Thursday, September 12, 2019

The Building Block of Missions - The Word of God.
The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior

 The back cover, John 3:16, is designed by Norma A. Boeckler and translated by Pastor Jordan Palangyos.

Pastor Jordan Palangyos started a mission and began working on a church building, which is partially finished.

I wrote a brief booklet to be used (public domain, non-profit) and translated by anyone who wishes to have it. No permissions are needed.

 The front cover is designed by Norma A. Boeckler, and the interior is also illustrated by our artist-in-resident.

The English version The Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior is available on Amazon and Kindle.

The translated version will be printed at the mission because that is more economical. I understand the cost of the printer has already been donated.

When the rainy season is over, the mission will be able to complete their small building.

Print version.
Kindle version of the Bible Teaches Faith in Jesus the Savior.

Corrupt Media Exposes the Disgraceful Denominations

Jesus cleansing the Temple, by Norma A. Boeckler

The increasing revelations of crimes against the President have an unwelcome side-effect for the mainline denominations. They remind people of the collapse of their sects. As one life-long Democrat said to me, "I didn't leave the Democrat Party. They left me. I could never support abortion."

The various church organizations - dating back to the 19th century and earlier - are disgraceful in conduct and Stalinist in government.
The oldest denominations - Episcopal, ELCA - are the worst. Virtue Online wrote about Episcopal membership declines, though established and endowed in Colonial days. ELCA continues to get worse, especially since anyone with sense has left, never to return.

Do you remember Lyle Schaller claiming that ELCA would lose 600,000 members when they merged? Mrs. Ichabod and I met Schaller at a conference. WELS was quite taken with him and doubtless thought the 1987 merger would give them an automatic boost. The LCMS was likewise counting on serving as lifeboats for the sinking S.S. ELCA.

Something was missing, as always happens with the blind and hardened. The LCMS-WELS-ELS neglected to calculate the effect of

  1. Attending seminars at Fuller Seminary
  2. Promoting idiots with degrees from Fuller, Trinity Divinity, or other hives of Enthusiasm
  3. Joint conferences with ELCA for all their leaders
  4. Trimming their sails to work in harmony with ELCA
  5. Sitting shoulder-to-shoulder at board meetings with Lutheran World Relief
  6. The Michigan District WELS giving to the United Nations - prove it! - oh, never mind
  7. The Snowbird Conference - who told?
  8. The diversity project hatched at Snowbird
  9. The Church Membership Initiative - with the notebook in their own synodical libraries
  10. The ELCA-WELS-LCMS Joy "radio ministry" - who told?
  11. The Church Growth Conference featuring Martin Marty as speaker, once denounced in official publications by WELS
  12. More than a few have read Exposing the ELCA.

Nobody reads this blog, but 1500 and 2500 views have been counted in recent days.

Here is the bitterest pill of all - just like chewable aspirin - everybody knows!

"Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Everybody knows that the boat is leaking
Everybody knows that the captain lied
Everybody got this broken feeling
Like their father or their dog just died." (Leonard Cohen)

As Luther wrote, associating with apostates is like handling road tar, the hands blacken soon enough - and everybody knows.

 The name of the publisher is a warning label.

How far must someone travel for a liturgical service with real hymns, creeds, and a genuine sermon based on a Biblical text?

How long must the sect listen to lame explanations about the systematic failures of their leaders, made worse by pilfering the offering money?

When will the Church Growth leaders issue a written apology to their sects before they die? When will they refund all the money they received for their synodical scholarships to Fuller, Trinity Divinity, Willow Creek, and Garden Grove Community Church?

 No one needed to ask - "Who got in the sprinkles?"

From 2012 - Timotheus Verinus

The Complete Timotheus Verinus - Northwestern Publishing House:

The Complete Timotheus Verinus

Author: Valentin Ernst Loescher

Translated into English for the first time, this an essential work for those studying the orthodox Lutheran response to Pietism. Author, Valentin Ernst Loescher (1673-1749), the most capable opponent to the Pietists, was moderate and patient during the bitter conflict that divided German Lutheran. The two parts of this book are his defense of Orthodoxy against the violent attacks of the Halle theologian. Part one -- systematic presentation of pietistic theology and Loescher's evaluation of it. Part two -- response to a Pietist refutation of Part one, and makes a plea for honesty in the judgments of embroiled theologians. In sum, these volumes represent the only complete and mature analysis of Pietism by someone who experienced it firsthand. Part One (1718) is translated by James L. Langebartels and Part Two (1721) by Robert J. Koester. Hardcover. Size, 8 5/8 x 11 1/4 inches. 488 pages. Published 1998. This product is eligible for quantity discounts.
Catalog Item Number: OL-150594

'via Blog this'


GJ - A reader can find many excellent arguments for UOJ - all from Halle University, the center of Pietism in Europe, the launching point of most synods in America: from the Muhlenberg tradition of the LCA to the contagious evangelism of Bishop Martin Stephan, STD.

