you and know how to speak your language.” (Luther, An Open Letter on Translating)

So there is the family tree of the KJV. The KJV alone traces its origin to the Lutheran Reformation, that Reformation where men were burned at the stake, exiled, and imprisoned for faithfulness to the Word.

The Bible I use most of the time and quote all of the time is the KJV. For those not used to the older English, there are many modern versions in various configurations. The KJV21 and Third Millennium send an essay on precise translation with their books. Point by point comparisons show how weak, erroneous, and misleading the modernistic translations paraphrases are.

If you want to read the Word of God, start and end with the King James group of translations.

 Young Calvinist, Old Unitarian.
Modernist Bibles always slight the divine.
Why is "the faith of Jesus" found three times in the KJV
and not known outside the KJV? The Greek is clear.

Gideon's Response to the Post about Romans 4 - 5:2

Gideon's Response to -

Abraham, Father of Faith. Romans 4 through 5:2 Exposition - from June 10, 2018.
Romans 4, Especially Romans 4:5 and 4:24 - All Crush UOJ


Pastor Jackson,

I really thought today's post was especially well written not only for it's scope, but it addressed, for me what I think is very important to the discussion of JBFA vs. UOJ-OJ/SJ.

"Note that Justification without Faith fanatics support Antinomianism - no Law, everything is already forgiven, and everyone is already saved." 

 JP Meyer was so confused that he had the entire world, for all time, forgiven and saved. He was president of Mordor, so he could not possibly be wrong.

"The Justification of the World"

If these guys really believe what they say and what they claim it's really no wonder that the Law got very little run in my old church.  I went round and round with the pastor, and he'd box me into a corner as being legalistic.  

But that just isn't so.

How can the Gospel be possibly efficacious unless we need saving?  If the world is justified already, why do we sit there with this empty feeling?  This OJ/SJ sounds great on paper (I guess) except that they treat SJ as academic (as a given, minimized...).  We certainly don't want to talk to much about faith for fear of works righteousness.  God forbid.  Real faith is no sin.  Belief is NOT a choice.  It's a GIFT.

I understand the importance of underlining Jesus redemptive work, leaving no doubt about a complete atonement for all sin, that no sin is to great, but what of the Holy Spirit?  And the law?  Without the law our consciences cry inwardly because we must be honest with ourselves.  The Gospel must be personal.  Faith is that KNOWING that your sins are forgiven.  This faith can only be given by the Holy Spirit through the means of grace.  And, we need the law to remind us how desperately we need the Gospel every minute spend this side of heaven.  Remain in the vine....and Lord knows we need the pruning.

And where are the works-righteous?

"The term "virtue signaling" is a clever one, because it portrays the modern works-saint so well. The signal is far more important than the works, because that kind of virtue is hard to maintain."

"This Justification by Faith makes enemies and causes hatred, because it denies the righteousness of works. "

This is true.  This is what happens when we try to justify ourselves.  Real works righteousness.  Many will try to hide behind outward piety, but they are proud.  Very proud.

This post wasn't hard to understand with the references to Abraham, Lazarus, and Paul....especially when you don't read the book of Romans with "tunnel vision"