Friday, July 20, 2018

Advice from My Peritus

 Note the meaning of success.
Weep and moan, sectarian splinter groups.

My peritus has offered some advice, which is really for the good of others.

He reminded me that I have the Apostolic Succession, which they utterly lack. Yes, I was ordained by a pastor of the Augustana Synod, whose pastors were ordained by the Church of Sweden. They trace their ordination back to the Apostles.

Catholic Encyclopedia - McCain's Source for All Wisdom:
The principle underlying the Roman claim is contained in the idea of succession. "To succeed" is to be the successor of, especially to be the heir of, or to occupy an official position just after, as Victoria succeeded William IV. Now the Roman Pontiffs come immediately after, occupy the position, and perform the functions of St. Peter; they are, therefore, his successors.

Sweden and Apostolic Succession:
The New Westminster Dictionary of Church History states that "In Sweden the apostolic succession was preserved because the Catholic bishops were allowed to stay in office, but they had to approve changes in the ceremonies."[97]
What made the Church of Sweden an evangelical-catholic church was to Archbishop Söderblom the fact that the Reformation in Sweden was a 'church improvement' and a 'process of purification' which did not create a new church.
We knew Dr. Conrad Bergendoff quite well. He was a protoge of  Archbishop Söderblom.

My bride, whose birthday is today, even wore the traditional Swedish bridal crown at our wedding, a gift from a Swedish jeweler to Augustana College. She says the King of Sweden brought the gift to our college.

Sadly, the Missouri sect can only trace its ordinations back to thin air. They lost their bishop when CFW Walther organized a mob to threaten, rob, and kidnap him. CFW put on a big show about being a layman and a sorrowful felon - until he assumed the airs and the infallibility of a pope. Habemus papam!

Wisconsin's sect is not much better, as a collection of union congregations that had Reformed services one week, "Lutheran" services the next, even two kinds of confirmation. Fortunately, for the sake of unity, they have switched to Reformed only, under the wise and highly trained Fuller staff and professors. So they trace their ordination back to the Apostates.

Unbidden, a friend from Moline appointed me the Pope of Donuts, but I abdicated for fear of being connected with the ELDONUTs.

Instead, I am just another pastor in the Church of the Augsburg Confession. We are quite large in size, but there are no fees, dues, membership fees, or meetings. We include all those who agree with the Augsburg Confession. That includes the famous statement on the Chief Article, so our organization by definition excludes the leaders of Missouri, WELS, ELS, CLC sic, etc.

Luther considered himself a theologian of the Augsburg Confession; the editors of the Book of Concord shared that identification.

The real issue is being faithful to the Word, but since the skunkpatches specialize in externals, such as which seminary they attended, or who their grampa was, let them consider the Sucession.

My neighbor from Moline married a Greek Orothodox man, so she reminds me when my name day comes around - 
St. Gregory the Theologian.

Hard To Believe the Venom Mixed with Ignorance and Factual Mistakes -
LCMS Outcasts and Misfits On SpenerQuest

 This Luther quotation is at once the best critique of UOJ and the Church Growth Movement. Jay Webber, a Ft. Wayner, failed to cite it in his monstrous paper.

One time, ELS Pastor Kincaid Smith and another ELS pastor phoned our place. They would not identify themselves or speak to Chris, although she knew them quite well. Later, they got me on the line and Kincaid began working me over. One of his choice remarks was this, "I was just telling another pastor - Jackson has no credibility."

I responded, "Then why are two ELS pastors phoning together, long distance, if I have no credibility? There are lots of people I never call, because what they say makes no difference to me."

Kincaid was caught completely off-guard when I told them that I defended the ELS all the time. Those of you with photographic memories may recall that he reviewed Liberalism: Its Cause and Cure, and commended it to others to read. He admitted in that review that my criticism of Church Growth made him angry. But he also allowed it was valid.

 What did they have in common? Heiser and Rolf Preus graduated from Ft. Wayne.

SpenerQuest Ugliness Reminds Me of the ELDONUTs

The ELDONUTs are 93% Fort Wayne graduates and hold themselves as vastly superior to St. Louis seminary grads. That is funny, since Ft. Wayne has lower Biblical language requirements. Maybe St. Louis has caught up. Graduates of The Fort, as they call it, are overly impressed with their Bachelor of Divinity degrees, whose merit would be proven if they knew Lutheran doctrine.