Rambach, Knapp, and Schleiermacher are Halle leaders. The first baptism hymn in The Lutheran Hymnal is by Rambach.

However, the arguments against UOJ came from Wittenberg: Luther, Melanchthon, and Chemnitz. The next round was the repudiation of Samuel Huber by the Wittenberg theologians, including P. Leyser, an editor of the Book of Concord.

Valentin Loescher is considered the last in a long line of orthodox Lutheran theologians. He was especially brilliant in his repudiation of Pietism. This volume reveals all the problems that are so prevalent today in the Pietistic Synodical Conference (tm) and its slightly more Leftist counterpart, ELCA. All the Lutheran sects in America promote the use of Pietist cell groups, which also marked the beginning of the LCMS.

From Wikipedia:

Valentin Ernst Löscher (born at Sondershausen December 29, 1673; died at DresdenDecember 12, 1749) was a German orthodox Lutheran theologian.
At the University of Wittenberg, where his father was professor of theology, he gave his attention mainly to philology and history, but out of respect to his father's wish he selected a theological subject for his master's dissertation, in which he opposed the Pietistic position. Subsequent study at Jena aroused his interest in church history. During travels undertaken at this time he formed the acquaintance of a number of influential anti-Pietistic theologians. In 1696 he began to lecture at Wittenberg on the origin of Deism and Pietism. After serving as superintendent at Jüterbog (1698-1701) and Delitzsch (1701-07) and professor of theology at Wittenberg (1707-09), he became pastor of the Kreuzkirche and superintendent inDresden. Here he remained the rest of his life. His practical duties here turned his attention more particularly to the needs of the Church. His orthodoxy did not prevent him from admitting the truth of the claims of the Pietists concerning the prevailing perfunctoriness of religious life, which he ascribed to the negligence of orthodox pastors. He at once took earnest measures to encourage a deeper spiritual life in the Church. He had already begun the publication of his Unschuldige Nachrichten von alten und neuen theologischen Sachen(Wittenberg and Leipzig, 1701 sqq.), the first theological periodical. The comprehensive scope and able management of the magazine gave it great importance. Through it Löscher became the leader of the orthodox party, as opposed to the Pietistic and naturalistic factions in the Lutheran Church, and the representative of scientific Lutheran theology.
In opposition to the proposal that Pietism should be considered the best means of promoting the union of the Lutheran and the Reformed Churches (advocated at the time by the Prussian Government), Löscher published several works, including Ausführliche Historia motuum zwischen den Evangelisch-Lutherischen und Reformierten (3 parts, Frankfort, 1707-08). In the course of a controversy with the Pietist Joachim Lange, Löscher defended orthodoxy in his Praenotiones et notiones theologicae (Wittenberg, 1708). However, his most comprehensive criticism of Pietism appeared in his magazine under the title Timotheus Verinus, in which work he held that the Pietists had a false conception of the relation between pietyand religion and that their zeal for piety placed them in opposition to the doctrine of justification by faith. The work inspired a bitter reply from his Pietistic opponents, which called forth from Löscher his greatest work, Vollständiger Timotheus Verinus (2 parts, Wittenberg, 1718-22. Eng. transl., The Complete Timotheus Verinus 1998, Northwestern Publishing House). In this he discusses the origin and rapid development of Pietism and elaborates upon its evils. Nevertheless he was unable to check the advance of Pietism or even to pass a true judgment upon the real significance of the movement. The importance of Löscher's part in the Pietistic controversy was not fully recognized until the return to Evangelical doctrine in the nineteenth century.
Löscher took an active part also in the controversy which at that time was being waged against the Roman Catholic Church in Dresden and contributed a number of studies to that cause, notably his Vollständige Reformations-Akta und Documenta (3 vols., Leipzig, 1720-29). He also opposed Wolff's system of philosophy, claiming that "philosophical indifferentism" portended a revolution in Christianity.


[edit]External links


GJ - Every Lutheran pastor should have this in his or her library. Every congregational library should have a worn copy.

If your pastor does not have a copy, buy him one. If the congregational library is long on cast-offs and short on good books, start beefing it up and promoting it. 

Lutheran Biblical study, sermons, and doctrinal work begins with Luther's Sermons. Thanks to a few pots of coffee and the work of a non-Lutheran, Ichabod now boasts the 8 volume Luther's Sermons set, edited by Lenker.

Sure signs of Pietists in your midst:
  • Drag a $100 bill on a string through a group of pastors. The ones that follow are Pietistic unionists: they always keep their eyes on the money. God cannot do this without lots and lots of money, which they pocket.
  • Check out which congregations organize and promote cell groups, small groups, Bible babes, whatever they call cells at their particular hive. They are Pietists.
  • Observe which congregations hide the Sacraments. Holy Communion may be observed mid-week, to keep the non-Lutherans from being miffed. The baptismal font just gets in the way of the pit band, so that is moved away too.
  • Note which Lutheran denominations favor cell groups. They are Pietistic and unionistic.