Thursday, June 13, 2019

Ichabod Lutheran Lexicon - Creation

 Raised without man-madechemicals and toxins, this Falling in Love rose is patrolled by beneficial insects and this tiny spider.

 This Easy-Does-It rose (center) bloomed spectacularly for our granddaughter's wedding, about 40 blooms on two bushes, May 19th, 2019.

Creation by the Word

Compromising Calvinists have undermined God’s Creation by the Word, ever since they decided that the Scriptures need to be reasonable and relevant.
Genesis 1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
The more people place human reason above the revelation of God, the more they admire their intellect, the less they comprehend God’s mysteries revealed in the Word.

In Six Days

Rather than concede God’s power, the 19th century scholars debated the length of a day in Genesis 1. The Hebrew word day (yom) being 24 hours long became the breaking point for many, their enlightened moment.

John 1

Since John 1 is a commentary on Genesis and the Pentateuch, the Spirit clearly reveals that the Son of God is the Logos, the Creating Word of Genesis 1.
John 1:3 All things were made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made.
The domino method of modern Biblical scholarship is to knock one down and watch in mock surprise as the others follow. In the 19th century, Evolution judged Genesis 1 and found Creation wanting. Next, John’s Gospel was so doctrinal and compelling to believers that it had to be dismissed by rationalistic scholars as Hellenistic, late, unreliable, and symbolic rather than revealed truth.
But the domino method pays tribute to the truth – everything is linked together in the Bible, from beginning to end. Consequently, God’s Creation is all around us, an interdependent perfection revealed in its engineering and management. Those who find gardening with man-made chemical solutions will find great satisfaction in building an environment where all creatures can live, struggle, reproduce, and flourish as God intended.
The divine harmony of the Scriptures can be seen in the Son as the Creating Word using that Creation in His parables, each example so clear to those familiar with gardens, farms, and wildlife. This harmony naturally carries over to the language of our Faith.
2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature[1] [creation]: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
The Word created the universe in Six Days, and the Holy Spirit in the Gospel Word converts us into His New Creation.

[1] Examples of the Greek word  as Creation -

 He developed the Queen Elizabeth rose. A PhD in plant genetics, he taught the Creation of the universe in Six Days.

Two Copies of The Path To Understanding Justification Sent To Christian News.
Time To End the Neglect

 This path was hidden by neglect - and covered with grass - for over 25 years, to such an extent that no one recalled even seeing it - much like Justification by Faith in WELS and the LCMS.

A free Kindle version of The Path To Understanding Justification is available here, if you qualify.

I am sending out copies now, but people can obtain a free Kindle if they click on the link above - and qualify for it.

Christian News is getting two (2) free copies to review. I know, they probably will not even mention it, because the book is not Babtist, Catholic, or OJ. But would they review if I did not send it? I doubt that, too.

One bonus comes from a research who shows how clearly LCMS taught Justification by Faith in the early days, in catechisms and doctrinal work. But LCMS switched to the opposite - World Justification without Faith - Objective Justification - and began persecuting those who taught the Chief Article of Christianity.

WELS did exactly the same thing. The Synodical Conference was united on Justification by Faith. Walther and his gang began the split which he bemoaned, and Pieper achieved the first stage of OJ triumph in the 1932 Brief Statement.

 Walther's nephew, Alfred Fuerbringer, read Luther and studied the Scriptures - in Hebrew and Greek - constantly. Does it show?

Luther - On Holy Baptism - From 2011

"Thus it appears what a great, excellent thing Baptism is, which delivers us from the jaws of the devil and makes us God's own, suppresses and takes away sin, and then daily strengthens the new man; and is and remains ever efficacious until we pass from this estate of misery to eternal glory."
The Large Catechism, Part Fourth, Of Baptism. #83. Concordia Triglotta, St. Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1921, p. 751. Tappert, p. 446.

The Cutting Edge - From 2012

AC V has left a new comment on your post "Bet on Bad Doctrine in the Age of Apostasy":

And this is a Lutheran Church? Just what I need on Sunday morning - a seminar on how to balance my checkbook. Check out Hope Lutheran Church (WELS) in Dousman, WI this Sunday, if you want to either be formed into a Pharisee or sent a guilt trip:

The Good Life. How could the richest nation on the planet, the nation with the most resources and the most opportunity be facing financial crisis? It's obvious isn't it? Isn't it the other political party? Or it's the current administration? Or it's the previous administration? Nope. The problem isn't in Washington. The problem is looking at you in the mirror. As we begin this series, we will discover that if our country is ever going to experience a recovery, it will start when the Christians begin paying attention to what God has taught us about how to handle financial responsibility.


Brett Meyer has left a new comment on your post "Bet on Bad Doctrine in the Age of Apostasy":

(W)ELS is not using the Confessional Lutheran clergy to teach the next generation of Seminarians.

 They’re using the cutting edge New Age Emergent clergy like Ski, Glende, Patterson and Oldenburg.

(W)ELS Pastor Jerrod Oldenburg – Eternal Rock Lutheran Church, Castle Rock, Co.
State of the Church 2012

01:55 - (W)ELS “Seminary asked if (he) would come and talk to the students about what it takes to start a church”
04:45 – “People are the most important part of a church.”
05:20 – “In order for us to have any success in trying to build a church we have to make sure we’re on the same page.”
06:50 – “How can we set it up so we can do worship with excellence.”
07:00 - “We don’t have a baptismal font today, we’re working on trying to pick the right bowl.”
07:15 – “we’re doing this because we’re ultimately trying to build this launch pad.”
07:44 – “So we said, what is the best possible way that we can get people to learn in God’s Word, so we went back and forth and we ended up saying let’s do like some sort of small group kind of idea.”
07:55 - “Some people asked why don’t we have Bible study right away – well we kinda wanta make sure we do worship well. So then we went to bible study and we worked on that and we started doing Grow Groups. And we’ll talk about how this is kinda shaken out in the end. And we also wanted to do some Serve Activities.”
09:30 – “we have over 30 people signed up for Grow Groups.”
09:50 – “Service. You say well how many people do we want to serve? The number I use is 50%, now this is probably getting a little convoluted, but 50% of the average adult attendance, so if we have 35 people I’m hoping we have 18 people serving in church in some way. And you say that actually doesn’t make sense because as a church you say we want you to worship, we want you to grow, and Bible study be we also want you to serve so why do we only want 50%? Well one, if you serve at the women’s shelter I don’t get reports from that. I have no idea how many of you are outside of these doors going to do something in the community and I have no way to figure that out. So I can say, of our own people I’m shooting for 50%. And why don’t we have a 100% of our people serving in church every week? Does anyone lift weights…yeah, burnout that’s exactly it, if you lift weights you don’t actually grow…your breaking down your muscle fibers as I understand it, breaking them down, breaking them down and the only time that they grow is when they recover. And I think it’s the same thing as believers…”
12:30 – “So we said let’s reduce this as much as possible. I want to do three things, cause that’s like triune and really neat. We couldn’t do it. We got it down to four, worship, growth, serve and share. But there’s something interesting though, we’ve nailed number three, have we nailed number four, really well?”
29:00 – “So you draw your little rocket…so right above that write five names of people that you want to say I want to have intentional impact with this year. Just five names…put it some place where you’re going to remember…”