Heiser has his minions pass around blatantly false stories, including one which includes someone with no beef against him or his sect. The synods work the same way. Kincaid Smith (above) howled that the synod officials claimed he had brain cancer. Later he was the official hatchet man for the ELS against Rolf Preus, as I recall. If someone joins a small enough sect, he can be a dean and a professor at the one-student seminary.

I have always wondered about the harshness, the yelling, the angry claims of many LCMS pastors. However, that does not mean they are all bad. Most of my clergy friends - and they are legion - belong to the LCMS. Universal Objective Justification is the reason that graduates of The Fort are narrow-minded bigots who feel no need to progress beyond David Scaer's shouted talking points.

Normally, graduates of a school buy and read the books written by their professors. That may not be 100%, but the habit is common and understandable. But the self-preening Ft. Wayne graduates have not read or understood Justification and Rome by Dr. Robert Preus. Perhaps they think the book is Just a Vacation in Rome. They want to argue their precious UOJ without any hint that he just might have left some antidotes to that thinking. The quotes I have used and illustrated from the Preus book suggest that Calov, Quensted, etc were responding to and criticizing some form of UOJ.

The SpenerQuesters remind me of Gollum complaining about the elvish rope. "It burns. It freezes. It hurtses us." Gollum so identified with the The Ring that he spoke in the first person plural. So the UOJ Stormtroopers react in much the same way - the Chief Article burns, freezes, and hurts them. They identify completely with a dogma from
  1. Samuel Huber, a Calvinist; 
  2. Halle Pietism, such as Rambach's;
  3. The OJ and SJ of a Calvinist translator of Halle lectures!
The only solution for LQ is to vent their bile on me and my little blog with only 6.5 million views and 16,400 posts - "all copied and pasted from the public domain". Does AJ vape?

When Babtists and Pentecostals hear infant baptism mentioned, they become angry and leave the room in a huff, because this Biblical doctrine and practice is something they cannot abide for a moment. I mentioned this anti-Sacrament view to an LCMS woman and she looked peeved. Later, when she brought it up in her cell group, supposedly Lutheran, the leader said, "We will not even talk about it." The previously irritated woman came back to me to say I was right about cell groups turning anti-Sacramental, which like UOJ is one of the "strengths" of Pietism.

PS - Acolite John repented of his previous libel and returned to double-down. The problem is Jack Cascione's, because he and AJ must prove those statements are correct.

SpenerQuest - weighed in the balances and found very lite.

SpinnerQuest Bullies To Issue Calls and Certify People as Lutheran.
However, They Still Oppose the Chief Article of Christianity.
Therefore, They Are Not Even Christian

For the Calvinists on LutherQuest (sic).

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Walter Raffel (Bluebird) (Walt)
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Post Number: 226
Registered: 7-2004
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018 - 4:20 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Dave Schumacher.
To make a statement that G. Jackson is not Lutheran is uncalled for.
How can you make that statement.
Have you read his books? Have you seen the Luther sermons that he has translated? [GJ - edited ]
Be careful in what you state.

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Alan Lubeck (1431)
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Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018 - 5:19 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Mr. Raffel, From my standpoint and confession, I'd consider Jackson to be a heterodox Lutheran. However, if someone is calling himself a pastor and is preaching and teaching/administering the Sacraments apart from a call to/from a congregation, I would consider that very problematic. I know I just can't make myself a pastor apart from a call, if that were to be my desire.


GJ - These people cannot grasp the text of the New Testament or the essentials of the Confessions, but they want to sit in judgment in matters where they have no knowledge.

The superficiality of the website shows they have not progressed beyond twitter-style texts and unenlightened opinions.

Gideon Responds in Shock to the Confused Cascione Calvinists

I would add, once again:  What is their point of reference?  What are they trying to conserve?  Walther, Pieper, Preus?  Certainly not Luther.

Twin 1 - UOJ Enthusiast - "He was once pure as the driven snow, but he drifted."
Twin 2 - "Didn't he just publish nine volumes of Luther in one year?"


