Monday, September 17, 2018

Q Tips

What many people expected has already begun. The turning point was taking away the redactions in the FISA warrants. That will expose who was behind the illegal spying.

I doubt whether much will be on the broadcast news, even less in the print media. I suggest reading independent sources.

Drudge is covering the Emmy awards. How cute, how darling.

My favorite news site is They link news from all over the rainbow coaltion, but also from independent and conservative US Constitution supporters. Someone can start there and pick up on favorite blogs and news sites. The more established they are, the less they have to say.

Where Was Benne in 1987?

Nadia exemplifies ELCA, but some of us saw it coming and wrote it up 31 years ago.


Whatever doubts I had were extinguished by recent events in the ELCA. The glaring departure from classic Christian teaching is so stunning it is scarcely believable. At the 2018 ELCA Youth Gathering held in Houston in late June, 31,000 youngsters of high school age listened to the most radical speakers the ELCA could possibly put forward. The prime keynoter was Nadia Bolz-­Weber, the tattooed and feisty founding pastor of an ELCA congregation called House for All Sinners and Saints. She has risen to become the featured celebrity of the ELCA and darling of progressive elites from NPR to the BBC.
She had been featured at an earlier Youth Gathering and stuck pretty much to her story of being rescued by grace (not much mention of Christ) from a life of drug and alcohol addiction—and from the fundamentalist Christianity she often blamed for her bad choices.  
A second keynoter was Tuhina Verma Rasche, described in an ELCA introduction as someone who “lives a hyphenated life as an Indian-American raised in a devout Hindu household. She sometimes wonders how she became a pastor in the ELCA and often wrestles with God’s call. Yet, through God’s persistence, she tries to answer the call to work for the representation of God’s full diversity within the church.” Her polished ten-minute presentation narrated how she was drawn to Christianity through the hospitality of a campus Lutheran group. Though she met God through the Holy Spirit, she, too, avoided any emphasis on Christ as the bearer of God’s grace. In her presentation the avoidance was complete...
Rasche has notoriety as a blogger and networker of #Decolonize­Lutheranism. Her blog is a bit hard to believe; it features two Advent devotionals entitled [expletives redacted - check the source]
GJ - Where to start? I stopped writing about ELCA in general, except to watch their hideous seminaries wind down and blow up (United Lutheran, helmed by a Presbyterian).
I have to wonder where all these Luthers were in 1987. Bishops did not leave - like Ken Sauer - until  2009.  They retired first and had their fat pensions. Certainly everything about the forming of ELCA promised total social and doctrinal radicalism.
The senior people who went along with this debacle betrayed the clergy and members. They were fat-bellied cowards who could not give up the good life or lose a few friends.
I have even less regard for the leaders of LCMS-ELS-WELS, who work with ELCA all the time and pretend to be different from them. 

Plant Vendors Plead for Buyers in the Fall

Strange stalks of flowers emerge from the ground -
Hidden Lily Wild Ginger - tumeric.

The local stores are putting their gardening equipment on clearance. Most people think the season is over, except for raking leaves.

Here are some fun activities for a time when the sun no longer scorches and the winds blow fair and cool.

 Fennel is another beneficial bug plant.
I may grow some in the Butterfly Garden.

Seeds and Leftovers
I used to run to Walgreen's at this time, to buy $2 seed packets for a dime or two each. The price takes the timidity out of the gardener, so it can be a way of trying some new plants.

My best deal was a bunch of Hidden Lily Wild Ginger, which now multiplies like Cana but is cold hardy. I got a bunch for $15 and they sell for up to $20 each in the spring fever season. I have given several away, but the roots "stay" and regrow.

Fall -  aka Hardy Bulbs
One large class of bulbs is planted in the fall, because they require a cold winter to bloom in the spring. In my opinion, Dutch Gardens is the best in price and quality. Northern climes favor fall bulbs, so I only grow daffodiles. Some others to consider are tulips, grape hyacinths, and various kinds of flowering garlic.

Shrubs, Bushes, and  Trees
From early fall to a warm spring, these plants get settled and rooted, but they are discounted in the fall. This opens up two possibilities. One is buying something; the other is moving a few around.

Hosta and Ornamental Kale are the salads grown for color.

Ranger Bob was dismissive of our spare garden, perhaps because I only had Poke Weed and a few Blackberries there. Now it has some new Hosta plants, which I can transfer as they get stronger, next year.

Clethra is tiny, so tiny beneficial insects and butterflies love it.

Fall Moving Season
Mints move easily if one can get into the root mass. This is a big plant family so the roots can be horribly tough and invasive (Catnip) or easily regrown and moved (Bergamot).

If someone is lucky enough to have plenty of autumn rain, it is a good time to move, remove, or give away roses. Our friends want to build up their roses, so I donate roses that are badly positioned. Some areas get shady and then the roses barely bloom.

I moved two Clethra successfully, so now they are stars of the rose garden rather than wallflowers of the bird feeding garden. The Chaste Trees, Beautyberry, and Gooseberry elbowed Clethra out of the way, so now the two Clethras (Summersweet) are head and shoulders above the roses.

I really wanted one Chaste Tree up front, but we killed it by trying to move a mature, small tree. I learned too that clay needs a long soak to make it friendly for diggers the next day.

I am looking for a big rain to see if I can dislodge Cat Mint and Mountain Mint. I do not want to get rid of them in the rose garden, but let them dominate the wild area under the maple. They can fill in areas where weeds want to dominate.

We were hacking at one Mountain Mint, to no avail, in the dry season. I remember being worried that our helper buried the baby plant under mulch. I should have known when it burst through newspapers and mulch that it was a big, tough, brawny plant.

Creation Gardening Books
Our dental hygienist wanted a Creation Gardening book. She knew almost nothing about gardening and enjoys studying the Bible.

Our neighbor's brother-in-law brought up the subject. "Do you have any more gardening books?" I thought he meant a new title. No, he wanted the same book his sister-in-law had.

 Creation Gardening at Amazon,
but get it at the author's price from me.