I hope this statement is tongue in cheek:

David Schumacher:  Whatever else Jackson may, or may not be, he is not Lutheran.  I don't believe he ever was.

Yet they partake of the same feeding bowl with the ELCA?  Never the less, if the above statement were true, one could safely conclude that Martin Luther and the rest of the Reformation fathers were not Lutherans either -- by their definition anyway.

This is simply a pretty stupid thing to say about someone, whose ministry includes publishing entire Luther sermons each week (so that nothing is taken out of context)....which is much more than can be said than their cafeteria Lutheranism.

Ichabod bleeds Luther.  I guess you have to revere Walther or Preus to to be more Lutheran.


A New Insight from SpenerQuest, Home of Numerology and UOJ.
Robert Preus Once Wrote a Book Where He Repudiated Cascione, But Jack Never Read It, So Jack Wrote Second Numbers

 They try to look serious at SpenerQuest,
but their character comes through anyway.

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Dave Schumacher (Lex)
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Post Number: 1228
Registered: 6-2003
Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018 - 12:40 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

Whatever else Jackson may, or may not be, he is not Lutheran. I don't believe he ever was.

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Pastor Cascione (Cardinal)
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Post Number: 417
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Posted on Friday, July 20, 2018 - 10:43 am:   Edit Post Delete Post Print Post

I think he was once absolutely straight arrow, but he is also a reactionary. If all the participants on Luther Quest railed against Objective Justification, he would eventually defend it. Robert Preus once told me that about Alvin Schmidt. When Schmidt was forced out of the Seminary and took a job at a college in (I think) Illinois, within five years he reversed course. I don't think we should try that experiment on Luther Quest.

Our Answer Cat Swats Away Obvious Conclusions about Fuller and UOJ

"When thorns grow on thistles, it is just a co-inky-dink."

Bizarre Youth Conference for ELCA - 30,000 Youth.
The Conservative Lutherans Whine,
But Gladly Work with ELCA for the Thrivent Loot!

 ELCA Pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber: count the paradoxes in this one photo.

Many people are posting about the ELCA Youth Rally of 30,000 kids. They have focused on the wrong enemy. The situation is far worse than they imagine, because their own LCMS-WELS-ELS leaders work with ELCA.

The giant holding company that controls 99.9% of all Lutherans in America is Thrivent.

  1. The LCMS gets $50 - 60 million a year, so ELCA probably gets $100 million.
  2. The WELS gets several million dollars.
  3. The ELS gets free napkins. 
  4. The CLC sic does a little with the insurance combine too, but they are deader and dummerer than the ELS, so who cares?
Thrivent makes sure they all work according to ELCA's standards (pro-abortion, women's ordination, pan-sexual). The smaller groups are cheerleaders for the same causes or almost there. Most importantly, the "conservatives" agree with ELCA about UOJ - the entire world is forgiven and saved.

From a layman:
The Thrivent rep at  a recent bridal show had three marketing brochures, one of which was  specifically aimed at marriage and protection for young couples.

The only 'married'  couple pictured in that marriage brochure was a lesbian couple. 

Wayne Mueller's Church and Change Ur Gender son organized this church picnic where the children put makeup on the male leaders of the congregation. Wayne's son wore a dress, just like the lay leaders. Matthew 7:15ff. The parish published the photos for everyone to see and copy.

WELS is ahead of ELCA by virtue of having their male students cross-dress at their prep schools, college, and seminary. The newest WELS DP was the GA Pope - in drag, of course.

 I witnessed the WELS GA hazing ritual called GA or HB,
and the GA Pope did his work in drag.

So let me spill some acid on the conservative Lutheran sanctimony about ELCA. Your leaders work with ELCA all the time, and you elect those leaders. Hoho, let's change things at the ballot box. The LCMS gave more votes to continue with ELCA than they did to elect Matt the Fatt the first time. QED - they love ELCA even more than they love Harrison.

If ELCA is so bad, why work with them? And if y'all want to work with ELCA so badly - why complain about them? 

 "Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed...

Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling

Like their father or their dog just died."
Leonard Cohen, Everybody Knows